Adam Giambrone running for Mayor?


Jan 31, 2005
Too bad, he's going to lose his current girlfriend (which I think is smokin' hot) too!
Not to mention a local Toronto woman who is probably currently available... any single guys out there with left-leaning politics take note.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
So here is a change in direction for this thread:

Was the downfall of Giambrone orchestrated?

If you were running a center left campaign Giambrone's candidacy guarantees you will lose the race. He would clearly pick up the large number of left votes, splitting off your support. You'd be stuck in the middle between candidates on the right and a solid bloc of Giambrone voters.

Here is one solution to the problem:

1. Hire a PI to dig up the dirt on Giambrone. He's got a mistress? Is she willing to talk to the papers? Whoa, more than one? PAYDIRT.

2. Contact your buddies in the media and create a media sensation around some problem with the TTC, a video of a sleeping TTC conductor, can we get it published? PAYDIRT.

3. Have all the personal dirt break right in the middle of a scandal related to the TTC, and break it in stages so that he has to backtrack

How hard would it be to pull that off?
So what. If he hadn't been screwing around in his office (in City Hall no less), and made a spectactularly thoughtless and hurtful comment about his girlfriend - none of this would have had any traction.

A fairly spectacular case of shooting oneself in the foot.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I can't help but laugh at Giambrone.
He f'd his career for some attention-whore fat chick(s).

Too bad, he's going to lose his current girlfriend (which I think is smokin' hot) too!
The "fat chick" basically is young and naive. A kid really. 20 years old now, 19 at the time. She probably actually liked the arrogant ass.

The old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", well, she was scorned, so she figured she'd cut old Adam a new one (and she did).

Thing is, she just fucked herself. Everyone is going to know that she's the chick who fucked Giambrone on the couch in his office and then ratted him out to the press. She cannot be trusted and she has a big mouth (when there is no cock in there).

Even when she eventually finds a job, this will follow her and what people will remember is not only that she's stupid, but that she has a big mouth and no discretion.

Ask yourself if this is the kind of woman you'd want working for you in your place of business?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The "fat chick" basically is young and naive. A kid really. 20 years old now, 19 at the time. She probably actually liked the arrogant ass.

The old saying, "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", well, she was scorned, so she figured she'd cut old Adam a new one (and she did).

Thing is, she just fucked herself. Everyone is going to know that she's the chick who fucked Giambrone on the couch in his office and then ratted him out to the press. She cannot be trusted and she has a big mouth (when there is no cock in there).

Even when she eventually finds a job, this will follow her and what people will remember is not only that she's stupid, but that she has a big mouth and no discretion.

Ask yourself if this is the kind of woman you'd want working for you in your place of business?
Indeed true!


Jan 31, 2005
Everyone is going to know that she's the chick who fucked Giambrone on the couch in his office and then ratted him out to the press.


Ask yourself if this is the kind of woman you'd want working for you in your place of business?
Guess it depends... is there a couch in my office? I'm not running for mayor.


Better Late than Never
Nov 8, 2002
No truer words have ever been spoken.

Everything we as men do, I mean everything, is in the pursuit of the pussy.

Civilzation? It was built for the love of Pussy.
Agree 100%. I've said many times that it wasn't for women selling and men buying sex in one way or another we would all still be living in caves.


Dec 25, 2004
In your backyard
WTF.. The man is single and sooo what. Hold on a sec! We just had a 39 day strike & they had to do something at the office in celebration of their fore 'cumming' raises.
WHY is he apologizing and exploiting his hormones to the public. He really doesn't have to apologize. It doesn't make sense.

I still believe he's a 'Gender Bender'. The guy kept calling his 'Squeeze' a partner. Did you guys forget that women love to hang around
with gay men. They feel very secure and can compare eyeliners.
The power and glory of a City of Toronto Job... I can just imagine how many 'Miller' 'Squeezed' and this guy is even heterosexual or ??.
Lets not go there.

The bottom line is that his mouth was flaming with the word 'Partner'.


Dec 25, 2004
In your backyard
You know...I, too, was wondering if he might be a TERBite.
You don't have to support or hate him. Everyone on this planet has a right to have sex including the handicap.

I congratulate him if he did have sex with every women or man in city hall. I don't believe he found them here on terb or did he ?

I use to think that every attractive lady is TERBite but now a grew out of it.

From now on every time I pay parking ticket I'll be thinking of Adam Giam-boner's stimulation.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
You don't have to support or hate him. Everyone on this planet has a right to have sex including the handicap.

I congratulate him if he did have sex with every women or man in city hall. I don't believe he found them here on terb or did he ?

I use to think that every attractive lady is TERBite but now a grew out of it.

From now on every time I pay parking ticket I'll be thinking of Adam Giam-boner's stimulation.
Totally agree. Let him fuck anything and anyone including the chandeliers at Silly Hall, if he can get his dick in them.
When young...go forth and fuckify, I say. Soon enough, you'll be too old to really enjoy sex as much as one does when young and hormonal.
For all that, he's just a useless Miller clone, so I'm rather glad he's been discredited as a political force, at least for the moment.
Toronto is a dirty, broke, ugly mess that only hayseeds from the outback of Ontario can really love.
This city should be the showcase of Canada...what a shithole


Dec 25, 2004
In your backyard
The only problem I have with this country is that it's not Patriotic. The people overseas think that Canadians are Canadians first, but the reality is that this country is Multicultural and Multiilingual
and everyone brings their problems here and more corruptions occur. Basically need another 30 million in this nation to eliminate the Health Care system. You know what I mean ?
This is only a big bluff, once this country reaches the 70 million plateau then they will have no choice but create a bigger Defence and the Constitution should also change.
It's unfortunate because none of us will be around to see it.

Here's an example: Once Miller leaves office in October then he'll go back to San Francisco, California were he's really from and stash all of his investments under different Aliases.
Then he'll 'moon' the Canadian flag at Pearson check point with his family.


Dec 6, 2009
Totally agree. Let him fuck anything and anyone including the chandeliers at Silly Hall, if he can get his dick in them.
When young...go forth and fuckify, I say. Soon enough, you'll be too old to really enjoy sex as much as one does when young and hormonal.
For all that, he's just a useless Miller clone, so I'm rather glad he's been discredited as a political force, at least for the moment.
Toronto is a dirty, broke, ugly mess that only hayseeds from the outback of Ontario can really love.
This city should be the showcase of Canada...what a shithole
You only know half the story... if only the media got wind of all the nepotism and fraud going on in the City.

Ever heard of incompetent 17 year olds getting jobs which pay $50,000 a year who don't even have a highschool diploma? I kid you not... you don't have to dig too deep. Kind of sucks when college graduates can't make that money out of university in some cases. In fact, it's quite upsetting.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
This just gets better and better! :p


Bi the way, about Giambrone …
By Mike Strobel, Toronto Sun
Last Updated: 10th February 2010, 10:15pm

A morning radio man says he had a (blush) blind date with Adam Giambrone.

Just once. Just for dinner. And it was three years ago.

But the revelation by Maurie Sherman, aka Planet Maurie, on Virgin Radio 99.9 Wednesday morning surely did not brighten Giambrone’s gloomy day.

Sherman, 31, says the councillor and TTC chairman told him he was bisexual, then asked him to dinner at Il Fornello on Yonge St.

“We were both single at the time,” Sherman, who is gay, told the Mad Dog and Billie show, of which he’s senior producer.

“And he didn’t mention anything about a wife or a partner or anything like that.”

No hanky-panky happened, Sherman reports. He told host Bill Carroll down the hall at Newstalk 1010: “We talked about life and the TTC.”

Giambrone picked up the tab. The two have chatted a few times since.

Sherman, by the by, is no wallflower. He proposed to his boyfriend on stage in Las Vegas at a Mariah Carey show.

The Giambrone dinner was a “real date,” he told Carroll.

“I asked him flat out, ‘what’s the deal with you?’

“And he admitted by text that he’s bi.”

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But, Sherman told Virgin Radio listeners, “this is really weird, all the stuff about a partner, and the girl on the front of the Sun.”

As the day’s drama unfolded, Sherman declined further comment.

Similar requests to the Giambrone camp went unanswered. I imagine they were pretty busy.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I don't understand society's fascination in today's world whether people are straight, gay or bi. I thought society couldn't care less anymore about a person's sexual orientation and that we moved on in our evolution of mankind. I reallly don't see what the big deal is.

Sapere Aude, Carpe Diem
Jul 21, 2004
Consider this:

A) An incompetent councilor running his TTC stewardship to the ground.
B) A nakedly power hungry weasel
C) A metro sexual sick of being called gay.....not in a nice politically correct way either

If I were handling this twerp, this so-called BS scandal is timed exactly right. It draws his name to the forefront, deflects from his incompetence, and proves he is a "man" that actually has sex with women.

In 9 months everyone will believe this is a non-issue and he may be able to steal this election and burn this city to the ground
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