Zunera Ishaq cleared by court to take citizenship oath wearing niqab


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
you are correct on the letter of the law, however recent polls have indicated ...
Yeah, f*ck the courts and individual rights ! Let's abolish the courts altogether, close the courtrooms, take the accused outside and have their fate determined by a show of hands.

Do you have any remote concept on the meaning of freedom and individual rights ??? Hint .. it doesn't involve public polls ... :frusty:


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2009
Yeah, f*ck the courts and individual rights ! Let's abolish the courts altogether, close the courtrooms, take the accused outside and have their fate determined by a show of hands.

Do you have any remote concept on the meaning of freedom and individual rights ??? Hint .. it doesn't involve public polls ... :frusty:
Next time I go to the bank I'll cover my face up and see what happens. If they raise a stink I'll complain my rights are being violated.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Next time I go to the bank I'll cover my face up and see what happens. If they raise a stink I'll complain my rights are being violated.
Why are we talking about this instead of TPP, the economy, C51 or corruption?

The con's are pulling one over us with a 'dead cat tactic'.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You are confusing Canadian Law with canadian values. you are correct on the letter of the law, however recent polls have indicated that 82% prefer a ban on the Niquab for ceremonies such as this. I would offer that the poll is the true reflection of Canadian values. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/09/24/polling-data-on-niqabs-shows-82-of-canadians-support-ban
No elmo, you are confused. Canadian laws rule what powers our government has and does not have, and that is an overriding Canadian value.

We elect governments to make laws by proper democratic process, not by announcing a personal prejudice and pretending it has legal force as if they'd been elevated above the law, like a tinpot dictator. That too is an overriding Canadian value.

The whims of the mob are not Canadian values, and until we have polls that are as thoroughgoing, well-managed ant trustworthy as elections, we can't even say what those whims might be. Betcha you don't even know the name the poll you cited, and certainly not it's margin of error. But I can promise you far fewer people supplied their opinions than will vote. They make the laws, because they are us. Unregulated for-profit pollsters do not.

When the pollsters ask whether it's worth ignoring Charter of Rights and Freedoms and allowing the Government to break it's own laws to force a woman to observe her religion in a way that satisfies Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper, it still won't tell us anything about Canadian values, and it just might give the bigots numbers they don't like.

But as you — and Our Dear Leader are so big on deciding things by 'public opinion' — why hasn't he legalized marijuana? Something like the same numbers have been
'certified' around lotsa watercollers and in many polls. And you and he believe all he has to do is say the words. Or is it the opinion of Our Dear Leader that really matters, and he's just playing the rest of you for votes?

Frankly, I doubt Harper, and guys who talk like you wouldn't recognize Canadian values if you tripped over them. Tell me I'm wrong, but this time face the facts: the government's ban is illegal, denies this woman her Charter rights, and has nothing at all to do with niqabs being forced on anyone, or with identification. You're ducking is tiresome.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Next time I go to the bank I'll cover my face up and see what happens. If they raise a stink I'll complain my rights are being violated.
Betcha ya won't. Betcha ya wouldn't have the cojones to take it to court like this woman. And you not winning would be a dead cert if you did.

But you know the two cases are entirely different, it's just the best you could do. Try harder; you're letting down the Canadian values Harper and your buds claim this is all about.

But your example does show everyone yet again that this has nothing to do with cultural practices, barbaric or otherwise. It's all about that wee scrap of clothing and guys like you who just don't wanna see it. Even if they hafta force the women against their will.

They're just women after all.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
How do they cross the border with covered faces? Or is it the case of selective modesty? They want to get in, they compromise. Once they're in, it's fuck you Canada.
And what about guys with bushy beards. How can the judge see their lips move when they make an oath?

Would banning beards at citizenship ceremonies be infringing on the rights of hipsters?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Next time I go to the bank I'll cover my face up and see what happens. If they raise a stink I'll complain my rights are being violated.
If you can show that covering your face while banking is a key requirement for your culture then it would be. But in this case you are just making ridiculous analogies.


Mar 31, 2009
You are confusing Canadian Law with canadian values. you are correct on the letter of the law, however recent polls have indicated that 82% prefer a ban on the Niquab for ceremonies such as this. I would offer that the poll is the true reflection of Canadian values. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/09/24/polling-data-on-niqabs-shows-82-of-canadians-support-ban
I think some, many, most, all or almost of us "racist", "bigoted" old stock Canadians are suffering from accommodation fatigue. It seems almost everyday we are expected to accommodate something or other for "new stock" Canadians, especially from one particular ethnic group (no, not Filipinos, Chinese, Koreans, E.I.'s, Tamils, etc.).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I think some, many, most, all or almost of us "racist", "bigoted" old stock Canadians are suffering from accommodation fatigue. ....
Yep. Someone at some citizenship ceremony that you'll never see must be such a huge burden on you. I can see why you are so fatigued.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Yes just get Duffy, Pamela Wallin, and Patrick Brazeau to pay for it. They and the rest of Harper's appointees have a free hand to expense the taxpayers.
Yep the government is one big bottomless pit for our tax dollars
Do not try and make out like the liberals have never padded the bill @ the taxpayers expense & the NDP??? well that would be a whole other level and magnitude of disrespecting the tax payer.

Lets be sensible here
why should we incur one dime of extra expense to accommodate those who does not respect our laws, values or culture.

Do you think a Canadian immigrating to the middle east would create such a uproar during their citizenship ceremony?
The Canadian would be claiming it was his / her culture to wear a touque, a bright red & plaid wool jacket, drink a beer and smoke a players at all ceremonies
they would likely throw him, her out the country that is if they did not stone them first

No country in the world puts up with this shit, other than here


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Holy fuck. That is a groggy-like inversion of reality. Her covering her face doesn't infringe on anyone's rights.
People in disguise make me uncomfortable. Frankly, I'm offended.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Really - you think among the all the passport officers on duty - there isn't any females .. really ???
It is just one more staffing burden layered on an already bloated civil service

And the extra room- there are not extra rooms already available for female/ male searches by customs ? Or do you notice those performed while you are standing in line ? I also hate the waste in funds by having male/female washrooms - if you want savings - there's your ticket !
Do not be ridiculous
Do not try and downplay the cost the government incurs accommodating every culture under the sun

Seriously if people are concerned about passport, ID etc identification - they should be exploiting fingerprint scanners. They have them on phones so they should be able to imbed the data on the ID (passport, ID) and use a fingerprint scanner to verify the holder. Even identical twins have different fingerprints. There are many similar features between people of similar backgrounds to make it almost impossible to distinguish the difference with just a photo. Bearded Sikhs come to mind - I admit I might have difficulty.
Well we can not offend the bearded Sikhs now can we?


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Showing your face at a citizenship hearing has ALWAYS been part of our tradition, destroying that to accommodate 1 or 2 people is ridiculous. Pretty soon we won't be able to fly our own flag for fear it will offend a few people.
I agree.. This muslum ..you give an inches they that a mile. Niqub should be ban! Government employee cannot even say Merry Xmas because it offend the Muslum or even hang Xmas decoration in the office. You now have to say happy holiday instead of Merry Xmas!

You can take political correctness and throw it in garbage! Time for real Canadians which is 80% of Canadian to speak their mind express their beliefs and protect Canadian traditions and take that piece of rag " niqab" and shovel in garbage . Niquab is symbol that represent hate and evil of repression of woman..it is no different then the symbol "star of david" which the Nazis forces the jew to wear!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Yep the government is one big bottomless pit for our tax dollars
Do not try and make out like the liberals have never padded the bill @ the taxpayers expense & the NDP??? well that would be a whole other level and magnitude of disrespecting the tax payer.

Lets be sensible here
why should we incur one dime of extra expense to accommodate those who does not respect our laws, values or culture.

Do you think a Canadian immigrating to the middle east would create such a uproar during their citizenship ceremony?
The Canadian would be claiming it was his / her culture to wear a touque, a bright red & plaid wool jacket, drink a beer and smoke a players at all ceremonies
they would likely throw him, her out the country that is if they did not stone them first

No country in the world puts up with this shit, other than here
So you consider wearing a niquab is shit. Tell me is this swearing in ceremony televised around Canada with millions watching it? Do you know that all those wanting to be citizens have to go through a written test and have to pass it. Many of the questions that are part of the test need these citizens to spend time studying it. That to me is more important if they learn about Canada, and if they wear a niquab as part of their religious traditions then they should have been told that there are restrictions in Canada, before they decided to emigrate to Canada. Here we have Harpo the bull shitter talking about Canada being a country that is all about people's rights, and now he wants to ban the niquab at places of employment. Presently, we have crime that needs to be addressed, and the Government targets law abiding citizens and even rubs shoulders with the intolerant Bloc Quebecois.


Mar 31, 2009
I was watching CP24 shortly before 9PM. This white guy was interviewing a young Muslim woman (no, she wasn't covering her face) who is encouraging more Muslims to vote.

He asked her if the niqab issue would hurt Harper with the Muslim vote. She said the Muslim community is split on this issue --- some Muslims support the niqab, some Muslims oppose (bunch of racists and bigots) the niqab.


Mar 31, 2009
Government employee cannot even say Merry Xmas because it offend the Muslum or even hang Xmas decoration in the office.z
Only partially true. Saying Merry Christmas and hanging Christmas decorations offend politically correct white people who think it should/would/will offend Muslims.
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