Zunera Ishaq cleared by court to take citizenship oath wearing niqab


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
So, the passport picture does not have a cover? How very immodest of her. That's practically, well, pornography.
You're as entitled to your extreme view of such trivial immodesty as she is to hers. But the practical point is that there is no need to consider the business of identification is in any way compromised, and there never was. No one has argued with that practical purpose. No one except the folks who set the farfetched possibility up as a stalking horse.

Good for you not being one of those.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
And who is paying for that extra cost to accommodate these people who have asked for the privilege to become Canadian ??
You want to stay here and enjoy all the benefits of our country, abide by the rules
What extra cost? Do tell. As for abiding by the rules, the Ms. Ishaq has been doing exactly that all the way along, the courts have now said three times in a row, that it is the government which is not obeying its own citizenship act.

There is no dress-code in the act, and it specifically requires that the officials make every reasonable effort to accommodate personal religious preferences whenever possible. The Prime Minister cannot unmake a law by personal fiat just because he doesn't like the way someone chooses to express their religion. The supreme law of the land says that is their right; no law says Harper was right.

I'm with you, if Harper and Kenney "…want to stay here and enjoy all the benefits of our country, [they should] abide by the rules". But I would be happier to see them go.


Mar 31, 2009
I think previous threads have settled the issue that that there is no religious requirement to cover one's face. If there is a religious requirement, then every Muslim woman would cover her face and they don't.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You're as entitled to your extreme view of such trivial immodesty as she is to hers. But the practical point is that there is no need to consider the business of identification is in any way compromised, and there never was. No one has argued with that practical purpose. No one except the folks who set the farfetched possibility up as a stalking horse.

Good for you not being one of those.
what is extreme is this individual using swearing in ceremony(a once in a lifetime event) to exhibit her intolerance and prejudice. All the while, every time she'll feel like shopping in Buffalo, she'll compromise like they all do. Just not for the sake of this country. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
If some people are allowed to cover their faces, then we should allow all people who want to cover their faces to do so regardless of the reason.
Wow, that will be a relief to many Canadians

BTW: On the radio news it is reported that Harper hinted that if elected, all civil servants will not be permitted to wear a niqab.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Harper achieved a majority last election for a reason. The majority was unique because he achieved it without Quebec. The reason for the Conservatives majority is that the other parties were unacceptable choices in the eyes of the voter. On issues like the niqab, right or wrong my sense is that the majority of the electorate support Harper, even if the Canadian Constitution and the Supreme Court do not. So called Canadian traditional values are not supported by Charter arguments but are obviously significant at the ballot box with the various diaspora across the land. Therfore, Harper will likely be re-elected again with at least a minority.


Mar 31, 2009
Harper achieved a majority last election for a reason. The majority was unique because he achieved it without Quebec. The reason for the Conservatives majority is that the other parties were unacceptable choices in the eyes of the voter. On issues like the niqab, right or wrong my sense is that the majority of the electorate support Harper, even if the Canadian Constitution and the Supreme Court do not. So called Canadian traditional values are not supported by Charter arguments but are obviously significant at the ballot box with the various diaspora across the land. Therfore, Harper will likely be re-elected again with at least a minority.
Are we saying that the Charter is out of touch with the Canadian population and values? For example, the vast majority of Canadians do not want women to cover their faces.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
what is extreme is this individual using swearing in ceremony(a once in a lifetime event) to exhibit her intolerance and prejudice. All the while, every time she'll feel like shopping in Buffalo, she'll compromise like they all do. Just not for the sake of this country. Fuck her and the horse she rode in on.
My goodness! She's not being at all intolerant; it's the Citizenship Minister, who's dictating how she must observe her religion to suit his prejudices (and yours I suspect) breaking the law and defying the Charter to do so.

Being a prophet who can foretell all the actions of others must be such a burden for you, but the profanity only weakens whatever point you thought you were making. When you have evidence let me know. But with your gift, why didn't you tell the PM to just do it right and use his majority to pass a law, and avoid all this stupid trouble over a bit of clothing.

The thought that he did it badly on purpose because his Rump cares nothing for the law and rights, and loves to feel persecuted by foreigners, muslims and the courts never crossed my mind.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I think previous threads have settled the issue that that there is no religious requirement to cover one's face. If there is a religious requirement, then every Muslim woman would cover her face and they don't.
Nonsense. Every Muslim, like every Jew, Christian, Hindu Sikh and Bhuddist practises their religion in their own way. Muslims don't even have a hierarchical clergy to pronounce on such stuff. The Catholic flavour of Christianity most certainly does, and not every Catholic observes the stated requirements Not even every priest.

You're as bad as Jason Kenney, was it Allah speaking to you that gave you the authority to say what all Muslims are required to do? All that aside, our religion-free courts have thrice ruled on what our religion-free law says: The government cannot impose their ban and must allow her to take the oath as she believes is proper in her faith. Her faith, not your idea of it, nor Kenney's idea, nor Harper's.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Are we saying that the Charter is out of touch with the Canadian population and values? For example, the vast majority of Canadians do not want women to cover their faces.
The Charter has serious difficulties functionning in a pluralistic society. Since Canada needs immigration to maintain positve population growth, increasingly more requests for accomodation will occur with people entering Canada and demanding accomodation even before citizenship is given. If Harper is returned, then I would say enough of the Canadian electorate just may in fact feel theat the Charter is out of touch. Harper the dick, is either wholesome or loathsome, depending on where you stand and so is Zunera Ishaq. Both are arrogant and contemptuous of others and provoke the necessary checks and balances for us to move forward as a society.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Are we saying that the Charter is out of touch with the Canadian population and values? For example, the vast majority of Canadians do not want women to cover their faces.
But it's OK for men? For children? Where did you come up with this notion? Who did the poll? The vast majority do not want women forced to cover their faces, for sure. But arre they willing to allow some Government Minister to be the Supreme judge of religious acceptability? And how does anyone imagine they'll draft that bit of soft-shoeing past the freedom of religion the Charter says is our right.

The Cons — PQ in Quebec, where they routinely exempt themselves from the Charter iuisng the notwithstanding clause — have successfully kicked up so much dust around this that the no one really knows what that public opinion was responding to.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
What extra cost? Do tell.
He said take them to a separate room so a female passport officer can deal with them
That means there always needs to be a female passport officer on duty at every office
that also means there needs to be a special room

That shit costs

Its not enough we provide access to translation for every language under the sun , but now we have to staff to accommodate those that want in, however do not respect our laws

As for abiding by the rules, the Ms. Ishaq has been doing exactly that all the way along, the courts have now said three times in a row, that it is the government which is not obeying its own citizenship act.

There is no dress-code in the act, and it specifically requires that the officials make every reasonable effort to accommodate personal religious preferences whenever possible. The Prime Minister cannot unmake a law by personal fiat just because he doesn't like the way someone chooses to express their religion. The supreme law of the land says that is their right; no law says Harper was right.
Yeah her rights supersede our right to see how is the newest Canadian

I'm with you, if Harper and Kenney "…want to stay here and enjoy all the benefits of our country, [they should] abide by the rules". But I would be happier to see them go.
Getting Harper out of office is not enough for you, now you want him to leave the country
He has done more for Canada in one days work than you have in a lifetime of complaining


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Are we saying that the Charter is out of touch with the Canadian population and values? For example, the vast majority of Canadians do not want women to cover their faces.
What a ludicrous thought that everyone's behaviour, clothing style, music, religion, etc should be based on the majority polls of Canadians. I guess we can ban the selling of tobacco since over 80% of Canadians don't smoke. Who eats haggis - let's ban that sucker. Of course terb will be banned along with strip joints, MP's, SP's. Finally we can get a vote on facial hair not to mention men's mullets & ponytails.

Unless you are some old crotchety fart sitting in a rocking chair and complaining about anything new (e.g. conservative); might I suggest you put away any notion of stripping away freedom of thought because it offends your personal sense of taste ? The concept of Canada and the freedom that people fought and died over is that individuals should have freedom of thought and religion. If that concept is hard to grasp, maybe circumstance bore you into the wrong country and you should have a second look at joining ISIS. While you might not share all beliefs, you do share a common tolerance towards other religions.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
He said take them to a separate room so a female passport officer can deal with them
That means there always needs to be a female passport officer on duty at every office
that also means there needs to be a special room

That shit costs
Really - you think among the all the passport officers on duty - there isn't any females .. really ??? And the extra room- there are not extra rooms already available for female/ male searches by customs ? Or do you notice those performed while you are standing in line ? I also hate the waste in funds by having male/female washrooms - if you want savings - there's your ticket !

Seriously if people are concerned about passport, ID etc identification - they should be exploiting fingerprint scanners. They have them on phones so they should be able to imbed the data on the ID (passport, ID) and use a fingerprint scanner to verify the holder. Even identical twins have different fingerprints. There are many similar features between people of similar backgrounds to make it almost impossible to distinguish the difference with just a photo. Bearded Sikhs come to mind - I admit I might have difficulty.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
He [that'd be Frankfooter] said take them to a separate room so a female passport officer can deal with them
That means there always needs to be a female passport officer on duty at every office
that also means there needs to be a special room

That shit costs

Its not enough we provide access to translation for every language under the sun , but now we have to staff to accommodate those that want in, however do not respect our laws

Yeah her rights supersede our right to see how is the newest Canadian

Getting Harper out of office is not enough for you, now you want him to leave the country
He has done more for Canada in one days work than you have in a lifetime of complaining
The TERBite you replied to doesn't make Canadian law, and that's what governs the ceremony. Ms. Ishaq didn't ask for a separate room, nor did the Courts order one. She has repeatedly said she will show her face to the appropriate officials, male or female, for the reasonable and lawful purpose of establishing her identity. The only parties to this crap-fest who aren't acting lawfully are the Minister and his boss; the Courts have explicitly said so. Ms. Ishaq, on the other hand is standing up for Canadian values of respect for the law, and the Charter and the values of peace, order, good government and tolerance they put into black and white words. Even if the government to whom she will swear loyalty has no respect for the values, and continues to defy the words.

You'll have to explain how "…her rights supersede our right to see how [?] is the newest Canadian" works. I'm not aware 'we' have any general right to force anyone to show us their face just because we say we want to. How would that be different from forcing them to cover up?

If willingness to abide by Canadian laws and is the test — as you said — for staying or leaving then it's the guys the Courts have repeatedly said were not acting lawfully who should leave, not the woman they have repeatedly said was entirely within her rights. Don't blame me if your guy fails your test for "…enjoying the benefits of our country."

A PM who refuses to abide by our laws and refuses to respect the Charter hasn't done anything for Canada, but a helluva lot to it.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
My goodness! She's not being at all intolerant; it's the Citizenship Minister, who's dictating how she must observe her religion to suit his prejudices (and yours I suspect) breaking the law and defying the Charter to do so.

Being a prophet who can foretell all the actions of others must be such a burden for you, but the profanity only weakens whatever point you thought you were making. When you have evidence let me know. But with your gift, why didn't you tell the PM to just do it right and use his majority to pass a law, and avoid all this stupid trouble over a bit of clothing.

The thought that he did it badly on purpose because his Rump cares nothing for the law and rights, and loves to feel persecuted by foreigners, muslims and the courts never crossed my mind.
We accommodate all kinds of beliefs and traditions. There's a Sikh or something woman working for our provincial government who insists on carrying a knife on her belt to the office. We accommodate even that. It's not about religion, traditions, etc. It's about respect, one and only time show of respect! That's why this issue works so well for Harper and sinks Mulcair at the same time. Most sane people can see the reason why she's doing this. She's got no respect for us and the country. Showing her face to get in was a OK, but a swearing in ceremony is not important enough for her. Judging by the public's reaction it would seem that even multiculturalism has limits in Canada. Interesting.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
He said take them to a separate room so a female passport officer can deal with them
That means there always needs to be a female passport officer on duty at every office
that also means there needs to be a special room

That shit costs
Yes just get Duffy, Pamela Wallin, and Patrick Brazeau to pay for it. They and the rest of Harper's appointees have a free hand to expense the taxpayers.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
We accommodate all kinds of beliefs and traditions. There's a Sikh or something woman working for our provincial government who insists on carrying a knife on her belt to the office. We accommodate even that. It's not about religion, traditions, etc. It's about respect, one and only time show of respect! That's why this issue works so well for Harper and sinks Mulcair at the same time. Most sane people can see the reason why she's doing this. She's got no respect for us and the country. Showing her face to get in was a OK, but a swearing in ceremony is not important enough for her. Judging by the public's reaction it would seem that even multiculturalism has limits in Canada. Interesting.
Do please address the real issue here. She's acting exactly as the law says. The Ministers who demand she remove her veil are breaking the law. Her right to wear a veil is supported by the Charter, the Minister's right to order women to dress as he prefers is supported by no law at all. Just a few very questionable opinion polls.

So tell me who is upholding Canadian values. The outlaw pols? Or the woman who has faithfully done all the law requires to earn citizenship and who is offering to doing all that is properly required to receive it? Where does it say she has to satisfy anyone's dress code, or accept Jason Kenney as the Supreme Arbiter off what her god demands?

Why didn't Harper and his gang just pass a law to authorize a niqab ban? Because pretending they were being frustrated in defending Canada against invading Masked Muslim Hordes of jihadis would be a good way to fatten the Rump they need to keep themselves in power with a minority of votes.

You may have another opinion on the 'why', after you get around to addressing their unlawful conduct, I'll be most interested to hear what you think of their motives. But not until.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
Do please address the real issue here. She's acting exactly as the law says. The Ministers who demand she remove her veil are breaking the law. Her right to wear a veil is supported by the Charter, the Minister's right to order women to dress as he prefers is supported by no law at all. Just a few very questionable opinion polls.

So tell me who is upholding Canadian values. The outlaw pols? Or the woman who has faithfully done all the law requires to earn citizenship and who is offering to doing all that is properly required to receive it? Where does it say she has to satisfy anyone's dress code, or accept Jason Kenney as the Supreme Arbiter off what her god demands?

Why didn't Harper and his gang just pass a law to authorize a niqab ban? Because pretending they were being frustrated in defending Canada against invading Masked Muslim Hordes of jihadis would be a good way to fatten the Rump they need to keep themselves in power with a minority of votes.

You may have another opinion on the 'why', after you get around to addressing their unlawful conduct, I'll be most interested to hear what you think of their motives. But not until.
You are confusing Canadian Law with canadian values. you are correct on the letter of the law, however recent polls have indicated that 82% prefer a ban on the Niquab for ceremonies such as this. I would offer that the poll is the true reflection of Canadian values. http://www.torontosun.com/2015/09/24/polling-data-on-niqabs-shows-82-of-canadians-support-ban
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