You … bitches! Don’t you f---ing know? I’m Rob f---ing Ford, the mayor of this city

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
LolOf all the conservative-minded politicians with any real power, Ford is the one who scares me the most. He's ideologically-driven, he ignores facts and logic in favour of dogma and rhetoric, he's unwilling to compromise or admit fault (even in cases like this, where it's obvious that he's completely in the wrong), and he strikes me as a guy who genuinely enjoys pissing people off... he can do a lot of damage in the next four years. Here's hoping Council continues to find its backbone, and refuses to toe his increasingly-moronic party line.

What a disaster he's turning out to be...
Rob Ford is an exaggerator and a liar. He behaves like a child frankly. He wants something and he either twists, exaggerates, or out and out lies as a child would.


It was dark - well, we can all see it was light out in the video


My daughter was scared - well, I don't see him protecting his daughter in that video, just him waddling back into the house.


700 million dollar deficit - well, they just had a 140 million dollar surplus declared last month. Please tell me how in god's green earth we can lose a billion dollars in revenue in the 12 coming months.

You can't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
It's a sad state for the good people of Toronto to have this blowhard at the helm.

Oh boy, when Ford is done, the youtube compilation of miscues will be an award winner!

1. 8:00 am and it was not dark.
2. No sign of his daughter, does he even have one?
3. He did have a grin.

A. Get rid of the gravy train.
B. High priced consultant couldn't find a gravy stain.
C. The other half of the mayor
D. The mayor's better half.

Doug saw the humour and played along.

I guess some part of hell started freezing over today because I'm agreeing with:
fuji, danmand, avxl1003, rubmeister and brill all in the same thread. What is the world coming too?


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
class one priority call !!!!! , 911 is supposed to be an emergency , ten min. to respond to an emergency at Mayor's house, damn , they will have a really problem now , and yes FORD cut into the fat of the Police force , in this city.

10 minutes!!! 911 call!! had to call twice, yep Toronto finest, I would cut 15% of those over priced bodies they call a police force.
It wasn't a priority call, and there was never any danger directed to anyone. Those officers that arrived and dispatchers that were berated should have been tending to priority calls. Remember, he left before the TPS arrived.

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Like I said in the other thread, he should have asked her to sit shotgun in his minivan and asked her to help him find the gravy. I would have literally made 'leftie commie' heads like mine explode with rage, and been red meat to his hard core base. It would have been funny. But instead he retreats to his house with a smirk and calls 911 twice, apparently berating and implying threats in the second call. the words, 'Typical Conservative Fake Tough Guy' come to mind. I mean really they're the first to call lawyers and police over just about anything.

Also, Fords election:
- Be angry, pull shit out of your ass, and baldfaced lie or say whatever you have to get elected.

Fords Reaction to this:
- Be angry, pull shit out of your ass, and baldfaced lie or say whatever you have to stick it to the CBC / get out of it.

Anybody see a symmetry there? The only problem this time is that there are no complicated numbers, and there is video and audio. That is in the attention span range of the typical voter. (Also, it's a little rich to confuse ambush comedy with ambush journalism.)


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Lets all step back a moment. No I did not vote for FORD. Don't live in Toronto.

The man has had several threats to his life.
He is 'ambushed' in some form at a very odd time of day.
He calls 911.
He gets no response.
Angry..he calls again!!

I like any one of you, looking for 911 assistance would have been livid and I woulda cursed anyone that picks up the phone.

SO...lets all take a breath..lets see the facts.

The true story, instead of piling on the Mayor, is to perhaps have a REAL REPORTER go out and do some investigating why it took TWO CALLS to GET a POLICE OFFICER to the home of the Mayor in N. Americas 4th largest city!!!

Seriously...when you get rid of the tabloid journalism... Does that question not have to be answered??????

I don't blame him one bit for cursing....with what I know at the moment.

Put another way...if your 17 year old daughter was needing 911 assistance..FOR WHATEVER REASON....and was not getting...She and you should be LIVID!!

The Options Menu

Slightly Swollen Member
Sep 13, 2005
Put another way...if your 17 year old daughter was needing 911 assistance..FOR WHATEVER REASON....and was not getting...She and you should be LIVID!!
If your 17 year old daughter didn't get 911 service it would probably be because somebody like Rob Ford was cornered by by Girl Guides carrying suspicious boxes. It's not like there isn't video here, and it's not like the audio won't leak out. edit: Not that I have much love for Toronto's bloated, unaccountable, and periodically corrupt and criminal, police services. They could use a 10% haircut and proper oversight, but Ford could just plain stand to get lost.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
C'mon. The "ambush" was by a sole, middle-aged woman holding a mike and wearing a costume and with a camera crew following her. Pretty evidently a journalistic prank. "Threats to his life"? Maybe. But that doesn't mean he can call the cops over every little silly thing that crosses his path and claim he is being terrorized. For god's sake!


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Call it a hunch but do you think it could have been one of the bitches that leaked the tape ?

I think we are in for a good time for the next three plus years. I think Rob Ford has his heart in the right place (most times) but after campaigning on a simpleton approach (e.g. curbing the councilors spending habits will put a dent in the $11 Billion annual budget) - he has a reality check hit him and is trying his best to work through it. There cannot be any significant cuts without somebody getting pissed off so better him than me.

The good thing is that he is your typical white trash guy that solves the world's problems over a beer. He's predictable, fat, homophobic and a coward. He will continuously make dumb mistakes as he reverts to his roots - eg: distracted driving, running scared, disrespect for women, etc. It will make for a fun 4 years.
Are you a fattophobe?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Rob Ford has just poisoned the work environment of the 911 dispatchers! His behaviour is now a Provincial matter as a senior manager verbally assaulting and threatening subordinates! The dispatchers should be off with pay, be treated for PTSD, WSIB should be investigating Ford's action, and the dispatchers have just won a lottery thanks to Mayor Rob Ford, remember to vote next time.
While I don't condone what Mayor Ford did, and do respect Bill 168 (hey, my work environment is sometimes toxic so I stand to benefit from this law), I don't think the 911 dispatchers should be off with pay, etc. etc.. They are professionally trained to deal with stressful situations and to quell nerves. I'm sure they deal with phone jerks here and there. Unfortunately, the Mayor is not your average Joe and should apologize directly to the dispatcher(s) in question and perhaps give them free passes to municipal events or attractions at his expense.


Nov 12, 2010
Ford should have used the "BAT" signal or "Bat" phone instead of calling 911...


May 28, 2010
So many of you simply love to hate this guy. Your perspective is fucked because you are salivating at the thought of Ford justifying your hatred.

Is Ford slick? No! But he was voted in by a huge majority. He has 3 more years. I voted for him. Why? Because Rossi didn't stand a chance and ALL the others are part of the clique of spoiled self-entitled assholes that are wasting my fucking hard earned money.

Ford is changing the culture. This is HUGE. Are you all so stupid that you don't understand the magnitude of this? I don't give a shit if he comes off as a buffoon. He is hell bent on changing the culture at City Hall and I support that. I, like MOST others, voted him in for four years. You can all go fuck yourself. Let him do his job.

As for the incident...apparently new info has emerged. Go figure. It seems the piranha were lying, not Ford.
Some (reliable) sources that have actually heard the 911 tapes claim this...
- There were three calls
Call 1- Ford calling 911. No swearing, no calling anyone names.
Call 2- Ford calling 911 to see where in hell the police were. No swearing, no calling anyone names. No police show up (SHAMEFUL that the Mayor, who's number is flagged, gets no response from 911 given that he has had death threats on himself AND HIS CHILDREN-fucking pathetic). No thanks to the police, the coast clears, things settle and Ford leaves for work.
Call 3- Police EVENTUALLY show up at Ford's place. He is not there so they call him. Ford does not call anyone names but does exclaim, "This is fucking ridiculous." You know what? HE'S RIGHT!!!

- To the poster who claimed he knows that cameras won't show night as day. They CAN and DO make a scene brighter than the human eye is able to. To suggest otherwise shows your ignorance and/or your motive.
- His daughter was at the door and heard crying on the 911 call.
- To those who think he over reacted. I would not have been as accommodating as Ford. Nor would many people. Show up at my home and I'll kick your ass. The lack of respect shown to our public offices is despicable.
- To those who claim he should know who this stupid bitch is.... I never heard of her. She is only an icon the the seven people that watch her sorry ass.

There's your fucking story. Bunch of lame-assed whiny people full of blood lust and wishful thinking. Grow up. Leave the man alone. Let him do his job. You have no clue how difficult the challenge at City Hall is.


Dec 22, 2001
Well said, sidebanger! :thumb:


New member
Sep 18, 2002
I am not a huge Rob Ford fan but you have to remember the absolute dearth of talent that we had running for mayor in the last election. Someone has to act as mayor so in the words of Abraham Lincoln, "We must use what tools we have". And Mr. Ford is definitely a tool at times. That said however, to literally ambush the guy in his driveway and bring that kind of nonsense to his house when they could have easily approached him at City Hall lowers it to a level that I think anyone would be pissed at if they found themselves in the same situation. How unprofessional and irresponsible of 22 minutes. The guy is just trying to get to work, drive his daughter to school, whatever. Have some decorum and class. I guess that they realized they crossed the line when they high-tailed it out of there. Clearly they were looking for a reaction and pushed every button they could to get one. I wish Ford would have just decked her and said that he feared for his life because he saw a weapon. And ya, I'd also be pissed if I was mayor and it took the police that long to get to my house, for whatever reason. Fuck I hate the CBC and their ilk!


Jan 31, 2005
He is 'ambushed' in some form at a very odd time of day.
Wait a minute... it was at 8am. The sun was up. What do you mean by "very odd"? And yes he was ambushed, but by a well known TV personality with a microphone and what must have been very obviously a CBC camera crew. So he would know for sure it's the media that "ambushed" him, at 8am in the morning.

He calls 911.
Therein lies the joke.

He gets no response.
In fact he did get a response. Just not fast enough for His Worship.

Angry..he calls again!!
Therein lies the joke.

I like any one of you, looking for 911 assistance would have been livid and I woulda cursed anyone that picks up the phone.
Maybe only "Ford nation" types are that dumb, I don't know.

Put another way...if your 17 year old daughter was needing 911 assistance..FOR WHATEVER REASON....and was not getting...She and you should be LIVID!!
I think you should give the 911 dispatch a little credit. They prioritized "man breaking into my house" ahead of "TV reporter is bothering me", and quite rightly so!
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