The One Spa

You … bitches! Don’t you f---ing know? I’m Rob f---ing Ford, the mayor of this city


New member
Aug 2, 2011
The leaking of the tapes is a bad thing as well and will not end well.
Call it a hunch but do you think it could have been one of the bitches that leaked the tape ?

I think we are in for a good time for the next three plus years. I think Rob Ford has his heart in the right place (most times) but after campaigning on a simpleton approach (e.g. curbing the councilors spending habits will put a dent in the $11 Billion annual budget) - he has a reality check hit him and is trying his best to work through it. There cannot be any significant cuts without somebody getting pissed off so better him than me.

The good thing is that he is your typical white trash guy that solves the world's problems over a beer. He's predictable, fat, homophobic and a coward. He will continuously make dumb mistakes as he reverts to his roots - eg: distracted driving, running scared, disrespect for women, etc. It will make for a fun 4 years.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
Rob Ford has just poisoned the work environment of the 911 dispatchers! His behaviour is now a Provincial matter as a senior manager verbally assaulting and threatening subordinates! The dispatchers should be off with pay, be treated for PTSD, WSIB should be investigating Ford's action, and the dispatchers have just won a lottery thanks to Mayor Rob Ford, remember to vote next time.

Preventing Workplace Violence And Workplace Harassment

Changes to Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) – effective June 15, 2010 – strengthen protections for workers from workplace violence and address workplace harassment. They define workplace violence and harassment and describe employer duties, and will apply to all workplaces covered by the OHSA.

Bill 168 amendments to the Occupational Health and Safety Act
Workplace violence means:

The exercise of physical force by a person against a worker, in a workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury to the worker
An attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker
A statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against the worker, in a workplace, that could cause physical injury to the worker.
Workplace harassment means:

Engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct against a worker in a workplace that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome.
Workplace harassment may include bullying, intimidating or offensive jokes or innuendos, displaying or circulating offensive pictures or materials, or offensive or intimidating phone calls.

Policies and programs
Employers must:

Prepare policies with respect to workplace violence and workplace harassment,
Develop and maintain programs to implement their policies, and
Provide information and instruction to workers on the contents of these policies and programs.
Workplace violence programs must include measures and procedures for:

Summoning immediate assistance when workplace violence occurs or is likely to occur, and
Controlling risks identified in the assessment of risks.
Both workplace violence and workplace harassment programs must include measures and procedures for workers to report incidents of workplace violence/harassment and set out how the employer will investigate and deal with incidents or complaints.

Employers must proactively assess the risks of workplace violence that may arise from the nature of the workplace, the type of work or the conditions of work. Measures and procedures to control these risks must be included in the workplace violence program.

Domestic violence
Employers who are aware, or ought reasonably to be aware, that domestic violence may occur in the workplace must take every precaution reasonable in the circumstances to protect a worker at risk of physical injury.

Employers and supervisors must provide information to a worker about a risk of workplace violence from a person with a history of violent behaviour if the worker can expect to encounter that person in the course of work, and if the worker may be at risk of physical injury. Personal information may be disclosed, but only what is reasonably necessary to protect the worker from physical injury.

Work refusal
Workers have the right to refuse work if they have a reason to believe they are in danger from workplace violence. Reprisals by the employer continue to be prohibited. Certain workers continue to have only a limited right to refuse.

Ministry of Labour health and safety inspectors will enforce the new OHSA provisions for workplace violence and workplace harassment and determine if employers are complying with their new duties. Employers and workers should always contact police first in emergency situations, if threats or actual violence occurs at a workplace.

Resources and tools for employers and workplace parties
Resource material is being developed by the occupational health and safety system partners – Health and Safety Associations (HSAs), the Ministry of Labour and the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) – to help employers assess workplace violence risks and develop workplace violence and workplace harassment policies and programs.

Ministry of Labour
A new compliance guideline – Workplace Violence and Harassment: Understanding the Law – will help workplace parties comply with the changes to the OHSA.

New resources developed by the Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario (OHSCO): Developing Workplace Violence and Harassment Policies and Programs: What Employers Need to Know and A Toolbox.

A revised Guide to the Occupational Health and Safety Act will include a section on workplace violence and workplace harassment. (Available summer, 2010)

Workplace Violence Legislation (Bill 168), full text

Health and Safety Associations
Ontario’s HSAs are posting resources and training opportunities about workplace violence and workplace harassment on their websites.

Safe workplaces mean productive workplaces.

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Now, the dispatchers involved should have their union, lawyers get copies of the calls! Oh Yeah Mayor Ford, when one calls 911 it is automatically recorded you asshole.

His history of explosive bullying behaviour and foul language is well known.
1. Charged for assault and threats.

2. Rob flips his bird!

2b. In same incident, he apparently was driving and using his cell phone! Badboy rebel he is.

3. This hour has 22 minutes (he lied about the interaction and guess what it's on video)

4. He flips on 911 dispatchers and guess what it's recorded.


Active member
Sep 13, 2007
In the last 30 minutes the CBC has already "modified" their story. Might be a good thing to wait for the facts to come before piling on.


Jan 31, 2005
In the last 30 minutes the CBC has already "modified" their story. Might be a good thing to wait for the facts to come before piling on.
Well there ARE a few facts that we know, because we can see it on video for ourselves:

-- His daughter wasn't with him
-- It was light out

Hopefully someone will post up the 911 call somewhere soon and we can listen to that too.

So far all we have in terms of a recording of his 911 call is this:


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Well there ARE a few facts that we know, because we can see it on video for ourselves:

-- His daughter wasn't with him
-- It was light out

Hopefully someone will post up the 911 call somewhere soon and we can listen to that too.

So far all we have in terms of a recording of his 911 call is this:

You can add to this that he sorta smiled and smirked for a that second or two as he's closing the door to his car and walking towards the garage door.

TGirl Nikki

New member
May 12, 2009
Bay & Bloor
After being attacked in my driveway, I hope I can be excused for saying the f-word...

Lol, this just gets better and better... Here's his most recent explanation (coughexcusecough) for his increasingly un-Mayor-like behaviour:

On Monday morning, I was ambushed in the driveway of my home by two people who rushed up to me screaming and waving at me, while I was trying to leave my home and get my daughter off to school. They prevented me from getting into my van and closing the door. Concerned for my safety and that of my family, I called 9-1-1 for help and retreated into my home. The two individuals fled to their black SUV and left before police arrived.

I later learned that the two individuals were part of a television comedy program. I remain concerned that their behaviour was traumatic for my daughter and in no way acceptable professional behaviour. They trespassed on my property and refused to leave when asked. They physically prevented me from leaving my property.

This morning, the same television network responsible for the comedy program published a report alleging that I made foul and derogatory comments towards the female 9-1-1 staff. That allegation is absolutely false.

When I made the 9-1-1 call, I was concerned and upset. I was repeatedly told police were arriving soon. In another call, I expressed frustration with the delay and said that I had to leave to go to City Hall. I did use the "f-word" at some point as I expressed my frustration with the situation. After being attacked in my driveway, I hope I can be excused for saying the f-word. I never called anyone any names. I apologize for expressing my frustration inappropriately.
Something tells me we're going to hear that call at some point in the near or distant future, and we'll hear the real truth... either way, his pitiful explanation/excuse garners no sympathy from me.

Of all the conservative-minded politicians with any real power, Ford is the one who scares me the most. He's ideologically-driven, he ignores facts and logic in favour of dogma and rhetoric, he's unwilling to compromise or admit fault (even in cases like this, where it's obvious that he's completely in the wrong), and he strikes me as a guy who genuinely enjoys pissing people off... he can do a lot of damage in the next four years. Here's hoping Council continues to find its backbone, and refuses to toe his increasingly-moronic party line.

What a disaster he's turning out to be...


Mar 21, 2011
Call it a hunch but do you think it could have been one of the bitches that leaked the tape ?

I think we are in for a good time for the next three plus years. I think Rob Ford has his heart in the right place (most times) but after campaigning on a simpleton approach (e.g. curbing the councilors spending habits will put a dent in the $11 Billion annual budget) - he has a reality check hit him and is trying his best to work through it. There cannot be any significant cuts without somebody getting pissed off so better him than me.

The good thing is that he is your typical white trash guy that solves the world's problems over a beer. He's predictable, fat, homophobic and a coward. He will continuously make dumb mistakes as he reverts to his roots - eg: distracted driving, running scared, disrespect for women, etc. It will make for a fun 4 years.
Ford is a black eye to conservatives in Canada, he's already helped the conservatives to lose in Ontario.
Keep it up, Mr Ford.


Just a bit to the right
Dec 28, 2005
Without more details, it's impossible to establish some things which people have taken as fact.

First, we don't know that the footage we have seen was the first encounter. We do know that the CBC has already been caught lying about certain details regarding this incident, so we can't simply take their word for it.

And even though the scene appears reasonably well lit, we don't know what sort of camera was used, and how much it can pick up in low light situations. I'd be willing to bet money that the scene was significantly darker than the camera makes it appear.

But most important, how the **** did any details of a 911 call end up in the media? That's confidential and privileged, and leaking any of those details is very much illegal.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
He was likely more irritated than threatened that they had the audacity to invade his private life. He asked them to leave,they wouldn't so he called 911. No big deal,just more drama for the media to feed on.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Without more details, it's impossible to establish some things which people have taken as fact.

And even though the scene appears reasonably well lit, we don't know what sort of camera was used, and how much it can pick up in low light situations. I'd be willing to bet money that the scene was significantly darker than the camera makes it appear.
I have worked in film in the past.. There is NO camera on earth that can make night time seem like daytime. If there was, all movies would be shot at night time as that's the easiest time of day to ensure you don't have to deal with outside noises etc.,.

But most important, how the **** did any details of a 911 call end up in the media? That's confidential and privileged, and leaking any of those details is very much illegal.
THIS is what's most important to you??? Not the fact that he lied about what happened? Not the fact that he called the police TWICE to deal with a satirical reporter at the foot of his drive?? Just the fact that some details of his abusive 911 call made it to press?


Apr 14, 2011
Without more details, it's impossible to establish some things which people have taken as fact.

First, we don't know that the footage we have seen was the first encounter. We do know that the CBC has already been caught lying about certain details regarding this incident, so we can't simply take their word for it.

And even though the scene appears reasonably well lit, we don't know what sort of camera was used, and how much it can pick up in low light situations. I'd be willing to bet money that the scene was significantly darker than the camera makes it appear.

But most important, how the **** did any details of a 911 call end up in the media? That's confidential and privileged, and leaking any of those details is very much illegal.
hey Doug Ford, I knew you were on this board! :p


Mar 21, 2011
Apparently he called 911 three times and only swore the last time.
Probably the first two laughed at him.


Active member
Sep 6, 2008
re: Ford's mugshot in the media

Every time I walk by a newspaper box, watch the news or go online, I keep thinking it's a story on somebody with MS or something (please note, I'm not making fun of people with physical disabilities) ....
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