WTF is Pokemon?


hung like a squirrel
Jan 28, 2006
Peeler Region
For the first time in years, my daughter (age 12) asked me after dinner last night if I wanted to go for a walk with her to our local park. When I asked her why she suddenly wanted to do this, she explained this game to me. I installed the app on my phone too and we're going again tonight.
As far as I'm concerned, this is a brilliant use of technology and I am happy to play along with her.

Kudos to any company that gets kids and their screens outside!


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012

Before Pokemon Go

People must have short memories - distracted driving /walking/ etc has been going on long before Pokemon hit. It's Darwinian probability - if the guy walking into traffic wasn't playing pokemon, he would have been playing another game, texting a friend or looking at YouTube. It's in their genes !


New member
Apr 18, 2012
But if grown adults are playing it, it's quite sad. ...
If you're 19+ you're not a "youth" anymore. You're be a young adult and what you should be chasing are material goals like money, pussy, and your dreams - not pokemon.
You are free to your own opinion, but who are you to really determine what is age appropriate activities? This is a forum for men to find escorts, and some of these men like role play, which is simply playing 'pretend' with sex on top. There are people who are train set enthusiasts, others who still like comic books so much so that they make billion dollar franchises out of them.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
This is the first Augmented Reality (AR) game and based on its massive success you're likely to see many others.
Not even close
Pokemon Go is actually a REMAKE of Niantics older game (which was quite popular, but nowhere near this popular obviously)

They recycled the code (which is why there is alot of legacy issues, among them odd spawn areas, exponential cost increase, and even claims of racism since certain ethnic groups never played original game)


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
But how is it making money exactly? if to download the app is free?
They let you have 2 choices
Play for free (collect) or buy stuff
At low levels most play free, but at higher levels it takes an insane amount of time to gain xp (there are some spreadsheets on it, but some figures are staggering... would you pay $20 or work 40 years to level up)

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I finally get the point and appeal of this game. In a nutshell it is taking over territory/poke gyms and dominating with your Pokémon. Each on has strengths and weaknesses, you need to evolve them and maximize their power and then you can use them in battle. After 3 days of playing it I have to say it is quite brilliant.

One example how to make money is have one of the poke stops or gyms say near your restaurant or store and see how much traffic it generates and resulting revenue. There is things you can do that will attract other Pokémon and also people to swarm near by in minutes, and i've see it work.

This video is a perfect example of five friends taking over poke gyms in their area...


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Here is an example of how a guy and his brother attracted a shit load of people at a grocery story and made that place busy just by placing lures on the pokestops...turn to 6:00min to see it...


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
It's a great activity for kids. I see why it would appeal to them. Novel games that they can spend hours every day playing is what kids do. But if grown adults are playing it, it's quite sad. What camp do you fall into?

If you're 19+ you're not a "youth" anymore. You're be a young adult and what you should be chasing are material goals like money, pussy, and your dreams - not pokemon. Our youth are fine. The problem is when some of them (a minority, but significant minority) become stunted and instead of developing into healthy young adults they become manchildren. They finally reach adulthood at 40 years old, jobless and drowning in debt and disease.
What dumb and ignorant comment. Just ask yourself WTF is wrong with you saying this. Everyone is allowed hobbies and interest. Some people love fetishes. Some people like to be beat or peed on. Some people love to be cuddled. There is role playing. Some people are gay. Some people love girls of other race. Some people take up collecting items such as stamps or vintage items. I can go on and an...but who the fuck fuck do you think you are to make a statement such as this. How fucking delusional do you need to be to blanket people like this and think it is okay to belittle and put down becuase your are defficient and can't see past your limits. Are you a Nazi or one of Hitlers demented sons? Seriously what in your deficient brain thinks everyone should be bound by your limits, values and outlook.

I am not even going to to attempt to figgure out your issues but seriously just look at your self and figgure out wtf is wrong with your mind to think you can say this and its ok? This is not a healthy attitude.

Let people do what they want. It is their choice. This closed minded attitude where you think everyone should share our values and outlook and bounded by your boxed in mind is seriously flawed, delusional and poisoning.

People are not "if" and "else" statements and can't not be over simplified like this.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I'll say
News report said Zanzibar in Toronto is now spawning Pokeballs
Hope the kiddies catch them all
If I was MacDonalds, I would be paying the developers a good penny to make each store a Pokemon stop. The fact that the game is played outdoors presents a great revenue opportunity.

It is interesting to hear 'old guy' opinions that the game is a waste of time. Not the opinion itself but just the judge, jury and finality that their opinion is the the ultimate truth in the universe.

Frankly - the 'complete waste of time' is my opinion of Golf - but obviously it is not shared with everyone.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
when everyone is staring and hopelessly addicted to their cellphones..on a game called pokemon go..

Wasnt that the theme of terminator 5, where a Global Operating system called Genisys became self aware..?

isnt pokemon go a game that is played globally, all over the world?

Maybe pokemon go will one day become self aware..

either that or its is global also..

On another note: its gonna b fun watching people walking around the city looking for pokemon when its -25 degrees in the wintertime.

either way, ill see you guys when the terminators start showing up..
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Active member
Aug 30, 2009
So I was at the Air Canada Centre the other night and there were grown adults playing Pokemon Go, not only around the place but inside the arena.... at a Slipknot concert....

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
So after playing this for about a week or so I am now on level 11 and notice the Pokémon are getting harder to catch and are better at deflecting the pokeballs. I can't really win in the gyms becuase the other players have really high level Pokémon. I also notice my poke balls are starting to run out becuase the Pokémon keep breaking out a lot when caught. Eventually I am going to run out of pokeballs and will be forced to spend money or just slow the gameplay to a crall. It also is becoming very hard to increase level becuase each level starts at 0 and adds another 1000 points to the previous level. It looks like they just want players to get hooked and start spending money in addition to the money gained from business from pokestops and poke gyms.

Having played for a week I think the hype is slowly dying down and I can't see this popularity sustaining itself unless the developers start making it more fun and interesting with updates and give us more free gameplay. I think many will drop thia game once the honeymoon or the hype phase passes. It will still be popular but not ridiculously popular where everyone is playing like we saw last week.

It's fun to play for free but not fun enough for me to spend money on it. I think I will stop playing at the point when I need to spean money. Not saying there is anything wrong with this, its actually fun as a free game but for me not fun enough to pay to play.

Here is a good video explaining this better then I can...



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
So after playing this for about a week or so I am now on level 11 and notice the Pokémon are getting harder to catch and are better at deflecting the pokeballs. I can't really win in the gyms becuase the other players have really high level Pokémon. I also notice my poke balls are starting to run out becuase the Pokémon keep breaking out a lot when caught. Eventually I am going to run out of pokeballs and will be forced to spend money or just slow the gameplay to a crall.
Found the same thing. There are a few areas which let you stock up on balls quickly. Centennial park is suppose to be one but I found one by my one of my pleasure palaces.

Kitty corner the Subway beside Loco is a park with four Pokemon stops. Walk to one then to the red hut for another - on to the other corner , then around to the garden. It forms a 4 spot circle that takes a few minutes to circumnavigate at which time the timer is over and you can start again. I picked up 30+ balls in just a couple laps. I'm the same - I won't pay either.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Found the same thing. There are a few areas which let you stock up on balls quickly. Centennial park is suppose to be one but I found one by my one of my pleasure palaces.

Kitty corner the Subway beside Loco is a park with four Pokemon stops. Walk to one then to the red hut for another - on to the other corner , then around to the garden. It forms a 4 spot circle that takes a few minutes to circumnavigate at which time the timer is over and you can start again. I picked up 30+ balls in just a couple laps. I'm the same - I won't pay either.
ive played counterstrike for ten years + and ive never had to pay a cent after buying the actual game. (same goes for tf2 and warcraft III the frozen throne and dota.)

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Found the same thing. There are a few areas which let you stock up on balls quickly. Centennial park is suppose to be one but I found one by my one of my pleasure palaces.

Kitty corner the Subway beside Loco is a park with four Pokemon stops. Walk to one then to the red hut for another - on to the other corner , then around to the garden. It forms a 4 spot circle that takes a few minutes to circumnavigate at which time the timer is over and you can start again. I picked up 30+ balls in just a couple laps. I'm the same - I won't pay either.
Yup, Centennial is okay. I also go to West Deane Park on bike with a handle mount for the phone and sometimes go all the way downtown.

Having now play this for a few weeks I really like this game. Its getting me outside more, its getting me more connected to my kids and great exercise. The other day I did 30 km walking and am biking a lot now also. It's a lot of fun taking down a gym and seeing the reaction of the people on the outside trying to build up their levels and I just take out all their 4 players and put in a ridiculous low level player just to mock them and seeing their expression in real life and they never suspect it is me. Its also good for meeting women...the other day I took down a 4 level gym put my so so pokemon player and noticed someone take it out right away and put in a wtf...I noticed a girl in her 20s just chilling casually with her I took it out again and put my best player and noticed the girl started looking and you can see her thinking like wtf I just put my player and its already taken down...then she turns around and looks me straight in the eye and picks up its me and we connect with a smile I put on my strongest player and noticed her get all serious on her bench, sit up straight her dog just chilling and she gets her game face like its on was with my kid so I left with the car but she connected again as I was leaving turning her head and she gave me the "what a pussy" look becuase she was hoping to see my reaction to when she took me out I was not with my kid this could have been an awesome exchange with a hottie...

So now finally I am on level 20 and it's getting easy to take out 4 level gyms with 4 players with 2000 CP or less...the only thing that kind of sucks is that you need a team from your color to help you level up a gym once you take it down and I dont feel comfortable teaming up with real people yet.... AFIAK you cant put two of your players on one gym, unless I was doing something wrong. Also after this 20 level you get a lot of rare and high CP Pokémon to show up, you get the black balls that help you catch them and level them up higher.

The best part is seeing peoples reactions and communicating with them, your expressions, and you can play with with people and have fun with it. Its kind of a mental augmented connection thats kind of interesting to take part in.

I finally understand why the hype and its so much fun as its bringing gamplay and reality is this augmented reality thing and it is done so well. This looks to be the future of gaming.

also at night you notice some serious battles happening with hight school and college kids using very high level Pokémon such as 3300 CP. One hour you notice all gyms in one area red with ridiculous high CP Pokémon and then you check again like 3am and everything is back to team turf wars.
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