bobistheowl said:
Angel Aurora, there are disturbing right wing themes in Forrest Gump. Any idiot can succeed if he is obedient. The key to financial success is to obtain a monopoly through the failures of your competition, either by accident or design. If you do not conform, you will suffer the consequences. Nice special effects. Way too smug.
Bob, we are a wee bit cynical aren't we?
Is it "Any idiot can succeed if he is obedient" or is it "Anyone can succeed with a LOT of ahrd work and a little luck"
Is it "The key to financial success is to obtain a monopoly throgh the failure sof your competition, eitehr by accident or design" or is it... "Follow your dreams with passion and perserverance" OR better yet ... "He who is true to a friend will reap bountiful rewards"
Is it "If you do not conform you will suffer the consequences" or is it "Those that lead a pure life, that are loyal to their friends and those they love, hard working will reap the rewards"
By the way I thought Forest Gump was a wonderful movie, one of my favorites. It was extraordinarily clever and different which is unusual for Hollywood when most of the movies are rahter "cookie cutter"
Recent really bad ones... IMHO
Punch Drunk Love