Why men don't marry


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
So I was watching the video "Men not marrying".I could only watch about 5 mins and had to turn it off.To long and not to the point.

I thought why not start a thread on why men don't marry from a guys point of veiw.Guys,lets hear it.Why aren't you married or won't marry again?

I'll give my reasons for not wanting to be married(never have been married).

1)won't improve my quality of life
2)don't want kids
3)losing my freedom
4)set in my ways and happy the way things are
5)not going to lose everything I have earned/worked for just to lose it all in a divorce
6)do what I want, when I want, with who I want

Your turn guys.Let it fly.


Active member
Jun 18, 2012
I thought the top #1 reason was I don't want to sleep with one/same woman for the rest of my life.


New member
Mar 28, 2004
5 and 6 are winners for me. Nearly 2 years with the current lady though. The pressure is intense, lol. Not sure which way I will go. #5 scares the fuck out of me.


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2004
Niagara Region
Haven't found the right one. Looking for the perfect fit in an off the rack world, who enjoys a bit of additional fun to spice things up for both of us.
And #5 has a lot of merit.



Jan 2, 2011
Marriage will fail if u don't have kids. Is just gets boring. A relationship is more exciting in the dating stages, u don't see eachother that much, the sex is better. When you get married all the excitement is gone, u do everything together, sleep, eat, groceries, always together. My marriage got boring real quick only lasted three years but dated for 7. If we had kids we would have worked it out, kids save marriages. Had to break up with my current girl, she's never been married, but wants too and have kids yikes!! I just dont want that life right now. She was a great girl


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I am not worthy of any woman.


New member
Sep 30, 2013
I've been married for over 30 years and it sucks. The nagging and the sex is awful. Some of my buddies remained single and some have broken marriages and they are the most happiest. My SO thinks they are all lonely because they drop by from time to time but they drop by to brag about the fantastic sex they just got the previous night. Some go to SP's and some have fuckbuddies and I am telling you I will never ever marry again if my marriage goes in the shitter. What I have to blow on birthdays, Christmas, anniversaries and fucking valentines doesn't come close to what I spend on SP's.If I don't blow a lot of cash on her I keep get the old"what are you saving it for,you can't take it with you". Fucking stupid I tell you. You get tired of eating out and take out all the time. If the cleaning lady wasn't so ugly I would run away with her. Douche bag.


New member
May 21, 2009
I don't want to come home and look at my wife's fat ass and sagging boobs....I would rather keep hobbying with my young honeys....no attachment, just a cash transaction keeps things clean and moving in me.


New member
Feb 13, 2006
Been married twice (7 years and 11 years) and wasted 3 years in court on the last one and spent at least $40,000 on lawyers. Instead I could have bought another Harley and upgraded my Corvette (I want the new 2014 Stingray convertible).

I have no intentions of doing it ever again.

IMHO No one woman can add anything to my life at this point.

I cook (really well), clean, have a great career and make more than enough money, go on 4+ vacations a year (anytime I want), own properties, have 2 cars, run, work out, play sports (ice hockey, soccer and baseball), take self improvement courses (cooking, photography, Tony Robbins, etc), learned to fly a propeller plane, already have 4 kids and plenty of friends and lovers.

I have enjoyed well over 1000 women around the world.

My life is fun and I have no regrets.

I'm working on my bucket list - Take a course at Harvard (just to say I did lol ), Vatican (2014, Louvre (2014), Pyramids (2015), run the Mississauga marathon (2014), play hockey with Wayne Gretzky (he has a hockey camp), attend a Playboy Mansion party etc..

I'm very active and don't fear growing old and being alone and no longer have a need for intimacy and to come home and share my day with anyone.

Friends (both male and female) 'stop by' my home randomly 3x week for a drink / cigar and a chat. My kids come over to visit every week.

Obviously there is more to my life and yes sometimes I'm bored or lonely - but I was married and was also bored and lonely so same difference IMHO but without the drama.


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
I would have no problem getting remarried. Sadly, bringing up the pre-nup is a bit of a wet blanket. As would be NFL Sundays and my "boys' nights out at the strippers".


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2011
I've had the same doctor for about 30 years and this year he got divorced. His wife initiated the proceedings. I have never seen him look happier.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I feel like a bit of a leper here. I have a great SO. Happy, nice sex life. Equal sharing in the household. No drama at all. And about as much freedom as anyone could expect and maintain a good relationship.
But I actually went out to find a wife. Dating about who they are and just as importantly who their family were. You get a lot from that. Also complete honesty about what I wanted. I'm 20 years in and can easily see the second half being just as good.

I guess in the end I got damn lucky......


New member
Aug 7, 2013
Marriage will fail if u don't have kids. Is just gets boring. A relationship is more exciting in the dating stages, u don't see eachother that much, the sex is better. When you get married all the excitement is gone, u do everything together, sleep, eat, groceries, always together. My marriage got boring real quick only lasted three years but dated for 7. If we had kids we would have worked it out, kids save marriages. Had to break up with my current girl, she's never been married, but wants too and have kids yikes!! I just dont want that life right now. She was a great girl
^Spoken from someone who really really really never had kids... If you did you'd know kids strain more marriages than saves them. Once you have kids, then you truly feel trapped to stay in it just for the kids.


New member
Nov 5, 2013
A man with a good career, money in his pockets, good friends and hobbies doesn't need a wife. There's SP, a lot of desperate women around my age trying to find a husband now. Life's good.. Sex from any SP with anything my fantasies desire, no mind games and commitment. Relaxing and enjoying my time with friends and hobbies. As for my meals and my work clothes being ironed ? There's restaurants and dry cleaners for that. Cheaper than a nagging wife inside my house


Jun 6, 2009
I feel like a bit of a leper here. I have a great SO. Happy, nice sex life. Equal sharing in the household. No drama at all. And about as much freedom as anyone could expect and maintain a good relationship.
But I actually went out to find a wife. Dating about who they are and just as importantly who their family were. You get a lot from that. Also complete honesty about what I wanted. I'm 20 years in and can easily see the second half being just as good.

I guess in the end I got damn lucky......
Not alone, just part of a minority on this site.

Magic Hour

Active member
Jan 31, 2013
Another reason to not get married is the wedding itself. It brings a year or two of worrying about shit like the colour of the invitations and how to word them to tastefully include all fourteen of the couples parents, step parents etc. Minutiae you don't, give a fuck about suddenly occupies your life, and puts you in debt.
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