It's not just the catch, it's also the match. A good match will more likely be a good catch
Your chances of a lasting marriage will improve if you find someone matches you in significant ways- intelligence, education, income, religion/philosophy, how money is handled, etc...
Think of a prenup like you would think of a shareholders agreement. It lays out the terms of the agreement and clear steps for exiting if someone wants out. It's not a dirty word.
So far, I've never made a claim on my home or car insurance because I stay current with maintenance and repairs on my home and car, and I drive safely.
Does this mean I am a fool for buying insurance? So call me a fool, or a cynic. I don't care. Insurance, shareholders agreements, prenups. It's better to have them and not need them rather then to need them and not have them.
And by the way, men and women, don't judge the gold diggers too harshly; because getting someone with money to marry you is the hardest work there is :biggrin1:.