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Why Americans are considered warmongers...


Active member
Oct 30, 2004

I'm sorry all... enjoying the debates... but...

"Again, you know nothing of my character. Character is defined by things like loyalty, commitment, bravery (not so much physical but in principles), honesty, trust."

This quote was posted on a hooker/massage parlour review board?!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Excuse me while I clean up the coke I shot out my nose... "honesty and trust"... "indeed!"


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

opieshuffle said:
I'm sorry all... enjoying the debates... but...

"Again, you know nothing of my character. Character is defined by things like loyalty, commitment, bravery (not so much physical but in principles), honesty, trust."

This quote was posted on a hooker/massage parlour review...
...and strip clubs. Which is where you'll find all my posts (save for this thread). Except I think I did chime in once when an SP asked about whether guys should care if SPs have orgasms.

And, as noted in my posts, my wife knows I frequent strip clubs. At least I used they are dens for activity I just as well not partake in, as also noted in my posts.

I'm comfortable with my character, as are those whom it actually matters to.

Your premises isn't a crazy one however, nor is the irony lost on me. It is just that your (apparent) assumptions about me are incorrect.


MLAM said:
No, not a "Western Grad". Didn't go to school in Canada. Not a Canadian. Arrived in Canada 2.5 years ago. Connect the isn't hard.
Well that explains a lot. Like I said, failed out of a bunch of grad schools before he found a correspondence shool to take him on.

And, as for calling my integrity into question, as Jamica said, I'm gonna send you my e-mail address like I'm gonna send you my street address you foreign grad school freak.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Little man - STFU already...

yychobbyist said:
Well that explains a lot. Like I said, failed out of a bunch of grad schools before he found a correspondence shool to take him on.

And, as for calling my integrity into question, as Jamica said, I'm gonna send you my e-mail address like I'm gonna send you my street address you foreign grad school freak.

And like I said - it is real easy to talk shit when you aren’t going to hold yourself accountable for putting up. Little man with a big mouth.

Come on now - you've told the world you are a lawyer (by education if not by practice), that you have relatives who are judges, and that you used to be a litigator yourself. And then you added that you have a gay BIL – meaning you are married. If I cared I could invest $1,000, hire a PI, and know who you were by EOB Monday at this point. But now you're afraid to claim your alma mater? And this is under to guise of needing ensure you remain anonymous? Surely you aren't the only person to have graduated from there, are you? Or is it just that damn tiny?

Post where you got your grad degree from, and I'll post where I got mine, and all the other places where I did post graduate studies. Your name and address aren't part of the equation. Otherwise - STFU already.


MLAM said:
And like I said - it is real easy to talk shit when you aren’t going to hold yourself accountable for putting up. Little man with a big mouth.

Come on now - you've told the world you are a lawyer (by education if not by practice), that you have relatives who are judges, and that you used to be a litigator yourself. And then you added that you have a gay BIL – meaning you are married. If I cared I could invest $1,000, hire a PI, and know who you were by EOB Monday at this point. But now you're afraid to claim your alma mater? And this is under to guise of needing ensure you remain anonymous? Surely you aren't the only person to have graduated from there, are you? Or is it just that damn tiny?

Post where you got your grad degree from, and I'll post where I got mine, and all the other places where I did post graduate studies. Your name and address aren't part of the equation. Otherwise - STFU already.
Hey, if you're interested in spending money and outing me go right ahead. And while you're at it, why don't you join one of the other boards that exist since they seem to revel in that kind of behaviour.

To save you the trouble of further searching my posts for information about me on here let me tell you the following: I'm a male, I have a graduate degree from Queen's University, I have had amazing sexual experiences in my mind with Fang's sister, I have a thing going with my neighbour who can really suck cock, I once had an amazingloy sensuall experience with a cow, I travel quite a bit, is my favourite website to forward guys like you to, have a liberal outlook on issues, I can butcher the German language with the best of them and the members here like me more than you. So there, you no longer have to hire JohnQ to hunt me down.

Since you seem to damn interested in the topic, why don't you just go first and let all of Terb bask in the glow of your degrees? And anyway, what does it really matter if you're a Harvard grad and I'm only a grad of Queen's University because I have news for you - assholes and idiots still graduate from good universities.

Oh, and by the way, you may want to re-assess the skills you allegedly received from your mail order degrees. Strangely enough, my sisters are and were also married to men who are, and were my brothers-in-law.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
There....was that hard

yychobbyist said:
Hey, if you're interested in spending money and outing me go right ahead. And while you're at it, why don't you join one of the other boards that exist since they seem to revel in that kind of behaviour.

To save you the trouble of further searching my posts for information about me on here let me tell you the following: I'm a male, I have a graduate degree from Queen's University, I have had amazing sexual experiences in my mind with Fang's sister, I have a thing going with my neighbour who can really suck cock, I once had an amazingloy sensuall experience with a cow, I travel quite a bit, is my favourite website to forward guys like you to, have a liberal outlook on issues, I can butcher the German language with the best of them and the members here like me more than you. So there, you no longer have to hire JohnQ to hunt me down.

Since you seem to damn interested in the topic, why don't you just go first and let all of Terb bask in the glow of your degrees? And anyway, what does it really matter if you're a Harvard grad and I'm only a grad of Queen's University because I have news for you - assholes and idiots still graduate from good universities.

Oh, and by the way, you may want to re-assess the skills you allegedly received from your mail order degrees. Strangely enough, my sisters are and were also married to men who are, and were my brothers-in-law.
No, I wasn't interested in spending the money - just making a point.

2nd paragraph was funny. I'm prepared to be more civil and stay on the side of light hearted humor as well if you are.

I didn't go first because I wasn't the one who said "Listen pal, if you want to whip out dicks and compare sizes when it comes to education and degrees, then bring it on". I also wasn't the one who made the first accusation of anyone's professional or educational background being questionable. And I agree assholes and idiots graduate from all universities, including both Harvard and Queen's. Me - I could give a damn about pieces of paper - but I sure as hell am not going to let someone accuse me of not having earned mine.

4th paragraph - see, you did it again..."mail order degrees" - just when you were showing yourself capable of being civil. I suppose a person’s definition of BIL could vary. To me, a BIL is your wife's brother - the legal arrangement between you and your spouse gives you a relationship with him. In my mind (which doesn't mean I am right, just my perspective), the legal arrangement between your sister and her husband does not create by definition a relationship between you and her husband, since you had no say in the first relationship. I mean, if your sister's husband has a sister (probably does), and SHE marries a guy, does that guy become your BIL as well? But I'm not the lawyer, you are.

And with no further delay:

Undergrad - Illinois Institute of Technology

Masters - Villanova University

Additional Graduate Studies: DePaul University, George Washington University, University of Wisconsin - Madison, University of Arkansas - Little Rock.

None Ivy League in reputation, but certainly none were mail order. I'm guessing, based on the wee bit I know, that UW-Madison would probably be thought a shade more "prestigious" than Queen's (UW Madison is thought to be one of the finest public universities in the US), DePaul, Villanova, and GW would be on par with Queen's, and U of Ark - LR might be a bit below. I suspect the comparison between IIT and Queen's wouldn't really be a valid one - the nature of the schools and their missions are simply to divergent.

But none of this matters to me - again, you were the one who hurdled the first disparaging remark.

Now, are you ready to kiss and make up? Or do you want to take more shots at me?


MLAM said:
No, I wasn't interested in spending the money - just making a point.

2nd paragraph was funny. I'm prepared to be more civil and stay on the side of light hearted humor as well if you are.

I didn't go first because I wasn't the one who said "Listen pal, if you want to whip out dicks and compare sizes when it comes to education and degrees, then bring it on". I also wasn't the one who made the first accusation of anyone's professional or educational background being questionable. And I agree assholes and idiots graduate from all universities, including both Harvard and Queen's. Me - I could give a damn about pieces of paper - but I sure as hell am not going to let someone accuse me of not having earned mine.

4th paragraph - see, you did it again..."mail order degrees" - just when you were showing yourself capable of being civil. I suppose a person’s definition of BIL could vary. To me, a BIL is your wife's brother - the legal arrangement between you and your spouse gives you a relationship with him. In my mind (which doesn't mean I am right, just my perspective), the legal arrangement between your sister and her husband does not create by definition a relationship between you and her husband, since you had no say in the first relationship. I mean, if your sister's husband has a sister (probably does), and SHE marries a guy, does that guy become your BIL as well? But I'm not the lawyer, you are.

And with no further delay:

Undergrad - Illinois Institute of Technology

Masters - Villanova University

Additional Graduate Studies: DePaul University, George Washington University, University of Wisconsin - Madison, University of Arkansas - Little Rock.

None Ivy League in reputation, but certainly none were mail order. I'm guessing, based on the wee bit I know, that UW-Madison would probably be thought a shade more "prestigious" than Queen's (UW Madison is thought to be one of the finest public universities in the US), DePaul, Villanova, and GW would be on par with Queen's, and U of Ark - LR might be a bit below. I suspect the comparison between IIT and Queen's wouldn't really be a valid one - the nature of the schools and their missions are simply to divergent.

But none of this matters to me - again, you were the one who hurdled the first disparaging remark.

Now, are you ready to kiss and make up? Or do you want to take more shots at me?

Yes yes yes. I am particularly capable of hurdling disparaging remarks aren't I?. It's enjoyable.

For me it's undergraduate work at the University of Calgary, two graduate degrees from Queen's University (and no university in the world compares to them (according to them)), accepted to do a doctorate at Yale but didn't go because of expense and alcoholism, and a law degree from the University of Alberta. In addition to that, I went to a football game and had really good smoked meat at McGill, screwed two really good looking brunettes on the U of T campus and once lectured at UPEI which is kinda like being mayor of miniature-land.

There you go. By my estimation, my dick is as long as yours if not a little longer. At any rate, it is certainly thicker as I did study the fur trade in grade 6.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

yychobbyist said:
Yes yes yes. I am particularly capable of hurdling disparaging remarks aren't I?. It's enjoyable.

For me it's undergraduate work at the University of Calgary, two graduate degrees from Queen's University (and no university in the world compares to them (according to them)), accepted to do a doctorate at Yale but didn't go because of expense and alcoholism, and a law degree from the University of Alberta. In addition to that, I went to a football game and had really good smoked meat at McGill, screwed two really good looking brunettes on the U of T campus and once lectured at UPEI which is kinda like being mayor of miniature-land.

There you go. By my estimation, my dick is as long as yours if not a little longer. At any rate, it is certainly thicker as I did study the fur trade in grade 6.
I'd say your (educational background) dick is impressive indeed. No PhD applications in my personal history, let alone acceptances. A PhD is more of an academic pursuit, and I am just not that high minded. If it doesn't help me make more money, what is the point? (How very American of me...)

I have done quite bit of lecturing myself, but not so much of the academic nature - more professional to professionals. People who aren’t smart enough to know better consider me something of an expert in my field. I'm the sort of guy you call when you can't afford the one you want, and your 2nd choice is already booked. It helps pay the bills.

Having played in several football games, I've had my share of brunettes (and blondes and hot latinas and beautiful women of color). Amazing how much pussy falls in your lap (literally) when you are a "football hero" (or at least when you pretend to me).

Wife went to McGill. Does that get me brownie points? Actually, wife works in the legal profession as well, for probably the most prestigious legal entity in the country (though maybe not - that is a judgment call, isn't it). Yet she is not a lawyer, and her employer is not a law firm. Indeed, there is a pretty good chance you know (of) her - since she is fairly high profile. It is a small world, isn't it?


The only thing I can think of is that the American guy is making war against all us Canadians.

I'm done with this thread.


Jan 18, 2004
I just came across this thread and again it further provesw my point of the narrow minded canadian perspective. Keep up the good work mlam. Tell them how it is. Don't back off now. We need to set the record straight with these santimonious pricks.

i just came a
Jan 24, 2004
The Vegetative State

yennut, we know enough not to expect anything smart from you, but would you mind at least not fucking up your own posts?

Jesus tapdancing christ you're dumb


Jul 9, 2002
Toronto, ON
yychobbyist said:
Don't for a second think that Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is not a big read among Canadian business folk. I've happened to see that book in a number of offices of some pretty big cheeses across this country.
Yes, but Sun Tzu says:

"Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

In other words, the best way to winning a war is not to fight one at all (i.e. use other means such as diplomacy, espionage, etc.).


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
if America is all bad why does the world expect us to send money as needed?

Seems like the world is an EX-wife.
Last edited:


New member
Nov 19, 2004

as of 6:27pm on 03/02/05, this thread had 120 replies, and 2441 views, and has stayed on page one for as long as it has existed.

Now that "yernut"(?) has found it, it may go on to set a record that may never be broken for a thread in the political discussion part of this board...

Sad that there's so much anger on both sides.... :eek:


Nothing...NOTHING.... can compare to the hell of idle ramblings.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
red said:
its the new idle ramblings
Actually, lately it's been more like addled ramblings.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
yychobbyist said:
Nothing...NOTHING.... can compare to the hell of idle ramblings.
political porn ain't what it used to be
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