Why Americans are considered warmongers...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
You realize that you've become comic relif, right?

Jamaica-luvr said:
I took the liberty of re-reading one of your posts about trade between Canada and the US...

see below -

Regarding my comments on the US "inventing" Canada, and yours on the US plunging into a depression - clearly you don't know much about economics or history. Canada enjoys its standard of living via almost exclusively one means - trade with the US. This has been the historic case pretty much since its inception, starting with the fur trade between the two nations.

Canada and the US never traded furs....the fur trade was between Upper and Lower Canada(the Maritimes and Quebec) and Europe(specifically, the English, French, and to a lesser extent, the Spanish). If you can't get that simple fact of history right, then there's no reason to believe any of the other "facts" you've been throwing around....you mentioned graduate school...it's clear that you either didn't attend, or were asleep during most of it... ;)




For the love of whatever deity you believe in, go read a book, would you? Are you so simple minded as to think that since the trade you mentioned existed that EXCLUDED the existence of any trade between the US and Canada?

BTW - I gotta admit that neither in the Masters Program I attended, nor at any of the half dozen or so other places I did post graduate coursework was Canadian Fur Trade part of the curriculum. But maybe that was just my luck of the draw, right? So I asked a friend...undergrad U of T, Masters @ Harvard, PhD from MIT. She couldn't remember any coursework on Canadian Fur Trade either. But hell, maybe we just didn't weren't as lucky as you were to have received such a fine education. You can't grasp simple economic theory ("Suspension of all trade relations would throw both countries into a depression that would make the Great Depression seem like a some what bad day at the office when the coffee guy forgot to bring the creamers....") but you've got that fur trade history thing down tight.



Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Thanks for the Welcome...

harleycharley said:
welcome to our socialist utopia...... you'll do wonders for the stereo-type of Americans as arrogant condescneding boors! .... bolstering that stereo-type, I mean!!
...and you've already established that like Jamacia-luvr, you are an arrogant but yet somehow insecure Canadian asshat (See? I used it again! I am trying to fit in...Honest!!). The condescending tone is intentional, BTW...some people just so deserve it....
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I read the article...

Fritz96 said:
Of course Jamaica-luvr still can't refute your points about Canada being more dependent on the U.S., or what a tempting target Canada would have been to the USSR. Anyway, Michael Coren wrote about this yesterday.

I read the article, and while I can't agree with many of its points (I never said that the United States was superior at anything...just simply larger and not as dependent on Canada as Canada is on it) his overall point on the arrogance of (some) Canadians is dead on.

"There, I've said it. Because I'm so very tired of the way, particularly in the last two years, that we Canadians have come to define ourselves not by who we are but by who we are not.

At its most innocuous, it is a mere insecurity about our southern neighbours. At its most repugnant, however, it is publicly funded mediocrities screaming abuse at a great and noble nation because their own self-esteem is so fragile. With a malodorous stew of ignorance and malice, they pump Canada at the expense of deflating the United States."

"Time to put away the toys of smugness and conceit and make our own way in the world. With or without a government grant."

Amen to those sentiments...

My wife...a Canadian...actually explained it to me best. She said its like being the little brother to a popular and successful big brother who gets all the attention. You resent him like hell along with all the praise he receives, but you love him anyway and secretly want to be just like him when you grow up.

The analogy made sense - not that the US is in anyway flawless or that all things about it should be emulated. But her theory is the only one I've heard that explains this fascinating behavior of bashing your "big brother" at every opportunity, even while adopting and embracing virtually every (cultural) thing about him.
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Is the logical, rational connection of concepts and ideas a problem for you?

Jamaica-luvr said:
Your character, or should I say, lack of it, comes shining through in each insulting post...as others have noted in this thread as well. In order for someone to be a bully, one has to have an advantage over the other...usually physical size, although other factors can come into play as well...intelligence, social standing(whatever that is) or financial worth. It's doubtful you have any such advantages, therefore I don't feel bullied by a pompous ass such as yourself, I just feel sad for you. Going through life with such hatred and venom inside you must be horrible.

As far as knowing Alaska is an American state, it's quite likely I could name all the American states when I was of school age. It's unlikely you could say the same about Canada's provinces...so your attempt at sarcasm is, at best, pitiful.

As far as the Canadian beef issue, a protectionist American goverment used an isolated case of "mad cow disease" to shut the border, because their own American farmers couldn't be competitive as far as price issues. American farmers couldn't raise cattle as cheaply as Canadian farmer's so the giant American packing companies wanted to buy Canadian beef. The border has now been opened to Canadian beef 18 months of age and younger, which is basically about 80% of what was being sold before, the balance being cattle being sold for breeding purposes.

As far as the softwood lumber issue...same thing...the American marketplace wants full access to our economy with their finished product, but doesn't want to compete on the raw products side.

As far as unfettered access to the US...I travel there often, and if a restriction means American customs officials would like to see a Canadian passport instead of just a driver's license....well...I feel much better knowing Homeland Security is on the job(snicker).

AND...as far as spankings go, I don't go in for humilation as part of foreplay...although I'm sure your wife "whups" your ass on a regular basis, because you're a "bad boy" and you need to be taught a lesson in manners and respect for your betters.
Again, you know nothing of my character. Character is defined by things like loyalty, commitment, bravery (not so much physical but in principles), honesty, trust. It isn't defined by manners or whatever else you think you've gleaned about me from a message board. You have perhaps gained insight regarding my personality. You know nothing of my character. If you have some, you understand the difference. If you don't, then that explains that, doesn't it?

Re: Naming states versus provinces...have you been paying attention at all? Yes, you could name all 51...err...50 states. Canadians with good reason make a point to know a broad amount about American culture, history and factual information - your livelihoods depend on it. (Note I said "broad" not "detailed"). Americans aren't as concerned about Canada because Canada isn't as relevant to the United States. Important? Yes. But on a level that becomes clear only if you have reason to be aware of such things...for example if you live in Buffalo, Seattle or Detroit. The fathers of American boys and girls don't work for Canadian companies, or travel to Canada regularly on business. They don't talk at the dinner table how if the looney keeps going up things could get tight down at the plant. Read this slowly - perhaps then it will sink in: The United States and its current day-to-day livelihood is not dependent on Canada. For Canadians, the converse is an ABSOLUTE certainty. So OF COURSE you know as much as possible about the US.

Re: Canadian Beef...one of my first observation when I got here was how much more EXPENSIVE beef was here than in the US. Stop believing all the propaganda you read man. How the hell would it be cheaper to bring a steer from Alberta to a meat processing plant in Chicago than to transport one from Texas? Or do you believe that we are talking economies of scale here...that there are so many more cattle men in this country of 31 million (the vast majority of whom live in non ranching provinces) than there are in country whose primary ranching state has 16 million residents alone?

You are actually correct re: softwood lumber. Ya for you. Doesn't change what I said. Stop being such assholes and maybe the American populous would be more open to free trade on this issue. Otherwise, who gives a fuck if some arrogant judgmental Canadian loses his job.

Fortunately for you, most Canadian politicians and virtually every Canadian businessman understand this principle. I take it you are neither.

Glad you don't mind bring your passport to gain access to the US. Please ask your fellow Canadians to stop whining about it. We wouldn't have had to do this if you were a bit more careful about whom you let into YOUR borders.

Lastly, spankings. I give them, I don't receive. Takes an American man to please a Canadian woman you know... ;)


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Now you've gone and done it.....

iam0234 said:
MLAM, I agree with you up to here. I can also relate to your frustrations of unwarranted US bashing. The World, other than US, does have a tendency of bashing the US, at every opportunity. But your other comments regarding “I’ve not met a Canadian … [this and that ….]” is pure fabrications. Just because Canadians, as the rest of the World, don’t necessarily agree on everything the US stands for doesn’t mean that we are anti-America.

Wonder why despite the US generosity to the rest of the World, the US is still being bashed? Read the rest of your post again - perhaps you can see why?
They weren't "fabrications". I was stating my own personal observations. I know that in the heat of a message board debate generalizations get tossed around. I apologize to any and all who understand and sympathize with my points but take offense to my tone. Trust me, I KNOW all Canadians aren't like the ones I have described. I'm married to one. I have friends who are Canadians. I've had virtually strangers apologize to me after observing the behaviors of other Canadians towards me in meetings and the like. This is overall a wonderful place. So many…decent, decent people. Such a relatively pleasant pace to life. I moved here from Manhattan. I hated New York. I hated New Yorkers. Believe me, I don't hate Canada or Canadians. Again, I CHOOSE to live here, despite the things that have been directed at me by a tiny few.

Mostly my rant is directed at a sort of culturally media attitude - one that my journalist friend @ CBC acknowledges exists as well. She agreed that it is "ok" for Canadian media to speak of Americans and the United States in a manner that most Canadians would find appalling if any other country or people were inserted. She says she isn't sure when American bashing became acceptable sport, but yes indeed, she acknowledge that had in fact.

Not sure what you are implying with you last paragraph, but you seem to understand my overall point. Frustration is exactly the right word - just imagine what it feels like to love a place so much, but to receive constant reminders...some subtle, others not...that you aren't welcome.

I know in my heart that isn't true. I know deep down no two countries in the world are closer than the US and Canada. We would kick the shit out of anybody who looked cross-eyed at you guys, and you would run to our aid with everything you owned if we so much as scrapped a knee (Thank you, BTW, for 9/11 and providing a temporary home to thousands of Americans. I type that with tear filled eyes...thank you for providing me a home when mine was destroyed...I am grateful...I swear...)

I love Canada...God...I'm crying...I love Canada. This is my home. I CHOSE to live here. But damn it, the United States is my BIRTH PLACE. I am an AMERICAN. Why must you insist on bashing it? Why must you insist on making me feel like I am not welcome here?

It hurts man. It just does. And yeah, it makes me angry, so I rant. That is what message boards are for...

Ok...time to get dressed and go to the office. Jamacia-luvr, don't worry, even though you've seen my softer side, don't fret. If you are foolish enough to come back with more silliness I will be more than ready to put you back in your place....

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
Good post MLAM, I'm in agreement with much of your discourse. The problem is with the cultural clergy in the CBC, who seem hell bent to define Canadian identity from a European and anti American perspective, which I suspect is something most Canadians would rather not do - unfortunately most follow blindly in the wishes of these mullahs. Most Canadians would be surprised at what old europe really thinks of us - backwards colonials, losers, American lackeys etc. - they don't like us as much as we think they do.

MLAM said:
Mostly my rant is directed at a sort of culturally media attitude - one that my journalist friend @ CBC acknowledges exists as well. She agreed that it is "ok" for Canadian media to speak of Americans and the United States in a manner that most Canadians would find appalling if any other country or people were inserted. She says she isn't sure when American bashing became acceptable sport, but yes indeed, she acknowledge that had in fact.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
Some facts speak for themselves: The fact that the US has troops stationed in more countries and over a wider portion of the globe than any imperial power in history. The ease with which they rationalize the right to act militarily against countries which do not and probably never will posess the ability to attack the US - while at the same time scorning other countries for fighting enemies on their own doorstep. The great license they grant themselves (and Israel) to deal with terror (1 attack every 50+ years on US soil) while tying the hands of other countries who deal with terrorism and insurgency on a daily basis for years or decades.

However, the real problem is not America per se. The problem is imperialism and unchecked power in general. It just so happens to be the Americans at this time. As Empires go, the US pseudocolonialism is in many ways better, in some ways worse. In their place, anyone else would be as bad or worse in terms of handling the unprecedented temptation to exert global influence.

I will continue to applaud every kicked shin and bloody nose the US and it's allies in the Anglosphere suffer, and look forward to any alliance which might put some checks on their behaviour. But this is not because America is especially rotten or evil. It's just that anyone with such impunity needs to be taken down a notch. Due to the ease whith which they took over the wealth of their continent and their relative invulnerability, they simply don't know what it's like to be the rest of the world.


New member
Nov 19, 2004
Well, well, MLAM..

I see you've crawled back out of your hole...the only joke on this board is your increasing desperation to "prove" you're not the phoney you so obviously are...

The fur trade...Canadian history covers this in Grade 6...the fur trade was one, if not the primary reason this continent was opened up to exploration by European interests...America did not even exist as a nation during this time period. It was well before 1776. Funny how when I caught you in an obvious, misinformed error in history, you choose to ridicule me as a diversionary tactic because I even knew this. And then, you tried to impress us all with your so-called academic credentials in order to deflect the course of discussion. Very lame....

The reason Canadian school kids learn about America(and all the European countries which made up the original settlers) is(or was) that the course focus in history was to look outward, not inward to the exclusion of all other relevant information. Americans only care about their own country, because that's what they've been taught to do from a very early age. And you're a prime example of that school system.

Read THIS slowly....the 9/11 terrorists did not gain access to the US from Canadian border access points. Even the Bush administration has admitted they came in through American port-of-entries. Canada has(and probably still is) sheltering potential terrorists, but I think the vigilence is significantly more intense with the cooperation of both goverments to root them out.

I would agree with the brother's scenario...to a point. But ones very close in age, with very different interests and viewpoints. Maybe the popular jock and the studious intellectual(or nerd) if you will...excepting the nerds often grow up to be the Bill Gates of the world, while the jocks, after their field-of-dreams glory fades, resort to selling insurance, cars or real estate in the home towns they never leave, marrying their high-school sweethearts(only because they knocked them up on prom night), growing a paunch and losing their hair before their 40. That's probably you in a nutshell.

Even Americans bash their own country...while they live there. Race riots, abortion marches, anti-war demonstrations(can't recall the last time our military shot and killed anyone on the campus of a Canadian university), demonstrations by the Christian right.... Now America has got members of their own military seeking asylum in Canada because they refuse to fight what they consider an unjust war(and it's not just the guys who haven't left yet, it's the ones who been, and won't go back). Shades of Viet Nam....and we know how that turned out...

Michael Coren works for the Toronto Sun...not exactly a tome of balanced editorial comment. He writes controversial columns to help his boss sell newspapers. My dear departed "pappy" used to say..."paper won't refuse ink"...although Michael's poison pen should be trained on himself once or twice, if he's to have any validity...

I'm glad you love Canada...and we would love you back, if you'd just check that ignorant, uninformed, pompous attitude at the border when you come here.

It's now obvious you need a stiffer hand than the one your wife provides...perhaps you need to visit one of the girls who advertise in the independent incall escort section of this board to provide you with the proper attitude...make sure you wear your American flag boxers so you get the point once and for all... :rolleyes:


MLAM said:
BTW - I gotta admit that neither in the Masters Program I attended, nor at any of the half dozen or so other places I did post graduate coursework was Canadian Fur Trade part of the curriculum.
Man, you know, I only went to one university to do my grad work. Maybe you should start studying and stop failing out of so many places. Sooner or later they'll catch onto you and just stop accepting you man.

Oh, and by the way, Jamaica's right. Grad school's generally don't deal with the fur trade - primary school takes care of that.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Thought Provoking

Hard Idle said:
Some facts speak for themselves: The fact that the US has troops stationed in more countries and over a wider portion of the globe than any imperial power in history. The ease with which they rationalize the right to act militarily against countries which do not and probably never will posess the ability to attack the US - while at the same time scorning other countries for fighting enemies on their own doorstep. The great license they grant themselves (and Israel) to deal with terror (1 attack every 50+ years on US soil) while tying the hands of other countries who deal with terrorism and insurgency on a daily basis for years or decades.

However, the real problem is not America per se. The problem is imperialism and unchecked power in general. It just so happens to be the Americans at this time. As Empires go, the US pseudocolonialism is in many ways better, in some ways worse. In their place, anyone else would be as bad or worse in terms of handling the unprecedented temptation to exert global influence.

I will continue to applaud every kicked shin and bloody nose the US and it's allies in the Anglosphere suffer, and look forward to any alliance which might put some checks on their behaviour. But this is not because America is especially rotten or evil. It's just that anyone with such impunity needs to be taken down a notch. Due to the ease whith which they took over the wealth of their continent and their relative invulnerability, they simply don't know what it's like to be the rest of the world.

I don't necessarily disagree with everything you've said here, nor do I agree with all of it, but I certainly get your point.

My overall point however is, given that no group of people - no culture - benefits more from this position the United States has acquired (by whatever means) more than Canada, isn't mighty pompous for Canadian to complain about it? The typical Canadian benefits from American power and might more than many Americans who are members of minority groups or who are economically disenfranchised. Yet you (a few) bash the Unites States as though you (the vast majority) don't bask in the benefit of exactly the behavior you claim to abhor.

Just doesn't make sense to me.

Did Canadian carry on like this towards the Brits when THEY were number one?


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

yychobbyist said:
Man, you know, I only went to one university to do my grad work. Maybe you should start studying and stop failing out of so many places. Sooner or later they'll catch onto you and just stop accepting you man.

Oh, and by the way, Jamaica's right. Grad school's generally don't deal with the fur trade - primary school takes care of that.

So when you were going to grad school and doing your work, the notion of pursuing your studies at more than one university in order to take specific courses of interest never crossed your mind I take it. I suppose you just have to have a certainly level of interest and intellect...

Never "fallen out" of any place smart ass, but nice try. If you want, I'll trade you via IM lists of places where I studied and received degrees or certificates I've been granted and match it up against yours. Otherwise, stay in the circle you are used to traveling in.

What a dumbass...wants to BRAG about being unfamiliar with the concept of doing gradwork at more than one University....

BTW - I suppose fur trade WOULD be a topic of study in a society at the primary school level if it were critically important...but it isn't everywhere, now is it?


New member
Nov 19, 2004
It's starting to look...

like you're getting outnumbered MLAM....be afraid...be very afraid... ;)

these degree's and certificates you speak of...are they the ones listed on the inside of matchbook covers? Did Sally Struthers sign you up?

What did you take? Small engine repair...medical receptionist?

You know...if you apologize (with the appropriate level of contriteness) now for your atrocious behaviour, we might just let you stay here....


New member
Nov 19, 2004
I've figured out what MLAM stands for!

Mid Level Asshole Muncher.... :rolleyes:


Aug 13, 2004
Don't mind them, MLAM. They can't win arguments, so they just post about how much they hate you.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
it is nice to know you are sucure, inspite of you own actions. Wake up Canada should the USA be devistated you will be asorbed by who ever attacks.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Hard Idle said:
Some facts speak for themselves: The fact that the US has troops stationed in more countries and over a wider portion of the globe than any imperial power in history. The ease with which they rationalize the right to act militarily against countries which do not and probably never will posess the ability to attack the US - while at the same time scorning other countries for fighting enemies on their own doorstep. The great license they grant themselves (and Israel) to deal with terror (1 attack every 50+ years on US soil) while tying the hands of other countries who deal with terrorism and insurgency on a daily basis for years or decades.

However, the real problem is not America per se. The problem is imperialism and unchecked power in general. It just so happens to be the Americans at this time. As Empires go, the US pseudocolonialism is in many ways better, in some ways worse. In their place, anyone else would be as bad or worse in terms of handling the unprecedented temptation to exert global influence.

I will continue to applaud every kicked shin and bloody nose the US and it's allies in the Anglosphere suffer, and look forward to any alliance which might put some checks on their behaviour. But this is not because America is especially rotten or evil. It's just that anyone with such impunity needs to be taken down a notch. Due to the ease whith which they took over the wealth of their continent and their relative invulnerability, they simply don't know what it's like to be the rest of the world.

I think this post is very insightful as to world opinion on the US. It's a tallest poppy gets cut philosophy. The world is tired of being invaded by US culture, but likes it's gansta rap and cheese burgers, and the thought that the US can do pretty much anything it wants at any time and there's nothing (fill in your country here) can do about it.

I can live with that.



Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Jamaica-luvr said:
I see you've crawled back out of your hole...the only joke on this board is your increasing desperation to "prove" you're not the phoney you so obviously are...
Phony exactly how dickhead? Please...feel free to explain.

The start of the fur trade isn't particular relevant, is it? Don't understand? Let me see...United States became a country in...that's right, 1776. Very good. Canada became a country...in...1867. Well...what do you know...all that fur trading that you claimed didn't take place managed to happen before there even WAS a country called "Canada". BTW...I don't FEEL caught in a "misinformed error"...did you point out how this fur trade between the US and Canada never took place like you claim?

Regarding the American school system - I learned plenty there about the rest of the world, just not as much about Canada as Canadians know about the US. I explained why this would be already…the Looney, daddy working at the Ford plant, etc. Interestingly enough, I have yet to meet an "average" Canadian whose knowledge of the rest of the world outside of either the US or Canada exceeded that of the typical American - meaning limited. But wait…I get it...you’re playing the “we are just so much more educated and sophisticated” angle…the one that explains why only something on the order of 77% of Canadians can name their own Prime Minister. BTW, WTF would you know about the American school system, since you don’t have an American degree? Again with the arrogant, presumptive attitude.

Your turn – read THIS slowly. Not in one single post did I say the 9/11 terrorist gained access to the United States from Canada. You know who did though? Those guys (and woman) who were fortunately stopped at the border on their way to LAX to blow the place up. Failed to read about that (I know reading is an issue for you) – or did you conveniently forget? Glad we agree on the rooting out of potential terrorists however.

Me in a nutshell – Let’s see – couldn’t have married my HS sweetheart – didn’t go to HS in Canada. Became a father two years ago – nobody “knocked up” in my past. No longer live in my hometown, now live here - third city of residence in fact, in two different countries. Was in fact a “jock” in HS and college…I probably kicked the shit out of someone just like you back in the day. Will admit to growing bald and having a paunch as I approach 40, the first is a result of genetics, the second is the outcome of living a good life. Don’t sell cars or insurance or real estate or anything for that matter. Nice try though – noting like that good ole Canadian insecurity huh? That obsessive need to feel better than others. Send me an IM and we can trade resumes.

Bill Gates huh? What exactly would Canada be waiting on? Time to stop suckling at that American tit if you are going to grow up and move on to bigger and better things, don’t you think? BTW Bill Gates – another American. Have any Canadian equivalents?

Even Americans bash their own country? Hmmm…do you know the difference between “bashing your own country” and expressing dissent with those who are in power, or protesting in support or dissent of issues? Don’t understand? That would be because you lack that “bravery of principle” that I spoke of earlier. Your sorry ass wouldn’t know what it is like to stand up for something you believe in. It has nothing to do with “bashing your country”. But I guess Canada is just one big harmonious place huh? Not like Western Canadians and Eastern Canadians ever disagree on anything. Thee have never been any protests here – no sir.

What I need if for you to go away – either that or get real. You aren’t going to do either though are you? Feel free to respond…
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Get Real...

Jamaica-luvr said:
like you're getting outnumbered MLAM....be afraid...be very afraid... ;)

these degree's and certificates you speak of...are they the ones listed on the inside of matchbook covers? Did Sally Struthers sign you up?

What did you take? Small engine repair...medical receptionist?

You know...if you apologize (with the appropriate level of contriteness) now for your atrocious behaviour, we might just let you stay here....
Get real...

And like I said...you send me a PM with an email address and I will gladly trade resumes (including academic background) with you...Sally Struthers indeed.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Whip 'em out...

yychobbyist said:
Holy Christ, you know last night was the first time I ever read anything by you and already you're on my most hated list.

Listen pal, if you want to whip out dicks and compare sizes when it comes to education and degrees, then bring it on. Until then, why don't you go crawl back in whatever hole you emerged from on Groundhog Day and go cry for Canada again.
Like I said to Jamaica - send a PM with a email address, and we can whip them out. But given that the notion of pursuing your field of study at more than one university in order to gain various perspectives seemed foreign to you, I'm not worried...

Regarding your most hated list...like I give a damn...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I've noticed that...

Fritz96 said:
Don't mind them, MLAM. They can't win arguments, so they just post about how much they hate you.
I've notice that. Jamaica makes an ass of himself, I point out how he did, and he changes the subject by attacking me. He has done it multiple times now.

Even with this stupid fur trade thing. I say the US and Canada began their relationship via fur trade, he claims there WAS no fur trade between the two countries, I post links pointing the error in his thinking, he rants about me not knowing Canadian history. Never explains how he decided that US / Canada fur trade never took place. But he calls ME “misinformed”

Notice also how we have gotten away from his original premise - that the US would fall into a "Great Depression" if trade relations between the two countries ceased. I point out the absurdity of his premise; he decides not to discuss that anymore. He can’t grasp basic economic theory, nor the fundamental workings of international relationships, but that fur trade thing – boy, does he have me beat on that one. Because, you know, there NEVER was fur trade between the United States and Canada….

Then of course we have YYC who first reveals that he apparently only spent time in grad school at one university (not that there is anything wrong with that) and assumes because I have spent time on the campus of a few that apparently I've been booted out of them. When I point out that this is a common trait for those who take their field of study seriously (taking course work on related topics at various respected Universities), well, now all of a sudden he wants to play dick comparison. Even though I haven't gotten that PM yet. I'll let the board know when it shows up.

You know, being outnumbered isn’t all that bad when you are dealing with idiots…
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