Who Will You Vote For??

Who Will You Vote For??

  • Liberal

    Votes: 61 35.1%
  • PC

    Votes: 79 45.4%
  • NDP

    Votes: 20 11.5%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 14 8.0%

  • Total voters


Committee Member
Oct 29, 2002
Macdaddy4life said:
Now don't get me wrong I am not a big USA supporter, but I do know that most of our trade and business evolves around them and Harper does as well.
A lot of people love to bash the US and their policies (even our current PM). Without the US a lot of our trade & business would suffer. Shit, they are our biggest trading partner! Thinking back to my last few jobs, without a solid US market, three-quarters of the companies I worked for would not exist.

The biggest argument I always hear from pro-liberals is that the Mulroney government brought in GST & free trade and it has ruined Canada. Well when it was introduced how long was the Mulroney government in power for afterwards? Two, three, maybe four years? Since then we have had over ten years of liberal rule and they have not done one thing to change or reverse those two factors. Sounds like it is something that they must have agreed with, or else it would not be in existance today.

I'm not worried about a conservative hidden agenda. Anyone who is - Is a victim of liberal scare tactics. We are all adults here, and surely to goodness any type of a hidden agenda would have been discovered by the liberal election strategists and publicised to the voting community. Redneck christain moralists destined to bring back the 50's style of family values? Give me a fucking break! Does anyone know what the hidden agenda is? If so, please let us all know. If not, then it is just another liberal scare tactic.

When I think about healthcare I shudder at the horrific system we have in place today. It is virtually impossible to find a family physician, appointments are constantly late (even yesterday for an appointment booked 2 months in advance I had to wait two hours after my scheduled time) and seeing a specialist is a crap shoot. To be honest, I have found that healthcare in the last ten to twelve years has become a horrible mess. All this under the attentative watch of the liberal government.

When I think about crime and the changes to laws to protect the victims...There have been none. What measures have the liberals brought in to address the judicial system? None. Have they brought in measures to introduce minimum sentences for gun related crimes? No. Have they even bothered to address the voters that there is a situation/crisis at hand and are willing to deal with it? No.

Then we have the liberals spouting off on balanced budgets and eliminating the deficit. Well anyone of us could have done that if we were to have cut the transfer payments to the provinces. This was a classic case of robbing Peter to give to Paul...Especially Paul Martin in this case. Do you know why your provincial taxes were increased?

Actually, when I think of hidden agenda's, I honestly feel that there have been more hidden agenda's in the liberal closet than any government in recent history. Adscam, the gun registry, the HRDC boondogle...these are the ones that have been able to rise to the surface that the liberal spin doctors have not been able to contain. Can you imagine if they are allowed to take control of government day care? Yikes!

The one other thing that really bothers me about Martin is that he is a rich guy (which is fine, I respect that). But because of the rigid tax laws per Canadian owned businesses, he chose to keep his nice little steamline business outside of the Canadian tax rules. If I was a small business owner that in itself would be enough for me to throw this cheating scumbag out of office. Could you imagine if Harper was in such a predicament? Christ the liberals would be all over him!

After several years of voting it all comes down to one thing for me - Who is going to leave the most amount of my hard earned money in my pocket. To me it will be a conservative government.

No matter who wins this election...I think I'm in love with Lynn


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Pretty well said but I think she is silly and ignorant.. She wouldn't even debate with me...


New member
Ref said:
No matter who wins this election...I think I'm in love with Lynn

Choron said:
Pretty well said but I think she is silly and ignorant.. She wouldn't even debate with me...
What? - am I silly and ignorant because I fail to blame the entire Middle Eastern population for the actions of a small percentage of Insane Religious Zealots???

Hehe - I wasn't picking on you because you support the Conservatives - I'm picking on you because you are spouting-off "silly and ignorant" racist paranoia. I don't debate with "silly and ignorant" people....


Vancouver Femme Fatale

Multihour Specialist
Apr 25, 2005
Anybody but Harper.

Seriously. I'd vote for fucking bird flu before that bottom bitch.

I have the great fortune of being in the Vancouver Centre; the Suicide Riding; where you'd rather shoot yourself than vote for either Hedy "Burnin' Crosses" Fry or Svend "Big Gay Ring Stealer" Robinson.

Pray for me, people.


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
Vancouver Femme Fatale said:
Seriously. I'd vote for fucking bird flu before that bottom bitch.

I have the great fortune of being in the Vancouver Centre; the Suicide Riding; where you'd rather shoot yourself than vote for either Hedy "Burnin' Crosses" Fry or Svend "Big Gay Ring Stealer" Robinson.

Pray for me, people.
Yeah but how do you REALLY feel?


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
That cements it, I'm voting Liberal

Choron said:
I'm a conservative at heart...Voting liberal and NDP is not an option for me...However living in Kitchener-Waterloo, there is a full out turban wearing individual running for the Conservatives(WTF RIGHT? My thoughts exactly) I won't vote an immigrant into office...Not a chance...We have a lack of nationalism already, we need no nomination of such individuals...

Thus, I will NOT VOTE this ellection...
I don't know whether to believe you choron or whether you're doing this with tongue in cheek and looking for a reaction. I don't live in Toronto but I do work there. Its the nation's melting pot and I get a real kick out of seeing friends from the Muskokas come down and hear their reactions on the amount of Blacks, Asians, Moslems, Pakistanis, etc.

Kinda reminds me of how I felt about twenty years ago. Since that time I've come to know some of these Blacks, Asians, Moslems, Pakistanis, etc., and haven't got a problem with the vast majority. Some are now good friends. Its funny, once you look past the colour of their skin and whether or not they're wearing a turbin, they are similar to the rest of us.

P.S. I don't think we'll miss you NOT VOTING this time around!!


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Lynn said:

What? - am I silly and ignorant because I fail to blame the entire Middle Eastern population for the actions of a small percentage of Insane Religious Zealots???

Hehe - I wasn't picking on you because you support the Conservatives - I'm picking on you because you are spouting-off "silly and ignorant" racist paranoia. I don't debate with "silly and ignorant" people....

I want to point out first off that the Muslims are not a race and are a creed(religion)...So how am I being rascist since I stopped talking about the "Middle Easterners" and switched to the topic of religion? There is no such thing as rascial religion...So debate with me, or obviously you don't have the brainpower to do so...


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Macator2003 said:
I don't know whether to believe you choron or whether you're doing this with tongue in cheek and looking for a reaction. I don't live in Toronto but I do work there. Its the nation's melting pot and I get a real kick out of seeing friends from the Muskokas come down and hear their reactions on the amount of Blacks, Asians, Moslems, Pakistanis, etc.

Kinda reminds me of how I felt about twenty years ago. Since that time I've come to know some of these Blacks, Asians, Moslems, Pakistanis, etc., and haven't got a problem with the vast majority. Some are now good friends. Its funny, once you look past the colour of their skin and whether or not they're wearing a turbin, they are similar to the rest of us.

P.S. I don't think we'll miss you NOT VOTING this time around!!
Talk to me when you learn how to spell Muslims...Not Moslems... LOL...

So how do you respect the Muslim religion? It would call you an infidel just because you are a member of it...Even Christians don't do that...(I'm not religious)...It is an inclusive crowd that wants nothing to do with us, so why should they live in the same place as us? You all will have a very different view after we get hit in the coming years (I'm anticipating it at the Olympics in Vancouver)...

And Lynn How come you never answered why you wouldn't go to Tehran or Baghdad and take a walk through the streets...? Deep down you wouldn't feel safe, so why would you have them here? Just to the keep the definition of "rights and freedoms"


New member
Jan 13, 2004
my pitch for PR

Choron said:
Green is a waste of your vote, might as well not waste your time going to the polls...
hmmm...interesting...a condemnation of our 'first-past-the-post' voting system. Perhaps 500,000 Canadians will vote Green this time around. I'm embarassed for a country which disenfranchises so many voters. And imagine voting Conservative in Quebec...or voting Liberal in Alberta...should those voters also not 'waste their time going to the polls'?
I feel that Proportional Representation is long overdue in Canada.


New member
Dec 24, 2004
If you think a half a million are going to vote green then maybe you've be smoking too much green yourself...lol
Last edited:


9 Inch Member
Aug 17, 2004
Between Oakville and Oshawa
Paul Martin is a dithering idiot. Everything the Conservatives and NDP say about the Liberals is indeed correct, i.e the culture of entitlement, corruption, etc. But I won't vote for Harper because plain and simple he scares me, I don't trust him despite his best efforts of trying to sugar coat his true intentions, and yes I really do believe he has a secret agenda.

So I vote for the liberals.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
Argocock said:
Paul Martin is a dithering idiot. Everything the Conservatives and NDP say about the Liberals is indeed correct, i.e the culture of entitlement, corruption, etc. But I won't vote for Harper because plain and simple he scares me, I don't trust him despite his best efforts of trying to sugar coat his true intentions, and yes I really do believe he has a secret agenda.

So I vote for the liberals.
He won't be able to do anything in a minority government. Remember he needs the support of the NDP to get anything accomplished. The NDP can't lose in this election, who ever gets voted in will have to rely on their party. Jack Layton is probably more powerful than Paul Martin and Steven Harper at this stage. This is why I don't think that the same sex marrage laws will change.

Harper WILL be more Liberal than anyone thinks he'll be Reform.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Judas H said:
He won't be able to do anything in a minority government. Remember he needs the support of the NDP to get anything accomplished. The NDP can't lose in this election, who ever gets voted in will have to rely on their party. Jack Layton is probably more powerful than Paul Martin and Steven Harper at this stage. This is why I don't think that the same sex marrage laws will change.

Harper WILL be more Liberal than anyone thinks he'll be Reform.
No and yes.

The Conservatives will get in bed with the bloc, not the NDP.

If the Cons bring up same sex marriage, the bloc will back away, and the gov't will fall (again, more fucking signs all over the streets.)

The bloc will use their position of power to manipulate the conservatives into bringing up the Quebec question somehow which will only serve to fan the flames (which is exactly what the bloc wants).

Everyone will get so pissed off, there will be another quebec election around this time and the Parti Quebecois will win again and separation will be high on their agenda. If the timing is right, who knows.

That's how I see it going down if the conservatives win.

IF the liberals win another minority, they will have to get into bed with the NDP, however, the liberals will have the upper hand because there is no way that Jack and company would want to force another election so soon. So, the liberals will be able to tell the NDP to take a hike for at least 2 years. By which time, Layton will be so fed up with Martin that he will force another election.


New member
Dec 24, 2004
You're dreaming...polls indicate that the NDP are going to get 18% of the vote...In fact on voting day I believe they will only have about 13-15% at highest...Socialism is not welcome in Canada...


New member
Feb 22, 2004
Choron said:
Talk to me when you learn how to spell Muslims...Not Moslems... LOL...
"Moslem" is a quite acceptable alternative spelling of "Muslim," ... at least according to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary .... LOL ...


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
Egor said:
"Moslem" is a quite acceptable alternative spelling of "Muslim," ... at least according to the Canadian Oxford Dictionary .... LOL ...
Don't argue with choron, he's university educated you know. However, since you mentioned it...... the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary states:

Main Entry: Mos·lem
Pronunciation: 'mäz-l&m also 'mäs-
variant of MUSLIM

Speaking of spelling and grammar errors. Here's a few from the Master:

choron said:
"Thus, I will NOT VOTE this ellection"...

"There hasn't even been people thrown in jail for that Comission, so in effect it was useless"

"This is not the situation...People of color have never suicide bombed or have aimed to ruin a nation...You're views and opinions are clearly very jaded and uneducated..."

"What do you refer to exactly when you say "Redneck" because typcially there arn't Canadians this can apply to..."

"He lacks power in the long run...Yes the position is obviously important for bringing it votes,"

"Go take a drive on the 407 near the 427 just west of in fact and see the huge painting of Osama Bin Laden on the wall of a mosque(clearly visisble from the 407) and then tell me we don't have issues in our country..."
Choron, I would have loved to be your University Grammar Professor.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
Choron said:
You're dreaming...polls indicate that the NDP are going to get 18% of the vote...In fact on voting day I believe they will only have about 13-15% at highest...Socialism is not welcome in Canada...
Then why do we have Unions?

I don't agree with the NDP and their political platform, however with the right leader, I do think that they make a good opposition party.

james t kirk said:
The Conservatives will get in bed with the bloc, not the NDP
The Bloc Quebecois were former Progressive Conservatives under the Mulroney Government, they share some of the same values. However the Bloc is too one sided they don't care about crime in Toronto. The Consevatives will need the support of the NDP.

If the Conservatives get in to power, they will be tolerated with a minority Government. If they want to get re-elected they will have to become red tories like the Progressive Conservatives. That is why I see them being more Liberal than Reform.


New member
Jan 13, 2004
Choron said:
If you think a half a million is going to vote green then maybe you've be smoking too much green yourself...lol
Let's chat after Jan 23...
Anyone have the Green numbers handy from the last fed election???


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Macator2003 said:
Don't argue with choron, he's university educated you know. However, since you mentioned it...... the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary states:

Main Entry: Mos·lem
Pronunciation: 'mäz-l&m also 'mäs-
variant of MUSLIM

Speaking of spelling and grammar errors. Here's a few from the Master:

Choron, I would have loved to be your University Grammar Professor.

Dude typos are so unimportant...
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