Who Will You Vote For??

Who Will You Vote For??

  • Liberal

    Votes: 61 35.1%
  • PC

    Votes: 79 45.4%
  • NDP

    Votes: 20 11.5%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 14 8.0%

  • Total voters

The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
james t kirk said:
I expect the liberals to kick in their negative advertising campaign, oh, Wednesday.

You watch, they will pull out Stephen Harper's interviews on Fox TV where he was so gung ho to go into Iraq.
First off they should show that Fox footage - it would actually be a more honest representation of the man than his campaign is showing.

I love this crap from the conservatives - "the Liberals will go negative, the Liberals will go negative" in some sick copy of Paul Reveres midnight ride to tell people about the British. The fact is the Conservatives went negative before Christmas and said it wasn't really negative because it was true. Half the Conservative ads are half truths and out right lies - like that headline in the Globe and Mail - the testimony that caused that headline was tossed out by Justice Gomery as false testimony - You have to wonder about the validity of the argument if Harper and the Conservatives have to bend the truth to be effective.

As for me I say it's about time the Liberals run some "Truth Ads" in turn. Harper runs on half truths and lies of omission - this is what we want as a leader. I don't know about you I would sooner have a leader who pulls us together and is committed to correcting the excess of the Chretien regime.

Negative - It's about time the Liberals answer those lies.


New member
Dec 24, 2004
Martin is not interested in correcting problems, his campaign is purely for the status quo...

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
The Mugger said:
As for me I say it's about time the Liberals run some "Truth Ads" in turn. Harper runs on half truths and lies of omission - this is what we want as a leader.
I saw one of the "Truth" ads yesterday. Paul Martin is claiming sole responsibility for getting rid of the deficit over the last 12 years. But yet he knew nothing about the sponsorship scandal? Right.

Paul Martin is saying that Stephen Harper will cancel the childcare program, yet there are new childcare spaces in Harper's platform. As well, Martin says that the $1200 per child Harper is promising will be taxed. Well, it will, at the lower-income spouse's rate. Which for most stay-at-home moms/dads will mean no tax at all.

You speak of half-truths and lies of omission? They're part of politics. Your job, as an informed voter, is to search the truth out. Neither party is 100% truthful, and that's sad. But you need to find out how much of their rhetoric is truth and make your own mind up based on that, not based on taking the attack ads as truth.

Then vote.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Quest4Less said:
Fiberals MAKE promises...

Conservatives KEEP promises...
yeah, like Peter Mackay'spromise not to merge with the Alliance


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
Haven't made up my mind but you gotta love this economy.It sure is a lot better than it was when the conservatives ran the country.If I was sure we were getting a minority government would probably vote Green.Just don't want a conservative majority!
Still think the alliance/conservatives are not telling the whole story!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
at least the liberals don't cry when someone dumps them


New member
Jan 13, 2004
Dawgger said:
you gotta love this economy.!
Dawgger, perhaps depends on your vantage point. Approx 1 in 5 Canadians live below the poverty line, even worse 1 in 4 Canadian children. Wonder how they feel about the economy? I believe these stats are consistent through Liberal and Conservative gov'ts.
Not trying to pick a fight but there are a whole lot of Canadians out there just grinding out a living, trying to pay the rent and put food on the table.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
sizematters said:
Dawgger, perhaps depends on your vantage point. Approx 1 in 5 Canadians live below the poverty line, even worse 1 in 4 Canadian children. Wonder how they feel about the economy? I believe these stats are consistent through Liberal and Conservative gov'ts.
Not trying to pick a fight but there are a whole lot of Canadians out there just grinding out a living, trying to pay the rent and put food on the table.
are there no prisons? are there no workhouses?


Aug 21, 2001
Somebody needs to be accountable...

A vote for the Liberals means you excuse their mismanagment of public funds. Don't forget the BILLION dollars that went missing in the Human Resources fiasco. Try diverting your taxes illegally and see if you can walk away Scot free. Yet the Liberals can do it repeatedly and we keep voting them in. Something's very wrong with that picture. Corruption in public office must be addressed by the voters. Hopefully Harper wins... but the leftist media will do their damndest to prevent it from happening. Shame on them!



Active member
Jan 3, 2005
sizematters said:
Dawgger, perhaps depends on your vantage point. Approx 1 in 5 Canadians live below the poverty line, even worse 1 in 4 Canadian children. Wonder how they feel about the economy? I believe these stats are consistent through Liberal and Conservative gov'ts.
Not trying to pick a fight but there are a whole lot of Canadians out there just grinding out a living, trying to pay the rent and put food on the table.

No fight here.
I think most of us are better off now than they were when the liberals took power.There will always be people that live below the poverty line.(in fact been there done that),I just know where I am today and where most of my friends are compared to the times when conservatives were in power. Unemployment today is about as low as I can remember it.What were mortgage rates when the conservatives were in power? Think they were about triple what they are now.
The liberals need to clean their act up.No one should trust them.No question there is a lot of corruption especially in the Quebec wing.
I just don't want to see a majority conservative government.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
JollyJoe said:
A vote for the Liberals means you excuse their mismanagment of public funds. Don't forget the BILLION dollars that went missing in the Human Resources fiasco. Try diverting your taxes illegally and see if you can walk away Scot free. Yet the Liberals can do it repeatedly and we keep voting them in. Something's very wrong with that picture. Corruption in public office must be addressed by the voters. Hopefully Harper wins... but the leftist media will do their damndest to prevent it from happening. Shame on them!

mismanagement or corruption?


Canada Breast Enthusiast
Jul 16, 2005
I gotta say, some of you have really thought hard about who you are going to vote for. GOOD FOR YOU (no sarcasm intended). I've spoken to too many people who vote solely based on who they've voted for in the past ("I was born liberal and I'll die liberal!") or polls ("Well since the conservatives are up, I'll just help them guarantee their victory!") or based on the viewpoint of some guy/girl on tv who clearly has his own party preference ("Charles Adler seems like a good guy so I'll vote for whomever he votes for").

I wonder how many voters actually take the time to research the parties' platforms? How many voters read more than just one newspaper for their information? I'll bet it's a very low percentage.

While voting is the right of every Canadian, it should be viewed more as a privilege. Don't vote just because you can, vote because you care about your country and how you feel you and your family should be treated. Just because the Green Party has a slim chance of winning this time, if you like what they offer then VOTE FOR THEM! If you're involved in big business, vote for the party whom you feel will benefit you best. If you're an artist, vote accordingly. That's what democracy is – many varied voices trying to be heard screaming for attention all at once. There are times when I find it insanely frustrating and others when I feel truly proud to be part of the democratic process.

Corruption is an unfortunate given in government. Even though it's a quote from Spiderman, the adage "With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility" is no less true. Human beings are imperfect creatures and most of them (myself included) just can't handle the responsibility that public office entails.

I could go on and on, but I just want to reiterate my main point: Be a responsible voter. Take the time to learn all that you can so that you can make the best decision for you. Don’t be one of those ignorant persons who vote solely based on one point (“I love my guns! That’s all I need to hear”) or a skewed vision of the world (“I would only vote conservative in this election but I can't because there's a middle easterner running”) or because someone tells you to vote a certain way (“Liberals are corrupt, you shouldn’t vote for them”/”Conservatives have a redneck mentality, you shouldn’t vote for them”).

Forget about voting for left, middle, or right…. VOTE FORWARD!

P.S. The quotes I used above are those I’ve actually heard people say, with exception to the gun quote which I heard from a comedy CD. While it’s meant more for humor I’ve heard several people mention the same thing, just using different language.

P.P.S. I wish I knew who Lynn was, 'cuz her comments are seriously turning me on. I like a woman who has both a strong, intelligent viewpoint as well as the means to communicate it effectively. Lynn, will you be my girlfriend (and I don't mean GFE!)? :)

P.P.P.S. I think Choron might be Bill O'Reilly.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
tersey said:
During the English debate he talked about immorality when the swinger's clubs
was brought up.
I can easily see this guy forcing his morals on us.
Not good news for hobbyists and people who want to live a freer lifestyle if
this Harper is elected IMO.
It will be like having LE running the country.
I really liked Ducette's opinion that civilisation is evolving and we have to evolve with it.....very good point!

Big Sleazy

Active member
Sep 13, 2004
I originally said I was going to vote for the Green party as I couldn't stand either Martin or Harper. But I changed my mind. I'm voting NDP because when Bob Rae was in power in Ontario, lap dancing went thru the roof. I think if we can get Jack Layton in power the sky's the limit !



Active member
Jan 7, 2002
1HandInMyPocket said:
just gotta say, agree with you 100%. Did a report on proportionate representation back in my first year at U of T and still can't get the idea out of my head. I like an idea where basically a candidate needs to get 50% + 1 of the votes in their riding. Downside, a party can still get 100% of the seats with a little over 50% of the pop support, but you can still have smaller parties and independants earning seats.
The French use a system of scrutin uninominal à deux tours with a runoff between the two lead candidates in the event no one takes a majority on the first ballot. Louisiana uses a similar system for elections to the federal senate and possibly for the gubernatorial elections, but with the two party system firmly implanted in that state, the possibility of a runoff is more theoretical than real. It prolongs the campaigns by a week or so and increases expenses somewhat - especially since in Canada I could see half the districts going to a second ballot, but I think it's worth the expense.


Active member
Jan 7, 2002
tersey said:
During the English debate he talked about immorality when the swinger's clubs
was brought up.
I can easily see this guy forcing his morals on us.
Not good news for hobbyists and people who want to live a freer lifestyle if
this Harper is elected IMO.
It will be like having LE running the country.
This would resonate with single-issue voters concerned only with their dicks. I doubt the Tories are terribly concerned about the effects of losing the swinger and pooner votes.

Fritz the Cat

Roaming Cat
Sep 13, 2004
In a back alley smoke doping
One more bone to pick with Choron

Choron said:
However living in Kitchener-Waterloo, there is a full out turban wearing individual running for the Conservatives(WTF RIGHT? My thoughts exactly) I won't vote an immigrant into office...Not a chance...We have a lack of nationalism already, we need no nomination of such individuals...

I would vote but I would only vote Conservative in this election and I can't because there's a middle easterner running for K-W...They will lose the riding because of that foolish mistake...

The candidate he is refereing to is Ajmeer Mandur, a Sikh.


Someone does not know much about religions and geography...:rolleyes:

(coughing a hair ball)


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
The recent unvieling of the new Liberal attack ads have knocked me off the fence and I will be voting either Tory or Green. The ads are disingenuous and sleazy (although much more professional looking than Harper's) but do nothing to advance the cause, platform or agenda of the Liberal party.

The ads are indicative of the Liberal's inabilty to come up with a coherent message or platform during this campaign other than Harper is some kind of demon who walks among us.

The evocation that Harper fully intends to turn Canada into a police state (from one of the ads the liberals have already tried to distance themselves from) is the worst kind of fear mongering and while I have no love for the conservatives the distinct lack of imagination the Liberals have shown during an election that was their's for the taking proves to me that they are no longer competent to govern.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts