Who Will You Vote For??

Who Will You Vote For??

  • Liberal

    Votes: 61 35.1%
  • PC

    Votes: 79 45.4%
  • NDP

    Votes: 20 11.5%
  • Other (please specify)

    Votes: 14 8.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Jun 20, 2003
sizematters said:
Let's chat after Jan 23...
Anyone have the Green numbers handy from the last fed election???
582,247. Good for 4.31% of the vote.

So, they already broke half a million last time. Sorry, Choron.


New member
Jun 10, 2005
Argocock said:
Paul Martin is a dithering idiot. Everything the Conservatives and NDP say about the Liberals is indeed correct, i.e the culture of entitlement, corruption, etc. But I won't vote for Harper because plain and simple he scares me, I don't trust him despite his best efforts of trying to sugar coat his true intentions, and yes I really do believe he has a secret agenda.

So I vote for the liberals.
Hi Argocock!!! You are SOOOOO absolutely right!! To be honest with you, I don't like any of them. I think most politicians are liars. They say one thing but do something totally different once they get into office. But there's something about Harper that makes my skin crawl. And I'm VERY good at reading people. Must be because of my job. Harper scares the sh*t out of me everytime I look into his eyes. I don't trust him at all. Not at all. I've always voted for the Liberals in the past.... with one exception..... Dalton McGuinty. And we all know how that turned out. I voted Conservatives that time. I don't know, and I can not explain to you why I did not trust
him (McGuinty). But I just didn't. This Harper guy... I PRAY that he does not get into office. I believe that he will turn Canada upside-down and inside-out. I don't know how I know. I just do. Same like I knew about McGuinty. Back then, everyone says I was crazy to not vote for him. I went around trying to get everyone to vote Conservative at that time but no one listened. Now, everyone I know say the same thing... no more McGuinty next time around.

Actually, from the 3, I like Layton the best. But why won't I vote for him? Simple, because he pissed me off my calling an early election and wasting our tax dollars. If he had left well enough alone, and had let the Liberals finish their term, I would've voted for him at the next election. Now, I'm pissed, so forget it. And Martin... Just compare his eyes to Harper's. At least he doesn't give me the chills. And those of you who like hobbying.... Yeah, just wait and see what Harper's gonna do to all these MPs. If he gets his way, there won't be ANY left at all. (Of course, he's not gonna say anything right now 'cuz then, all SPs, whackers, terbites won't vote for him. He's not stupid, he KNOWS that there's a big demand and a big supply for these kind of services. He can calculate how many people are involved.) Trust me, it doesn't take long to close all of us down if he really sets his mind to it. I never realized how vulnerable these places were until my other spa closed down. My other boss always gave us girls the impression that we're invincible... that they can't really close us down. Just a few tickets here and there. So I always got the impression that we'd be around for a long time. Like I mentioned in one of my other posts... Early last year, one of my friends counted 43 or 45 advertised MPs in the Scarborough area. By December, she counted only 25. This means that they closed down 18 -20 of them within ONE year!!! If Harper gets into office.... trust me.... the only massage going on will be the one you'll be giving to "Brutus "at your local friendly jail.

Judas H

Apr 27, 2005
leah_mpa said:
Hi Argocock!!! You are SOOOOO absolutely right!! To be honest with you, I don't like any of them. I think most politicians are liars. They say one thing but do something totally different once they get into office. But there's something about Harper that makes my skin crawl. And I'm VERY good at reading people. Must be because of my job. Harper scares the sh*t out of me everytime I look into his eyes. I don't trust him at all. Not at all. I've always voted for the Liberals in the past.... with one exception..... Dalton McGuinty. And we all know how that turned out. I voted Conservatives that time. I don't know, and I can not explain to you why I did not trust
him (McGuinty). But I just didn't. This Harper guy... I PRAY that he does not get into office. I believe that he will turn Canada upside-down and inside-out. I don't know how I know. I just do. Same like I knew about McGuinty. Back then, everyone says I was crazy to not vote for him. I went around trying to get everyone to vote Conservative at that time but no one listened. Now, everyone I know say the same thing... no more McGuinty next time around.

Actually, from the 3, I like Layton the best. But why won't I vote for him? Simple, because he pissed me off my calling an early election and wasting our tax dollars. If he had left well enough alone, and had let the Liberals finish their term, I would've voted for him at the next election. Now, I'm pissed, so forget it. And Martin... Just compare his eyes to Harper's. At least he doesn't give me the chills. And those of you who like hobbying.... Yeah, just wait and see what Harper's gonna do to all these MPs. If he gets his way, there won't be ANY left at all. (Of course, he's not gonna say anything right now 'cuz then, all SPs, whackers, terbites won't vote for him. He's not stupid, he KNOWS that there's a big demand and a big supply for these kind of services. He can calculate how many people are involved.) Trust me, it doesn't take long to close all of us down if he really sets his mind to it. I never realized how vulnerable these places were until my other spa closed down. My other boss always gave us girls the impression that we're invincible... that they can't really close us down. Just a few tickets here and there. So I always got the impression that we'd be around for a long time. Like I mentioned in one of my other posts... Early last year, one of my friends counted 43 or 45 advertised MPs in the Scarborough area. By December, she counted only 25. This means that they closed down 18 -20 of them within ONE year!!! If Harper gets into office.... trust me.... the only massage going on will be the one you'll be giving to "Brutus "at your local friendly jail.

How do you know that Harper does get whacked by whackers? He's a guy too you know. What about Peter McKay? how are his eyes?


Jan 18, 2005
The liberals has fucked up with the scandals but the fact is Canada is not in any deficit, low unemployment rate, Canadian dollar is in highest point in like 15 years

The CON-Servatives are still the Reform Party this is not the old Progressive Conservatory. The CON-servatives are running an ad take back canada, kinda ironic that the leader is very pro US won't be long til the US starts dictating our policies if people don't open there eyes and vote this party.
It's true that US is canada's biggest trading partner however Canada was able to diversify our export as well and in turn the recent US recession had limited effect to Canada unlike the early 90's recession.

Reform Party's(CON-Servatives) plan to gradually reduce the GST from 7% to 5% will not make any impact in everyday living unless we're making large purchases. Seriously though $200 purchase has a GST of $14 under the current term under the new plan the first year it's $12, that's hardly any difference

Plus all the promises made by Harper, how does he intends to pass the bill unless they win a majority government so this will only be bunch of empty promises.

BTW: I will vote for the federal liberal not because it's the lesser of the 2 evil but because it's the right choice.
and also I did vote for the PC last provincial elections since they were the only party that actually kept there promise when mike Harris was the premiere.


Jan 18, 2005
Quest4Less said:
Fiberals MAKE promises...

Conservatives KEEP promises...
I dunno about the CON-Servatives keeping there promises they already flipflop on couple of campaign promises.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Ok, just so I have this straight: All you people who will vote Liberal KNOW that these thieving bastards stole money out of your pocket right? And even knowing that you will STILL vote to have a corrupt party lead your country?

As for the conservatives:
Since I am a contractor a 2% reduction in the GST will boost my sales. While 2% on $200.00 isn't much, 2% of $40,000.00 is $800.00. A substantial savings, enough to buy at least one appliance (which they'd save on as well). This will also reduce my initial outlay for materials.....

Putting in place programs to increase the availability of apprenticeship programs for tradespeople. The new housing market is booming and there aren't enough carpenters etc to go around. This is one area everyone knows is lacking in new blood and if something isn't done, when guys like me retire, there won't be anyone around to build your new house.....

The Conseratives are also talking about aiding me in the purchase of my tools. I've spent about $2000.00 over the past couple of months on tools and any help they provide on the purchase and or replacement of tools will be a welcome benefit.

Putting in place procedures to prevent things like Adscam from happening and make the various government agencies accountable for their spending.

Sounds like a plan to me.......

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
tboy said:
Ok, just so I have this straight: All you people who will vote Liberal KNOW that these thieving bastards stole money out of your pocket right? And even knowing that you will STILL vote to have a corrupt party lead your country?

As for the conservatives:
Since I am a contractor a 2% reduction in the GST will boost my sales. While 2% on $200.00 isn't much, 2% of $40,000.00 is $800.00. A substantial savings, enough to buy at least one appliance (which they'd save on as well). This will also reduce my initial outlay for materials.....

Putting in place programs to increase the availability of apprenticeship programs for tradespeople. The new housing market is booming and there aren't enough carpenters etc to go around. This is one area everyone knows is lacking in new blood and if something isn't done, when guys like me retire, there won't be anyone around to build your new house.....

The Conseratives are also talking about aiding me in the purchase of my tools. I've spent about $2000.00 over the past couple of months on tools and any help they provide on the purchase and or replacement of tools will be a welcome benefit.

Putting in place procedures to prevent things like Adscam from happening and make the various government agencies accountable for their spending.

Sounds like a plan to me.......
Your tool purchases are already tax deductable.

People vote with their wallets, that's why the liberals are neck in neck. If we were in the middle of a recession, the liberals would be out on their ear. But unemployment is at record lows, the GDP growth is good, the Stock Market is approaching all time highs, the deficit is under control, we have already had the biggest federal tax cuts in history.

Based on all that, I understand why people can look the other way on adscam. Plus Martin had nothing to do with.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field

Yes my tools are TAX deductable but I still have to pay for them, with full PST and GST. I can only deduct their cost off my taxable income.

They are talking about providing financial assistance so that I can purchase them in the first place. Mind you the way government works this will probably end up as a taxable benefit.

Fritz the Cat

Roaming Cat
Sep 13, 2004
In a back alley smoke doping
June 2004 election

sizematters said:
Let's chat after Jan 23...
Anyone have the Green numbers handy from the last fed election???
The official results for the June 28, 2004 election show that:

There were 13,564,702 valid votes, which represent 60.9% of eligible voters.

582,247 votes were cast for the Green Party, which represents 4.29% of the total.

Choron, you might not be an imbecile and a racist of astronomical proportions, but you certainly sound like one.




I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
OMG, even a who are ya goin' to vote for in the federal election gets some nut wanting to make it a racist thing. Sheesh.....

I votin' conservative :)


Aug 13, 2004
The Conservatives aren't a regional party any more than the Liberals. They're about tied in the Quebec polls, but neither will win many seats. According to your logic, the two main national political parties are both regional parties.


Nov 8, 2004
Pu'u Ola'i Beach
Harper looks to be getting more confident. Martin looks to be more and more desparate. At times tonight in the debate, he reminded me of Nixon in the 1960 US presidential debate.

I'm still voting Green though.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Yeah, for once in my life I watched one of those debates and while harper seemed to be more confident, that quirky way he smiled at the end of every comment make him look phoney.

I like the way Martin kept mudslinging Harper then thought better and started up with "let's stick to the issues"....I know Harper did the same but really, Martin and his fiberals really fucked up with all these scandals.

To be honest after watching tonight's debate, I'm starting to lean NDP.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
emvee said:
I'm still voting Green though.
That's good you're voting for a party that most might consider a waste (that's not sarcasm). I don't like hearing people saying "oh, i'm not going to waste my vote on this party, cause they won't win", cause that's just following the crowd.

I was going to vote Green last fed election, until I did a bit more research and found that they want to raise the gas tax when it was already a high levels. Don't drive that often but thought that would create more problems than solve. Their are other ways to promote "cleaner" transit.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I expect the liberals to kick in their negative advertising campaign, oh, Wednesday.

You watch, they will pull out Stephen Harper's interviews on Fox TV where he was so gung ho to go into Iraq.


New member
Aug 18, 2001
Doesn't Really Matter Who Wins

I way I see it, it doesn't really matter whether the Liberals or the Conservatives win, the likely outcome is that we will have a smaller minority government than the last go around. For the governing party to stay in, there will be a lot of wheelings and dealings under the table and no one will be stupid enough to force another election any time soon. Hopefully the Canadian public in general will benefit from the deals. Canada will in fact be governed by a defacto coaliton government of sorts. May not be a bad thing afterall. I am voting Conservatives.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
sizematters said:
I feel that Proportional Representation is long overdue in Canada.
just gotta say, agree with you 100%. Did a report on proportionate representation back in my first year at U of T and still can't get the idea out of my head. I like an idea where basically a candidate needs to get 50% + 1 of the votes in their riding. Downside, a party can still get 100% of the seats with a little over 50% of the pop support, but you can still have smaller parties and independants earning seats.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts