who is the scumbag, the guy who judges by looking or the guy getting judged.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005

Since you have big loads of dough, why don't you take the lad Simon under your wing and be Henry Higgins to your little Eliza Doolittle. Buy him some nice clothes, teach him how to speak properly, show him how to use a salad fork and order escargot. It would be interesting for you to transform him into Mr. Peanut.



internets icon
Feb 8, 2009

Since you have big loads of dough, why don't you take the lad Simon under your wing and be Henry Higgins to your little Eliza Doolittle. Buy him some nice clothes, teach him how to speak properly, show him how to use a salad fork and order escargot. It would be interesting for you to transform him into Mr. Peanut.
i'll pass. i don't owe anyone anything and i wouldn't want to hang out with that guy.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005

It might be interesting, and you might learn something. and he has big bags of money!!!!


Jul 27, 2011

Since you have big loads of dough, why don't you take the lad Simon under your wing and be Henry Higgins to your little Eliza Doolittle. Buy him some nice clothes, teach him how to speak properly, show him how to use a salad fork and order escargot. It would be interesting for you to transform him into Mr. Peanut.
Sorry Hamster, he takes pride in looking like a long haired pony tailed biker. How can anyone change someone who thinks what they are is socially acceptable and takes pride in it?


New member
Mar 28, 2004
My post is better than all the other posts in this thread because my post is written in Trebuchet MS font, and yours is plan old Arial or whatever crap you people who aren't good enough to type in Trebuchet MS use. I judge you based on your lack of Trebuchet MS-ness.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
My post is better than all the other posts in this thread because my post is written in Trebuchet MS font, and yours is plan old Arial or whatever crap you people who aren't good enough to type in Trebuchet MS use. I judge you based on your lack of Trebuchet MS-ness.
pfffft, whatev's


Jul 27, 2011
pfffft, whatev's
It is ok simon, you are allowed to dress for rejection. But you should not be surprised when people respond to your appearance statement.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
Hey Simon. U where doing a good deed. Which r rate in this data and age. It's an every man for himself society we line in these days.
Continue to be yourself and ignore the pin heads you'll live longer and happier.

Plus the world needs more people like YOU !!!! Not the jerks in the suits !!!!!!!


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Hey Simon. U where doing a good deed. Which r rate in this data and age. It's an every man for himself society we line in these days.
Continue to be yourself and ignore the pin heads you'll live longer and happier.

Plus the world needs more people like YOU !!!! Not the jerks in the suits !!!!!!!
i just don't get the whole thinking you are better than someone concept. we are all equal at the end of the day. looking down on someone you have no clue about is just dumb.


Jul 27, 2011
i just don't get the whole thinking you are better than someone concept. we are all equal at the end of the day. looking down on someone you have no clue about is just dumb.

People look at the statement and either reject it or agree with it. YOU made the statement. Yours appears to be "FUCK YOU I AM RIGHT AND UNDEFEATED" and they look at the statement and many will laugh. And many will feel superior because they think well that most people are superior to wanna bee biker tough guys form the time warp. Maybe? LOL

Either way, if you elect to appear like that, expect to be treated like that. YOU want to look like a loser, expect loser treatment.



Dec 24, 2010
This shit works the other way as well. I'm in my twenties and get stares, snickers and comments from hipster douchebags and baseball cap-wearing wannabes for simply wearing a suit to work. As if I'm expected to be a broke, unkempt fuckup because I'm young.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
People look at the statement and either reject it or agree with it. YOU made the statement. Yours appears to be "FUCK YOU I AM RIGHT AND UNDEFEATED" and they look at the statement and many will laugh. And many will feel superior because they think well that most people are superior to wanna bee biker tough guys form the time warp. Maybe? LOL

Either way, if you elect to appear like that, expect to be treated like that. YOU want to look like a loser, expect loser treatment.

i have no idea what the fuck you just said. it is way to incoherent and dumb to decipher.


Jul 27, 2011
i have no idea what the fuck you just said. it is way to incoherent and dumb to decipher.
Oh right. I forgot to dumb it down.

Let us try again....

1) You have a chip on your shoulder the size of a small province.
2) You wear your hair like a time warp hippy, and deliberately try and look like a biker. At best you look ... far from a succes
3) You chose to go out in public looking like a bum
4) elect, woops decided, to appear like that, expect to be treated like that
5) Stop whining about it. If you do not want to judged as a hand to mouth bum, stop advertising yourself as one.

Is that simple enough?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I really don't know the purpose of this thread. Someone looked at you funny. Not exactly a world turning event.


Jul 27, 2011
i just don't get the whole thinking you are better than someone concept. we are all equal at the end of the day. looking down on someone you have no clue about is just dumb.
Wow, so you think you are equal to a mass murdered? a paedophile? a guy who eats himself to 800 lbs? to a professional wrestler? to a man with 2 Phds? to a woman?

We are all of equal value before god, but we are all different. Everyone one is good at some things and bad at others. So of course if you use any set of values some are better and some are worse.

I guess for people who value self confidence, being well dressed, having physical things, being respected in the business community.... you are advertising yourself as a failure. Simple.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Wow, so you think you are equal to a mass murdered? a paedophile? a guy who eats himself to 800 lbs? to a professional wrestler? to a man with 2 Phds? to a woman?

We are all of equal value before god, but we are all different. Everyone one is good at some things and bad at others. So of course if you use any set of values some are better and some are worse.

I guess for people who value self confidence, being well dressed, having physical things, being respected in the business community.... you are advertising yourself as a failure. Simple.
okay guy, i can see you are still desperate for my attention. i have seen it all day you trying to get me to notice you and i guess the 2 or 3 posts earlier just wasn't enough. i would feel bad if i left you hanging all night. this is it though, after this i am gonna go put on a bond movie and go to sleep.

1- we are all equal, everyone. every man, woman and child are all equal. some have made better choices than others, some have gone down dark paths but at the end of it all we are all equal. we all die just the same and you can't take anything with you when you go. so you are correct, i don't believe i am any better than anyone and neither are you. i do find it interesting how you went to the worst of the worst first though and ended it with "to a woman?" like a man and woman can't be equal.

2- judging by your attitude and posting you have a definite attitude and think you are better than a lot of people. let me remind you of some things though. you were an escort ( i am not saying that n a negative way, it is a damn hard job to perform and i empathize with every woman that does it). that is what you were by your own admission. you were broke and needed money for school or rent or whatever even though you came from a wealthy family (or so you say) and you ran away. you got lucky as again by your own admission he was taking escorts out all over the place and was looking for an escort to become his wife. so it wasn't you, it was the lack of client list you had that enticed him (again by your own admission). so while you sit here with your attitude and newly found arrogance remember you were a run away broke girl turned escort that got lucky, nothing more. which might explain your over compensating with attitude now. i am not saying this in any sort of insulting way either and i apologize if it is coming across that way. just remember where you came from before you start insulting others. also by others i mean the ladies in the profession you chose to enter and now talk down to them. i would suggest you remember where you came from and tone down the attitude a little bit.

3- you are very off with how i dress on a day to day basis. when i am at work or on my own leisure time i dress very well. i have designer clothing and i maintain myself well. i fit in in every social circle when i need to and i can fit in very well. when i am out in a group settings i dress accordingly. also with work since i am the "face" of the company i have to look a certain way so people will think well of us and use us again. so you are wrong with how you think i dress and the constant insults about are tiring. also the fat thing you have been shooting off with all day is wrong. i don't look fat, i am overweight but when you look at me front or side profile there is no belly hanging, you are wrong there as well.

4- these guys that looked and judged me without thinking did based on this. i had just finished 2 hours of shoveling and i was on my way home, not 20 mins later when i stopped to get something to eat since i knew i wouldn't want to cook when i got home. so they saw me disheveled from 2 hours of hard work. i don't know anyone that would look good after 2 hours of shoveling snow. so please explain to me what i should wear and how i should look when i go to do that kind of work. should i have worn designer shoes and 200$ pants or should i have worn old track pants that don't matter if they get wet or salt covered ?. should i have worn my 300$ leather coat or should i have worn my denim work coat ? should i have worn my leather gloves or the 15$ pair of shitty work gloves ? please explain to me what i should have worn to dress properly to shovel.

5- i am 100% debt free. i did that on my own, i was never handed anything. i have things, i have everything i want or could need. i have a decent sized savings account which i did on my own and if i see something i want i go get it. i have more than enough self confidence and i am respected in ever social grouping i am involved with. in fact with every group i am known in i am known as a man of his word, no bullshit and i will stick up for the guy getting picked on even if it means i am the one to take the punch. i always without fail stick up for those that can't stick up for themselves. so yes there is an online persona of a ball buster and asshole and several other things but the online persona and the real thing are slightly different. i am the guy that gets called first because when i say i will be there i am there, without fail. i am always the first call in my social groups. i am guessing people would call that a stand up guy. see part of the internet is never admitting you are wrong even if you are, it's what makes the internet work. imagine how dull this place or countless other forums would be if everyone agreed on everything all the time, no one would bother. the internets needs villains.

6- judge not lest ye be judged. you wouldn't want people in his social circle digging to deeply now would you, so you may not want to run around acting like a snob or they may dig and it is amazing what you can find out about people on the internets.

i did explain this in other parts of this thread which you obviously didn't see. now i am not trying to be insulting to you or any of the girls that are still engaged in the profession, i hope that comes across. i do respect the ladies that do this kind of work, it truly is a hard job.
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