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Who dresses their little girls like this?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
My cousin has a daughter who is 11.5.

She can easily pass for 17 or 18.

She's about 5-6, slim, with an ass and boobs. I can't believe it. She wears make-up and has this pouty look to her.

On top of that, she's friggin stunning. I mean Paris Runway model stunning good looks. I just can't believe it actually.

I can remember being in grade 6 and there were NO girls who looked like this girl.

NONE, not one.

It's fucking unbelievable, or else I am a total old geezer now.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
james t kirk said:
My cousin has a daughter who is 11.5.

She can easily pass for 17 or 18.

She's about 5-6, slim, with an ass and boobs. I can't believe it. She wears make-up and has this pouty look to her.

On top of that, she's friggin stunning. I mean Paris Runway model stunning good looks. I just can't believe it actually.

I can remember being in grade 6 and there were NO girls who looked like this girl.

NONE, not one.

It's fucking unbelievable, or else I am a total old geezer now.
We're getting older people :rolleyes:

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
MrLuvr said:
Try disciplining a 4 year old or a 9 year old.

All they have to do is say to somebody that my parents did something bad to me.

And the children's aid society will be on you like you wouldn't believe.

They will take your kid away and prosecute you.

That is why parents today are mortified of disciplining their kids.
I declare bullshit. Discipline can come in a number of forms and is not to be equated with abuse. It is a parents responsibility and duty to ensure their children have the proper knowledge and values that will guide them through the rest of their lives. Taking away obsene clothing, nintendo, adding house chores or missing a dance does not constitute abuse and the parent has nothing to worry about. Most kids as well will not call Childrens Aid for fear of losing a parent or going into foster care. Hell, most abused kids don't even call.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
As a divorced parent of two daughters fighting a custody battle I can tell you just how it is being a parent under a microscope. I have had more of my actions scrutinized by unqualified burned out social workers than I care to recount here. Some day I may write a book. Ultimately if not for the continuing collateral support of my friends, my ex's friends, my ex's family, and my ex's exes, our wonderful matriarichal courts may have gotten away with alienating yet another couple of children and their father. Constantly asnwering to social workers about things they had no business asking about.

This includes but was not limited to:
* Purchasing generic over brand name products
* Forcing them to eat vegetables every day,
* Encouraging them to go to summer camp instead of letting them choose to veg at moms where there are no activities,
* Using public transit, instead of driving everywhere
* making them clean their room, and withdrawing priveleges when they don't
* allowing them to stay up late as they please on holidays and long weekends
* Serving ice cream after 9pm

Never being one to allow my life to be dictated to me, I worked with the system. I gave the ex enough rope to eventually hang herself with a web of fraudulent and frivilous claims. I have since regained custody.

And my daughters are now modest, hard working, fair minded responsible teenage citizens 12 and 14 who may make mistakes, but do not desire clothing that reveals their cleavage and buttocks, do not get into trouble with the law, do not mouth off, but are not afraid to express their opinions however contrary to their peers, or to authority. And at the time they were popular, I allowed them to enjoy the Spice Girls.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
WhaWhaWha said:
As a divorced parent of two daughters fighting a custody battle I can tell you just how it is being a parent under a microscope. I have had more of my actions scrutinized by unqualified burned out social workers than I care to recount here. Some day I may write a book. Ultimately if not for the continuing collateral support of my friends, my ex's friends, my ex's family, and my ex's exes, our wonderful matriarichal courts may have gotten away with alienating yet another couple of children and their father. Constantly asnwering to social workers about things they had no business asking about.

This includes but was not limited to:
* Purchasing generic over brand name products
* Forcing them to eat vegetables every day,
* Encouraging them to go to summer camp instead of letting them choose to veg at moms where there are no activities,
* Using public transit, instead of driving everywhere
* making them clean their room, and withdrawing priveleges when they don't
* allowing them to stay up late as they please on holidays and long weekends
* Serving ice cream after 9pm

Never being one to allow my life to be dictated to me, I worked with the system. I gave the ex enough rope to eventually hang herself with a web of fraudulent and frivilous claims. I have since regained custody.

And my daughters are now modest, hard working, fair minded responsible teenage citizens 12 and 14 who may make mistakes, but do not desire clothing that reveals their cleavage and buttocks, do not get into trouble with the law, do not mouth off, but are not afraid to express their opinions however contrary to their peers, or to authority. And at the time they were popular, I allowed them to enjoy the Spice Girls.
I have gone through the same thing as you my friend, though I do not have full time custody of my children. I am glad to see it worked out for you. Sounds to me that you are doing a fine job. Keep up the good work.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
I say... yes!

Ok... I think girls should be girls.. but personally, considering how skanked out strippers were when I was first of age, and how many hotties there are now... I would say this all bodes very well for ever increasing talent on the pole!

Oh yeah... I do not have daughters... and am not planning on having any :D

Connie Lingus

New member
Feb 3, 2002
Goober Mcfly said:
I have "Welcome to Canada, Have a Nice Day" tattooed on my cock.

When I'm flaccid it reads "Wendy".
Reminds me of another old joke . . .

President Bill Clinton called Chretien with an emergency: Our largest
condom factory has exploded!" the American President cried, "My people's
favourite form of birth control! This is a true disaster!"

"Bill, da Canadian pipple would be 'appy to do anyt'ing wit'in der power
to 'elp you," replied the Prime Minister.

"I do need your help," said Clinton. "Could you possibly send 1,000,000
condoms ASAP to tide us over?"

"Certainment! I get right on it!" said Chretien.

"Oh, and one more small favour, please?" said Clinton.


"Could the condoms be red, white & blue in colour, at least 10" long and
4" in diameter?" said Clinton.

"No problem," replied the Prime Minister and, with that, Chretien hung up
and called the President of Trojan Condoms.

"I need a favour, you got to make 1,000,000 condoms right away and send
'dem to Hamerica."

"Consider it done," said the President of Trojan.

"Great! Now listen, dey hab to be bleu, blanc et rouge in colour; at
least 10" long and 4" in diameter."

"Easily done. Anything else?"

"Yah," said the Prime Minister, "an' print 'MADE IN CANADA, SIZE MEDIUM'
on each one."


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
I unnerstan why you use Chretien in da joke...

Just not as funny with a Paul Martin's voice, is it?


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
james t kirk said:
My cousin has a daughter who is 11.5.

She can easily pass for 17 or 18.

She's about 5-6, slim, with an ass and boobs. I can't believe it. She wears make-up and has this pouty look to her.

On top of that, she's friggin stunning. I mean Paris Runway model stunning good looks. I just can't believe it actually.

I can remember being in grade 6 and there were NO girls who looked like this girl.

NONE, not one.

It's fucking unbelievable, or else I am a total old geezer now.
Too much growth hormone fed to animals getting into these kid's systems. That, and we're turning into total geezers.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Garrett said:
Ok... I think girls should be girls.. but personally, considering how skanked out strippers were when I was first of age, and how many hotties there are now... I would say this all bodes very well for ever increasing talent on the pole!
You think it's bad now, just wait until all the little sluts have children of their own! Which should be in about, what, 5 years or so... :eek:


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I don't know if this was a good idea or not but a long time ago a guy I worked for told me this about his son (whom he spent countless hours taking to hockey, lacrosse, baseball practises, got him all the right equipment, courses etc, not abused by a long shot):

His 10 yrs old son hit his 7 yr old daughter hard enuff to leave a bruise, so he says to his son: do that one more time and I'll break your friggen arm!

Kid says: you touch me and I'll report you to the teachers at school and you'll be arrested!

Dad: Fine, I'll be arrested but you'll still end up with a broken arm!

Kid never touched his sister again lol.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
tboy said:
I don't know if this was a good idea or not but a long time ago a guy I worked for told me this about his son (whom he spent countless hours taking to hockey, lacrosse, baseball practises, got him all the right equipment, courses etc, not abused by a long shot):

His 10 yrs old son hit his 7 yr old daughter hard enuff to leave a bruise, so he says to his son: do that one more time and I'll break your friggen arm!

Kid says: you touch me and I'll report you to the teachers at school and you'll be arrested!

Dad: Fine, I'll be arrested but you'll still end up with a broken arm!

Kid never touched his sister again lol.
He he,

Yeah, I have a sister 2 years younger than me.

When we were kids, we would sometimes scrap, and a couple times I took a swing at her, don't think I ever did any serious damage.

My mom came at me like a bull on a red flag and did more damage to me than I ever did to my sister.

It certainly reinforced the notion that I was not to hit my sister ever. Of course, the second my mother was out of sight, my sister would tease the crap out of me about my mother giving it to me.


Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
My younger daughter is a lot like your sister. I've caught her a few times taunting her older sister in ways that are not so much cruel as deliberately aggravating. So this one time when they wouldnt stop prodding each other with their feet while they were watching TV, I was doing the ironing nearby, giving me ample opportunity to observe them.

I told them they both had to sit up straight and neither could recline without the others permission. anyone who reclined without the others permission would be sent to her room. They sat for about 20 minutes saying "Well I'm not gonna let you put your feet up", and so on. Finally they worked it out on their own.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Are you a parent?

MrLuvr said:
Try disciplining a 4 year old or a 9 year old.

All they have to do is say to somebody that my parents did something bad to me.

And the children's aid society will be on you like you wouldn't believe.

They will take your kid away and prosecute you.

That is why parents today are mortified of disciplining their kids.
I'm just curious...


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
The name of the movie...

thundarr said:
"Bring It" is the name of a popular teen cheerleader movie. I suspect that is what the shorts meant. Teens today dress themselves. And what my ask is someone looking at a 13 year olds butt in the first place?
...was "Bring It On". Nice try though... :rolleyes:

Actually, what was described in the original post to me wasn't so bad as LOTS of other stuff I see. "Bring It" as in "Bring it on", probably was just meant to be feisty, not suggestive. The fact that it was written across her but...well, that seems to be the case for ALOT of stuff...not sure why...I remember first seeing it in college many years ago...the "white" sororities would put their Greek letters on sweatpants across their butts. Since the sweats were very loose and not at all suggestive (or even attractive), in hindsight I am sure it was nothing sexual (Also in hindsight I remember that those of us in "Black" Greek organizations thought it was disrespectful that you would be SITTING on the name of your cherished frat or sorority versus honoring it, but to each their own...they didn't understand why many guys in "Black" frats got tattoos or brands with their Greek

For what it is worth, those "Juicy" sweat suits also have the name across the butt...
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