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Who dresses their little girls like this?


New member
May 25, 2005
Holy crap! I didn't even know such a phenomenon existed! That's pretty sick.

Does raise the issue of our society's general unhealthy concept of sex. Meaning that the oppression of natural sexual urges and tendancies (take Catholic sex as sin guilt trips for example) spawns an underground culture of sexual deviants. Sex becomes an obsession to people because they cannot express it in a healthy open way. Living under a capitalist system bent on making a buck any way possible + sexual oppression = sex industry.

You have men, entrapenuers, looking to make the fastest and biggest buck, realizing that if you act as a via between men and that which men are obsessed with (like sex) you can make large cash. You have women who are trying to pay for college, make a living, cover the cost of raising a child, not to mention shopping sprees (a result at least partially due to innundated consummeristic values), or otherwise trying to make the fastest biggest buck themselves finding that the easiest way to do so is profiting off of the male obsession with sex.

So I guess it's not suprising you have a phenomenon like child or teen "erotica" mentioned above. Sex sells, it's easy money. The question is at what point in our growth as a culture, as a society, are we finally going to accept sex as natural and nothing that should be oppressed or obsessed over.

Whoa! [Takes another sip of coffee] That's some strong stuff.


New member
Jul 13, 2005
The Shake said:
Well, actually no.

I'm sorry that this happened to you, but this is hardly an example of a parent being unable to discipline her child for fear of "retribution". A medical professional observed injuries that hinted at abuse. Given that suspicion, they were obligated to report it, and the CAS was obligated to investigate. Good. Although I'm sure that you are a wonderful and loving father, there have been far too many children who have been let down by their doctors/teachers/etc. who saw clear signs of abuse, but wouldn't speak up. Ask Randall Dooley. Oh wait, you can't.

So, I again ask for a real example of a child (falsely) screaming abuse, that child being taken away from her parents, and those parents being prosecuted.

Again, that simply isn't the case (other than the obligation of teachers/doctors/etc. to report their suspicions). Child removals are extremely rare in Ontario and typically involve families with notable case histories. (As an aside, a study in London observed that in 40% of child removals, the parents had actually been involved in "the system" as children themselves). The most recent figure (for Ontario) that I could find was 16,000 children under care of the government. There are roughly 2.5 million kids (<14) in the province. You do the math.

This takes effort and, as I said before, the reason why parents don't discipline their children is because they are too lazy and/or busy, not because they are terrified of the CAS.
I agre with the statement that child removals are rare. My brother has three girls with his ex girlfriend andon several occasions the CAS has been called in and actully removed the children into foster homes due to abuse(him on her, not the children) drug use and other factors. Every time the children were given back. On one occasion the mother actually called and asked that the children be taken. The two recently split and my brother has the children but both the parents have severe drug problems(cocaine/crack), the mother has a severly abusive boyfriend with a long crimenal record of violent assaults, my bother is a drug dealer who allows these junkies into his house and has a girlfriend who takes extreme amounts of drugs and slices her wrists for attention. These very cute little girls are always very dirty, have rotten teeth and are not fed properly. All of this and the CAS does not do anything anymore, just keeps giving them back. Its sad.


New member
Jun 20, 2003
One thing I noticed yesterday was a girl of about 10 or 11 with her family, wearing denim shorts (only mildly Daisy Dukes at best) whose backside was customized with insignia like a broken heart, "Rock On", etc.

That's right, customized--as in, she presumably did it herself. And nothing overly "racy" unless you want to read it as such. I mean, she could have done it to a backpack or anything else--but it was her shorts. And, that considered, it could have just as well been done in 1975 as in 2005. It was strangely, disarmingly "innocent", even timeless--in a way that defuses a lot of this kind of discussion?

Now, what was I doing looking at a 10/11 yr old's ass? Let me not answer that ;)
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