Discreet Dolls

Who dresses their little girls like this?

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
slowandeasy said:
Can you provide me with some data that there is no correlation between the two???? If you can, can you tell me the methodology that they used for that study??
I don't need to. You are the one who stated that how a woman (or a girl) dresses puts her at greater risk of sexual assault. Prove it or shut the fuck up.

How can you know what I was trying to imply... have you met me, are you my psychiatrist... it was never implied...
im·ply ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-pl)
tr.v. im·plied, im·ply·ing, im·plies
To involve by logical necessity; entail: Life implies growth and death.
To express or indicate indirectly: His tone implied disapproval.

You stated that how a female dresses puts her at greater "risk" of sexual assault. Implicit in that statement is that she is therefore partially to blame for the sexual assault (because if she hadn't dressed that way, she wouldn't have been attacked). What on Earth does reading something implicit in your statement have to do with meeting you or being your shrink?

Are you really as dumb as you seem?


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Mystique Misty said:
a girl maybe 14 0r 15 the other day that had keeper written across her butt . I was thinking of getting 1 for my daughter that said not me not now but her fanny isnt big enough . Do parents not realize what others are thinking when there girls wear clothing like this ?


I agree Misty I honestly don't think some parents ever think about it .
Either that or they don't want to say anything because " all the kids dress like this "


New member
Jun 1, 2005
Do you honestly think that the words "Keeper" written across her butt makes any difference at all to her being sexualized by boys/men in their thoughts? When I was 15 or even 5 I would have wanted to bang her if she was hot and dressed like a nun, and the way she presented herself to me wouldn't have made an ounce of difference to how I would have been sexualizing her in my mind. Personally I think the cheekiness of what she was wearing is somewhat amusing and certainly not emotionally damaging down the road to her inner soul/being or the trigger that leads to rape. I mean get fuckin' real please.

As a future dirty old horndog, I can say that those Catholic girls would be the biggest sexual fantasy for me. Since this is an uptight escort board, I guess I should now add that I wouldn't act on my desires because I do have an overriding sense or morality that I employ in my decision making process and b/c my sexual wants/desires supersede the physical even though they are in large part due to that. But really, age is just arbitrary and our innate drives are driven by the physical maturity of their bodies and not their emotional maturity and stability or what they have written across their butt.


New member
Feb 10, 2005
Suppose the message went a bit further and simply said "Fuck My Ass"?
That's not really much of a stretch these days.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
solitaria said:
As a future dirty old horndog, I can say that those Catholic girls would be the biggest sexual fantasy for me. Since this is an uptight escort board, I guess I should now add that I wouldn't act on my desires because I do have an overriding sense or morality .

I agree about this being an uptight board so some things you can't say if they relate to young girls . Maybe the board is not uptight but wants to avoid contreversy in that respect with might make sense.
Yes the catholic school girls cause a few fantasies and they know it.
There is a difference though if a 12 yr old has kiss me written across the ass of her short shorts .

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
booboobear said:
Yes the catholic school girls cause a few fantasies and they know it. There is a difference though if a 12 yr old has kiss me written across the ass of her short shorts .
Yeah. In one scenario she owns her sexuality, in the other, she's objectified on someone else's terms. Hmmmmm....


New member
Jul 7, 2003

The Shake said:
I don't need to. You are the one who stated that how a woman (or a girl) dresses puts her at greater risk of sexual assault. Prove it or shut the fuck up.
The sub turns dom...poetic;

po·et·ic P Pronunciation Key (p-tk)
Of or relating to poetry: poetic works.
Having a quality or style characteristic of poetry: poetic diction.
Suitable as a subject for poetry: a poetic romance.
Of, relating to, or befitting a poet: poetic insight.
Characterized by romantic imagery: “Turner's vision of the rainbow... was poetic, and he knew it” (Lawrence Gowing).


rama putri

Sep 6, 2004

It is interesting when debates get heated, people start assuming personal behaviours (based on a written post, no doubt! talk about bias...) and begin the slippery slope to personal attacks. I love the redirection and purposeful mis-interpretation of a sarcastic statement to uphold the argument. Good job! Although there is an article that people who cannot understand sarcasm have brain damage, but I'll let that go...

OK, so I know a few men who think women (any woman, adult, child, grandma, etc...) who show any skin what soever are lustful heathens and blasphemous whores (or some other rich verbage of that sort). So terrified are they that women would tempt them (remember, we men are wired visually, and have no self control, so if we see a teenage girl's ankle, we'll go into orgasmic convulsions, and - MOST importantly - that's her fault), that they decree all women, have to wear these burkas (sp?) everywhere in public. Especially the teenagers. Those men making the decrees don't have pedophilic tendencies, but other men do. So it's not safe for the women. But, if they do tempt the men, well it must be their fault anyway, 'cause they're all temptresses. Especially the young ones. Then it's their parents fault too. Punishment by stoning.

Here's a suggestion, don't look at them, K? This way you won't be tempted and you won't be so angry a lad anymore. :D

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Jersey said:
but i did get into trouble(raped) and I have never blamed anyone but myself for being in that situation. I guarantee that my clothes had alot to do with it as well as not understanding exactly the power that my behavior and flirting had.
No, your clothes did not have anything to do with it, and neither did your flirting. You were victimized, and the only person who is to blame is the man that did it. He did not rape you because of your clothes, or because you "teased him". He raped you because he is a sick fuck. Period.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
MPANewbie said:
No, no, no - I am NOT suggesting she asked to be raped, or deserved it. But I am glad to see she is willing to admit she possibly could have PREVENTED IT (though I am not saying she caused it).

I am just all about owning responsibility for your life and circumstances...
How is it within her control and responsibility that a 25 year old sexual predator came into her life when she was 13? That's like saying to a person who gets hit by a drunk driver on a Friday night that she should own up to some responsibility for driving on a night where there is a better percentage chance people will be driving drunk. Would you fuckin' do that or see that person's situation in the same light or tell them they could have prevented it? OF course in both circumstances it is the entire fault and responsibility of the perpetrator and not the victim and her circumstance is just the result of bad luck and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Telling a victim she should've adjusted her lifestyle and choice of expression because of an unfortunate chance meeting with a sic fuck is the height of insensitivity and stupidity.


Craving DenWa's Member
If you follow the idea that not dressing a certain way prevents attacks, how exactly should a girl dress? What turns a rapist on is not universal. It could be a certain style of shoe or hairstyle. When you get into that, then hey...if all girls stayed at home they wouldn't be attacked :rolleyes: . Saying that a rape victim is at fault for her attack can be just as damaging as the incident itself.



New member
Jun 1, 2005
MPANewbie said:
...because the PM I got afterwords sounded nothing like that.

The post was received and understood exactly as intended by the only person whose opinion I actually give a fuck about in this matter.
Why don't you answer my question? Would you tell a drunken driving victim who got hit on a Friday night that she should own up to some responsibility because she was driving on a night where there is a better chance of being hit by a drunken driver? How's that different than a women/girl wearing sexy clothing? In both cases they are just living their life and having fun until some asshole comes along and ruins it for them.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
MPANewbie said:
Where did **I** say wearing sexy clothing justified or was the cause for rape?
You didn't but that's not the point. Can't you read? You seem to think a 13 year old girl should hold herself accountable of being raped by a 25 year old man in the sense the rape might have been prevented by her own actions. With accountability there is blame because you put yourself in a position that you shouldn't have done. Read what she wrote:

"I guarantee that my clothes had alot to do with it as well as not understanding exactly the power that my behavior and flirting had."

She was an innocent 13 year old girl that didn't know any better. It is one thing to reflect with an adult mind and say "well Gee I should have done this and not that because scenario one has a better chance of turning out badly than scenario two blah, blah" but she didn't understand the situation that she was in being ONLY a 13 year old (read what she wrote). Actions are only preventable if you understand the consequences of them AT THE TIME or at least should. You can't say that is true for a 13 year old girl who has NO LIFE EXPERIENCE and isn't thinking with an ADULT MIND. Also, where the fuck do you get off saying people shouldn't live their life because down the road something bad might happen to them and with hindsight it could be seen as preventable. You can't live your life like that because you'd always be blaming yourself for mistakes that you need to make in life to grow as a person. You are an asshole wagging your finger at a girl that was raped at 13 having no life experience and telling her that in some way it was preventable on her part. She was just unlucky and met the wrong guy when she was innocent and naive like ALL 13 year old girls are at that age. Nothing preventable there. It's you that doesn't get it.

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
Lil'Miss said:
If you follow the idea that not dressing a certain way prevents attacks, how exactly should a girl dress?
Exactly. Should we assume that, since dress is what 'causes rape', that women in burquas are never raped? After all, you don't get more covered up than that. And yet, in spite of this, rape occurs in societies where full purda is legislated by law.

Rape occurs because of the rapist's own choices, not those of their victims. A woman has the right to walk down the street topless and wearing a thong, if she so chooses to do so. You don't 'get to' rape someone just because you think their clothing is leading you on. That's the bullshit excuse predators use to excuse their behaviour, and no different from society saying that it's ok to rape and murder an escort because they 'put themselves at risk' by choosing this line of work.



Aug 17, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place
Morgan Ellis said:
Exactly. Should we assume that, since dress is what 'causes rape', that women in burquas are never raped? After all, you don't get more covered up than that. And yet, in spite of this, rape occurs in societies where full purda is legislated by law.

Rape occurs because of the rapist's own choices, not those of their victims. A woman has the right to walk down the street topless and wearing a thong, if she so chooses to do so. You don't 'get to' rape someone just because you think their clothing is leading you on. That's the bullshit excuse predators use to excuse their behaviour, and no different from society saying that it's ok to rape and murder an escort because they 'put themselves at risk' by choosing this line of work.

I don't think anyone is saying an escort has it coming. But even the most liberal thinker would have to admit that by sheer statistics alone the free women are taking more risks than the unemployed oppressed Muslim wives. It isn't justice, but it is the way of the violent savage world in which we live.

As for walking down the street topless in a thong, I'd like to see you try it. Really i would. I have the camera charged. Aw come on...

Morgan Ellis

Bitchy McBitcherson
WhaWhaWha said:
ree women are taking more risks than the unemployed oppressed Muslim wives.
So rape doesn't occur in Muslim societies? I suppose that's some consolation to the women who run the rape crisis centers in Iraq and other countries. They must all be imagining it. Apparently, then, there's a simple way to end rape - all women wear burquas. That'll make visiting the Brass Rail more interesting, I guess.

As for walking down the street topless in a thong, I'd like to see you try it. Really i would.
Do the words dyke march mean anything to you?


rama putri

Sep 6, 2004
WhaWhaWha said:
But even the most liberal thinker would have to admit that by sheer statistics alone the free women are taking more risks than the unemployed oppressed Muslim wives.
Where do you guys come up with this BS?


New member
Jun 1, 2005
MPANewbie said:
...because I just can't believe anyone is this naive or stupid...

"She was an innocent 13 year old girl that didn't know any better. "

Do you REALLY think that 13 yo girls who are sophisticated enough to dress "sexy" and know how to flirt DON'T know that they should be in a romantic / intimate relationship with a 25 yo man?

Read that again _ I didn't say they should know that he is going to rape them...but there is no way in hell such a girl doesn't know she shouldn't be play tonsil hockey with a guy twice her age - again, hence why her parents were kept in the dark.

Really - honest - all kidding aside...do you REALLY think 13yo girls are that naive? Are YOU that naive?

I am not that naive like you. I was looking at another thread (Brittney music) where you showed your naivety on reading people (Rusty) and situations and I commented on it. You really should get out more but then again, you might be taking a risk which could be prevented if you stayed at home, ya?

Buddy, she was a 13 year old virgin and her parents were fighting. Some 25 year old guys can be pretty fuckin persistent such that 25 year old girls have trouble dealing with them. For a 13 year old girl, who had only probably experienced the clumsy advances of little boys, he was probably pretty smooth and charming and she liked the attention. She was in WAY over her head and she didn't even know it. You are like a very bad monday morning quarterback that doesn't know when to shut the fuck up with the "I told you so's" who thinks he is clever but in reality knows nothing about the situation or the game!


New member
Jun 1, 2005

Why are you so keen on proving to me just how stupid and insensitive you are with each post?

I mean really, insinuation I am a pedophile because I understand that 25 year old pervs can be smooth and charming to 13 year old girls who are naive and without live experience. That's a stretch even for your addled brain that thinks a 13 year old, if she is a "winner", should look at rape as a learning experience and something that could've been prevented. Where on earth do you come up with this shit, are you listening to Tony Robbins' personal power self help tapes backwards?

As for that last parting shot I am devastated. MPANewbie didn't even know my sorry ass was alive until I posted on this thread. My live is so devoid of meaning now. And all this time I thought I was more famous than Coca Cola on Terb but now I realize only you can say that being the one and only MPANewbie.


New member
Jun 1, 2005
MPANewbie said:
Tell the truth...you're jerking off as you post, aren't you?
I think you are giving yourself too much credit. You don't provide my mind with enough stimulation for me to get aroused.

MPANewbie said:
You just love yourself and your own pseudo logical and intellectual charms,
Maybe you should try to love yourself there MPANewbie. It will have to be for something other than "pseudo logical and intellectual charms" but I'm sure if you tried hard enough you could find something. I'm at a loss at the moment of what exactly that might be, but there must be something that you have going for yourself, right? I mean it was you that was preaching about winners like you actually knew one in real life coz we both know you weren't drawing on your own experience. Perhaps you can go ask them what you have going for you.

MPANewbie said:
along with your eithical and moral superority
I think you mean "ethical and moral superiority". :)

MPANewbie said:
...so much that it has become a sexual experience.
I must admit I laughed at that one. You're really digging deep here dontcha think?

MPANewbie said:
That whol ein love with yourself thing.
Okay I get it already. I'm in love with myself.

MPANewbie said:
I guess on some level I'm glad I could help.
Well they do say laughter is the best medicine.

PS - Your last post was a blast dude but I think you're gonna have to find someone else to help now with your rank amateur psycho babble.
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