Toronto Passions

Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

Jan 7, 2003
Goober Mcfly said:
Funny, you're not as witty when you aren't pilfering from another website.


*waves hands*

Kids these days!
Ya took the words right out of my mouth, mon frere.

Why ST would want to take on one of Terb's wittiest residents is beyond me. Mark Twain had it right on the money...


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2001
Usually its a fucking jealous neighbour who overheard u talking about illegal signal, then after getting it himself found out its difficult to maintain cuz Bell zapped them. He lacks the skill and know how to reprogram the card himself and figures since he can't have it why should his neighbour.. yep been there already.. had a neighbour like ST...
I bet u probably also report that your neighbour is having a dinner party for New Years and his friend's car has been parked for more than 3 hours on the street... go get a fucking life.


New member
Dec 12, 2003
its Firday night.....and I just finished reading all this sh*t.

Time to make some calls and get my new hobby started.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Funny how everyone comes down on someone who's doing the right thing by obeying the law. And then they wonder why there's no morals in society anymore...
Keebler Elf said:
Funny how everyone comes down on someone who's doing the right thing by obeying the law.
I gather there is now a law that requires informing. First I've heard of it.

Routine informing breeds a spiteful, authoritarian society. It is certainly wrong to steal - but encouraging informing for such a minor transgression will merely compound the evil.
Originally posted by Keebler Elf
And then they wonder why there's no morals in society anymore...
You believe that a society based on informing is moral? Look at Stalinist Russia and East Germany...people informing on their neighbors so they could move into their apartment. If those are your morals, you can keep them.

This recently became an issue in Canada, but there were many who missed the point...Edmonton senior refuses fine payment, insists on jail over snow shovelling

When he and his wife built a new house next door, they changed the drainage so Friesen's yard was flooded. After the neighbours failed to fix the problem, she complained to the city.

"As soon as he got a notice from city hall, he told me, 'Look. You live alone. Leave us alone or we will make your life miserable,' " Friesen said.

Since then, she has had to deal with a string of city inspectors, all responding to complaints from the same neighbour. That's why she wants the bylaw changed.

"I want to change it to something that isn't complaint-driven and that does not demand that the sidewalk be bare. Safe and pedestrian-friendly should be the focus.


New member
Mar 1, 2003
your going to rat someone out for cable ? thats low man.. really low... are you part of the RIAA by any chance ?


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Yeah, ratting out someone for cable is pretty low. The cable companies rip the consumer off. I'm paying a hundred bucks a month for shit all. I am seriously contemplating in getting a satellite.
(Hey if its a serious crime; I am all for informing the police; but satellite. C'mon. What next, rat out on some kids who are (quietly!!) smoking pot at the local park at night?)


Jan 17, 2003
So, is stealing american satellite ok then??

*hides her DTV satellite and hopes to god no rats are peeking*

bbking said:
Because Bell is a widely owned Company who's common shares are owned by a majority of Canadians, a theft against Bell is a theft against most Canadians. Stealing is Stealing and is never victimless.



Master of Sinanju
Nov 22, 2001
Re: Re: Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???

midLifeCrisis said:
If you take your information to the Secret Police, they will give you a shiny "Junior Informers" medal and a lovely brown uniform.
LOL! Please read the pamphlet entitled "So you decided to steal satellite"

Narc! Hate Crime! (Simpsons anyone?)


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Maybe Shania's Thong should have got the "So you decided to Rat on Someone who's Stealing Satellite" pamphlet.

Would have saved him a lot of grief and anger.


Ovature, light the lights
Nov 13, 2003
define stealing

Now wait a minute here. I purchased a dish, I purchased the receiver and all the necessary hardware. The only thing I don't own is the smart card which I no longer use. I politely called my satelite company and discontinued my subscription. However, they continue to deliver their product (in the form of satelite signals) to my house. I simply interpret those signals.

If I were to discontinue my subscription to a newspaper but the newspaper company continued to deliver it to my house but the paper was written in code and had the ability to decipher that code would that be considered stealing?

I asked the Bell to discontinue the delivery of their product. I am not interfering with their hardware nor have I cracked open any secured box at the side of my house.

The Baroness

Sr. Member
Aug 11, 2002
when its stealing from Bell canada


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
I just had a thought (amazing eh?):

If the cable or channel companies transmit their signals into the public arena, doesn't that then make them public?

Same goes for CB radios, if you listen in to truckers talking is that not "stealing their signal" and better yet "evesdropping"? I believe the supreme court of Canada decided back in the 70's it wasn't.


Did you know that if you buy a paperback book, then resell it, you are supposed to forward a royalty to the author? AND you're supposed to collect tax on it.....

Same goes for newspapers: If you go into a coffee shop and someone has left the sun there, and you read it, you are stealing....

I would like to hear the legal argument(s) that the satellite signals, even though they are transmitted into the public domain, are still private signals.

BTW why do I condone the reception of satellite signals? 1) I PAY for some specialty channels through look TV. So WTF do I have to watch commercials?

2) if you don't want anyone to receive them, other than your subscribers, then send them over a secure land line which WOULDN'T be public domain (cause to get them you'd have to physically tap into the line).

3) As stated, if you don't want me to receive them, DON'T send them to me. The only reason they use satellites is because its efficient, easy, and cost effective.

4) as stated before, if you want to get everyone on board, like smuggled cigarettes, make it more financially attractive for people to pay for it, than steal it.


New member
Mar 1, 2003
if some of you guys are worried about all the small investors then maybe you should start telling them to diversify their portfolio instead of saying its going to hurt people, there is money to be made a ton of places in the market, I don't see bell going bankrupt anytime soon... well except for the fact that people are using the net a lot more for phone calls... but the phone companies are starting to complain about that too but thats another issue.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Yeah, stealing is stealing.
Whether it is someone stealing satellite signals or a cable company charging its customers a hundred bucks a month for shit all.


Fucked for Life!
Nov 7, 2002
Stealing Satellite

Last time I checked, if your caught stealing signal. They seize your equipment and the fine is $1000 if you have any programmers in the house, it becomes more serious. They are more interested in the dealers/programmers then customers. Theft is Theft regardless if its Expressvu or Directv.

I was also a dealer back when Tee-Comm got f@cked by Bell. Yes Bell was in on that deal from day one, thats why they had to take it over, they had too much invested to write off as a loss. Besides they knew it would fly down the road. Didn't Bell buy telesat from the government?


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