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Who can you REPORT illegal Bell Express VU ???


Reclusive Member
Jun 26, 2003
Las Vegas penthouse
But dad...

"You steal satellite signals"...

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Re: But dad...

bbking said:
Because Bell is a widely owned Company who's common shares are owned by a majority of Canadians, a theft against Bell is a theft against most Canadians. Stealing is Stealing and is never victimless.

Cry me a river :rolleyes: I wouldn't lose any sleep if my neighbor has illegal satellite.

HowardHughes said:
"You steal satellite signals"...
If I ever had the nerve to say that to my dad many years ago.........he would have slapped me up side my head and said fine, you can't watch it anymore....dumbass!!!


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
Even LE...

Years ago (when they first came out) I use to sell DirectTV & Echo systems. Some with a 'pirate' card and some without. Guess what? Some of my best clients were LE. In fact when I had my office in Hull, some even dropped by a few times to watch my big screen TV I had in the showroom on their breaks. It was a bit of a bummer sometimes cause as long as they were there I could not step out back on my loading dock and smoke a 'fat one'. Then again... you know what? In hindsight... maybe I could have. lmao.
Re: But dad...

HowardHughes said:
"You steal satellite signals"...
Quite right, HowardHughes, and thank you for pointing out this shocking, yes, shocking aspect of the affair. In addition to informing on the double-plus-ungood stealer of satellite signals for the primary offense, the local Children's Aid Society should be informed that a poor defenseless little child is being raised in a completely non-approved manner.

However, the Secret Police may take care of that themselves, so Shania's Thong should ask for explicit instructions. Life is very complicated and only competent, trained authorities are entitled to determine how we live it.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Screw Bell!

Let me tell ya how it works in the Corporate world.

I use to work for a small Milton based company called "Tee-Comm Electronics". I headed up the US TV satilite divison called "Alpha Star", the Canadian divison was called, you guessed it, "Express-Vu. Well, good ole' Bell Canada didn't like to see a small company do well. They ended up being a partner in this divison's turned around and pulled the plug, next the banks called the loans...blah blah blah...and Tee-Comm ends up bankrupt. In strolls Bell and gets the company for $0.05 on the dollar. So, who is the thief?

BTW, you can check out these facts if you do a general search on Google etc. Just search for "Tee-Comm Electronics".

Anyway, I've got a decent job working for the gov't here in Ottawa so I'm not complaining, just sharing some facts!


New member
Dec 6, 2001

i use to be a sheriff, u can report to me. hahah i'm kidding, i dont rat on people. i have to admit, expressvu charge an arm n a leg for program. i use to be a lowly csr at expressvu. i pretty much know the in's and out of how they operate.
Stealing is always wrong - but is it bad enough for informing?

Mind you, I find justification of keeping quiet based on the business practices of the perceived victim just as contemptible as informing on such a matter. Those who advocate this position should post a list of entitites from whom it's all right to steal.

I will be the first to admit that if I was satisfied in my mind that my next-door neighbor was planning a suicide mission to take out an elementary school - and that discussing it with him beforehand was not a wise thing to do - yeah, I would inform. Sure. We all would.

But we know that ExpressVu isn't paying Shania's Thong any money to look out for their interests - otherwise he would know where to make his reports! So what's his motive here? Public good citizenship or private spite? It's almost certainly private spite, a disgusting motivation. If he (or anyone!) claims that the public good relies on him informing on his friends, family, neighbors and acquaintances for such a trivial transgression - well I can't stop him from making that argument. But frankly, I have more respect for those who admit they are merely spiteful than for such holier-than-thou busybodies.
Oct 3, 2003
Re: Re:Shania's Thong

bkspoiler11 said:
Why do u want to rat this person out? What goes around comes around. You better remember that. No body likes a rat. Not a good way to get help on this message board for future reference. Shania's Thong is already on my blacklist.


Your blacklist? I care! And btw I don't speak retardese. Can you get someone to translate into meaningful English before you post, please? Your post is an orgy of stultifying cacophonous verbal depravity; an exercise in literary impotence, and an offense to all of good taste and decency!

A Rat? More like this guy is a RAT and this is a great way to return the favor!!! You are right about one thing, what goes around, comes around!

Now, if you care to apologize for wasting my shamefully wasted time, I'll consider accepting it.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
bbking said:
BCE only comes in well after the corpse was buried. Instead of google search, my info comes from a friend of mine who has already been fined in excess 100k as a result of his actions regarding this matter. Oh I'm glad you like working for the government.
And you don't think BCE was "in" on it with BMO?

Express Vu was set-up as partnership, 1/3 tee-comm, 1/3 BCE and 1/3 Telesat. The story as I heard it a few years back was that BCE had a hand in BMO pulling the plug on the LOC and forcing Te-comm to become bankrupt by getting Tee-comm to over extend itself finanically. It's just the way it is sometimes in the corporate world.

Sure the exec's at Tee-comm got greedy and helped manipulate the stock price.
Oct 3, 2003
freakshow said:
what kills me is that the guy has to post it one terb,if you wanna rat someone out just do it!! dont advertise it,most of the people will not agree with you on this, one so why would you come on terb and tell something like this. I hate it when people try to be the perfect citizen. Who are you kidding look around you i am sure you are doing something that is not 100% legal yourself!!!

Your message board incompetence is an inspiration to botched lobotomy patients everywhere. How about putting that into proper syntax, form, and grammar so that I can at least understand what you are saying before I dismiss it?

Clearly, you have lost your fingertip grip on reality and have descended into an abyss of irreversible lunacy. You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.

Perfect citizen? I'm doing something that's not 100% legal? It's just as well you can type, for if you had to speak your mind, you'd be speechless. If you're going to say something that ignorant, you could at least fake a stroke.

In closing, why don't you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Shania's Thong said:
Your message board incompetence is an inspiration to botched lobotomy patients everywhere. How about putting that into proper syntax, form, and grammar so that I can at least understand what you are saying before I dismiss it?

Clearly, you have lost your fingertip grip on reality and have descended into an abyss of irreversible lunacy. You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.

Perfect citizen? I'm doing something that's not 100% legal? It's just as well you can type, for if you had to speak your mind, you'd be speechless. If you're going to say something that ignorant, you could at least fake a stroke.

In closing, why don't you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?
Wow. Just wow.

If you wrote this all yourself, *applause*.


Exile on Main Street
Sep 21, 2002
Shania's Thong said:

why don't you put your glasses on backwards and walk into yourself?


Active member
Dec 20, 2002
are you for real shania?

first of all get a man`s name, second you are doing illegal activity because your on this board, your post`s speak for themselves, last time i checked sp`s,mp`s are illegal

there is a few of shania post`s.

seriously man grow up and get a life
Oct 3, 2003
Goober Mcfly said:
Wow. Just wow.

If you wrote this all yourself, *applause*.
Yes, Yes I did Sir!
When I get pissed, I can RANT with the best of em' !!!!
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