White people, do you personaly feel white privelege guilt? Are you to blame?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I am glad you are sharing your experience. As I was sharing mine. My opinions on this do not come from MSM or social media, they come from talking, and more importantly, LISTENING to PoC and their experiences. And there is only as much divisiveness as we allow. My PoC friends are still friends, largely in part because I DO make an effort to listen and learn.

Feeling shame for what has happened in the past, and what continues to happen, doesn't mean "cancelling" white people, and I am really sorry if you feel your kids see you differently after learning the truth. That sucks and it isn't how it should be. But it is how it is, not because of MSM but because of racism itself. Every single PoC I know has trust issues with white people. Every one of them. Because of how white people have treated them. Every single one of them. That isn't made up, it isn't even propaganda, it is the abuses and racism they face every single day of their life, when they walk out their front door.

None of this erases abuses and fucked up shit that happens in other parts of the World. It doesn't minimize in any way. Multiple issues can exist at the same time. And do. And understanding that one may work differently from another is perfectly normal, and expected. Because they are different issues happening in different parts of the World, around different World views.

But again, this conversation about white privilege is surrounding Canada (or Western World), in our current climate and World view.

As for division, with truth it should happen LESS. Not more. If there is division, that means white people are still resisting accepting the truth, they are responding from a place of defensiveness instead of love.

As I see it. Nothing is bigger than you and I, it literally starts with us. One small step and all that jazz...
“Every single PoC I know has trust issues with white people. Every one of them.” I think this is where the root of the issue can be found.

They now teach that you can’t be racist against white people but people feel it is okay to generalize white people and say they we don’t trust them. I think this is a problem.

I married a PoC so there is still some PoC that trust white people.

So IMO this is the problem that we find it perfectly acceptable to generalize all people such as white or PoC and think it is healthy to hold the attitude to not trust them because they are all the same or generalize them as PoC and assume they are underprivileged.

Society here accepts this thinking that it’s okay to generalize people based on colour or race. This is where the toxic starts normalizing that it’s okay to generalize people and make assumptions. This is where the education should focus. This is the inception of segregation and division. We should be getting away from this all together and figure out why this is happening and why people think this is okay. They already have the message out that white people can’t be trusted and this is normalized. They tell them are all white supremacist etc...this is a racist belief if anyone holds against anyone else because of a person or groups skin colour but they tech us you can’t be racist against white people.

We shouldn’t be even talking about skin colour anymore in this time and society where the whole world is within easy reach and everyone is mixing. We have no choice where we are born, what colour, religion or society family etc. These are picked for us and we are made to believe these define us. They don’t. These are things others have labeled us with because they are brainwashed by their culture and/or religion or ideology that tells them this is okay and perfectly healthy. We should choose ourselves how we define identity and label ourselves when we are mature enough and others should judge us based on our actions and behaviour not where we are born, colour of our skin etc. But in this society it is seen as perfectly fine and healthy to generalize people based on colour.

I think the problem is that people already assume where the problem is and it is white people. But this in itself IMO is the problem.

We should figure out how to make education more accessible to underprivileged community. Free education for everyone including university or college. How we can inspire and mentor kids in underprivileged community regardless of colour how we can empower them and tech an them to discover their potential and actualize this. We should change so many other things but it seems we are not focusing our energy where it will actually make a difference. It seems “we” already know where the problem is, who is responsible and what needs to be done.

This IMO is the problem. This IMO has already been normalized into us through these medium controlled by they few elites.

Do you think these people who have all the money in the world especially the ones who control the message through MSN and other forms being sent to us care what happens to us. They can easily afford private teachers and live on secluded islands with yachts and airplanes and mansions in all the major countries of the world while we segregate ourselves based on skin colour and how view view races based on factors and labels.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
Love bunny, truth and opinions are two different things!

Wikipedia: Quote

Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars, philosophers, and theologians. There are many different questions about the nature of truth which are still the subject of contemporary debates, such as: How do we define truth? Is it even possible to give an informative definition of truth? What things are and are therefore capable of being true or false? Are truth and falsehood bivalent, or are there other truth values? What are the that allow us to identify it and to distinguish it from falsehood? What role does truth play in constituting knowledge? And is truth always absolute, or can it be relative to one's perspective?

End Quote:

In the entire history of human existence to this very day, truth has never been proven to exist!

Truth and opinions are the byproducts of unconscious ego, not a bad thing however when the ego becomes toxic the more egoistic one becomes the more unable they are to be uprooted from entrenched beliefs, resultingly clouding the objective lens they were born with, they won't consider the differing views of others, giving others no merit or credit for their truths, ultimately limiting their comprehension of reality to only that which they believe to be true. They will be completely unaware of this until someone points it out to them, then their ego will kick in to viciously defend itself against the implication that it is flawed keeping that person trapped forever, a prisoner of their limited reality.

It's an ugly world out there.

I think there is value in others' truths and opinions, acknowledging them and what they believe makes the world a little less ugly.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I have.

You still haven’t answered The question about why there are disproportionate number of asians and Indians in higher education and high paying jobs. I suspect that you can’t because accounting for this fact would require that you acknowledge the whole white privilege/white supremacy narrative is a line of third rate bullshit used to motivate the gullible into weakening our society so that external powers can advance their own agenda.
That proves we are moving in the right direction but not that white privilege is bullshit. There are still too many examples that prove privilege exists.

We still have a long way to go.

And remember that “privilege” is not just skin colour. There is wealth privilege, gender, sexual orientation, religious, able bodied, etc.

So while these “Asians” and “East Indians” (because lord knows you ain’t talkin’ Natives or First Nation) may not experience privilege issues with wealth, it doesn’t mean they won’t because of skin colour, or sexual orientation, etc.
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
People are using this to try to alter a narative that shouldn't be altered. This 'quote' is understanding that there is still more to be learned. Something like gravity is going to remain a hard truth. Definitions of words are not likely to change but slang will always be evolving. However, the periodic table might be missing a few elements yet so it MAY change (and likely) will. Theories on dark matter and time/space continuum will likely change, as there is a lot more to learn. This is why quantum physics is a separate are of "science" than, say, chemistry. Subjective truths are not untrue, they may be *added* to with new information. But that still doesn't mean opinions are truth or that truth is not truth. And it is absolutely dangerous to think otherwise. Especially when talking fundamental truths, like the definition of truth vs opinion.

I agree 'beliefs' are toxic as fuck. Understand science and truth are not 'beliefs'. Opinions can be.

Wikipedia: Quote

Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars, philosophers, and theologians. There are many different questions about the nature of truth which are still the subject of contemporary debates, such as: How do we define truth? Is it even possible to give an informative definition of truth? What things are and are therefore capable of being true or false? Are truth and falsehood bivalent, or are there other truth values? What are the that allow us to identify it and to distinguish it from falsehood? What role does truth play in constituting knowledge? And is truth always absolute, or can it be relative to one's perspective?

End Quote:

In the entire history of human existence to this very day, truth has never been proven to exist!

Truth and opinions are the byproducts of unconscious ego, not a bad thing however when the ego becomes toxic the more egoistic one becomes the more unable they are to be uprooted from entrenched beliefs, resultingly clouding the objective lens they were born with, they won't consider the differing views of others, giving others no merit or credit for their truths, ultimately limiting their comprehension of reality to only that which they believe to be true. They will be completely unaware of this until someone points it out to them, then their ego will kick in to viciously defend itself against the implication that it is flawed keeping that person trapped forever, a prisoner of their limited reality.

It's an ugly world out there.

I think there is value in others' truths and opinions, acknowledging them and what they believe makes the world a little less ugly.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Wikipedia: Quote

Various theories and views of truth continue to be debated among scholars, philosophers, and theologians. There are many different questions about the nature of truth which are still the subject of contemporary debates, such as: How do we define truth? Is it even possible to give an informative definition of truth? What things are and are therefore capable of being true or false? Are truth and falsehood bivalent, or are there other truth values? What are the that allow us to identify it and to distinguish it from falsehood? What role does truth play in constituting knowledge? And is truth always absolute, or can it be relative to one's perspective?

End Quote:

In the entire history of human existence to this very day, truth has never been proven to exist!

Truth and opinions are the byproducts of unconscious ego, not a bad thing however when the ego becomes toxic the more egoistic one becomes the more unable they are to be uprooted from entrenched beliefs, resultingly clouding the objective lens they were born with, they won't consider the differing views of others, giving others no merit or credit for their truths, ultimately limiting their comprehension of reality to only that which they believe to be true. They will be completely unaware of this until someone points it out to them, then their ego will kick in to viciously defend itself against the implication that it is flawed keeping that person trapped forever, a prisoner of their limited reality.

It's an ugly world out there.

I think there is value in others' truths and opinions, acknowledging them and what they believe makes the world a little less ugly.
There is truth in here.

Many people are paradigm locked and can’t see past their own paradigm. They are labeled and indoctrinated from birth into a particular culture, religion, ideology, and way of life. They are labeled based on how others see the world, how they should live, think and believe and eventually they start to accept this as their truth and don’t question it in fear of backlash from the collective unconsciously.

The mind virus and the collective unconscious is a very real and important factor now to social engineering people through memes, concepts and viral ideas. This is exactly how religion first incepted itself into people beings and identity, disseminated and grew support through the collective and now has mechanisms to protect itself collectively with backlash when it senses a threat like a body that sends white blood cells and it’s immunity response against intruders threatening existence. Same thing exists here through the unconscious shared belief that feed and keep this concept this idea alive.

This is being exploited now for profits and politics.


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This is a very racist (and incorrect) statement. Black people do not perform more crimes but they are arrested at higher rates than an other race. Also, if you knew ANYTHING about Islam you know know that SUICIDE AND MURDER IS AGAINST THEIR RELIGIOUS VALUES. So saying that they are murdering people at higher rates (ie. suicide bombings) is ISLAMOPHOBIC AND RACIST. The only "terrorists" I have seen recently that have been murdering innocent people have been WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

I don't know about you but the world-wide religion that is responsible for the most murder and genocide is CHRISTIANITY.

Im so done with this fucking thread. you all are fucking racists and I'm tired of talking to the wall because you guys are too fucking stupid to listen to FACTS and refuse to read the PROOF I am feeding to you about why this is fucking racist. This inability to take a step back and think about your part in white supremacy and how it BENEFITS YOU proves to me that you are a stupid fucking racist and there is no hope for you.

I'm muting this thread now. Y'all are fucking exauhsting and I really don't give enough of a shit about you to sit here and try to educate you if you arent even going to read what I'm saying.
Whats your opinion of public executions of gays and sharia law in countries holding this ideology true?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
We could just start blaming the Jews again, that worked out real good, didn't it?

Jews, do you personaly feel Jewish privilege guilt? Are you to blame?
What some of these people don’t realize like Mena From above is that they have been radicalized by the msm propaganda and/or others with a radical contradictory view and their direct actions and reactions are displaying bigotry towards other religions, intolerance and racism all normalized and made them to believe they are actually fighting against this stuff. Their direct reactions and actions contradict against the issues they preach and fight against like racism and islamophobia. You can’t fight racism with racism. You can’t fight religious intolerance and bigotry with your own religious intolerance and bigotry etc...but in their paradigm this makes perfect sense is seems to be justifiable.

They don’t even know it.

A good documentary is called Social Dilemma on Netflix where thex employees of giants like Google Facebook and Twitter reveal all the social engineering techniques used to radicalize people.

so sad that they become the things they fight against and in their head they believe they are freedom fighters

^^^ this is already outdated but shows us exactly systematically how they employ socia engineering tactics to turn people into our freedom fighter like Mena who display clear signs of radicalism religious intolerance and racism in the reply.
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Everyone has built in advantages and disadvantages to their life: looks, economic status, family life, etc.
Race is simply one aspect of that. We all have personal responsibility to make good choices and build a
good life for ourselves and the people around us.

We are at a place in history now where almost nobody is actively racist. We've come a long way in the past
100 years or so, and people should celebrate it more. While you can never get rid of all racism as people are
fallible, it is certainly at a place now where your race will not hold you back in Canada. It won't prevent you from
getting a job, having good friends or building a good life. The vast, vast majority of white people a BIPOC person
encounters are not going to treat them in a racist way.

A white person is not to blame for racism unless he has acted in a racist fashion. He should understand the
mistreatment BIPOC people have faced going back centuries and vow not to do anything like that himself.
If he sees racism around him, he should call it out and try to amend it.

And...that's basically it. A white person should be free from guilt or shame and enjoy their life with a clear


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
You are already failing with the "I'm right and they are brainwashed" shit. Honestly, you are saying, "My opinion is fact and I am not willing to be open minded" so there is no point discussing further here. You are sinking to insults and dismissiveness, and that is soooo not your usual style, it is clear you are operating froma point of bias on this. You do you, boo, but ffs please lay off the Alex Jones podcasts. You are swinging so far left you are coming back around alt right.

What some of these people don’t realize like Mena From above is that they have been radicalized by the msm propaganda and/or others with a radical contradictory view and their direct actions and reactions are displaying bigotry towards other religions, intolerance and racism all normalized and made them to believe they are actually fighting against this stuff. Their direct reactions and actions contradict against the issues they preach and fight against like racism and islamophobia. You can’t fight racism with racism. You can’t fight religious intolerance and bigotry with your own religious intolerance and bigotry etc...but in their paradigm this makes perfect sense is seems to be justifiable.

They don’t even know it.

A good documentary is called Social Dilemma on Netflix where thex employees of giants like Google Facebook and Twitter reveal all the social engineering techniques used to radicalize people.

so sad that they become the things they fight against and in their head they believe they are freedom fighters

^^^ this is already outdated but shows us exactly systematically how they employ socia engineering tactics to turn people into our freedom fighter like Mena who display clear signs of radicalism religious intolerance and racism in the reply.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
This is a very racist (and incorrect) statement. Black people do not perform more crimes but they are arrested at higher rates than an other race. Also, if you knew ANYTHING about Islam you know know that SUICIDE AND MURDER IS AGAINST THEIR RELIGIOUS VALUES. So saying that they are murdering people at higher rates (ie. suicide bombings) is ISLAMOPHOBIC AND RACIST. The only "terrorists" I have seen recently that have been murdering innocent people have been WHITE SUPREMACISTS.

I don't know about you but the world-wide religion that is responsible for the most murder and genocide is CHRISTIANITY.

Im so done with this fucking thread. you all are fucking racists and I'm tired of talking to the wall because you guys are too fucking stupid to listen to FACTS and refuse to read the PROOF I am feeding to you about why this is fucking racist. This inability to take a step back and think about your part in white supremacy and how it BENEFITS YOU proves to me that you are a stupid fucking racist and there is no hope for you.

I'm muting this thread now. Y'all are fucking exauhsting and I really don't give enough of a shit about you to sit here and try to educate you if you arent even going to read what I'm saying.
Thank you.
You just proved my point better than I thought possible.
According to gathered Statistics, per capita, more crimes are carried out by black people.
Now, of course there are extenuating circumstances. Of course those statistics don't tell the whole story. That is why it is wrong to use it as a brush to paint all Blacks with. As I said in my previous post.

ISIS is a group of Muslims, that routinely conducts mass executions of people, and they themselves say they do so in the name of Islam.
To my knowledge, there is no other religion in the world Currently, and I did use the word Currently, that is conducting mass executions in the name of their religion. ISIS is a group of Muslims that are doing exactly that. So my statement is factually correct.
Now, does ISIS represent all Muslims in the world? Of course not, which is why using this fact as a brush to paint all Muslims is wrong, as I stated in my previous post.

However, you, in your ultra Virtue signalling state, thought nothing of doing this exact thing with Christianity, which is regarded as the predominant religion of White Western European Culture.
You went ballistic at the very mention of facts that could be used erroneously to stereotype other groups, yet you jumped on stereotyping White Christians.

Your honour, I rest my case.

The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
Nice one uncharted. I think that’s been the point all along on. You can’t label, stereotype anyone into groups. Way too many variables. Which is why white privilege is flawed.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
This is what gets me each time. These double standards identified in this thread. Going down this road will never solve these problems and will actually bring rise to extremism, fundamentalists, racism, bigotry, division and social divide in the name of social justice, equality and anti racism.

I hope I am wrong and that we find a way to unite and bring people closer together. But this is not what I see happening. All I see is rise in hate, distrust and increasing racism. We have never been as divided as now. So how is this helping solve this problem. Look at how many people are miserable and distrustful. You can’t even hold the door open anymore without being liable sexist.

If this keeps happening when will people question whether this is the right path or adjust. It’s seems like they already know what the solution is, but all we see is the increase in hate , violence and division while the love for each other and our differences has been on a significant decline.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
As for division, with truth it should happen LESS. Not more. If there is division, that means white people are still resisting accepting the truth, they are responding from a place of defensiveness instead of love.
What if you're wrong, regarding why there's more division? Maybe there's more division, because we are creating divides that don't need to exist. Victomhood perpetuates itself. Always has. Tell someone they're a victim over and over, and many will begin to believe it, whether they started there or not, because it's easy to blame failings on others, or to find a scapegoat for a crappy situation. There's a motivation to cave to that argument. To say "I'm not where I want to be because that guy!" And it's easier when society tells you this is so. You begin to hate your perceived victimizers. There's no bringing people together from hate.

And don't think I'm saying that hate comes from one side either! When people get labelled victimizers again and again and again, without cause, when they've done nothing to warrant it, they get understandably upset. When they're told they got where they are not because of merit, but due to the color of their skin, they get upset. And for many a seed of hate blossoms in their hearts from it.

The common denominator here is that so many people, of many different races, feel like they're being treated unjustly. It brews resentment.

I don't see how anyone can look at our society right now, and compare it to 20 years ago, and say we're in a more harmonious state now. To say we're in a place where race means less. Instead, we're hyperfocused on race, and superficial divisions.
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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Frankly, I, as I white girl, don't get to decide if PoC have been abused or not, THEY do. Listen to them. Listen to their stories. Once you listen, it is hard to think any other way.

What if you're wrong, regarding why there's more division? Maybe there's more division, because we are creating divides that don't need to exist. Victomhood perpetuates itself. Always has. Tell someone they're a victim over and over, and many will begin to believe it, whether they started there or not, because it's easy to blame failings on others, or to find a scapegoat for a crappy situation. There's a motivation to cave to that argument. To say "I'm not where I want to be because that guy!" And it's easier when society tells you this is so. You begin to hate your perceived victimizers. There's no bringing people together from hate.

And don't think I'm saying that hate comes from one side either! When people get labelled victimizers again and again and again, without cause, when they've done nothing to warrant it, they get understandably upset. When they're told they got where they are not because of merit, but due to the color of their skin, they get upset. And for many a seed of hate blossoms in their hearts from it.

The common denominator here is that so many people, of many different races, feel like they're being treated unjustly. It brews resentment.

I don't see how anyone can look at our society right now, and compare it to 20 years ago, and say we're in a more harmonious state now. To say we're in a place where race means less. Instead, we're hyperfocused on race, and superficial divisions.
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Oct 9, 2006
Sorry i barely went through this thread. I just wanted to share, if you wana go nuts, party and get away with almost anything. Make sure your out with a majority of hot white girls. If you know you know lol.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
I never sat down in a job interview and thought to myself, I hope my white privilege gets me this job!
I bet there's a lot of other stuff you haven't thought about, doesn't mean shit.

I'm white and white privilege certainly has crossed my mind in job interviews, especially if the other person isn't white.

Are you to blame for being white? No. Are you to blame for not being aware of your privileged postition in society? Yes.


Posts: 10,000000
Feb 4, 2003
This is a non issue, Canada is a free country doesn't matter how black or how white you are.
Only a white person would come up with this. That's privilege I guess.
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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
What if you're wrong, regarding why there's more division? Maybe there's more division, because we are creating divides that don't need to exist. Victomhood perpetuates itself. Always has. Tell someone they're a victim over and over, and many will begin to believe it, whether they started there or not, because it's easy to blame failings on others, or to find a scapegoat for a crappy situation. There's a motivation to cave to that argument. To say "I'm not where I want to be because that guy!" And it's easier when society tells you this is so. You begin to hate your perceived victimizers. There's no bringing people together from hate. I am trying to figure out who is responsible for this and who would want us to divide like this and have hate and resent. Collapse the society from within and let them eat each other for within.

And don't think I'm saying that hate comes from one side either! When people get labelled victimizers again and again and again, without cause, when they've done nothing to warrant it, they get understandably upset. When they're told they got where they are not because of merit, but due to the color of their skin, they get upset. And for many a seed of hate blossoms in their hearts from it.

The common denominator here is that so many people, of many different races, feel like they're being treated unjustly. It brews resentment.

I don't see how anyone can look at our society right now, and compare it to 20 years ago, and say we're in a more harmonious state now. To say we're in a place where race means less. Instead, we're hyperfocused on race, and superficial divisions.
This is spot on and exactly what’s happening. It seems like it’s by design like social engineering to divide us like this, make us resent each other, be less nice, less caring and less willing to go out of our way and help the people that actually need it because they are though to resent and mistrust because of skin colour. Because even when we did nothing wrong we are blamed, when they did nothing wrong they are victimized because this is the narrative based on ones skin colour even though they are not but now they feel like they need to support this “movement “ or they are betraying their tribe. It’s like all this shit is being forced down people’s throats. When people are being social engineering they most of the times don’t know it’s happening.

I said this when the cops were getting undermined. This is the systematic undermining of our system. It’s happening from all sides. This is just one small part.

Eventually people will be more resentful and hateful towards each other’s because of all these labels being thrown because of a persons colour. They will care less about their neighbourhoods, their country and all they will think about is themselves. Our protectors will be less likely to go above and beyond because people pissed and shit all over them because this was the political narrative at the time. Now the corona dissension. Can you all see it’s happening from all sides. In my 40+ years I have never seen people especially here hate each other this much and this divided in Canada.

Like if my kids are thought and indoctrinated to hate their white part when they are adults and independent and cancel it I will say fuck it all leave them all in Canada, this country and everything behind get a boat and sail in the South Pacific and maybe South America and see how I can help the ones who will be grateful and humble. I will try to teach them but if they grow up to be assholes in their 20s fuck that I am not wasting my life on anyone toxic. This is exactly what they want, the people who care to start giving up.

Once people are thought to hate and have this in their system because of skin colour and stereotypes and make assumptions you can’t help them anymore and they will tear you down and suck your life away.

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Frankly, I, as I white girl, don't get to decide if PoC have been abused or not, THEY do. Listen to them. Listen to their stories. Once you listen, it is hard to think any other way.
My wife who is PoC doesn’t have any of these stories to share. She was born here, grow up in the rough part in the GTA, finished university, got a job right away and we both make about exactly the same per year. She doesn’t face this in her life and has never said she ever experienced anything like this. It is the racism from her distant family and how they view white people and why we stay away. But since I am white people I guess her family are allowed to be assholes to me right because you can’t be racist against white people. I should just suck it up because I am responsible for what other white people did and some continue to do. Please not all PoC go through this. You can’t generalize people like this based on their skin colour that they all go through these experiences. This is where the toxic incepts.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
I bet there's a lot of other stuff you haven't thought about, doesn't mean shit.

I'm white and white privilege certainly has crossed my mind in job interviews, especially if the other person isn't white.

Are you to blame for being white? No. Are you to blame for not being aware of your privileged postition in society? Yes.
Are you to blame for not being aware of your privileged postition in society

My entire post acknowledges my awareness of white privilege, I also acknowledge I can benefit from it, also, I clearly state I don't feel blame, why? I don't contribute to white privilege

I bet there's a lot of other stuff you haven't thought about, doesn't mean shit.

You are correct in stating other things I haven't thought about not meaning shit since, you haven't listed anything for me to comment on you just threw down some random generalization!

You could be talking about illiteracy and the struggle some people have in expressing their frustrations without attacking others and virtue signalling in the process, which I don't give a shit about.

I'm white and white privilege certainly has crossed my mind in job interviews, especially if the other person isn't white.

Clearly, you are not thinking this criticism of me through. I'm not going to respond to you again as you are setting yourself up here left right and center. I am sure the Taliban think about the woman they are beheading, what type of stoic virtuous platform is that to preach from? it makes you sound indifferent?

My last job interview was 33 years ago, considering that, there is a multitude of reasons why that is relevant with respect to my comment about not thinking about white privilege during my interview, regardless, that is just a fraction of what privilege is all about however you seem hell-bent on ridicule and not saying anything meaningful with well thought out content.

I sincerely believe you have bigger fish to fry my friend.

Have a nice day
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