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White people, do you personaly feel white privelege guilt? Are you to blame?


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
The problem with the term "White Privilege" is that someone is always trying to weaponize it and shame or beat someone down with it where it conveniently serves to champion current racial narratives and debates. A human being is not, " White Privilege "

White privilege is not a person! White Privilege is a cultural stigma born out of cultural evolution in which racism played its part, unfortunately, people keep dragging the white privilege weapon back and forth across the debate line to leverage their narratives.

I never sat down in a job interview and thought to myself, I hope my white privilege gets me this job! Could it play a role in getting me that job? Yes, does that make me "GUILTY" of white privilege? No. Does it mean I benefited from white privilege? Yes

Is a white baby born yesterday "GUILTY" of white privilege? No.

Is a white baby born yesterday "GUILTY" of being a racist? No.

Is a white baby born yesterday "GUILTY" of racism? No.

Is a white baby born yesterday "GUILTY" of anything? No.

Should society make a white baby born yesterday feel guilt and shame for anything? No.

So, if we can concede that a newborn is absolved from the guilt of all the social stigmas fueling the fires around the world, my question is this.

When does the extreme rights blood lust get to pull the White Privilege branding iron out of the fire and press it into infant flesh? 1 month, 6 months, a year, two years, 5 years? When does the branding suit the white guilt narrative? When does it satisfy the existing cry for racial social justice? If not an infant, Who? Who is guilty and deserving the brand? what age? what sex? What are the criteria for branding the dragon?

I don’t accept white privilege as my cross to bear anymore than I accept blame for the unfortunate conditions for women in Afghanistan.
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
It's racist bullshit. There is privilege yes.
Neil Degrasse Tyson has a pant load of it. Educated parents, stable home, good [genetics?] IQ
Yet some white dude who was raised in a world of shit and is drugged out and dealing with severe mental illness and living on the streets have none.

To suggest the other way around... how can that not be racist.

Even better, not only is it a racist concept, it's used in a racist matter. Don't try, you don't have white privilege, there is no point. It's one of those many things where although I know it's not true, if I were of the tin foil hat brigade I'd wonder if the woke thing is actually a plot by white nationalists to fuck over black people. So much of it actually works wonderfully to keep people down. Even if one is raise in a world of shit, it is possible [if not more difficult] to overcome things.

Also ignoring the race thing, why the hell should I feel guilty because I was raised by 2 parents in a stable home and at least one of them [father] was keen on providing an enviroment that encouraged development and reading. Compared to another person I know [white] who would actually make fun of people like her boyfriend and myself when we would read in front of her 5 year old kid. I have nothing to feel guilty for nor to be blamed for. If anyone should feel guilt and blame it's parents who don't do all that is reasonably possible to set their kids on the right path.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
he ability to interact with the police without them shooting
This is a lie, much like the wage gap which disappears when you actually compare like with like.
Your odds of being killed by the police are directly related to your odds of being a criminal. Blacks are 2.5 times more likely to be killed and 2.5 times more likely to commit non lethal violent crimes [and 4 times more likely to kill someone]
If you look at the cases BLM brings up and highlights, they are almost always someone who is a nogoodnik doing something that would get a white person shot.
Hoodie or not, if I was doing ground and pound on someone and that person was able to get their weapon, I'd be getting shot.
If I robbed a store and then attacked a cop going for his gun, got shot, walked off and when went back for round two... I'd get shot.
If I was going to the library, I am not getting shot and neither would a black guy... well not by the cops, getting shot by other black dudes OTOH but BLM is complinent in this because, they are silent and as they point out silence is compliance and violence.


Well-known member
Jun 11, 2013
Yes. I do. I personally, like anyone else, have said or done stupid things in my ignorant youth, laughed at a joke that punched down or was inherritantly racist. Anyone who says they haven't is likely not being honest with themselves. I said stupid shit like, "I see people not colour" not realizing that is essentially white washing entire cultures. I engaged in conversations with Poc with an open mind and listened to their stories, stories that did not reflect my life, it is then I understood what white privilege is and how it affected me compared to them. Do I feel guilt? Yes, and shame, personally, maybe less so, but for what my ancestors did, either directly or by allowing it to happen systemically. And myself, for not learning sooner, and for resisting learning. I mean, how can we continue to ignore the genocide of cultures other than our own? It's daft.


Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
I don't feel like I've benefitted from being a white male. Highly educated women and/or visible minorities are who I work on par with... I can't recall receiving a favour as I work in a PC environment where it is easier to not hire a white male. I do feel that in this environment there is a barrier to my advancement. I worry about my white children. (I would have had mixed-racial children if life took me in that direction).

I think there is some truth to stereotypes. I hang out with and am friends with guys of all racial backgrounds. We love all jokes; even if some of them are racist. All of us in our group are biased against people who cannot speak English. Accents are not a problem. We help everyone if they are in need.

I think people are using a handful of crazy-successful white guys and applying that to all of us white guys... In review, we're likely all in the same group. Anecdotally, this seems to be the case in my random generated, cross-culture swath of friends.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
Being white has allowed me more 'access' to white chicks... That comes at the detriment of meeting other women though. I think that is a net negative...

I was infatuated with women who's racist fathers would never let me see their daughters.


Active member
Jan 20, 2004
I feel privalliged to have been born into a great family with great parents. My dad, his brother (my uncle) and my grandpa where the best damn role models I could have ever wished for. Growing up I knew lots of people of other ethnicities. The ones who came from good families turned out great and the ones who had no family or lousy absentee parents had a tough time. My family tought me to never make excuses. I was responsible for my own outcome.
When I see these crazy black gang bangers with the pants below there asses and the crooked hats and the rest of their bullshit attire, I think they have what's coming to them. They talk like a bunch of illiterate savaged. They join gangs and act like savages. They bang up young black girls and don't give a shit about raising the next generation. They have no respect for themselves or their communities or the people around them. If I behaved or dressed or spoke like any of these black gangbangers my dad, uncle or grandpa would litteraly have skinned me alive. I got a lick'n for a lot less than that. I had to have perfect manners and speak perfect English with no slang or swearing. If I got bad grades at school or heaven forbid missed a day I got another lick'n.
So I don't feel bad or feel privaligged in the grand scheme of things because every member of my family worked our asses off and never looked for an excuse for our lot in life.
The black community has a real bad case of feeling sorry for themselves and taking no responsibility to improve themselves. Now before you go and say they're a minority and have been victimized blah blah blah keep in mind that my family was Jewish and my grand father got out of Europe but the skin of his teeth and was robbed and beaten along the way till he grew old enough to take care of himself. And we where friends with a Korean family who came to Canada in 1960. Right after the Korean war and we saw how they where discriminates against and they kept their noses to the bring stone and worked like dogs and learn English and dressed immaculate and never Made excuses and they turned out great. And we were friends with families from Grenada and Sri Lanka and Tanzania and saw how hard they worked and what excellent citizens they were and all their kids turn out just as good as me if not better.
So when I see these black people today dressing and acting like goons and savages and not just shooting each other but shooting innocent people out of pure indifference, then I have no sympathy for them. And then they have the gall to march and claim that black lives matter and we should defund the police. Well I say black lives don't matter TO THEM !!! We should increase funding to the police and add more police and bring back carding. If you look like a gangbanger and act like a gangbanger you should be treated like a gangbanger. I say treat them like they test each other.


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2011
You are completely missing the point. If you feel bad about being white than thats on you, thats not the fault of people of colour.

People will point it out to educate you on your privilege because white people do have privilege! No matter how much you want to twist what white privilege means, so you can play up the victimization, WHITE PEOPLE ARE PRIVILEGED.

This privilege isnt financial, white people dont necessarily make more money than POC - BUT - the fact that you have white skin gives you much more societal privleges like having an easier time finiding a landlord to rent to you, the ability to interact with the police without them shooting you or arresting you without just cause, doctors listen to you when you tell them you have chronic pain, if you are a white woman giving birth you are less likely to die during childbirth, the list goes on.

If you dont want to accept the fact that you have white privilege then you are incorrect and delusional.

Here is an article, written by a white person about white privlege and how it MOST DEFINITELY exists
Mena, you have a propensity for putting words in people's mouths, misquoting them, inserting your own narrative, and then commenting on THAT instead of what the OP was commenting on and top it all off with insults?

If you don't want to accept the fact that you have white privilege then you are incorrect and delusional.
Here is an article, written by a white person about white privlege and how it MOST DEFINITELY exists

The first thing I stated was to acknowledge there is white privilege and that I benefit from it, did you even read what I wrote????? talk about a massive misquote, and what's with you and the constant insults?

You are completely missing the point. If you feel bad about being white then that's on you.

I clearly stated I don't feel bad or guilty, I am white, I feel great, and I rock! my conscience is clear, I am a great dad, a great-granddad I educate the youngsters that they owe zero to no one and no one owes zero to them based on the colour of their skin. I don't contribute to white privilege. Nothing is on me? what are you talking about? lol.

My in-depth rant if you would
read it with your finger off YOUR trigger is about the automatic demographic branding of the DRAGON by the RIGHT and the weaponization and misuse of white privilege stigma.

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
This privilege isnt financial, white people dont necessarily make more money than POC - BUT - the fact that you have white skin gives you much more societal privleges like having an easier time finiding a landlord to rent to you, the ability to interact with the police without them shooting you or arresting you without just cause, doctors listen to you when you tell them you have chronic pain, if you are a white woman giving birth you are less likely to die during childbirth, the list goes on.
All those are true of beautiful people too, with the exception of giving birth, which is biological, not societal. Being good-looking opens up many, many doors, including opportunities for employment, and how quickly you rise in said employment. Could you imagine if we started calling out beauty privilege in the same way we currently call out white privilege? Having it be pervasive on social media, mainstream media and even in advertising? To constantly reinforce the notion that beautiful people largely got to where they are in life based on genetic luck, and not on merit?

I think I'm a pretty average looking guy, but I wouldn't attempt to impose that shame on beautiful people if they got a job I was after. That's nonsense, and so is the obsession with white privilege. Does it exist? Yes. Should we act on that? No. We should treat everyone as equal NOW, regardless of what happened a century ago, a year ago or a month ago.

To answer the OP's question, no I don't feel guilty about it, and I'm certainly not to blame for any past transgressions committed by our ancestors that may have caused lingering issues in today's society. I'll just go on treating everyone as being of equal merit until I can assess their words and deeds for myself.

The Fox

Feeling Supersonic
Jun 4, 2004
White privilege doesn’t exist. It’s a made up American thing. Privilege is an individual attribute.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Privilege and racism are two different things.

No I don’t feel “guilty” for my White privilege. Or my wealth privilege or my gender privilege, etc, etc. I don’t use try them purposely to go forward in life either though. If I did then maybe I would. But I don’t.

I recognize privilege is real so that I don’t further perpetrate it by treating others differently.

Do I regret not learning some things about privilege earlier? Yes. Do I admit I was ignorant? Yes. Have I made mistakes? Yes. But “guilty”? No.
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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
What do I have to feel guilty about? I've never done anything.

I have always treated people with the respect I would like to be shown.
I feel no more guilt about the possibility of getting a job due to my skin colour, than a minority person who may have got their job due to affirmative action.
I am not responsible for the actions of others I don't even know.

And that is the problem right now. Society seems hell bent on making all white people responsible for the actions of others they don't know, have never met, and sometimes, have died long before any of us were born.

Yet Society does not do that with any other group right now.

Blacks statistically commit more crimes than other ethnicities. Yet if a person holds all Black people responsible for those actions, they are called Racist.

The Muslin religion is the only religion in the world currently, that has members mass killing others in the name of their religion. Yet if a person holds all Muslims responsible for those actions, they are called Islamophobic.

We view the two examples above as being wrong, and justly so, but all white people can be held responsible for the actions of others and it is completely acceptable.

I treat everyone as I want to be treated. If I personally witness people being racist, I stand up to it. And if they are people I know, I don't know them for long.
I have nothing to feel guilty for. The fact that it is even being suggested that I do, just because I am white, is racist in and of itself.


Well-known member
Mar 16, 2021
There is white privilege. I do feel sad about it but I do not feel guilt or ownership about it because not only have I done nothing to cause it or contribute to it, I have done what I can to fight racism.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
White privilege is a very real thing that most whites benefit from.

The ask is that we are aware of this. It makes non-whites lives more difficult overall.
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