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White House Suspends Access of CNN’s Jim Acosta


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
LMAO!!! I wouldnt be proud of it either........unless you're into saying sorry endlessly and giving millions to terrorists? Should I go on?
You should go on. You should also attach a link to background music for your posts. I'm thinking "Duelling Banjos", since I imagine that you look like the banjo kid (or maybe the old guy who's dancing) from Deliverance.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It’s hard to have a conversation with someone who is illiterate.
Read the wiki definition of nationalism.

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining sovereignty (self-governance) over the homeland. The political ideology of nationalism holds that a nation should govern itself, free from outside interference and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared, social characteristics, such as culture and language, religion and politics, and a belief in a common ancestry.[1][2] Nationalism, therefore, seeks to preserve a nation's culture, by way of pride in national achievements, and is closely linked to patriotism, which, in some cases, includes the belief that the nation should control the country's government and the means of production.[3]

That's the difference between nationalism and patriotism.
You can plead ignorance, but then you'll be stuck defending white nationalists like Trump.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The full name of the the Party was the Nationalist Socialist Party.

Should we then assume the Democratic Socialist party is also a secret term for Nazi's?

Because I don't.
Yes, in modern usage, "Nazi" is misused to describe racist idiots while the term "White Nationalist" is the term racist idiots use to pretend they aren't White Supremacists.

Other than that, what's your point (other than wanting to correlate Democrats and Nazis)?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Most of the world is "Nationalist". Do you stand for your "NATIONAL" anthem or your...
I'll stand for any anthem that is playing at an event I attend. I also stand/kneel/remove my hat/cover my head when in religious services for friends weddings etc. It's a matter of respect.

Then again, I don't attend events that play the kind of anthem you want to salute.

Of course you are so deep in the "globalist/banking/media" conspiracy theory. Do you hang out with Big Sleazy?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Um, I think you should read what the definition of Socialism is: Socialism is an economic system where the ways of making a living (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by a society as a whole, meaning the value made belongs to everyone in that society, instead of a group of private owners.

Nationalism:Examples of nationalism include: Any situation in which a nation comes together for a specific cause or in reaction to a significant event. The Battle of New Orleans in which Americans united at the conclusion of the American Revolution. The waving of flags and passionate anthem singing.

How is nationalism bad again????????? Because proud people of a proud country is bad?????? HUH??? Im lost.
He’s just being a smartASS


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Read the wiki definition of nationalism.

Nationalism is a political, social, and economic system characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining sovereignty (self-governance) over the homeland. The political ideology of nationalism holds that a nation should govern itself, free from outside interference and is linked to the concept of self-determination. Nationalism is further oriented towards developing and maintaining a national identity based on shared, social characteristics, such as culture and language, religion and politics, and a belief in a common ancestry.[1][2] Nationalism, therefore, seeks to preserve a nation's culture, by way of pride in national achievements, and is closely linked to patriotism, which, in some cases, includes the belief that the nation should control the country's government and the means of production.[3]

That's the difference between nationalism and patriotism.
You can plead ignorance, but then you'll be stuck defending white nationalists like Trump.
You're making less sense every day.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Um, I think you should read what the definition of Socialism is: Socialism is an economic system where the ways of making a living (factories, offices, etc.) are owned by a society as a whole, meaning the value made belongs to everyone in that society, instead of a group of private owners.

Nationalism:Examples of nationalism include: Any situation in which a nation comes together for a specific cause or in reaction to a significant event. The Battle of New Orleans in which Americans united at the conclusion of the American Revolution. The waving of flags and passionate anthem singing.

How is nationalism bad again????????? Because proud people of a proud country is bad?????? HUH??? Im lost.
By definition Nationalism is a form of extreme patriotism which is usually enhanced by the feeling of superiority over others or other countries. Nothing to be proud of being a nationalist.
But why don't you tell us again that being a white nationalist is something to be proud of.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2017
White House defends doctored Trump-Acosta clip used to justify reporter's ban

Press secretary stood by decision to revoke CNN reporter’s access and sharing video edited to make his actions more aggressive

Ben Jacobs in Washington


Thu 8 Nov 2018 22.39 GMT First published on Thu 8 Nov 2018 21.04 GMT

The White House has stood by its decision to revoke the access of CNN reporter Jim Acosta after a fiery standoff with the president, and defended sharing a video on social media that had been altered to make Acosta’s actions towards an intern look more aggressive.

The video, originally made by an employee of Infowars, a far-right conspiracy website, shows Acosta’s reaction to a White House employee who tried to grab a microphone from him while he attempted to question Donald Trump at a press conference on Wednesday.

The video is cut so that it appears that Acosta tries to forcefully use his arm to push away the White House staffer’s arm, rather than use his arm to pull back the microphone.

The White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, shared the video on Twitter on Wednesday night and said: “We stand by our decision to revoke this individual’s hard pass. We will not tolerate the inappropriate behavior clearly documented in this video.”

Despite the video’s dubious origins, Sanders doubled down in a White House statement on Thursday saying “The question is: did the reporter make contact or not? The video is clear, he did. We stand by our statement.”

Paul Joseph Watson, who makes videos for Infowars, called claims that he had altered the video a “brazen lie”.

But in an analysis done for Storyful, which describes itself as a social-media intelligence agency that sources and verifies insights for media, there are apparently several frames repeated in the video.

According to an analysis by Shane Richmond, a Storyful journalist, “these frames do not appear in the original C-SPAN footage, and appear to exaggerate the action of Acosta.”

In an interview with Fox Business Network on Thursday, senior White House communications advisor Mercedes Schlapp insisted that the intern was “shaken up” and “intimidated” by Acosta and added: “What we are seeing is bad behavior that cannot be tolerated.”

The revocation of Acosta’s “hard pass”, which provides access to the White House grounds, is without any precedent in modern history. The CNN reporter has made a name for himself by asking forceful questions of Trump and other administration officials.

Acosta has served as a White House correspondent for CNN since 2013 when he covered the Obama administration. He was promoted to chief White House correspondent earlier this year.

Acosta called the White House’s claims “lies” and CNN defended its reporter in a statement.

The network said: “[The revocation] was done in retaliation for his challenging questions at today’s press conference. In an explanation, press secretary Sarah Sanders lied. She provided fraudulent accusations and cited an incident that never happened. This unprecedented decision is a threat to our democracy and the country deserves better. Jim Acosta has our full support.”

Jim Acosta
Don’t believe the lies coming from the WH. Believe in our freedoms. Thank you all for your support. We won’t back down. ?? #1A
November 8, 2018

A network spokesman later attacked the video shared by Sanders on Twitter. Matt Dornic, a CNN executive, tweeted at Sanders that her behavior was “absolutely shameful”. He added “You released a doctored video – actual fake news. History will not be kind to you.”

The White House Correspondents Association also condemned the action to revoke Acosta’s credentials. Its president, Olivier Knox, said in a statement Wednesday night that the group “strongly objects to the Trump administration’s decision to use US Secret Service security credentials as a tool to punish a reporter with whom it has a difficult relationship. Revoking access to the White House complex is a reaction out of line to the purported offense and is unacceptable.”

Knox added: “We urge the White House to immediately reverse this weak and misguided action. We encourage anyone with doubts that this reaction was disproportionate to the perceived offense to view the video of the events.”


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
LMAO!!! I wouldnt be proud of it either........unless you're into saying sorry endlessly and giving millions to terrorists? Should I go on?
Nope. You've convinced me of how rational you are.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Whitehouse tweets video 'proving' Acosta's aggressive behaviour... video was edited by inforwars.
LOL. Pathetic. Hilarious. But pathetic.
The right wing are constantly doing it in order to spread false rumours about anything associated with CNN who have constantly revealed all of Trump's lies and misdeeds.
Sarah Sanders is crooked as hell. Cannot trust a damn word that she says when she tries to respond to any of the reporters questions!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
HAHAHAHA....kinda like this?

Bet you're gonna tell me you're not a Liberal next, right?
Well, we are limited to the number of times that we can visit The Washington Post's website in a month. So I am not sure what the hell you are on about. But from all subsequent posts of yours you are inferring that it is about Trudeau. Typical deflection by the right wingers, and I am sure you are comparing apples with oranges anyway!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
White House defends doctored Trump-Acosta clip used to justify reporter's ban

Press secretary stood by decision to revoke CNN reporter’s access and sharing video edited to make his actions more aggressive

Ben Jacobs in Washington


Thu 8 Nov 2018 22.39 GMT First published on Thu 8 Nov 2018 21.04 GMT

The White House has stood by its decision to revoke the access of CNN reporter Jim Acosta after a fiery standoff with the president, and defended sharing a video on social media that had been altered to make Acosta’s actions towards an intern look more aggressive.

The video, originally made by an employee of Infowars, a far-right conspiracy website, shows Acosta’s reaction to a White House employee who tried to grab a microphone from him while he attempted to question Donald Trump at a press conference on Wednesday.
Trump is shit scared of the damage that CNN can do based on all his misdeeds. He cannot even answer a question posed by CNN, in a truthful manner. So it is not surprising that they use fraudulent means to prevent free speech. A CNN reporter called Kaitlyn Collins was banned previously and it now it is Acosta. Time for this idiot to be impeached!!


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Doesn't change the fact that Acosta's a grandstanding asshole, sweetie.
Grandstanding? He tried to ask a legit question about Trump's demonizing scare tactics pertaining to the caravan. Asshole Trump just blew his cool and tried to silence the question.... the intern was not hit, hurt or abused in any way, and she was definitely the aggressor when she tried to rip the mic out of his hands unsuccessfully.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I guess you can't tell the difference. Trump told him to stop and he continued to yell at him and when the lady tried to take the microphone from him he kept moving away. That's rude. When you don'y know when to stop its rude. When you touch the microphone lady, that is rude.
RUDE? Trump was the rude one and instead of answering questions, he prefers to get mad, insult the questioner and then cut them off. That is not only rude, it is assholish and bad for democracy. Don't give us the left wing media bullshit because all these networks are owned by rich white guys. Are you gonna call them commie liberals?
The Fake President had to use doctored Infowars footage to make his fake case against you Trump apologists have NO SHAME????
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