I don't kow if this thread is a troll, but I do know that I worry about some of the overreliance on medications and therapy in young people these days. Our daughter went on antidepressants a couple years back. At the time, she was stuck in a very stressful job and was getting maybe 3 hours a night sleep max and had little opportunity for a normal home or social life. Okay, so under the circumstances, I could understand where maybe she needed pharmacological help.
But last year she moved to a different market, has a more normal schedule and less stressful job. Still, she was reluctant to abandon the antidepressants. I understand that you just can't go off them cold turkey -- but she saw a new family physician in her new city, and she wasn't eager to represcribe them, and our daughter went nuts over this.
Recently, she had some (unnecessary, in my view) plastic surgery and I think it was more physically stressful for her than she thought it would be. This caused a bit of an emotional cascade, and I think she's going through some really weird times right now -- I blame most of it on unnecessary medications and unnecessary surgical procedures. (Of course, my opinion isn't welcome. She's very defensive.)
I think there are way more people on antidepressants today than need to be. Life is shit sometimes, and I think we all have to come to grips with that. I don't think that realizing that fact is the equivalent of depression. I'm not sure I trust the whole therapy thing either -- from talking to friends who have therapists, I wonder if maybe therapists don't have to pander to what their patients want to hear, or risk losing business. I don't really see the difference between therapists and escorts -- except perhaps that there's less business out there for therapists and so they can't be as honest as maybe an escort could be.
It's very frustrating. I look back a few decades and I think I know what my daughter is going through. There comes a point in life where one just has to see the writing on the wall and decide where they're going to fall in the greater scheme of things. It's no princess fairy tale. No matter what you choose, you're going to have to do some giving up. I think she's at that juncture now, but instead of seeing it for reality, I feel that there are those making money off her by deceiving her with "therapy" and selling her drugs.
But too, I might be wrong.
It's frustrating.
But last year she moved to a different market, has a more normal schedule and less stressful job. Still, she was reluctant to abandon the antidepressants. I understand that you just can't go off them cold turkey -- but she saw a new family physician in her new city, and she wasn't eager to represcribe them, and our daughter went nuts over this.
Recently, she had some (unnecessary, in my view) plastic surgery and I think it was more physically stressful for her than she thought it would be. This caused a bit of an emotional cascade, and I think she's going through some really weird times right now -- I blame most of it on unnecessary medications and unnecessary surgical procedures. (Of course, my opinion isn't welcome. She's very defensive.)
I think there are way more people on antidepressants today than need to be. Life is shit sometimes, and I think we all have to come to grips with that. I don't think that realizing that fact is the equivalent of depression. I'm not sure I trust the whole therapy thing either -- from talking to friends who have therapists, I wonder if maybe therapists don't have to pander to what their patients want to hear, or risk losing business. I don't really see the difference between therapists and escorts -- except perhaps that there's less business out there for therapists and so they can't be as honest as maybe an escort could be.
It's very frustrating. I look back a few decades and I think I know what my daughter is going through. There comes a point in life where one just has to see the writing on the wall and decide where they're going to fall in the greater scheme of things. It's no princess fairy tale. No matter what you choose, you're going to have to do some giving up. I think she's at that juncture now, but instead of seeing it for reality, I feel that there are those making money off her by deceiving her with "therapy" and selling her drugs.
But too, I might be wrong.
It's frustrating.