Not sure what you mean by "condone".*d* said:You condone hate?
I certainly condemn those that would kill over a cartoon.
Do you "condone" these cold blooded murderers of innocents?
Not sure what you mean by "condone".*d* said:You condone hate?
Yes, I hate cold blooded murderers of innocents. Don't you?DonQuixote said:I suppose he is of a mind set that hatred is OK.
I guess that's the attitude of most. Why else
would there be conflicts everywhere. No
country's soil is untainted from the blood of
It hasn't stopped since Cain killed Abel. It's genetic.
When you hate the devil,
you become the devil you hate.
The Islamo-fuckwad apologist Charter:arclighter said:Islamo-fuckwad apologist alert!
That is because you aren't a secular extremist. Secular extemists have their own special version of history. Anything bad that happened before the GWBA was the fault of organized religion. The GWBA has now replaced the church as the root of all evil.basketcase said:I find it hard to view WWI as a religous war as (mostly) Protestant Germany was allies with Catholic Austria and Moslem Ottomans vs Catholic France, Othodox Russia, and Protestant England.
Hey DQ, unless you can come up with some clear reasons implicating religion as the major cause for WWI and WWII I would suggest to drop it.DonQuixote said:You miss the forest for the trees. The division
in Europe existed for over 400 years. It started
with the Reformation.
WWI had nothing to do with Germany being a cause.
It was a treaty with Austria that brought them into the war.
The end of the division resulted in the European Union.
Roberts? Do you mean Robertson? You conveniently forgot to mention the part where the old fool apologized for his irresponsible remarks.feminista said:lets not forget the recent and now repeated fatwah (what is that called in Xianity?) issued by the Xian god-sucker roberts against chavez who merely humiliates the US. he is at it again and rumsfeld is on board with a hitler analogy:
"We've got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money. He's a person who was elected legally, just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally, and then consolidated power, and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. [Evo] Morales and others. It concerns me (1)."
Not to be outdone, his even more irrational fellow right-wing septuagenarian renewed his call for the United States to assassinate Chavez. This time using Fox News as his pulpit, Robertson added a half-hearted caveat to the death wish: "not now, but one day".
I can only assume that roberts is still speaking his swill in the american media becuz those christians silently support him.
So, if Hitler had apologized, he could be selling hot dogs at King and Yonge.arclighter said:Roberts? Do you mean Robertson? You conveniently forgot to mention the part where the old fool apologized for his irresponsible remarks.
Bless your heart, at least you are trying.
No !sorely said:So, if Hitler had apologized, he could be selling hot dogs at King and Yonge.![]()
Moral equivalency at its finest. Yes, calling for the execution of a South American dictator, is equivalent to genocide. Brilliant as ever.sorely said:So, if Hitler had apologized, he could be selling hot dogs at King and Yonge.![]()
It's a step in that direction. How did Mr. H begin.arclighter said:Moral equivalency at its finest. Yes, calling for the execution of a South American dictator, is equivalent to genocide. Brilliant as ever.
right beside Starbucks - great - I'll have a grande coffee please as well!!!!!!sorely said:So, if Hitler had apologized, he could be selling hot dogs at King and Yonge.![]()
Yes, and they can also be separated from the Viking invasions as well.DonQuixote said:Are you suggesting that WWI and WWII can be separated from
the previous centuries of conflict that date back to the 1500s?
Some wars are the continuation of old conflicts but for different reasons. We fought the British in 1775 and in 1812 for entirely different reasons. To credit Christianity for any part in Hitler's madness is absurd.DonQuixote said:What paradigm do you propose to consider the almost never
ending conflicts and wars in Europe from the 1500s to the end
of the 20th century. Weren't the two world wars of the 20th
Century the direct result of the wars of the 19th Century?
I await your insight.
This pattern you are it in colour? Any audio? And while we're on the topic of extra sensory perception, perhaps you could elaborate further on the inner thoughts and "approvals" of those Muslims who "are silently standing by, doing nothing". Aren't these Muslims sending you any good stock tips or recipes? Surely you can read more of their innermost thoughts than just their approval ratings for Islamic violence. How about PIN numbers?rama putri said:...There's a pattern here and ordinary Muslims are silently standing by, doing nothing. Because inside, they approve of it.
Not least of all because Nationalist Socialist ideology was vehemently anti-Christian, following Nietzsche in dismissing Christianity as a slave morality invented by Jews to subvert the Aryan master race and clear the path for Bolshevism.arclighter said:To credit Christianity for any part in Hitler's madness is absurd.