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What would Jesus do?


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
The Mugger said:
Your the most foolish and hypocritical idiot on the board. Well I'm sorry you at least to appear to have something of an education over Cyrus but you are both fellow travellers. The link you moron to radical Islam is that while the moderates condemn violence they always qualify the condemnation by saying they do however understand their (radicals) frustration with the policies of the US Government and the Israel Government, a position by the way shared by the White Supremacist. This clearly ignores that both Israel and the US enjoy "Governments by the people, for the people". You in the past have aligned yourself with the people of the middle east, ignoring the simple fact the greatest threat to most of those people are their own Governments.

But your post is blatantly hypocritical, as is the position of the Arab governments, the Mullahs and other fools promoting or making excuses for this unbelievable violence against the West.

You really should do your homework. For years Arab Nation's newspapers have been publishing some of the most vile cartoons. Here is a sample of the anti-Jewish types:

You really should see the ones about Pope John Paul II and the ones about Americans (the people not government) are unbelievable.

What bothers me the most about this episode is that people like me who are genuinely upset with what the Danish and Arab papers have published have to listen to apologists like you who somehow try to blame others for this problem and those who are clearly showing their contempt for all things Western are given a pass because of so-called pent up rage. It is plain simple BS on your part to state this is pent up rage by the public. These are not free States and clearly this anger is being fueled by an educated elite.

Deal with reality *d* this is not some geopolitical exercise and is a clear demonstration of the hatred and contempt for all things non-Islamic in the Arab world.
What, another useless response? You clearly are good at filling up a page -and say nothing. I thought you somehow believed this Danish bashing was only coming from radicals? And with no common resentment amongst Muslims towards the west? But now you change your story? Blaming Arab governments as the only source of resentment, but in the same breath say the moderates understand the radicals frustration. Oh Boy! Believe me, resentment has been around for years, is everywhere(moderates and radicals. And yes it runs over into governments and the elites) and that's what fuels this hate. This is elementary stuff.


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
arclighter said:
Do I "condone hate"? What does that mean? Do I condone hate crimes? Do I condone hate speeches? Hatred is real, and my hatred for those who knowingly slaughter innocents is certainly real. From this you infer that I "condone hate"? Okee Dokee. I will be moving along now. (whistling noise)
Terrorist condone hate. They use their own hateful line of thought to judge who is right and who is wrong in any particular situation. Are you doing the same?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2003
DonQuixote said:
China is primarily a Buddhist country though other religions
are also present. Obviously, it wasn't part of the HRE.

DonQuixote said:
I never referred to China in my posts. You're off on a tangent again.
The Buddhist Religion may not be active or organized.
But, that doesn't address the issue that the Buddhist view of the
world has been eliminated.

I think this is a good indication that this thread has outlived its usefulness.

The Mugger

Sep 27, 2005
*d* said:
What, another useless response? You clearly are good at filling up a page -and say nothing. I thought you somehow believed this Danish bashing was only coming from radicals? And with no common resentment amongst Muslims towards the west? But now you change your story? Blaming Arab governments as the only source of resentment, but in the same breath say the moderates understand the radicals frustration. Oh Boy! Believe me, resentment has been around for years, is everywhere(moderates and radicals. And yes it runs over into governments and the elites) and that's what fuels this hate. This is elementary stuff.
You can't even read you sad pathetic excuse of a human being. I won't even bother pointing out your deliberate attempt to mask my argument.

Although I find it very interesting the lack of comment you have on those Arab cartoons and that alone reinforces my opinion of you and your pathetic apologist approach to this problem.

It is morons like you that hide the problem of simple contempt that the average Arab has for the West and all things non-Islamic.


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
The Mugger said:
It is morons like you that hide the problem of simple contempt that the average Arab has for the West and all things non-Islamic.
I've been trying to tell you all along there's a resentment problem. Now you agree, but you think I'm trying to hide the problem? Lord help us. The name Nut-bar fits you well.
And btw I did give my personal opinion of the cartoons -on my second post here. I suggested a little respect for Muslim religious beliefs. If you indeed read.
*d* said:
You may not be able to compare the two cartoons, but that's because you can't see how hurtful the image of Mohammad can be to Muslims. We live in different cultures/religions. So IMO a little respect is needed here, for those cultural oddities that we may not understand.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Sorry DonQ, I still find it difficult to blame religion for Europes wars. To attack your thesis, I go 1/2 a step further back.

Although for the common peoples, the Reformation was a major religious conflict, the leaders of the reformation were more motivated by power. As long as they were Catholic, the Pope had ultimate say over their actions, through support or through excommunication. By becoming Protestant, they were simply choosing to be their own devine authority. Henry started the Church of England (with himself as the head - of course) over the fact that the pope wouldn't let him get a divorce (I know, a simplification but it shows my point).

Yes, every army has had religious functionaries. How else do you convince any sane person to give his life for something that wouldn't otherwise alter their lives? (Your life will earn a greater reward) Religion was still used as propoganda through WWII but there is no way I'd accredit it as the cause.

Napolean and Hitler may have used Charlemaigne (or the Romans) as a ideal to inspire others but it was simply a quest for personal power. Although Marx didn't have a full grasp of human nature, I think he was bang on about religion.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
For those that argue Islam is the problem but to deny Christianity
was the problem in Europe is to be myopic and simplistic in
their analysis.

Alright, Christianity was the problem (for the sake of argument) and now Islam is the problem. Do you care to address the here and now, or is it more important to deal in the pedantic exercise of sorting out the blame for various historical wars that have long ago been resolved, (whilst your head is being ceremonially lopped off in the here and now)?


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
DonQuixote said:
There are other factors other than religion that are causing
this unrest. To simplistically argue Allah and Islam as being
the root cause of the unrest is to miss the real issues of the
unrest - poverty, lack of jobs, healthcare, education and on
and on.
Hear, hear!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Hey, your thesis on europe was faulty but your rationale for creating it was fine with me. There are enough Islamic radicals though who still use outright religous propoganda so it's not hard to understand why people blame Islam as a whole or at least think it's a religous war.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
What is your first principal for unification of a people beyond
pure blood lines and tribalism?
Survival is the number one goal of any species. The prime motivator of unification is therefore the survival efficiencies gained through collectivism.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Not what I was talking about (reformation causing all war in Europe) but I'll bite.

In one word, necessity.

One family group came in conflict with a more powerful/numerous group. Their only means of keeping their position would be to ally with others. Some groups were logical choices for alliances against a common enemy. Some groups chose to submit to the will of another group. Some picked up and left, looking for somewhere else to live(a major factor in world migration patterns). Villages made of many families rose due to a dependence on resources in a specific location (fish, metals, oasis) or to protect what they had from others. The need to get along with these others made it important for a set of socially acceptable guidelines to handle actions within their community. Many groups would have expanded their story telling traditions to include a unifying mythos.

As groups grew, the need for resources increased which created a wider circle of influence, larger groups of people, and increasing scale of conflict with others. This necessitated greater cooperation with others and a larger set of rules to organize in a cyclical process.

Religion has provided an easy way for the leaders to codify laws (ie. do it or great harm will fall on you from the heavens - a lot simpler than do it or I'll have to kill you)

Religion was created as a way of dealing with the more complex social interactions; interactions based on the need for resources, not the reason society formed.

Maybe I should have stuck to 1 word.


Nov 25, 2005
basketcase said:
Not what I was talking about (reformation causing all war in Europe) but I'll bite.

In one word, necessity.

One family group came in conflict with a more powerful/numerous group. Their only means of keeping their position would be to ally with others. Some groups were logical choices for alliances against a common enemy. Some groups chose to submit to the will of another group. Some picked up and left, looking for somewhere else to live(a major factor in world migration patterns). Villages made of many families rose due to a dependence on resources in a specific location (fish, metals, oasis) or to protect what they had from others. The need to get along with these others made it important for a set of socially acceptable guidelines to handle actions within their community. Many groups would have expanded their story telling traditions to include a unifying mythos.

As groups grew, the need for resources increased which created a wider circle of influence, larger groups of people, and increasing scale of conflict with others. This necessitated greater cooperation with others and a larger set of rules to organize in a cyclical process.

Religion has provided an easy way for the leaders to codify laws (ie. do it or great harm will fall on you from the heavens - a lot simpler than do it or I'll have to kill you)

Religion was created as a way of dealing with the more complex social interactions; interactions based on the need for resources, not the reason society formed.

Maybe I should have stuck to 1 word.
I can name that answer in two sentences or less.

Ps Great minds think alike?


Nov 25, 2005
basketcase said:
Is that meant as an insult?
Not at all. I was just pointing out that our answers were essentially the same (post #122). Yours was longer and more eloquent.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
You miss the one unifying force. Mythology.
Why are we here; where did we come from;
what is our destiny.

You're all survival oriented. Once that's accomplished
with the era of agriculture then those that have the
necessities began asking deeper questions.

Your answers are more suited for a consumption
economy and don't deal with the unanswerable
mysteries of life. That's where religion trumps all

From religion comes philosophy and drama and
all of the other sources of explanation that mankind
searches for.
Food trumps spirituality any day of the week. You are the one that asked for the "prime" motivator.


Nov 25, 2005
DonQuixote said:
I asked for the prime motivator in the creation of a nation-state.
Go back and reread my post. Your shoot-from-the-hip answers
are shallow at best, but more worthless than relevant.

Is your purpose in posting to drive up your numbers, or what! :confused:
No you said "sets the groundwork for the creation of a nation state,..."

I responded appropriately to the word "groundwork". I will refrain from insulting your posts even though you just insulted mine, because I don't think you are mean spirited, just a little cranky at times.

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