Your the most foolish and hypocritical idiot on the board. Well I'm sorry you at least to appear to have something of an education over Cyrus but you are both fellow travellers. The link you moron to radical Islam is that while the moderates condemn violence they always qualify the condemnation by saying they do however understand their (radicals) frustration with the policies of the US Government and the Israel Government, a position by the way shared by the White Supremacist. This clearly ignores that both Israel and the US enjoy "Governments by the people, for the people". You in the past have aligned yourself with the people of the middle east, ignoring the simple fact the greatest threat to most of those people are their own Governments.
But your post is blatantly hypocritical, as is the position of the Arab governments, the Mullahs and other fools promoting or making excuses for this unbelievable violence against the West.
You really should do your homework. For years Arab Nation's newspapers have been publishing some of the most vile cartoons. Here is a sample of the anti-Jewish types:
You really should see the ones about Pope John Paul II and the ones about Americans (the people not government) are unbelievable.
What bothers me the most about this episode is that people like me who are genuinely upset with what the Danish and Arab papers have published have to listen to apologists like you who somehow try to blame others for this problem and those who are clearly showing their contempt for all things Western are given a pass because of so-called pent up rage. It is plain simple BS on your part to state this is pent up rage by the public. These are not free States and clearly this anger is being fueled by an educated elite.
Deal with reality *d* this is not some geopolitical exercise and is a clear demonstration of the hatred and contempt for all things non-Islamic in the Arab world.