Steelers are doing greatDonQuixote said:Woody Guthrie was admitted for his last trip to the hospital suffering from
Lou Gehrigs desease. The intake nurse asked him his religion while filling
out the admissions form. He said: "All". She said: "Sir, you have to choose
among the list of religions." He said: "Mam, I'm either all or none."
I concur. Either I'm all or none. Islam is as valid as any other ancient
religion. There's a reason why the long lasting do last. They give
comfort to the soul.
I do agree and would love to see Seatle go back to the left coast with a conservitive scoreDonQuixote said:I've voted a while ago for them. Their defense is awsome.
Hey, rust belt sticks with rust belt. It need a bit of grease.
Do you agree?
WWII had a bit of religious overtone with the mass slaughter of Jewswumpscut said:and here I was thinking that WW1 and WW2 were about the germans trying to take over Europe. Hey wait a second, weren't they exactly that?
C'mon, Don, none of them did it in the name of Christianity.DonQuixote said:I disagree.
The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in the history of mankind.
The Christian Nations had a major hand in that terribly inhuman
Century. The Western European Nations and their derivatives, US
included, didn't just kill families; we destroyed entire cities in the
process. Your ethnocentric prejudices are showing.
If the protests were limited to boycotts or political sanctions then it might not be so bad- but when the response is death threats - there is something wrong.*d* said:
by Remi Kanazi
Picture this: A cartoon of Jesus, with his pants down, smiling, raping a little boy. The caption above it reads “Got Catholicism?” Or how about a picture of a Rabbi with blood dripping from his mouth after bludgeoning a small Palestinian boy with a knife shaped like the Star of David—the caption reads “The Devil’s Chosen Ones.”
I wonder if people around the world would just consider this free speech? Of course, some would condone or agree with one, two or all three, while others would say “it’s free speech,” although they “find it offensive and in poor taste.” But do you honestly think media outlets such as the BBC, Le Monde, or any media outlet in Copenhagen would pick up these cartoons? The outrage would begin instantly and advertisers would pullout. Yet, those in Denmark and their supporters around Europe call it freedom of speech to have a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed—who is not supposed be depicted to prevent idolatry according to clerical interpretation of the Koran—with a turban shaped like a bomb on his head.
The double standard the West has set for the rest of the world is disgusting. We live in a foolish bubble where we think we are free to say or do whatever we want without consequence. I remember watching Saturday Night Live when Sinead O’Connor ripped up a picture of the Pope. The furor was enormous, which led to NBC receiving a 2.5 million dollar fine by the Federal Communications Commission. Imagine if it was a picture of Jesus—the US Congress would have made the Teri Schiavo intervention look like a joke.
Where are the pictures of the dead soldiers, the dead women and children in the Western media? Some governments won’t allow it and other media outlets just fear the backlash. When I need journalistic honesty, I have to turn to Al Jazeera, why is that? One cannot even deny the Holocaust in Europe, question 9/11 in America (unless you want the Ward Churchill treatment), but the West claims they’re all about free speech.
It is no coincidence the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is grossly pro-Israeli. It is no coincidence that you never heard the full quotes of Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s comments on Israel and the Holocaust—no matter the basis. And it is no coincidence that Arab analysts who are against the war in Iraq, the occupation of Palestine, and America’s “war on terror” are insufficiently represented in the European press.
So what are Muslims to do? Violence is out of the question—that would be “an overreaction.” So why not boycott? That would be a mistake as well, according to the European Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini who stated, “Calls for boycotts or for restraints on the freedom of the press are completely unacceptable.” What Frattini meant to say is that Muslims should choose capitalism over faith. Maybe the European Union will clarify through a cartoon—Mohammed selling the Koran for ten bucks in a Danish pawn shop. But boycotting is a friend of the West. However, they more conveniently title it “sanctions.” I’m sure we all remember the 500,000 Iraqi women and children that died because of the UN boycotts on Iraq after the first Gulf War.
Is Europe willing to continue this new trend against boycotts? Will the European community call on Israel to show Paradise Now in non-independent theatres? It’s the only way to stop the boycott of Palestinian freedom of speech. Will the European Union resume aide to the Hamas-led Palestinian government tomorrow? Since Hamas’ call for the destruction of Israel is protected under the clause of freedom of speech and the group stopped suicide attacks 18 months ago, it only seems logical.
If Denmark, Norway, France, Germany and the rest of Europe believe in the freedom of speech, it should include all instances and all religions. These nations are carelessly defending their hypocrisy and reinforcing the double standard that alienates Muslims and desecrates the Muslim faith, under the guise of free speech. I guess only one question remains for small Norwegian Christian newspapers like Magazinet that reprinted the cartoons: What would Jesus do?
You may not be able to compare the two cartoons, but that's because you can't see how hurtful the image of Mohammad can be to Muslims. We live in different cultures/religions. So IMO a little respect is needed here, for those cultural oddities that we may not understand. That said -I believe there is more behind this violence than just a cartoon. There has been resentment for years on how the western world has treated the ME. It takes little now to set it off. And that resentment shows in the recent Hamas majority win, in the Muslim conflicts in Europe, in how Iran flips the finger to the UN, and in the continued insurgency in Iraq. Resentment has become a part of life and the actions of the west are not helping things.arclighter said:Oh STFU a cartoon of Mohammad with a bomb in his turban does not compare to a cartoon of Jesus raping a little boy. If you can't see this, you are hopeless.
I will say that the Arab cartoons showing Jews mixing the blood of Arab babies with their matzo are far more offensive, but you don't see the orthodox Jews rioting.
Charles Villenueva was an awesome rebounder yesterday.DonQuixote said:during the reign of the last Holy Roman Emperors, Carles V in the mid 1500s.
Yeah, good ole Hitler fighting for the catholics against the protestants..... or was he fighting for the protestants against the catholics? Or was he fighting for both against the atheists?DonQuixote said:Europe had been divided between the Catholics and Protestants for centuries.
Those divisions resulted in numerous conflicts under either the religious or
nationalist flags of their Emperors, Napoleon being an example.
The cost of human lives to resolve that conflict is staggering to say the least.
I'm referring the world wars and wars in Christian Europe, not other regional conflicts.
Well, I don't worship science or anything at all (*), but I'll make the announcement.papasmerf said:How come none of our science worshiping Terbites have yet to announce THERE IS NO ALLAH?
maybe I am wrong- but i don't think jesus incited these events. I don't think he came down from heaven and said hey lets kill the buggers. but maybe I am wrong.sorely said:Ever heard of the Crusades or the Spanish InquisitionOh, and by the way, the irish situation???
You know *d* it never surprises me of what an ass you are. I don't care about the two cultures or religions, the over the top response by Muslims to this is beyond reasons and shows and utter contempt for all things non-Muslim.*d* said:You may not be able to compare the two cartoons, but that's because you can't see how hurtful the image of Mohammad can be to Muslims. We live in different cultures/religions. So IMO a little respect is needed here, for those cultural oddities that we may not understand. That said -I believe there is more behind this violence than just a cartoon. There has been resentment for years on how the western world has treated the ME. It takes little now to set it off. And that resentment shows in the recent Hamas majority win, in the Muslim conflicts in Europe, in how Iran flips the finger to the UN, and in the continued insurgency in Iraq. Resentment has become a part of life and the actions of the west are not helping things.
I have zero respect nor tolerance for a religion that would kill over a cartoon. The first 'fatwa' or religious edict against the cartoonist has reportedly been issued by the top cleric in southeast Iran, Yahia Jaafari. "This insult must be erased with blood," Jaafari said.*d* said:So IMO a little respect is needed here, for those cultural oddities that we may not understand.
You truly are a nut-bar, aren't you? Tell me, are all Palestinians radical Islamics? I mean, a major of them just voted in a party many around the world would call radical Islamics. Or are they just fed up and want real change? I think the latter. But by your post, you must think the first. And then there's Iran, Syria, Iraq -all at one time were called by the west as the axis-of-evil. What do you think all the citizens(Muslims/radical & moderate) of those countries most feel? Accepted by the west? The west is empowered with access to the levers of power, media and judiciary. But are the majority of the Muslims and Arabs empowered? I will never condone violence, but at least I understand the disastrous avenue many Arabs are choosing to find that empowerment.The Mugger said:You know *d* it never surprises me of what an ass you are. I don't care about the two cultures or religions, the over the top response by Muslims to this is beyond reasons and shows and utter contempt for all things non-Muslim.
While agree these cartoons do not fall within the Western notion of freedom of speech for the same reason I can't print that a black person is a *n* word, it is beyond reasonable for all the actions we are seeing regarding this nonsense. In fact this originates last September and only gained traction in the middle east when Islamic leaders from Denmark went to the ME to bitch about this recently.
You state that there is something else going along with this and from reading your past warped posts, I take that to mean Israel's or US foreign policy but lets face the facts to the radicals Islamics, who are openly bigoted to Jews and somewhat bigoted in their views on Christians, view the people of the West as something less than human and therefore disposable.
There is no excuses for this crap and even less excuse for that original BS post you did.
Your true self comes out.arclighter said:Screw that noise. Eat shit and die Islamo-fuckwads...
"Imagine all the peee...ple living in harrr...mony...ooh hoo, hooooo..."DonQuixote said:I suppose he is of a mind set that hatred is OK.
I guess that's the attitude of most. Why else
would there be conflicts everywhere. No
country's soil is untainted from the blood of
It hasn't stopped since Cain killed Abel. It's genetic.
When you hate the devil,
you become the devil you hate.