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What is with this rap shit?


Jan 17, 2004
Manji said:
Second, the way your posts are heading; it just seems like you're only a post or two away from saying that.
The difference is that you actually said it you racist.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Good one, Lumix!

You got me there!
Obviously, I can't get anything by you!
You should change your handle to Brainiac.

And yes, I know, I should change mine to Racist Guy or Racist dude; or something like that.

While you're at it; maybe you should start a campaign against all people who have made jokes about coloured people.
Chris Tucker, Chris Rock, Richard Pryor; hell, even Maggie Cho.
The list goes on.
Put them all on your hit list, buddy.

You could become the next Martin Luther King.
You're campign against racism is certainly astounding.
And I was here to witness it.
I applaud you sir.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Oh, one more thing, Lumix.

It helps if you read the whole post.
Then one would not take things out of context.
Then that one would not look like a total idiot.

Just a few helpful hints.

Your friend


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Thanks hdog.
Rebirth of Cool isn't harsh at all. There's a couple of volumes so there is a wide selection of songs and artists. Hope you like it.

By the way, you still read comics?


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Easy for you to say with you being in British Columbia.

Ophelia Black

Hey! Nice tits!
Sep 4, 2003
I know - but want to hear something sad? I'm actually allergic to THC. I'm surprised they haven't deported me to Manitoba or something.

I'll have to try that crack stuff everybody's raving about.

My new Handle.....
Apr 28, 2002
I don't understand that you guys hit on Eminem like that....Not that I like Him but you have to respect what he's done!
He went from a Nobody, to a somebody, Wealthy, Powerful in front of a Crowd, Entrepreneur......
I think that he achieved excellence, given his limited capabilities.

I would love to have Millions, a clothing Line, get a prize from EVERY show I'm nominated at.....and if all it takes is just talking fast with a Microphone in front of a Crowd, then so be it.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I can't give Eminem any respect.

I don't like his work at all. The stuff he raps about is all bullshit. He always bitches about something. He always tries to grab the public's attention; then he bitches that people are always trying to talk to him or get his autograph. He's a fucking whiner!

The guy constantly picks on easy targets. For god sakes, the guy tried to pick a fight with Moby!

I think if he had not been white; he would not have made it in the industry. The white demographic who listen to hip hop, love him for the fact that he is white. To me he is this generation's Vanilla Ice (just his shelf life seems to be longer unfortunatly).

Also he is Dr Dre's bitch. Dre molded him and produced him. Without Dre, his songs would have been a lot less attention grabbing. Dre has a talent for producing great songs.

Achieving millions and fame do not make a man respectable.
Puff Daddy is another idiot I can't stand. These guys have ruined hip hop and people who did not like hip hop before use these guys as examples on what is wrong with this genre.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
I haven't sold myself out! That's what I have done.

Are you trying to say it is better to sell your self respect for the alimghty dollar? Would you rather look like an immoral idiot in the eyes of public so you can be wealthy? Does personal pride and honour outweigh you personal greed?

But thanks for that question, Phat Boy.
I don't know what you are getting so please explain yourself.

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
how has he sold out his self respect? he can still say fu ck you to the establishment through his albums and pretty much say and do whatever he is that selling out???????????/

funny enough but he is only looking immoral to less people then are buying his albums. so whay the hell should he care?

when he starts rapping about candy canes and little dolls we will know he has sold out.

funny how you are talking about immoral on this board


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Wow! He's saying "fuck you" to the estabishment!
Like that hasn't been done before?

When I mean immoral in regards to Eminem; I am talking about his homophobic and misogynistic attitude. Some degree of immorality is okay by me as long as it doesn't affect or harm other people.

Again, this guy bitches about his mom; to the point that he wants to kill and mutilate her. Is that where Hip Hop has come to?

And when he says fuck you to the establishment; what establishment are we talking about? The guy hangs out with other celebrities, goes to award ceremonies, does interviews on entertainment tonight; I mean he's part of the establishment.
Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?

It seems like you like him Phat Boy. And if you do, all the best to you. That doesn't change my opinion or attitude towards Eminem.
If you enjoy his music, then listen to him.

I'm not trying to stop you; but I will point out that there is a lot better hip hop artists out there.

This forum is all about open and frank discussion; so feel free to argue with me.


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Well, if you got an offer Shake; I am more than willing to listen.

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
Manji said:
Wow! He's saying "fuck you" to the estabishment!
Like that hasn't been done before?

When I mean immoral in regards to Eminem; I am talking about his homophobic and misogynistic attitude. Some degree of immorality is okay by me as long as it doesn't affect or harm other people.

Again, this guy bitches about his mom; to the point that he wants to kill and mutilate her. Is that where Hip Hop has come to?

And when he says fuck you to the establishment; what establishment are we talking about? The guy hangs out with other celebrities, goes to award ceremonies, does interviews on entertainment tonight; I mean he's part of the establishment.
Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?

It seems like you like him Phat Boy. And if you do, all the best to you. That doesn't change my opinion or attitude towards Eminem.
If you enjoy his music, then listen to him.

I'm not trying to stop you; but I will point out that there is a lot better hip hop artists out there.

This forum is all about open and frank discussion; so feel free to argue with me.

but how has he sold out? i also dont think he's that much hip hop or gangsta rap. he straddles the line somewhere inbetween the two. after n.w.a. became famous they started playing their stuff in clubs too....does'nt mean they sold out or are hip hop either. hip hop is outkast not eminem

and believe it or not companies like interscope records make their artists go to these"events" that you refer to as "establishment" things....they think the exposure will help sell their records which it is all about. you can't get many more records made when your first few dont sell.

remember the minute andrew dice clay went on arsenio and cried about how offensive his material was and how he was upset by it himself sometimes....his carrer was over before he got back to the green room.

eminem has his beliefs and as long as he continues to hold his line about them he has;nt sold out anything. if anything he keeps grwoing his platform to speak of these things more and more


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
What exactly are his beliefs? What line is he holding against?
Besides that he hates his mother and wants to kill her.

The guy has never said anything profound or ground breaking. Unlike Nas, Public Enemy and even N.W.A.; the list goes on.

As for hanging out with establishment; I don't think he is forced to hang out with guys like Fred Durst and Carson Daly. I mean there a plenty of hip hop artists who are not as public as Eminem.
They make their money and are not caught yelling and threatening Moby; or trying to get his entourage to tackle Triumph the Comic Insult Dog.

I guess in some ways you are right, Phat Boy. He came in as a punk bitch, and he still is a punk bitch. He has held the line.

Phat Boy

Senior Member
Dec 31, 2001
"I guess in some ways you are right, Phat Boy. He came in as a punk bitch, and he still is a punk bitch. He has held the line."

right. so how has he sold out.

"I mean there a plenty of hip hop artists who are not as public as Eminem."

of course....eminem is'nt hip hop. he raps
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