Ashley Madison

What is the best advice you have received?

Allegra Escorts

Supporting Member
Feb 27, 2014
I think a lot of SPs can learn from this one...

Your rate doesn't determine your value - your rate determines your market.


Sign on my high school guidance counselor's desk: If you think you are indispensable, stick you finger in a bucket of water and observe the hole it leaves when you remove it.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
For the people you love, love without condition and expectation.
I disagree. My love for the people close to me is conditional- but I set my conditions very low i.e. basic respect is all I require.
As for expectations, I'm thinking here about a relative whose company I'm not crazy about. Regularly I want to tell her "You're not the boss of me" (like kids tell each other).
I don't tell other people how to behave, and I don't like it when they try to mold me - as though I have to do what they want to be on their good side.
The Ten Commandments say you must honour your mother and your father. But it doesn't say you have like them. That is how I feel about my sister. If she needs help, I will be there, but don't ask me to like her just because she's family.
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Meretrix Fututor
Aug 19, 2017
So true. As a corollary - people forget what you say, but they remember how you made them feel.
This is very true. We even see this in some escort reviews where the client and escort have different accounts of the session, yet neither one is intentionally lying.

So be a wimp and it's all about her. Is marriage that appealing?
Marriages fail because the woman expects the man to change, while the man expects the woman to stay the same.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth


Active member
Apr 20, 2005
T Dot
Always wipe front to back


New member
May 10, 2018
"Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom's. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own."


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
From my sexy Irish 30 something teacher who introduced me to sex, and how to treat women. First, shed your cringing, euuuww, yucccky attitude about pussy and learn how to kiss it. She also gave me my first BJ. I fainted.
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Jan 20, 2004
Never buy anything that floats flies or fucks.

For those over 50
1. Never pass a bathroom.
2. Never waste a hard on.
3. Never trust a fart.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I disagree. My love for the people close to me is conditional- but I set my conditions very low i.e. basic respect is all I require.
As for expectations, I'm thinking here about a relative whose company I'm not crazy about. Regularly I want to tell her "You're not the boss of me" (like kids tell each other).
I don't tell other people how to behave, and I don't like it when they try to mold me - as though I have to do what they want to be on their good side.
The Ten Commandments say that you have to love your mother and your father. But it doesn't say you have like them. That is how I feel about my sister. If she needs help, I will be there, but don't ask me to like her just because she's family.
The ten commandments are a human construct. Love is eternal and everlasting. Love is god and is all around us but we choose to put conditions and constraints on it. I had someone close to me die and come back to life at around 10 minutes past death and its documented in the medical record. They told me that all they could feel was love and warmth all around them as if they can touch and feel it. They said they felt god. Through my experiences I came to see this eventually and believe in it as well. In a nutshell the heart is the compass towards god and if you listen to it and let it guide you, you will find god in love through love and realize its all around in pure love.

All these religions started the same, through the heart and love and faith they opened up connections to god and found more about god through this path. However its human ego, selfishness, greed, conditions, logic ect...that has skewed that path towards god, and exploited peoples faith and belief for the purpose to use it for control, political gain and power. Then they disguised it into religion. Religion is not god and ultimately is a form of control and manipulation regardless of how good they claim it to be.

Forgive your relative time and time again but don't let her affect your life in a negative way or use you that will cause you harm, thats if you love her.

As soon as you put the human part into it, such as expectation and condition I think it takes away for its potential IMHO regardless of how subtle.

I agree we don't have to love or even like our family but should respect them at least provided they are not taking advantage and are showing some level of respect. If we love them and have faith in them we stick by them even when on the surface it appears they are taking advantage or are consciously trying to take advantage.

Keep in mind that your reality may not be as we think it is and that there might be much more beyond our comprehension as proven by science. i.e. the very nature of subatomic particles and quantum mechanics points to realms far beyond our comprehension such as the simulation theory and the multiple universe theory. Many scientists believe that our existence is non deterministic, meaning we still have free will, and choice to make decisions that will alter our existence and the ones around us.

Taking all his into consideration, and at the absolute end of it all of our life just before we die what is the most important thing to US to YOU to me. Will you realize that your life is a lie and fake and have feelings or regret or will we be in peace knowing that you have people who absolutely love you without condition in your life or is this conditional love enough. Do you think putting conditions on love such as what you describe above will flourish the love around you and bring you eternal and absolute pure peace? Majority of people donÂ’t believe in this type of absolute love and believe in the conditional type of love you describe. Some are okay with this and some totally break down and realize how much of a lie their entire life has been and that there is nothing they can do to change it anymore lol

I think conditioning love like that takes away from its potential and from our connection to god regardless of how logical we may think it is to do. I think it absolutely takes away from our inner peace and will affect our being in the afterlife after our energy is released from its physical constraints. I think we are just hurting ourselves and our potential once we start conditioning love.

But thats just my opinion and am definitely a minority in this lol... just trying to present a different perspective on it all since opened up the lid and peaked my interest.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Wash your hands and when anybody says "good morning" always take a peak at the window to check if it is indeed morning.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
it's not really direct advice but I love the quote "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Edison....
I thought Edison's quote was " I stole 10,000 patents that didn't work".

Best advice was to stay off terb. I've never been good at taking advice.
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