Royal Spa

What are YOU going to do to help crack down on sexual slavery?


Jan 31, 2005
JessiMae said:
Giving your number to the girl just makes things worse. For one it may even interfere with an investigation (that you or i do not know about) already underway.
Jessi, no disrespect, but that is silly. More people feeding information to the police is not going to make their job tougher, it will make it easier.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
As was pointed out earlier, there is a difference between a couple of street thugs who prey on the weak to get their jollies and organized crime. Organized crime is big business, with big money involved. If one beleives that there is no violent crime coming from the Bloods, Cripps, Hells Angels, etc., or that they will not go to any means necessary to 'protect their investments' they are sadly mistaken. We are not speaking of a street crack dealer here. This is an international organization who already has the funds to recruit, transport, and enslave people. I would bet a days wages that this is only one of their business ventures as well.

When people are desperate they do desperate things. This is a fact. If a person threatens to take hundreds of thousands of dollars away from them, take away their livliehood, or threatens to put them in jail, one can be sure they will do everything in their power to eliminate the 'problem'. This is not TV, this is real life, and it happens all the time. If you don't beleive me, ask any police officer.

I do agree that the smaller hoods might find a rock to crawl under, but as I have stated earlier, this is probably (no make that definately), not a small time operation. Hell, even if only one woman sees three people a day, that is still $600+ every day coming in. That one person alone is an 'investment' to protect.

As another person stated, most gangs do not come out with blazing guns in the middle of daylight. There are more subtle and effective ways of dealing with a problem. Make no mistake also, many criminals are very intelligent. To be able to make shit loads of money, and fly under the radar is not an easy task. Again, I am not talking about an under-the-table construction job, but thousands, or even millions of dollars that are laundered yearly.

If one does not beleive that this goes on in 'the real world', they are living in a dreamland.


Jan 31, 2005
A1, again, you're being ridiculous. We're talking about giving someone your phone number and then chatting with them about their rights. We are NOT talking about confronting criminals or creating some kind of show down.

What you are doing is excusing your own failure to act like a man by painting this sensationalistic and wrong picture of what would happen if you did.

The bigger the organized crime operation, the more worried they are about public exposure, which is what they'd get if they went harassing and threatening everyone who crossed their path.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
Hey, I'm all for the anonymous phone call to crime stoppers, that is definately being involved. I have yet to go to an establishment where I have beleived people are being treated unjustly though. If I were in that situation, I would certainly become involved, however not to the point where I put myself or my family in imminent danger.

I have seen first hand people getting their legs broken, getting a gun waved in their face, and threats against peoples families. In every situation, it was not by the person who was owed money to. Broken legs do not make it to the news, as most people are so scared shitless at that point to report it to the police.

I have had my house broken into and my dog killed for just being a friend to someone who owed money and for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I called the police, there was no protection offered and the crime is still unsolved. They have seen the pictures of my children on the walls of my home and probably know where they go to school. Again, I WASN'T EVEN INVOLVED!!!! I have had the house I was living in burned down because the fool upstairs owed someone $1000. Again, unsolved.

And "excusing my own failure to act as a man", you don't know jack shit about me brother. I am all for a good debate, but a personal attack shows that you are an ignorant little boy who cannot stand to hear an arguement from someone who disagrees with you for fear you might be wrong. Please, prove me wrong here. I have lived this shit, and yes it does happen.
fuji said:
Sorry but this is TV land bull shit. Real life is no sopranos, guys doing illegal shit are scared shitless of attention. They'll fuck with people who have nothing, walk up to one of these guys and slap him and he'll pull a gun 'cuz he's an idiot, but they'll think long and hard before consciously going and fucking with someone who could turn a big spotlight on their activities.

That is a very naive statement. Thank your lucky stars that you have never run into any real criminals.


Mar 5, 2005
stop hobbying.


fuji said:
Jessi, no disrespect, but that is silly. More people feeding information to the police is not going to make their job tougher, it will make it easier.
That is not what I mean. What I mean is if you give your number to the girl trying to "save" her you might do more damage then good. I have nothing against reporting it, infact I am all for it. However by directly involving yourself (i.e. letting the criminals know you are reporting them by passing the girl your number) you might be doing more harm then good.

Secondly many of these operations tightly monitor their ladies and you can bet phone calls are monitored/restricted.


Jan 31, 2005
Liquid Snake said:
That is a very naive statement. Thank your lucky stars that you have never run into any real criminals.
Crime statistics in Toronto do not support your notion of rampaging out of control people who kill everyone who crosses their path.


Jan 15, 2004
fuji said:
Grow some balls dude. Out of a city of four million there were eighty murders last year. You know how I interpret that? I interpret that to mean that if you are putting your life in danger it's by doing something more than passing your phone number around.

If these dudes want to come after me, and I know who they are (and I know the phone# of their agency and where it is for starters), then they better be prepared to go all the way, because if they chicken out I have my resources too. With 80/4mil dead last year I will take my chances and so can they.

Here is something I know about them: They are into all kinds of shit they don't want anyone to know about, and I'm not. Pay a guy a few bucks to follow them around and photograph everything they do and everyone they talk to and you can probably fuck them over. What would I have to pay to have that done, give up how many trips to an SP? Three? Four? Probably one days is enough. Probably one day of that's enough to send them scurrying back to the nearest rock. Maybe if I were targetting them, going out of my way to fuck them over, otherwise, they have more to lose than I do by stirring the pot.

Hello cockroaches, say hi to the sunlight. Bring it on.

You guys are chickenshits.
Well Fuji, I just checked & my balls are full grown & intact. On the other hand I stand by my comments that I think perhaps you are possibly putting yourself in a situation that will not be good for either you or the girls you try to help.

The 'low-lifes" that we are talking about here are not the scumbag local pimp who has coerced one or more misguided girls into the trade with drugs or promise of true love . The real sex-slave trade is operated by organized crime rings with international affiliations. As I mentioned in my last post, the concequences of prosecution are extreme and the potential revenue from each girl is significant. You suggest that forgoing a couple of tricks would provide you the funds to hire a 'tail' on one of these people. I suggest that the revenue from one of these girls could be used to hire someone to do grievous harm to you. Yes there may have been only 80 murders in Toronto last year, but a large percentage of the victims were not random. Organized crime rings will avoid attention, but they will not shut down & hide because one individual wants to save the world. Gang land style slaying do happen and there are people in this city who will hurt people for money.
These girls, as the reports indicated, are worked 7 days a week and are 'isolated'. I don't suppose they have the freedom to go on an unpaid 'date' at the local coffee shop with one of their Johns.

The problem with this board is that I and several others offer you a reasonable point of view and valid advice and for that we called cowards and told to grow some balls.

I have seen the results of gang retribution and it is not pretty.


Jan 15, 2004
fuji said:
Grow some balls dude. Out of a city of four million there were eighty murders last year. You know how I interpret that? I interpret that to mean that if you are putting your life in danger it's by doing something more than passing your phone number around.

If these dudes want to come after me, and I know who they are (and I know the phone# of their agency and where it is for starters), then they better be prepared to go all the way, because if they chicken out I have my resources too. With 80/4mil dead last year I will take my chances and so can they.

Here is something I know about them: They are into all kinds of shit they don't want anyone to know about, and I'm not. Pay a guy a few bucks to follow them around and photograph everything they do and everyone they talk to and you can probably fuck them over. What would I have to pay to have that done, give up how many trips to an SP? Three? Four? Probably one days is enough. Probably one day of that's enough to send them scurrying back to the nearest rock. Maybe if I were targetting them, going out of my way to fuck them over, otherwise, they have more to lose than I do by stirring the pot.

Hello cockroaches, say hi to the sunlight. Bring it on.

You guys are chickenshits.

Well Fuji, I just checked & my balls are full grown & intact. On the other hand I stand by my comments that I think perhaps you are possibly putting yourself in a situation that will not be good for either you or the girls you try to help.

The 'low-lifes" that we are talking about here are not the scumbag local pimp who has coerced one or more misguided girls into the trade with drugs or promise of true love . The real sex-slave trade is operated by organized crime rings with international affiliations. As I mentioned in my last post, the concequences of prosecution are extreme and the potential revenue from each girl is significant. You suggest that forgoing a couple of tricks would provide you the funds to hire a 'tail' on one of these people. I suggest that the revenue from one of these girls could be used to hire someone to do grievous harm to you. Yes there may have been only 80 murders in Toronto last year, but a large percentage of the victims were not random. Organized crime rings will avoid attention, but they will not shut down & hide because one individual wants to save the world. Gang land style slaying do happen and there are people in this city who will hurt people for money.
I have seen the results of gang retribution and it is not pretty.

These girls, as the reports indicated, are worked 7 days a week and are 'isolated'. I don't suppose they have the freedom to go on an unpaid 'date' at the local coffee shop with one of their Johns.

The problem with this board is that I and several others offer you a reasonable point of view and valid advice and for that you question my balls??


Sep 30, 2004
Sheriff's Office
a 1 player said:
Hey, I'm all for the anonymous phone call to crime stoppers, that is definately being involved. I have yet to go to an establishment where I have beleived people are being treated unjustly though. If I were in that situation, I would certainly become involved, however not to the point where I put myself or my family in imminent danger.

I have seen first hand people getting their legs broken, getting a gun waved in their face, and threats against peoples families. In every situation, it was not by the person who was owed money to. Broken legs do not make it to the news, as most people are so scared shitless at that point to report it to the police.

I have had my house broken into and my dog killed for just being a friend to someone who owed money and for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I called the police, there was no protection offered and the crime is still unsolved. They have seen the pictures of my children on the walls of my home and probably know where they go to school. Again, I WASN'T EVEN INVOLVED!!!! I have had the house I was living in burned down because the fool upstairs owed someone $1000. Again, unsolved.

And "excusing my own failure to act as a man", you don't know jack shit about me brother. I am all for a good debate, but a personal attack shows that you are an ignorant little boy who cannot stand to hear an arguement from someone who disagrees with you for fear you might be wrong. Please, prove me wrong here. I have lived this shit, and yes it does happen.
Damn!! Is your name Rambo or Terminator by any chance. Now, the type of events you described above......

I have to laugh a little if you consider the Crips and Bloods organized crime...Hells' Angels, getting there, but crips and bloods being involved in human trafficking....

P.S. I must add that Fuji has been starting some of the most retarded threads lately....thanks buddy.

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
loco2.0 said:
Damn!! Is your name Rambo or Terminator by any chance. Now, the type of events you described above......

I have to laugh a little if you consider the Crips and Bloods organized crime...Hells' Angels, getting there, but crips and bloods being involved in human trafficking....

P.S. I must add that Fuji has been starting some of the most retarded threads lately....thanks buddy.
I stand corrected, you are right. The Bloods and Crips are not organized crime in the true meaning. I guess my point was more that these affiliations are not scared to protect their revenue by any means necessary. I apologize for the mis-information.


{Space for Rent}
Nov 10, 2007
You're nuts or know nothing about OC if you think the Bloods and Crips aren't organized crime. They have a massive, reasonably well-organized network that has infilitrated most of the U.S. and are heavily involved in drug trafficking, along with murder-for-hire, extortion and forced prostitution.

I won't say that you gents are racist, but you're definitely naive if you don't think that what started as gangs are not in fact now highly organized and every bit as plugged-in as the Mafia, Russians, triads/Asians or bikers.

PS - fuji, while your heart is in the right place, how can anyone really know who is forced into the business? Canadian-born girls are forced into prostitution, their will is beaten, drugged and threatened out of them. I hope you bring your lie detector and sodium pentathol with you to every encounter with an SP. But I hear you, so keep fighting the good fight, and I'll try to do the same.


Jan 31, 2005
Herod: I am not going to know for sure, obviously. If I suspect I will pass along information about what has happened to other women in similar situation (so they have a different version than the fear mongering one that they've been given) and a number to call for help (like Wendy Leavar's number).

So some people think giving my number is going too far. A couple of people have pointed out that giving my number might put these women in danger--even if their abusers simply think they are trying to work on the side, could be a problem.

So, during a session I have a private place to talk to them and I guess I will use that opportunity to tell them what their options are.

I am still not afraid of giving my number. Contrary to all the TV land BS and bluster being posted here you have to do a lot more than drop a number and say hi to get an OC group so worked up they're willing to risk public exposure coming after you.

At no point did I suggest I'd confront these people, that's a job for the police. My role is to pass information to the victims about their rights and alternatives, and pass information to the police about the situation, and that's it.

You guys really don't have balls if that is too scary for you.


Jan 31, 2005
loco2.0 said:
P.S. I must add that Fuji has been starting some of the most retarded threads lately....thanks buddy.
I notice you have posted reviews of SP's from the agency some have speculated might be the one that has been busted.

Pretty sad comment on you that you are potentially contributing to this pretty directly, and yet you don't have the decency or the manhood to do a damn thing for the people you encounter. In fact you think trying to help them is "retarded".

Really sad.


Retired from the Hobby
Dec 17, 2002
West End
imsorry said:
hey as long as i get what i need , who cares
If you're drowning Mr. imsorry, don't count on me to toss you a line.


Jan 31, 2005
loco2.0 said:
Cyber super heroes are jokes bud.....
Oh you sound like a real hero all right, you're out there very possibly having sex with enslaved women and you don't give a rats ass and can't be bothered to stick your cowardly neck out one inch to offer even the slightest help.

I asked on my first post whether you're part of the problem, or part of the solution. I guess we know your answer.


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
S.C. Joe said:
How did those ladies get in to Canada ? Think it was by fake passports. In the USA they have been cracking down on those.
They sure have. :rolleyes: 50 million illegal aliens in the USA and one overpaid knucklehead, Lou Dobbs, complaining 'bout it. You know Dobbs has a little wee-wee, according to his female producer.

Gyaos Baltar.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Gyaos said:
50 million illegal aliens in the USA and one overpaid knucklehead, Lou Dobbs, complaining 'bout it.
Well Gyaos hope you had a nice time in Japan. However, you are dead wrong that illegal immigaration is not a high profile issue in the U.S.
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