It's not being fat, short or old. It's attitude. Bring something, anything to the table...People (Women) would like to spend time with interesting men.
Free advice: My work has put me in many social situations, while working...dinner, bars, night clubs.....
Here's the major list of 4 problems most men seem to have:
1) Lack of desire for anything but sports. Sure, enjoy hockey, and you may even find a few gals who like it....but if it's your only passion, you sir are boring
2) Table manners: Many men dine with all the grace of a vulture...Sit down, slow down, use your knife, fork and napkin properly..This shows that you have some culture (take your damn hat off too)
3)Dress like a man. I don't care if they are $500 jeans. They are still jeans....don't wear them on social occasions.
4) I like a good curse word now and again....a properly placed 'Fuck you' gets results. But when having an adult conversation with a woman you would like to get to know better....dump the sailor mouth.
Bonus: I'm amazed at how many men do not carry business or at least calling cards. All your contact information is on them, and they can be given out with great aplomb, or a nonchalance that suggests you are not TOO invested in the meeting.
Again, for fun, I've tried the 'talk to the least attractive girl in the group' to get the pretty one's attention.
Works like a charm most of the time.....but nothing suggests at the end of the night you can't just slip the cute one your an afterthought of course.