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Weird ethical dilema


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
luckyjackson said:
"I am the source of Ethical behavoir in regards to hiring I am the guy who blasted a supervisor for hiring an assistant based on the size of her breast and for not hiring the best possible candidate and then he went around bragging about it.

Well, that puts a slightly different spin on the matter doesn't it? You are the source for ethical behaviour, and you're coming to TERB for advice?

This decision may be the least of your problems.

I think that this board has a wealth of good information and as it would have been difficult to ask a coworker without someone figuring out who I meant this provided a confidential sorce of advice. My personal life is seperate and as long as it doesn't conflict with work then no problem.



Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
bucknaked2k2 (George Castanza?)

I think many guys would love to do her. She walks into the back of the warehouse in her heels and mini skirts and work stops everyguy has a hardon. The girls in the back aren't that great so when a hot blonde walks in the guys pay attention and a few have made off colour remarks after she leaves another reason that I leave my door open or meet her in the shipping area.



Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Kurt said:


I think that this board has a wealth of good information and as it would have been difficult to ask a coworker without someone figuring out who I meant this provided a confidential sorce of advice. My personal life is seperate and as long as it doesn't conflict with work then no problem.

This is an incredible response.

For the record, I'm not judging any eventual decision you might make to bag this girl. I'd do the same meself. But at least I would NOT have any doubt that what I'd be doing would be wrong from a professional standpoint. I just wouldn't give a shit.

But you, if I understand you, are telling me that,

A. Part of your job requires you to be the "source of ethics" in the work place.

B. You're not sure if sleeping with this woman would constitute a breach of ethics.

C. In your estimation, if you did sleep with her, that's your personal life and has nothing to do with work.

D. It doesn't worry you at all that you feel it necessary to get opinions on professional conduct from a chat board - WHEN IT'S YOUR JOB to be expert on the issue.

I'm sorry my friend, but if these points are an accurate summary of the situation - you're professionally incompetent.

Just as a judge or police officer would be held to a higher standard of conduct when it comes to being law abiding, your employer would expect you to meet a higher standard of ethical behaviour in the work place as an example to the others.

This woman is professionally associated with your firm. It's impossible for you to fuck her and NOT have that affect your professional relationship.

As far as eliciting opinions here, there's nothing wrong with it if you're just whiling your time away, but if you truly need feedback from us on what you are getting paid to know, then as I said - you're incompetent. That's like having a mechanic log in and ask if any of us know how to tune up a 98 Chevy.
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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there


Thanks for your input but

I know what ethical I was asking how to proceed.

Thats all.

Just how to handle the situation I was never going to shag the lady.



Veteran of the angel wars
Apr 18, 2002
mailman said:

Get her to give you a BBBJTC and then dump them as a supplier....................;)
translation: civil suit waiting to happen...

recommend you not engage as it would compromise the integrity of both business entities.

but thats just my oppinion
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