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Weird ethical dilema


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
Question for terbites.

I have had one of our sales reps. kinda hint at sexual favour for exclusive business with our company. Her company billed us $250K in the last quarter and appearantly she get a percentage.

I did not take her up on her offer.

Now two things that real bother me...

Should I report her to her boss?
Should I contiunue doing business with her or request a new contact?

Before you ask she is an attractive blond about 5'6" in her 30's.
I like her even with her fake bubbly personality

Business wise since I've taken over I've found thats its not realistic to have only one supplier so I had initiated a back up and this is the reason for her last visit.

And on a last point has this happened to anyone else and how did you handle it?



New member
Aug 18, 2001
Wanting to deliver the 'goods'

While I have never had a supplier offer me sex in return for exclusive business I have been offered other material items, including kickbacks.

I have always made it a practice to have other suppliers available to me. In fact I have often emailed three or four suppliers, all in the same email, asking for quotes.

I, also, have been on the receiving end of emails that were sent, by one of my customers, to myself and two or three competitors.

IMHO this just keeps everybody honest.................

To answer your question

I would start by looking at the pricing level of other suppliers.

Depending upon how long you've been with your employer contacting her boss may end up costing you your job.......

If you were to contact her boss about this it would come down to a he said/she said scenario......

If the supplier & salesrep have been associated with your company for a number of years and you just joined the company chances are you're going to lose.........

If this is the case you might be better off to request a new contact person.

You will, most likely, be asked why. My response would be that while you enjoy dealing with the supplier as a company you are not content to deal with that specific sales rep and you would rather not discuss the reasons...................

You can try one of the above suggestions I have given or.............................

Get her to give you a BBBJTC and then dump them as a supplier....................;)


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
I don't think it is necessary to report her . In the first place everyone makes mistakes so one incident should not be a '' job ender' for her; secondly if it does not affect the performance of this particular supplier what was the real harm other than a brief awkward moment . If she repeatedly makes you uncomfortable and you have let her know that just ask for another rep on the basis of personality conflict. Nothing to be gained by bringing up the 'offer' .


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
Would expect your job is to represent the company you work for in sourcing the best product for the money. This sales rep has her own agenda.

It would be foolish to risk your new job for sexual favours from this lady, that have a value of only one or two hundred dollars.

It might not be a bad idea to tell your boss what is happening, incase some issues come up in the future.
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Active member
Apr 1, 2002
Just say NO.

Hey Kurt.

This woman could just be playing a game. All she really wants is her big commission. You should get quotes from a few other suppliers (of like or better qualiity).

What if she does this with other clients?

If she still has competitive prices and you're happy with the product and its' delivery, perhaps you could play with her! Have some fun but make it clear it cannot be tied to business.

How often do you have to deal with her? Could she be discreet? Has she made anymore advances since your post?


Retired TERB Ass Slapper
Aug 20, 2001
Trolling the Deleted Threads Repository
Kurt said:
I have had one of our sales reps. kinda hint at sexual favour for exclusive business with our company.
How does one "kinda hint" at sexual favours?

In any case, this is a business decision. Her company either offers you superior products / service than everyone else at a price level that acceptable, or it doesn't. Your decision is solely to focus on what's best for your company.

It's not up to you to crucify her or report her to her boss. How she conducts business is ultimately her own affair and will be reflected accordingly in her results. (Amount of new business closed.) If she feels she needs to give BBBJ to get business, you might want to do her a personal favour and tell her she's in the wrong line of work.


senior member
Aug 18, 2001
Hey Kurt!

This woman does'nt work for a transport co.??does she?? lol

It's a very small world! lol;)


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there
Ethical dilema

No she doesn't work for a transport company.

She hinted at taking me for lunch to discuss using her service exclusivly or as she put it we could just skip lunch and get a room.

I've check prices and her company is competitive but it doesn't make sense to only have one supplier without a back-up so I wouldn't give an exclusive anyway.

Thanks for all the advice and I feel that kick backs are always going to be around and I personally don't mind when a supplier offers me ticket to a game to thank me for their business. I usually offer them to the staff instead of taking them for myself.

Don't get me wrong if this girl came up to me in a bar and wanted to fuck I would be all over her but this is different and even though my company doesn't have any policies on this issue (kickbacks I mean) I feel strange about it. But have decided to ignore her comments.

But I agree with Kiarra if I were a woman (I would play with myself constantly) and a man said the same thing to me it would be some form of sexual harrasment and if my employer found out I would be fired.

Thanks again to everyone for their advice.



Big Daddy

New member
Sep 1, 2001
Good luck Kurt. Terbites are great they help us guys save our careers (if not marriages) :)


Dec 24, 2002
I have to agree and say if i was in a similar situation i would tend to brush it off. If she continues to offer this you might want to confront her about it. Being in the transport-construction business i would take an offer like that with a grain of salt. It could just be her offering a little joke.
Kickbacks are a definite part of business and a persons way of saying thanks. Ulthought that is sort of stepping over the line.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Kurt, exactly how would it be sexual harrassment if the situation was reversed?

How does offering to sleep with someone constitute harrassment? In order for harrassment to occur, one person has to be in a position of power over the other. That's not the case in your situation, or if any one is, it would be you who has the decision of choosing the supplier.

Kiarra is correct in saying that this would probably not be a wise thing to do, because if the deal sours this Salesperson could make trouble for you. However, if you took steps to protect yourself, have her pay for the room, see if you can get her to send you an e-mail or obtain some other record showing the sex was her idea, then I don't see why you can't have your cake and eat it too. So to speak ;)

A realestate agent once came on to me during the second viewing of a house I was considering buying. I had her skirt hiked up in no time. A stupid thing for me to do in retrospect, but it was some of the hottest sex I ever had.

Lastly, how is this an 'ethical' dilemma? Since you're on this board, I'll assume you partake of services at MPs or Escort agencies etc. If you don't have a problem with paying for it, what's the diff here?

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
Another thing to think about it is that women are a lot more complex than men. It could be that she just wants to have sex with you, and she felt more comfortable offering it this way for whatever reason. It does not sound like it could be that earth-shattering a deal for her, she might make some more commission, but not a fortune or a promotion or anything. So she would not be offering if she was not into the sex.

My suggestion would be to say that you would love to get a room, and that it will make you feel good about her company, but that you can not promise anything in terms of business. She might just take that deal, then you win all the way around.


Active member
Apr 1, 2002

Sexual harrassment can be any unwanted sexual attention. So then even learing, gawking are bad.


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
Thank you. That's a load of b.s.

Btw, I commend your confidence, offering an opinion on sexual mores when you're in a state where the odds are pretty good that you're married to your aunt.



Well-known member
Jun 20, 2002
Somewhere between here and there

Here is what I am worried about.
I am a professional person responsible for 2 plants with 8 supervisors on 3 shifts reporting to me indirectly ( I work as an internal HR operation consultant)

I am the source of Ethical behavoir in regards to hiring I am the guy who blasted a supervisor for hiring an assistant based on the size of her breast and for not hiring the best possible candidate and then he went around bragging about it.

So for me to get a room with this woman for sex in exchange for extra business or exclusive business and if it were to get out my credibility would be shot.

On the other hand I did find out from my boss that the blonde did sleep with the last guy who had my responsibilty and he should know it was his son and that is why the responsibilty is on my lap so to speak.

Thanks again for your thoughts.



Oct 9, 2002
Kurt, stick with your 'gut feeling' on this. Ignore this lady's advances or turn her down (politely). It will save you a ton of grief down the road.

In my business, I have from time to time, been offered trips, cash, cars and sex. Having seen first hand, the ones that offer these inducements to garner business and/or favorable treatment, will get you into trouble due to their behavior. Rise above it and you won't have to look over your shoulder.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Kurt: I'm looking for a new supplier. As well, I have no morals whatsoever.

As such, could you PM me her contact info? ;)


Active member
Aug 19, 2001
"I am the source of Ethical behavoir in regards to hiring I am the guy who blasted a supervisor for hiring an assistant based on the size of her breast and for not hiring the best possible candidate and then he went around bragging about it.

Well, that puts a slightly different spin on the matter doesn't it? You are the source for ethical behaviour, and you're coming to TERB for advice?

This decision may be the least of your problems.

Big Bear

New member
Oct 29, 2002
Get the message

It seems to me you were given the message when your boss told you about the last person who had the job. He slept with her and he was moved out of the position. I would bet if it wasn't his son the person would have been fired.

I frankly am amazed at some of the responses regarding kickbacks, sexual or otherwise in this thread. If you were in some countries where such a thing is common then perhaps it would be understandable but not in North America.

If I were you at a minimum I would start an incident file on the lady whereby you put a note in the file detailing the date and the time of the activity, sign it and if necessary get someone you trust to witness it. If it happens again say no and then do another note. If it happens a third time tell her boss and/or your boss and provide your written details from your file. You would do this with a sub performing employee so do it with her. (so to speak)
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