Was Jesus Christ a Queer (homosexual)?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
DonQuixote said:
No, its an American cultural perrogative.
That's the way we are. In short - jam it.
It falls under the 1st Amendment. Should
we begin a discussion of the origin of the
American Constitution and its Amendments?
I was Jesuit trained. Wanna talk theology. Cool.
Wanna talk the law - I too am an attorney.
Wanna talk war - been there, done that too.
Slander Jesus and you'll get all three down
your sorry throat. Don't piss me off.
How ironic, Didnt you just offer me the other cheek? what happened to that?:D

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
phillyfan said:
Jesus saves, not towels.
no jesus could not save even himself, he was begging his God to save him from crucifixtion....

infact read John , jesus said

John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.

Here he is not wanting to be crucified, he begs and says

Matthew 27:45-46

* "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.
* And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

So God Forsaken himself lol, I guess S/he missed the queer parties they had in the bathroom with his 12 desibels.... hey, maybe if he begged them they might have saved his ass of the cross lol:D

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Asterix said:
This is why I love terb. Nearly every day you can learn something that never ocurred to you before.

This is going to be bad news to every fat guy out there, who had no idea that all this time, they were gay.

Oh and by the way Jesus Christ was not a fat gay, he was skinny , just had "breasts"


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
Arabian guy, what is this obsession with men with breasts? Over 100 hundred posts and these strange questions about men with breasts came up even before this stupid thread? What gives? Do you have man-boobs.... or do you want to suck on man boobs? In regards to saying you want to stimulate "debate" rather than (what we all know) simply being as offensive a troll as you can be? give it up your not fooling anyone. Your earlier statement about wanting science to help humanity develop where religion is failing, not so smart when you consider that your quest to offend shows you to be happy to drag things down with religion bashing. I don't believe you are a lawyer at all.... but I Do believe you are one of those dickhead posters from ***** (Vomit maybe?) here to stir up shit. But if you want to debate something... debate this, Why would anyone give you advice on where to find a middle eastern SP when you try so hard to cause problems?


New member
Aug 14, 2005
When you talk negative about prophet muhammad it's all good, but when someone says something about jesus, your blood boils, were all humans, god created us all, so what if we have different pigmentation, learn to respect eachother, understand eachother and live in peace and god will surely reward you, don't hate on anybody because what goes around comes around.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
wumpscut said:
Arabian guy, what is this obsession with men with breasts? Over 100 hundred posts and these strange questions about men with breasts came up even before this stupid thread? What gives? Do you have man-boobs.... or do you want to suck on man boobs? In regards to saying you want to stimulate "debate" rather than (what we all know) simply being as offensive a troll as you can be? give it up your not fooling anyone. Your earlier statement about wanting science to help humanity develop where religion is failing, not so smart when you consider that your quest to offend shows you to be happy to drag things down with religion bashing. I don't believe you are a lawyer at all.... but I Do believe you are one of those dickhead posters from ***** (Vomit maybe?) here to stir up shit. But if you want to debate something... debate this, Why would anyone give you advice on where to find a middle eastern SP when you try so hard to cause problems?
Again with the ad homenon stuff, I mean if you dont know how to defend your own good-for nothing Bible, then why dont you shut up?

Secondly, I am simply pointing out a passage in your own bible, which you dont read!. I have no obsession with man-boobs, though as you may have noticed Jesus Christ, whom you worship as a god, was deviant sexually, and physically had woman-like characteristics.

Thirdly, if you dont beleive i am a lawyer, that is up to you. I could care less if you beleive or not. But its a fact of life that i am a lawyer.

Fourth point, I was asking a specific member who replied, not you. So if you dont want to , dont. Simple.

Oh by the way, are you a high-school drop out? I can tell from your ad homenon arguments, where you leave the topic and attack the arguer, that you were not fortunate enough to know what are the rules of a civilized debate.
Also, from the overly stupid assumptions you make about someone whome you never seen or talked to, that you lack critical attributes of a good partner in debating, that makes me just want to ignore you.

So why dont you point these question to Jesus Christ? Why did he have a gang bang homosexual , queer experiance with a naked boy, and with 12 of his followers in a bathroom settings?

I mean that is what your worshipping. A meer Queer with boobs. Time to wake up and smell the coffee :D

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
wumpscut said:
Arabian guy, Why would anyone give you advice on where to find a middle eastern SP when you try so hard to cause problems?
What problems? We are debating here? Another negative point about you, your close minded person. Just like those in the Vatican....

Let me ask you this though, if you dont read the bible, and dont know what stuff it contains, then why do you keep defending it by attacking me? If your so religous, why do you break the 10 commandments then? ever thought of that?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Does anyone know how to get pork blood off of a sand colored carpet?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
papasmerf said:
Does anyone know how to get pork blood off of a sand colored carpet?
no, maybe lick it off ?

But while we are on topic, What would Jesus Christ use for a Dildo in those times?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Am I the only one.....?

Am I the only one who likes to stuff Prok Chops with a crab and then Grill them?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
But come to think of it, Jesus might just perfered to take it up "dry" and "Rough", being girlish in his attitude. Read the Missing Chapters of the book of Mark for more details


I should be banned.
Sep 3, 2005
papa, you and I may be working towards what some of the other great posters of all time have got on here ie: scroll and roger, oh yea let's not forget ricflairjr :D
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