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Was Jesus Christ a Queer (homosexual)?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
DonQuixote said:
Foot bathing was a common practice back then.
Recall, they didn't have paved walkways back then.
It ws frequently practiced on guests by servants.

The food and drink reference had to do with both the
ending of the blood sacrifice and the nurturing of the
eternal spirit within us.
Okay, but why do it infront of 12 other "naked men" and in intemate settings, with putting heads on Queer Jesus's breasts

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
RemyMartin said:
I though he's a taxi driver.
Nope I am a lawyer by profession. However there is a Martin who works as a taxi driver and gives me a ride when my car is being fixed, you would not be him would you?:D

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
langeweile said:
If you wanna make a point on being gay, make it. if you wanna make a point on gay marriage make it. if you wanna make a point about hypocrisy of a church or a book..make it.

Those don't necessarily go togehter.

Here is a mind twister for you.

1) I am a practicing catholic.
2) If homesexuals want to get married, please do so.
3) The bible(and other church doctrines) is written by men or church. It is one expression of faith. I don't always agree with my religion, but I do believe in a power greater then myself.Which I chose to call God.
4) Priest should be allowed to get married, including somebody of their own sex.
5) I support abortion, but as a means of another form of birth control. It should be reserved for instances of incest, rape and if the live of the mother is in danger.

You seem very young. Soon you will learn, that the world ios not black and white.
If you told this to the Pope at the vatican , I think they will crucify you lol


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Arabian Guy said:
If you told this to the Pope at the vatican , I think they will crucify you lol
Or the Pope would remind him of it being only the Church that can change Church laws

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Papi Chulo said:
Are you f u ck in g delusional? I think if you reported her to the opp and rcmp, they would laugh at you. btw, do you fear for your life?

After all those years of higher education, it sure did not pay off when it comes to spelling and grammar. (see above: openion, lifes )

Being a lawyer and all, your existence must be pretty pathetic if you take enjoyment posting inflammatory and blasphemous comments on an escort review board during your 2 weeks vacation.

No i dont think i am what you said, however i beleive you are! I assure you they will not laugh at me. They will take this as serious as possible. Infact there is jail time involved in threatening the life of a person in canada.

second, As i said i am not a good typer in computers, or typing machiens, i need to find the keys, and sometimes you miss some some times you press them twice. That is by no mean an indication of not knowing how to spell.

Also, My existance is not pathetic, infact i am very happy. I dont take enjoyment in spreading hate , like you are, but i do take enjoyment in debating and questioning beleive systems across the board. I learn alot and its a way to make people open their eyes and not follow things without knowing what it says or what it is about in reality.

Instead of attacking my person, why not attack my argument, Why dont you prove me wrong? Try that for a change!


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
This is why I love terb. Nearly every day you can learn something that never ocurred to you before.

Arabian Guy said:
1) We call something a Breast when the fatty tissue is more than 87-90%, That is why a woman has breasts, and a man has muscles ... only Shemales are males by gender and has breasts. i.e Queers.
This is going to be bad news to every fat guy out there, who had no idea that all this time, they were gay.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Asterix said:
This is why I love terb. Nearly every day you can learn something that never ocurred to you before.

This is going to be bad news to every fat guy out there, who had no idea that all this time, they were gay.
And here all this time I thought they were Jolly, not gay

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Asterix said:
This is why I love terb. Nearly every day you can learn something that never ocurred to you before.

This is going to be bad news to every fat guy out there, who had no idea that all this time, they were gay.
well, You are gay only if you have these things, and you express intimate love to members of same sex. Like what Jesus did with his 12 desibles and the young naked boy whom he loved intimately.

So a fat guy who does not do queer like activity, is still male by gender. Though he has breasts. IF they loose the weight , they will return to being muscles


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Arabian Guy said:
well, You are gay only if you have these things, and you express intimate love to members of same sex. Like what Jesus did with his 12 desibles and the young naked boy whom he loved intimately.

So a fat guy who does not do queer like activity, is still male by gender. Though he has breasts. IF they loose the weight , they will return to being muscles
Or really flabby breasts.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Asterix said:
Or really flabby breasts.
Do you know in Chickens, when the cock looses its male parts they become fully functional females? Also when they get fat, the male hermonal quantitiy gets reduced to the point its not detectable, and they are functionally females (they lay eggs).

You can read it in Vertebrates Biology books

Scientfically, a human female, can in theory produce offspring, that is in characteristics "Female", joining two XX egs, to produce the female, or majorly female that cant produce offspring.

Since we know Jesus was born with no human father, scientifical theory tells us, that he might be the result of a rare genetic division disorder where 2 X chromosomes failed to be seperated, and somehow the egg developed to produce a psudo-female, which might be what Jesus is. Having breasts, but is a male like in characteristics. Then the psychological theories tells us that such a person would exhibit queer like characteristics, associating with males, and even showing affection and intimacy to males.

The bible in this regard, shows that this fits Jesus perfectly. Being Queer with breasts, and who was engaged in gay gangbang activities with his 12 religous students.

This also , shows that the most practicing of christians, the Catholic Priests, who follow the bible closely , and are preseumed closer to God than any others, also molested young boys in the Churches , and exhibiting gay intimiate desires. In this they were following Jesus, and how he had these intimate gay experiances with his 12 desibels in a bathroom setting.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
Arabian Guy said:
Do you know in Chickens, when the cock looses its male parts they become fully functional females? Also when they get fat, the male hermonal quantitiy gets reduced to the point its not detectable, and they are functionally females (they lay eggs).
Fascinating. See this was exactly what I was talking about. So if male chickens get too fat they start to lay eggs. Do give us a link for this.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
This is surely one of the greatest threads in the history of the Internet. It must never be allowed to die.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Arabian Guy said:
Its in a book called Life Of Vertiberates, check it out in the library

Actually, it is "The Life of Vertebrates"

Claiming to be a lawyer, with such bad spelling, could AG really be Alien???


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Arabian Guy said:
LOL, that is funny , really, funny. I wounder why Christians in USA did not turn the other cheek when 911 happened?

Second, I did not abuse you for you to give me your other cheek...but thanks for the offer :)
No the Neocon born again Christians who rule the USA these days
“Do not follow the teaching of Jesus"

Matthew 5:39, “But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

But they follow the Usrael alliance; or the Israelite penal code, that is the God's instructions to Moses

Exodus 21: 23, “And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Papi Chulo said:
Actually, it is "The Life of Vertebrates"

Claiming to be a lawyer, with such bad spelling, could AG really be Alien???
Again with the Ad homenon stuff, but Isnt that what i wrote? Maybe you need to put on your glasses

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
cyrus said:
No the Neocon born again Christians who rule the USA these days
“Do not follow the teaching of Jesus"

Matthew 5:39, “But I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.”

But they follow the Usrael alliance; or the Israelite penal code, that is the God's instructions to Moses

Exodus 21: 23, “And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life,
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.”
I beg to differ, I think they are following the teachings of the bible. I will post a topic for debate in another thread about this very thing later on

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
DonQuixote said:
My research finally led me to the origin of the New Testament.
It was at the Third Synod of Carthage in 397.
The books were represented in a letter by Athanasius because
each writing had three qualifications:
1. apastolic authority - ie written by one of the members of Jesus'
immediate community
2. support of a major Christian community
3. an absence of false teachings - ie. the book hadn't been edited
or modified. All other writings were discarded as heretical.

That, in essence, codified the teachings of Christianity to this day.
How did the members of the early Christian community maintain
its unique identity until 397? By custom and tradition.

That's the reason why I question those that deny tradition and only
rely upon the New Testament for their authority. The written word
only became authority 369 years after the crucifixion.

To those that quote scripture for their authority I respond: You
don't have a clue of the meaning, history and import of Christianity.
I get so weary when people quote scripture alone as authority
for their views on any ethical issue.

Historica footnote: St. Augustine of Hippo wrote in the early 400s.
The reference indicates he attended the Synod along with Jerome who
translated the Greek writings into Latin. For Hippo is in the region
of Carthage.
In essence you are saying that The Bible is not the word of God, and infact its been altered by humans, and falcified. Then how are you supposed to worship god, if the book that has the teachings was made by people according to customs and tradition. I telly you that humans in these times has large imaral values, and most were racist and murderers, and it was the "Book Of God" that was the guiding principles of the time to indicate what is moral and what is not. So what your saying is that God Lied when he said his word does not change in 1 Corinthoins, and when Jesus afirmed that he came to continue the teachings of the old testiment. Very interesting indeed.

So if you are following a religion that has been polluted by "traditions" and cultures that were not highly moral and many endores killing and slavery and highly imoral conduct, that that also says alot about you as a person and about your character as well.

In the Bible of the Priset in Alexandira, he shows detailed accounts of conducts that are by far , in today's moral standings and norms of good conduct, are immoral and represent an ugly black spot in the christain faith and its religous idols, symoblized by Jesus Christ. He infact shows details of how Jesus engaged in sexaully imoral conduct at that time. He gives account how the religous jewish rabbia of the time issued orders to punish him for the immoral conducts he did with young boys. The Bible or religous writings by that Coptic Priest in Alexandria, Egypt, were hidden by the vatican because they feared them to be exposed to the civilized world. They thought that it would best serve Christianity if these documents were not shown, however accurate of an account they detail.

My question is, again, why are they not allowing and sanctioning the marriage between same sex individuals? Is it to protect the idealized image that they drew about truely a gay and Queer Jesus Christ who had breasts?:rolleyes:

secondly, If the bible's meaning cannot be explained as is written then what use do we have for it? If you have an encrypted file that is supposed to show you how to perform your job and you cant decrypt it, then its useless isnt it?

But I agree with the priests when they say that God doest want to confuse us, and thus his words are clear , and their meaning are as clear as the sun in a hot day. "For God is not a God of confusion....," (1 Cor. 14:33).
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