Was Jesus Christ a Queer (homosexual)?

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Arabian Guy said:
Oh and by the way Jesus Christ was not a fat gay, he was skinny , just had "breasts"
AG, for someone who claims to be educated you throughout this thread you have displayed a lack of education. For your information AG, all people, male and female, fat and skinny have breasts.

Also, breast is a synonym for thorax or chest.

AG, since all males have a thorax (chest / breasts), does that mean that all males are gay?

"The term breast, also known by the Latin mamma in anatomy, refers to the upper ventral region of an animal's torso, particularly that of mammals, including human beings. In addition, the breasts are parts of a female mammal's body which contain the organs that secrete milk used to feed infants.

it should be noted that male humans also have breasts (although usually less prominent) that are structurally identical and homologous to the female, as they develop embryologically from the same tissues. While the mammary glands that produce milk are present in the male, they normally remain undeveloped. In some situations male breast development does occur, a condition called gynecomastia. Milk production can also occur in both men and women as a rare adverse effect of some medicinal drugs (such as some antipsychotic medication) or in endocrine disorders."



New member
Jun 29, 2003
papasmerf said:
A bastard is a fatherless child or one born out of wedlock

Christ met neither of these conditions.

But hey let he who is without sin cast the first stones.
The ignorance of early Christian’s teachings!
I tell you how the Virgin Mary got pregnant if you don’t want to believe she was a prostitute.
Man’s sperm may stay well & active for over 48 hours in a very warm humid environment like a public bath . . .
The Christ mother “virgin Mary " must have taken a bath within that period shortly after a couple of men had sex with each other or another man who must have masturbated when the male sperm found its way into Mary's vagina and the ovulation have taken place

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Papi Chulo said:
AG, for someone who claims to be educated you throughout this thread you have displayed a lack of education. For your information AG, all people, male and female, fat and skinny have breasts.

Also, breast is a synonym for thorax or chest.

AG, since all males have a thorax (chest / breasts), does that mean that all males are gay?

"The term breast, also known by the Latin mamma in anatomy, refers to the upper ventral region of an animal's torso, particularly that of mammals, including human beings. In addition, the breasts are parts of a female mammal's body which contain the organs that secrete milk used to feed infants.

it should be noted that male humans also have breasts (although usually less prominent) that are structurally identical and homologous to the female, as they develop embryologically from the same tissues. While the mammary glands that produce milk are present in the male, they normally remain undeveloped. In some situations male breast development does occur, a condition called gynecomastia. Milk production can also occur in both men and women as a rare adverse effect of some medicinal drugs (such as some antipsychotic medication) or in endocrine disorders."

I beg to differ, a chest is not a breast :)

Do women feed their infants using their mamalian breasts or their chests (bony structure)? Males Have dorment all musles breasts, and are called psudo-breasts, because they are non functional, and the mamalian cells have diferentated in a way that is irreversable. Differentiation occcures during growing up, and then dies off at teen age time 20s. So an adult male has no functional breasts in the same sence as the functional mamalian breasts, they are simply a muscle, and although the nipples never get "erased", its part of our evolution, we never had a 100% efficient seperation of sexes, we still have some redundant features that is the result of ineffecient evolutionary process that takes time and infact millions of years...

So you are the one who is uneducated when it comes to this. Breasts are not chest, and they are not synonmous. Look at The Life of vertebrates book, and see mamalian glands differentiation between the sexes.

Testestrone destroys mamalian glands and render them useless, at the genetic level of the cell diferentation, It simply turns off certain marker genes. So turning the breast region into a muscle. So when we say someone has breasts it refers to that there is a region where the fatty tissue is more than 86%, and normally its due to female hormones being in higher quanitiy than male hormones, thus resulting in "sometimes" lactating psudo-male breasts, in males who are fat/ or have some heromnal/chemical imbalance. Females have classical breasts because they have more than 86% fat in that area and are fully lactating (milk producing) mamalian glands

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
cyrus said:
The ignorance of early Christian’s teachings!
I tell you how the Virgin Mary got pregnant if you don’t want to believe she was a prostitute.
Man’s sperm may stay well & active for over 48 hours in a very warm humid environment like a public bath . . .
The Christ mother “virgin Mary " must have taken a bath within that period shortly after a couple of men had sex with each other or another man who must have masturbated when the male sperm found its way into Mary's vagina and the ovulation have taken place
There are references in the bible that shows that marry was an adulteress, before she was to marry the Carpenter, she was with another man, and the carpenter "covered up" the fact that she was pregnant out of marriage

So Jesus was in effect a bastard child, born in a farm with animals, and developed queer like activities with few decibles, He only had a mother to look up to lool so go figure loool


New member
Jun 29, 2003
Arabian Guy said:
There are references in the bible that shows that marry was an adulteress, before she was to marry the Carpenter, she was with another man, and the carpenter "covered up" the fact that she was pregnant out of marriage

So Jesus was in effect a bastard child, born in a farm with animals, and developed queer like activities with few decibles, He only had a mother to look up to lool so go figure loool
Either way he deserves to be respected as a "Prophet."
Contrary to what all these conservatives want to believe, the prophecy is not given by God but earned by the man.
It is earned when a man attains a very high level of holiness and spirituality that only a very few have managed to gain.
Last edited:


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
A-ROD said:
You still here
Finished the driveway and read the paper
now I am relaxing a bit


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I noticed a mutual rub club here while I was doing the driveway.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
A-ROD said:
I went out and shovelled as well, now I am off to Burlington shortly for a business meeting :(
Business on Sunday??????????????

Charge them twice as much


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
breast ( P ) Pronunciation Key (brst)

Either of two milk-secreting, glandular organs on the chest of a woman; the human mammary gland.

A corresponding organ in other mammals.

A corresponding rudimentary gland in the male.

The superior ventral surface of the human body, extending from the neck to the abdomen.

A corresponding part in other animals.

The part of a garment that covers the chest.

The seat of affection and emotion: “Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast” (Shakespeare).

A source of nourishment.

Something likened to the human breast: the breast of a hill.
The face of a mine or tunnel.

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006
Arabian Guy said:
I beg to differ, a chest is not a breast :)
You can beg to differ all that you want.

Is it only "queers" which suffer from male breast cancer???

From ancient to modern times, the male chest has been commonly referred to as a breast.

Your interpretation of the bible is clearly twisted and your comments on this board meant to offend many.
Hopefully the moderators deal with you soon.

Here are a few more literary references to male breasts for you:

Cymbeline, Act V, Scene IV

"And happier much by his affliction made.
This tablet lay upon his breast"

King Henry VI
, Part III, Act V, Scene IV

"Infuse his breast with magnanimity"

The Rape of Lucrece

"This said, he struck his hand upon his breast,"

Romeo & Juliet

"But on his breast her head doth joyless Juliet lay"

"But who forgets the coal that burneth in his breast?"

"And chargeth him not to bewray the dolours of his breast."

Richard III

Act 1 Scene 2


"Unmanner'd dog! stand thou, when I command:
Advance thy halbert higher than my breast"

"He lays his breast open: she offers at it with his sword "

Venus & Adonis

"The which, by Cupid's bow she doth protest,
He carries thence incaged in his breast."

Antony & Cleopatra

"Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst
The buckles on his breast"

The Tragedy of Coriolanus

"Both field and city ours he never stood
To ease his breast with panting"

Merchant of Venice

"And you must cut this flesh from off his breast:
The law allows it, and the court awards it."

Coriolanus: Act II, Scene II

"His heart's his mouth: What his breast forges, that his tongue must vent."

JRR Tolkien

"An eagle-plume upon his crest,

Upon his breast an emerald."

Collected in the Highlands of Scotland,
Translated from the Gaelic or Erse Language.

"She went. He stood behind the shield. Her arrow flew and pierced his breast. "

Stephen Crane
War is Kind

"Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind."

Also, poems from pre-islamic Arabia (before 622 CE)

The Poem of Imru-Ul-Quais

"Then I said to the night, as slowly his huge bulk passed over me,
As his breast, his loins, his buttocks weighed on me and then passed afar"

"She went. He stood behind the shield. Her arrow flew and pierced his breast."

The Poem of Antar

"Then he turned on account of the falling of the spears on
his breast, and complained to me with tears and whinnyings."

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
nathan_wong0 said:


P.S. I don't even think you are a lawyer! You are probably and art student wannabe a lawyer!

Your in for a surprise then. I am a lawyer by profession, and I work in the area of Litigation (corporate) and Criminal justice area :)

I never studied art, but hey its still a good thing, better than dropping out of high school which probably you are

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
frankcastle said:

Get your facts straight. Jesus was considered the son of god NOT god.

Ask your prist, they say he is God, because the Word Was GOD , and he was "Our Lord And savior"

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Papi Chulo said:
You can beg to differ all that you want.

Is it only "queers" which suffer from male breast cancer???

From ancient to modern times, the male chest has been commonly referred to as a breast.

Your interpretation of the bible is clearly twisted and your comments on this board meant to offend many.
Hopefully the moderators deal with you soon.

Here are a few more literary references to male breasts for you:

Cymbeline, Act V, Scene IV

"And happier much by his affliction made.
This tablet lay upon his breast"

King Henry VI
, Part III, Act V, Scene IV

"Infuse his breast with magnanimity"

The Rape of Lucrece

"This said, he struck his hand upon his breast,"

Romeo & Juliet

"But on his breast her head doth joyless Juliet lay"

"But who forgets the coal that burneth in his breast?"

"And chargeth him not to bewray the dolours of his breast."

Richard III

Act 1 Scene 2


"Unmanner'd dog! stand thou, when I command:
Advance thy halbert higher than my breast"

"He lays his breast open: she offers at it with his sword "

Venus & Adonis

"The which, by Cupid's bow she doth protest,
He carries thence incaged in his breast."

Antony & Cleopatra

"Which in the scuffles of great fights hath burst
The buckles on his breast"

The Tragedy of Coriolanus

"Both field and city ours he never stood
To ease his breast with panting"

Merchant of Venice

"And you must cut this flesh from off his breast:
The law allows it, and the court awards it."

Coriolanus: Act II, Scene II

"His heart's his mouth: What his breast forges, that his tongue must vent."

JRR Tolkien

"An eagle-plume upon his crest,

Upon his breast an emerald."

Collected in the Highlands of Scotland,
Translated from the Gaelic or Erse Language.

"She went. He stood behind the shield. Her arrow flew and pierced his breast. "

Stephen Crane
War is Kind

"Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,
Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
Do not weep.
War is kind."

Also, poems from pre-islamic Arabia (before 622 CE)

The Poem of Imru-Ul-Quais

"Then I said to the night, as slowly his huge bulk passed over me,
As his breast, his loins, his buttocks weighed on me and then passed afar"

"She went. He stood behind the shield. Her arrow flew and pierced his breast."

The Poem of Antar

"Then he turned on account of the falling of the spears on
his breast, and complained to me with tears and whinnyings."

However you try to make Jesus look as if he had no "Breasts" , the bible says he had Breasts, and they did not say that the desible put his head on his chest, but rather on his "Breasts". According to Grace anatomy of the human body, a brast is different anatomical part than a Chest or the Chest Cavity.
So why do you keep saying a breast is a chest?

Jesus was a HomoSexual Queer with Breasts, who molested a naked boy, and had gang bangs with his 12 decibles in a "Bathroom setting" where they were all naked, and one of them put his head on his "Breast" and told him that he loves him , and in an intimate way.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
our lord and saviour..... in what part of that sentence does it say the word god? If the priest said jesus christ our god and saviour okay. But "lord" does not equal "god."

Clearly you are the worst lawyer ever. STill going on about the word breast. The word has many conotations heck even the word gay has more than one meaning. How can a lawyer not understand context, syntax, and definitions?

Gray's anatomy not "grace."

Disciples not however you spelt it.

And the guy gives you a large number of quotes showing the double meaning of breast and I give you the dictionary definition and you're still on about it.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
frankcastle said:
our lord and saviour..... in what part of that sentence does it say the word god? If the priest said jesus christ our god and saviour okay. But "lord" does not equal "god."

Clearly you are the worst lawyer ever. STill going on about the word breast. The word has many conotations heck even the word gay has more than one meaning. How can a lawyer not understand context, syntax, and definitions?

Gray's anatomy not "grace."

Disciples not however you spelt it.

And the guy gives you a large number of quotes showing the double meaning of breast and I give you the dictionary definition and you're still on about it.

consider these passages

"I and my Father are ONE."

--Jesus Christ, John 10:30

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, THE WORD, AND THE HOLY GHOST: and THESE THREE ARE ONE."

--1 John 5:7

"... feed the church of GOD, which he hath purchased with his OWN BLOOD."

--Acts 20:28

"And they stoned Stephen, calling upon GOD, and saying, LORD JESUS, receive my spirit."

--Acts 7:59

"For unto us A CHILD IS BORN, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, THE MIGHTY GOD, THE EVERLASTING FATHER, The Prince of Peace."

--Isaiah 9:6

"And Thomas answered and said unto him [JESUS], My Lord and MY GOD."

--John 20:28

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD WAS GOD. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And THE WORD WAS MADE FLESH, AND DWELT AMONG US, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth."

--John 1:1-4, 14

again this shows that you never read the bible, and you want to defend it ... how ironic

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
nathan_wong0 said:
He is a wannabe lawyer but not a lawyer at all!
you are entitiled to your own openion. I could not careless what you think. It does not change my reality :)
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