
Verdict reached in Trump hush money trial


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
You really don't see the messaging do you? The convicted guy shows up like nothing happened, getting on Camera for MILLIONS, who cheer him. Do you really think anyone was paying much attention to the Libertarians? I didn't know he was there until after. It wasn't televised, and most people don't take them seriously. He is the one getting headlines.

Trump getting booed is the equivalent headline "Water is Wet"

What "messaging" don't I see?

That Trump's appeal lies with the people on the left side of the Bell curve and not on the right? Duhhhh...

To turn your actual words on you, "Water is Wet". Trump is the demagogue of the less intelligent and that the media reports on the most click-attracting events.

Dumb fucks adore him and intelligent people sbhotr him Duhhhh!
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
You've never known a black Republican before?
Of course he does! He knows everything about every one and what they are thinking! Just ask him.

The real question is has he met any black republican UFC fighter and spent time with him.

cuz, it's not that a UFC fighter isn't an attention seeking whore who would suck on da Donald's magic mushroom in front of the crowd to become notorious!
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And you are intellectually dishonest , famous for putting words in other peoples mouths and then calling them stupid.

I have NO IDEA what his aspirations are. But of course, knowing the man as well as you do, you KNOW.

Are you stupid or just dishonest like your idol? Again, I never said anything BUT that this was STATE politics! And fucking right he was targetted. Just like other megalomaniac loud mouthed criminals. John The Dapper Don" Gotti's over the top flagrant "fuck you, the "Teflon Don" attitude and his big fucking mouth made him a big juicy target.for anyone who ever decided to go into any level of law enforcement. Same with "the great "Al Capone". So fucking what? Lot's of people whined when their criiminal heroes got jailed. Whhaaaaaaaaa 😭

If Trump wasn't such a contemptuous criminal fraudster with such a big mouth, he might have gotten away with his crimes.

And if think he is innocent and that it was a purely political driven charge,, then all his books would have been clean.

BTW, I also laugh at these 'tards who both say he can pardon himself, and that he has Presidential Immunity! He can't pardon STATE convictions and he wasn't President when he committed the crimes.

Why don''t you guys just admiot that you are in love with the man?

What a maroon, what a nincompoop.

YOU think YOU are so smart and insightful to judge what Alvin Bragg understands about Trump? Do you read Tarot Cards or just don't give people credit for their intelligence. Not disrespecting your hard work as a waiter for 20 years or so (as I recall) but I don't know fuck all about him but I figure he knows a thing or two having gone to law schol, bben a prosecutor and managing to get elected. He understands criminals more than the entire TERB membership.

Agreed, the political system in the USA is corrupt. We need more Alvin Braggs to investigate,, charge, convict and imprison corrupt politicians one by one! That is how the system gets reformed. Not by a fucking megalomaniac stirring up incels and hateful imbecile stooges to dress up like Shaman's and cause a riot at the seat of gov't just to stay in power... and out of reach of law enforcement.
Cripes are you in a bubble. And really naive.

I see Trump for what he is. A flawed, narcissist, corrupt, self agrandizing troll. He shouldn't be President. This isn't about love. Its about acknowledging what else he is. And that is Charismatic. Massively Charismatic. With the ability to sell. Anything. He makes people want to buy. He sells dreams, both true and false. He sells ideas, both good and bad. He is the bull in the china shop. Only this time the china shop is Washington, and people are cheering as they hear the breakage. Because they despise the owner of the shop. He, along with Obama, are the two most naturally gifted Politicians in US politics so far in the 21st Century. Trump the Dirty Wrestler in cadence, Obama the Black Preacher. Both with the ability to walk into a packed stadium, and enthrall for an hour. Who else can do that? No one else right now. Its fascinating to watch.

In 2004 I saw Obama speak at the DNC convention on TV and said he could be President if he could get the nomination. And he beat the Clinton Machine to do it 4 years later. Trump took on the Bush machine 8 years later. Hope and Change, Make America Great Again. The same coin, just flip them.

Bragg is a little cog in a big machine. Hoping to get a bit more. And trying to protect the corrupt insulated system, not break it. So he can join it. The two parties DON'T ALLOW REFORMERS IN if they can help it, and corrupt them if they do get in. Considering how corrupt USA politics are, and how little politicians are investigated, how can not see it?

These charges are tiny. To his haters, a moment to gloat, his supporters, a moment to redouble for him, to the average American.......a shrug of business as usual.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
What "messaging" don't I see?

That Trump's appeal lies with the people on the left side of the Bell curve and not on the right? Duhhhh...

To turn your actual words on you, "Water is Wet". Trump is the demagogue of the less intelligent and that the media reports on the most click-attracting events.

Dumb fucks adore him and intelligent people sbhotr him Duhhhh!
And eaches vote is worth the same. That's all that matters.

And the messaging is "I don't give a fuck about the corrupt NY bullshit charges, neither should you".

A powerful message with how shitty the cops and justice system is in the USA.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Cripes are you in a bubble. And really naive.

I see Trump for what he is. A flawed, narcissist, corrupt, self agrandizing troll. He shouldn't be President. This isn't about love. Its about acknowledging what else he is. And that is Charismatic. Massively Charismatic. With the ability to sell. Anything. He makes people want to buy. He sells dreams, both true and false. He sells ideas, both good and bad. He is the bull in the china shop. Only this time the china shop is Washington, and people are cheering as they hear the breakage. Because they despise the owner of the shop. He, along with Obama, are the two most naturally gifted Politicians in US politics so far in the 21st Century. Trump the Dirty Wrestler in cadence, Obama the Black Preacher. Both with the ability to walk into a packed stadium, and enthrall for an hour. Who else can do that? No one else right now. Its fascinating to watch.

In 2004 I saw Obama speak at the DNC convention on TV and said he could be President if he could get the nomination. And he beat the Clinton Machine to do it 4 years later. Trump took on the Bush machine 8 years later. Hope and Change, Make America Great Again. The same coin, just flip them.

Bragg is a little cog in a big machine. Hoping to get a bit more. And trying to protect the corrupt insulated system, not break it. So he can join it. The two parties DON'T ALLOW REFORMERS IN if they can help it, and corrupt them if they do get in. Considering how corrupt USA politics are, and how little politicians are investigated, how can not see it?

These charges are tiny. To his haters, a moment to gloat, his supporters, a moment to redouble for him, to the average American.......a shrug of business as usual.

So what's your point?

What bubble are you putting me in? Seems you just say what I'm saying in a different way.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
And eaches vote is worth the same. That's all that matters.
Yes, and it shows, again how gullible Americans are for so many to say they would vote for him. And I'm not talking about the few hundred or thousands that show up at his own version of a UFC "Rally". I'm talking everyday Americans.

Trump is today's jet setting Televangelists of the 90's.

Fleecing the flock. And getting thanked for it!


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Going deeper into Elie Honig's analysis via @KanekoaTheGreat:

CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job
1. "The judge donated money... in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation."
2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.”
3. "Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process."
4. "The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever."
5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and "electroshocked them back to life" by alleging the falsification of business records was committed 'with intent to commit another crime.'
6. "Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial."
7. "In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else."
8. "The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator."
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
It was a rhetorical question! :ROFLMAO:
Sean Strickland wins and goes over and gets a selfie with Trump. ..In the in ring interview he says that what happened to trump was a travesty and he will be donating to Trump.

The crowd goes wild..Hmmm...
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So what's your point?

What bubble are you putting me in? Seems you just say what I'm saying in a different way.
Honestly. The Professional one. I'm friends with several Professionals. Lawyers, Engineers, High Level Accountants, Finance people. University educated and very intelligent. But it also insulates them from Blue collar and Service Industry mindsets and thinking because they mostly only hang with their own. Just like the groups I mentioned do as well. I git to know them from various geek fandom conventions and events. A great equalizer.

All are well off, and they earned it rightfully, through hard work and natural gifts. I appreciate their insights on many things. But sometimes they can get a certain "I know better/what's good for people" mindset that borders on arrogance and contempt. Because they aren't struggling. And dont realize that many people aren't born with the same gifts of intelligence, or drive. Or had decent families to start from, who taught them the right habits. Or the chance at an education. Or to even live somewhere more cosmopolitan. And I occasionally pull them up short. Because they need it.

You did it yourself when you brought up my being a waiter. A Bartender. One thing my "Profession" did though was give me exposure to every socioeconomic class, both in service and to University kids/Low level class working stiffs. To immigrants and social transplants. To gay people when things were at their worst for them, to refugees. And to CEO's Execs, Stars, politicians(I met both Bill Clinton and Bush II, As well as Chretien, Mulroney, Harper, and spoke one on one with them, except Bush).

Each interaction giving me insight into mindsets. Thats why I say what I say. Being the invisible Servant you see and hear things. 13 years in a hotel gave me even more. A few drinks in them and it all comes out. The best and the worst. Cameras off. Who they are by how they treat the least of us.

That's where I am. Where are you seeing the world from?
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
If you don't think that Da's use the position as a springboard to higher office you are stupid. And if you don't think Bragg will use this to get a safe nomination to Washington you are again stupid. This is State level politics at it finest. The case was specifically targetted. Please don't try to say otherwise. You don't need a meeting to get here. You just need a concencus of opinion. They all go to the same schools, have membership in the same clubs, attend the same parties. When goals align quid pro quo and nepotism are the result

But its because they don't understand Trump. They brought the charges BECAUSE ANYONE ELSE IT HURTS THEM. But not Trump. Trump is the big fuck you. People don't vote for Trump because they think he will do better. They do it to say Fuck you to both parties who are corrupt. They know he is too. But not THEIR CORRUPT guy. They think he isn't owned by either party. He is the loose cannon. The one tht drives them nuts, mocks them, throws a monkey wrench into their plans, whatever else. His supporters watch with glee every time to makes a joke of the system. Thats how bad it is in the USA. That's what you can tell your clients. Its so bad, that half the nation think its better to make it worse and laugh about it.

Because in fact it is.
Your right- Trump is like the special Ed kid in high-school who everyone tells to do stupid things like piss in the principals coffee and tell him to fuck off while the normal kids laugh
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Your right- Trump is like the special Ed kid in high-school who everyone tells to do stupid things like piss in the principals coffee and tell him to fuck off while the normal kids laugh
You still don't get it. And until you do he will continue to confound you.
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