And you are intellectually dishonest , famous for putting words in other peoples mouths and then calling them stupid.
I have NO IDEA what his aspirations are. But of course, knowing the man as well as you do, you KNOW.
Are you stupid or just dishonest like your idol? Again, I never said anything BUT that this was STATE politics! And fucking right he was targetted. Just like other megalomaniac loud mouthed criminals. John The Dapper Don" Gotti's over the top flagrant "fuck you, the "Teflon Don" attitude and his big fucking mouth made him a big juicy target.for anyone who ever decided to go into any level of law enforcement. Same with "the great "Al Capone". So fucking what? Lot's of people whined when their criiminal heroes got jailed.
If Trump wasn't such a contemptuous criminal fraudster with such a big mouth, he might have gotten away with his crimes.
And if think he is innocent and that it was a purely political driven charge,, then all his books would have been clean.
BTW, I also laugh at these 'tards who both say he can pardon himself, and that he has Presidential Immunity! He can't pardon STATE convictions and he wasn't President when he committed the crimes.
Why don''t you guys just admiot that you are in love with the man?
What a maroon, what a nincompoop.
YOU think YOU are so smart and insightful to judge what Alvin Bragg understands about Trump? Do you read Tarot Cards or just don't give people credit for their intelligence. Not disrespecting your hard work as a waiter for 20 years or so (as I recall) but I don't know fuck all about him but I figure he knows a thing or two having gone to law schol, bben a prosecutor and managing to get elected. He understands criminals more than the entire TERB membership.
Agreed, the political system in the USA is corrupt. We need more Alvin Braggs to investigate,, charge, convict and imprison corrupt politicians
one by one! That is how the system gets reformed. Not by a fucking megalomaniac stirring up incels and hateful imbecile stooges to dress up like Shaman's and cause a riot at the seat of gov't just to stay in power... and out of reach of law enforcement.