Van struck 8-10 people on Young in Toronto


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002

A white guy walks into a mosque in quebec and opens fire, killing 6. He is charged with 6 counts of murder and Trudeau instantly calls it a terrorist attack.
I actually have never been a fan of Trudeau and many
other liberal politicians. I think Trudeau would have done a better
job just by keeping his mouth shut. The mosque killing was more
of a hate crime than a terrorist attack like Marc Lepine's Montreal
massacre. For this Yonge St Van attack the use of truck is reminiscent
of terrorist attacks in Europe in recent years. It is understandable
why some some people were quick to state it is not a terrorist
attack. I suppose that was meant to alleviate public fear. If I were
in charge my wording would be more cautious.


New member
Jan 26, 2017
Canadian “justice” system. F**k me, if that’s not a oxymoron I don’t know what is...

Right now this pos is probably banging on the jail cell wall demanding to know where his Swiss Chalet delivery order is while the cops are in the next room debating who’ll make the sunshine list this year...

He’ll probably use the Vincent Li defence “ I heard voices telling me to do it” and be out in 5. All he needs is a sleazy attention seeking lawyer ala Clayton Ruby...

What’s this incel movement all about guys?. Apparently he (the pos) was an adherent. Is it a bunch of guys angry at the world cause they can’t get laid?

FFS pay for it like I do and leave the innocents alone...

Rant over. I’d like to hear your comments


BTW I think the arresting officer should have pumped him full of lead and argued he heard “voices” that it was punishment at a primal level when guilt was never in question

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
He was too stupid to know.

Women worth getting to know are meant to be difficult, but not impossible to obtain. This incel movement is a spluttering stupidity, anyone who adheres to it will have a hairy palm for life.

Fillipo is that a real woman or a real doll?


Aug 23, 2001
Canadian “justice” system. F**k me, if that’s not a oxymoron I don’t know what is...

Right now this pos is probably banging on the jail cell wall demanding to know where his Swiss Chalet delivery order is while the cops are in the next room debating who’ll make the sunshine list this year...

He’ll probably use the Vincent Li defence “ I heard voices telling me to do it” and be out in 5. All he needs is a sleazy attention seeking lawyer ala Clayton Ruby...

What’s this incel movement all about guys?. Apparently he (the pos) was an adherent. Is it a bunch of guys angry at the world cause they can’t get laid?

FFS pay for it like I do and leave the innocents alone...

Rant over. I’d like to hear your comments


BTW I think the arresting officer should have pumped him full of lead and argued he heard “voices” that it was punishment at a primal level when guilt was never in question
You need to be less angry at everyone, Bro.

There's counselling.


Aug 23, 2001

A white guy walks into a mosque in quebec and opens fire, killing 6. He is charged with 6 counts of murder and Trudeau instantly calls it a terrorist attack.

Yesterday's van driver who doesn;t appear white to me, more middle eastern plows into 25 people killing 10. He is charged with 10 counts of murder. Every politician is saying its not a terrorist attack.

Why is one a terrorist attack and the other not?
Because no one has figured out the motivation of the van driver yet. And he's Armenian and that likely means he's not Muslim. So that kills the "ISIS operative" theory.

He could be an Armenian dude who wanted to kill because today's the Armenian Day of Mourning for the Genocide. He could be a angry loser who wanted to kill women - apaprently all or almost all the vics were women - or he could be a random wack. Nobody knows yet.

No conspiracy happening here.

When a white person goes to a Black church and shoots Black people or to a mosque and shoots Muslims, it's not ambiguous. Here is is.

Mr Bret

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
Haven't read this thread, so may be repeating some things.
Terrible tragedy, obviously. Very sad, yet very encouraging response by police, emergency responders, and even other passers by who would also have ben in imminent danger.

I've spent a fair bit of time today listening to 1010 Talk Radio and also watching CP 24.
It looks to me like the authorities have done a great job given the bizarre nature of the entire incident.

My thoughts go out to the families who have been most affected by this senseless act.


New member
Jan 26, 2017
Oagre on the one hand you’re stating that “ nobody knows yet” and then in the next line say “no conspiracy happening here”.

Huh? If nobody knows yet then why are you contradicting yourself by saying no conspiracy happening here as though you know that. That is illogical and a contradictory to your premise.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Clearly this is terrorism


Aug 23, 2001
Oagre on the one hand you’re stating that “ nobody knows yet” and then in the next line say “no conspiracy happening here”.

Huh? If nobody knows yet then why are you contradicting yourself by saying no conspiracy happening here as though you know that. That is illogical and a contradictory to your premise.

No conspiracy to "cover up the evidence" by people who might know more than you.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
This guy is a shoo in for consecutive sentences. He had a lot of time to consider ending his spree of terror but continued to kill random people. My guess is he will die in jail, which I think he deserves.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Apparenty he tried to get into the military and was discharged after 16 days of assessment.

There are military offices there so I wonder if that was the cause.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This guy is a shoo in for consecutive sentences. He had a lot of time to consider ending his spree of terror but continued to kill random people. My guess is he will die in jail, which I think he deserves.
I would guess dangerous offender status will apply if possible.


Active member
Nov 1, 2001
Everything being reported on this guy points to mental health issues as opposed to any ideological reason. Unconfirmed reports indicate that he was on the spectrum, socially awkward and a loner. Confirmed reports that he identified with the California shooter from 2014 who blamed society for his being an "involuntary celibate". Confirmed by Sajjan that this guy tried to join our Armed Forces but withdrew after a few weeks of training. So sounds like a lifetime of not fitting in, being socially awkward, with no close friends. A former classmate speculated that maybe he got into an accident or minor road incident and just flipped out. The key will be why he rented a van. If there was some legitimate reason (eg - he needed to move something or was on his way to pick up something). If there was no reason to rent the van - then that points to some pre-planning.

A weird personal coincidence - I was visiting a client at 5650 Yonge earlier yesterday morning. Fastest from downtown is by subway and I was already back in my office when I saw the news reports so fortunately missed it by a few hours. A lot of people at this client were out and about at lunch because of the nice weather - but nobody was hurt, as far as I know. Just a terrible tragedy....


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
He's certainly eliminated any chance of ever having sex with a woman now. Loser!


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I guess Ryder will have to answer for why they rented to an autistic man.
Only if it's illegal to rent a vehicle to an autistic man. I don't think there's such a law. Further, it would depend on how he displays it: he could have looked perfectly normal to the rental clerk.


Active member
Dec 19, 2006
I will say this much.....

That cop was one cool cucumber. In the midst of all that chaos and carnage, that cop kept his cool and didn't shoot the guy the instant he reached in his pocket. Apparently the accused yelled at the cop, "I have a gun" to which the cop yelled back, "I don't care, now get down".

And on TOP of it all, the cop was by himself. No backup had arrived yet and he arrested the guy single handed.

Wow. Just wow. Amazing restraint. If that had of been the USA, the accused would have been shot 400 times before he even flinched.

Good job whoever you are.
The constable who apprehended the suspect is Const. Ken Lam, with the force's 32 Division.

Const. Ken Lam

The city should honor him with the highest award given to a Public Servant. The composure he exemplified that day was extraordinary, I don't know how Lam knew the suspect did not legitimately have a weapon on him. Maybe it was years of experience or training. I know If I were in his shoes, someone announces he has weapon and they go reach for it I'm opening fire. Not only is his safety risk also the public as well.

Kudos to you PC Ken Lam :clap2:
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