What is sickening is that Canadians sit behind their laptop in their cozy home and support genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from their legal and ancestral lands.
what is really sick is the woke self righteous who think using words like genocide and ethnic cleansing gives them moral high ground in a filthy nasty evil war
but the woke self righteous can not fathom the concept that
Israel has a right and obligation to defend itself and its citizens.
The Palestinians have been offered deal after deal after deal and each time they said no
The only thing that is acceptable to them is the destruction of the state of Israel , which is a non starter
Then they go on a blood thirsty rampage on Oct 7, rape, murder and grab hostages and then go hide in Gaza
Just exactly what did you expect to happen ?
Communist Red China would have pulled all it troops back and carpet bombed the place until there was no movement what so ever
Remove Hamas and there is a chance for some peace.
Peace that is what you want isn't ?
you are just fooling yourself thinking tossing words around like genocide and ethnic cleansing will fix this mess or stop the misery and death
but it makes you feel morally superior
start a war and bad shit is going to happen