Regular Guy said:
I have no problem with this. If a guy is a jerk either limit services or don’t serve him at all. My point was to adjust fees accordingly.
I don't agree that it's so simple to limit services and adjust fees accordingly. I think it's better to turn down an appointment than to get into limiting and adjusting, etc.
Regular Guy said:
But they also scam. I know - This happened to me and to many others. A good concrete example of just how smoothly this can be done is on the merb board under outcalls (“Read my review.......”). You may be ethical in your dealings but there are those who are not and the sp is basically in control.
Yes, I guess some do. And I think that's wrong. But two wrongs don't make a right.
Regular Guy said:
So let’s see. An sp needs a bit of cash but is not in the mood. In fact she is mad at the world. She goes into work anyway and gives the customer a rotten experience. But hey “Any time two unique humans interact the outcome is going to be unique as well - even if slight”. Voila, she is off the hook, and, with her full fee. Maybe , just maybe, customers need a bit of protection.
She's off the hook with her full fee that day -- but I don't believe that people succeed in the long range in this (or any) business behaving that way.
If any SP of any type isn't in the mood to do her job, then she should take the day off -- and as I've advocated time and again, SPs should put money aside so they don't have to work on days like this. Budgeting is a crucial skill for any self-employed person, especially SPs.
Regular Guy said:
I think you misunderstood me here. I did not say that someone who provides BFE should get a discount but should be given GFE if it was advertised not subject to "Bait and Switch".
Yes, I agree with you -- but I'd ask you, as a consumer, to apply a little logic here too: how can someone guarantee you GFE treatment, sight unseen? People phone me and ask if I kiss. ??? I love to kiss and kissing is a very responsive thing. But how can I promise to kiss any and everyone, sight unseen? And what value would my kiss have if I did?
I think it's foolish to advertise things like GFE. When it's truly delivered, it's fantastic. But if it's only delivered because it's promised, then it's not really GFE, right? (Unless you're suggesting that guys don't know the difference between someone who's really into it and someone who's just faking it.)
Regular Guy said:
Look! I realize that you have a good point here. Some clients are jerks and I am with you. Don’t serve them.
Yes, that's the best bet. The problems start when an escort tries to provide service to a guy who is a jerk -- or alternatively, when a guy stays and goes through with a session with an escort who has obviously misrepresented herself and/or who has a poor attitude. Things should stop before they go any further!
Regular Guy said:
Personally I can’t believe they can be so stupid.
Well, me neither. And I can't believe that some women who get into this business can fail to be appreciative of the tremendous opportunity that they have.
Between you and me, I'm older now -- and even when I was younger, I wasn't the best looking chick in the world. And so maybe, for me, it was easier to appreciate that men were willing to pay me AND treat me so preciously, expecting only sincerity and an open heart in return. Perhaps if I'd have been model good-looking, I would have viewed things differently. My success has counted on giving people something that they enjoy and want to come back for more of.
I've known countless beautiful women who couldn't make a go of this business, simply because their heads weren't in the right place. And yet, it's the easiest thing in the world! All you have to do is be willing to experience/facilitate joy for anywhere from half hour to a few hours. How tough is that???
Regular Guy said:
Look! All I am saying is that there are two sides to every story and the great equalizer is the fee provided. As in every other endeavour in the world people should get what they pay for.
I'd agree with all that, except the part about the fee being the great equalizer. I can understand how it would seem that way to you -- nobody likes getting ripped off!!
But really, the great equalizer, in my view, is repeat business. An SP (of any type) survives by the amount of repeat business she generates -- that's the one criteria that makes the difference between being a flash in the pan and a true professional.
And don't get me wrong: I agree with bad (or "rip-off") reviews. It is a form of consumer protection, and I agree that there's a need for it.
What concerns me is having a customer say "I did this and this and this with JoyfulC" and then having every customer thereafter expect not only to get that same level of service (which I never advertised!) or worse, to get that same level of satisfaction from a session that the reviewer felt. Those are sometimes big shoes to fill.
I've had clients send me roses after a session. Last week, I got a $200 tip on a 1-hour session. It's all nice and appreciated, but let's face it: it would be unreasonable for me to expect every satisfied customer to react the same way. If someone is happy enough to come back again, that's the best I would ever hope for!