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New member
Aug 20, 2003
Keebler Elf said:
I've been a member of several unions and I've worked in senior management positions that dealt with unions on the most direct levels of contact.

Unions absolutely protect their employees. Your job security without a union is vastly inferior to that with one. . QUOTE]

That is a huge myth . Unions have been known to close companies due to their unreasonable demands.

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
teach said:
SirDuke, you and I are on the same page... most union people I have worked with are lazy, incompetent people who do very little to earn their salary... don't believe me? go down to city hall one day and try to get anything done... that's our tax dollars at work... instead of paying individuals based on their skills and ability to create value, employers are forced to pay union wages for a bunch of morons that feel they are entitled what they get... once unions had a place in this society, today they are archaic and out of touch with reality. I'm not advocating getting rid of them, but they need to realize things are very different today and change their ways...
Shit I did not know the unions are running city hall...The forming of the GTA was a union plot. The anti smoking law is an other union plot.

Yeah union are morons that is why they have a descent life, pay and job.

Next time you see a cop a fireman, teacher a nurse a garbage truck driver a Airline pilot tell them that they are out of touch and morons.

And when your see your Politician with a golden retirement pay for working for goverment for 8 years tell them how great they are.


Oct 31, 2001
Hugh Jorgan said:
Allow me to clarify....TEMP employees can vote in union certification votes. That is if the CAW approached employees at a Magna Plant all permanent employees and all temps with greater than three months service are eligible to vote in certification. Should certification pass, all temps automatically become union member and full time employees with all benefits.

This is why Magna and other companies keep temp numbers low, because temps always vote in favour of the union as it then grants them pernament status and benefits.

Let me make it simple for you. No Temp in his right mind is going to approach any union for a union drive, which is what your original arguement was. If a temp did this and was found out, he would be gone from the plant so fast his head would spin. That's the beauty of hiring temps, you don't have to justify their dissmissal to anyone. Would the temps vote for the union if a drive was organised? In a New York minute my friend because as you yourself said and temp would intantly become full time upon certification.

The fact that you keep saying Magna keeps temps to a minimum just shocks me. They've got a good company man in you, pulling the company line hard and fast.

Hugh Jorgan said:
Also, you said you weren't hired due to affirmative action and nepotism. Those can be factors, but since Ontario no longer has "quotas" for hiring practices I doubt that was the case.
You weren't there my friend. The entire time i was employed there 4 people in my department were hired permanently. One was the Area leaders' son, one was a team leader's sister, one was dominican (and incidentally illiterate, with no skills and traded away from his team day after day because he had no concept of what the job was) and the last hire was Mexican, who was a best friend to another team leader in the dept. No nepitism? no "quotas"? Keep telling yourself that. Ontario doen't need to have laws for Magna to know it's good to have a more colourfull company photo.

Hugh Jorgan said:
Furthermore, were you aware that over 90% of a managers compensation is based upon profitability bonuses? Base salaries are very minimal, they get awarded for performance. Therefore to increase performance you don't move factories around, you don't continually turnover your workforce and you do make sure the best employees and temps get hired otherwise the manager is only hurting themself.
Formet and Prestran constantly turn around their VAST temporary workforce. Quality is maintained by spreading out the new temps throughout the plant never having no more than a couple of new people on a given line, and even then, the new people are given extremely simple jobs. Temps with experience are asked to pick up the slack where needed since a good deal of the full timers are lazier than any union member i've ever worked with. Let me tell you, it's a great feeling to spend the last month or so of your contract there training the new people to take over for you until you get your phone call telling you that your contract is up, you don't work here anymore.

Spread all the bullshit you want, but anyone who wants the truth can talk to Exrpess Personnel in St Thomas and find out for themselves. There are so many temps in both of these facilities that Express has to maintain an onsite office at both plants, staffed by minimum 2 and usually 3 people.

That's all i'm going to say on the matter. I don't care what you're "privy to", you obviously know a lot less about what goes on in the company you work for than you think, or more likely, as i've said above are a real company man.

Your lies about temps baffle me condering that it's no secret whatsoever how many temps are there. Express is contantly recruiting new people for Formet and Prestran.

Edit: I forgot to add previously that Formet already has s sister plant up and running in Mexico. Formet was hydroforming all their rails for them initially and low an behold, as soon as they knew what they were doing down there all those jobs went to Mexico.

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
Hugh Jorgan said:
Allow me to clarify....TEMP employees can vote in union certification votes. That is if the CAW approached employees at a Magna Plant all permanent employees and all temps with greater than three months service are eligible to vote in certification. Should certification pass, all temps automatically become union member and full time employees with all benefits.
Thanks for clearing that up. Sounds to me that being a Union member is so complicated- interpretation of policy, this is why you need reps.I would not trade my Soul to follow lemmings off the bridge! I would rather be autonomous and have the right to choose whether or not I want to stay with the same employer or not.I have some deep bias on Unions and following this thread merely confirms my suspicions.

To each his own!

Chivas Regal


New member
Aug 20, 2003
sirduke said:
I now work in a Union enviornment for the first time in my over 20 years of professional life. The time, energy and resources this orgnization expends to deal with Union nonsense is appalling. And, the attitude of the front line workers is frought with mediocrity and apathy.

How in God's name educated people can willingly fork over their union dues every paycheck is mind boggling to me.

Absolutely true . Guess why Ford is now going to be running 1 shift , no one is buying their cars and therefore no 2 nd shift , how does the union protect these people who lost there shift , answer it doesn't . Unions do not provide job security but often result in poor quality work done by people who think that they will always have a job. Unions are good in theory and sometimes but for every worker they protect from bad management they screw a hundred.

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
Chivas Regal said:
Thanks for clearing that up. Sounds to me that being a Union member is so complicated- interpretation of policy, this is why you need reps.I would not trade my Soul to follow lemmings off the bridge! I would rather be autonomous and have the right to choose whether or not I want to stay with the same employer or not.I have some deep bias on Unions and following this thread merely confirms my suspicions.

To each his own!

Chivas Regal
Union's do not make policies or laws. Unions are not perfect and Leaders of companies countries are not perfect. Many people would want to stay autonomous especially in times of war or economic downturns. But no one is.
I do not like what some unions do. But no one talks or praises thier accomplishments.

Asks yourself with many countries that do not have unions. Would you like to live and work there???? Or would you rather live and work in a country that has unions?? I'll help you pack if you wish.

I'am not shure who said but " If you do not stand for something then you will fall for anything"

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
booboobear said:
Absolutely true . Guess why Ford is now going to be running 1 shift , no one is buying their cars and therefore no 2 nd shift , how does the union protect these people who lost there shift , answer it doesn't . Unions do not provide job security but often result in poor quality work done by people who think that they will always have a job. Unions are good in theory and sometimes but for every worker they protect from bad management they screw a hundred.
That's funny. Japaness car of course have nothing to do with the decline of Ford. It's the unions again. Half of fords line is made in japan. (some of the worlds highest paid workers) And magna supplies the parts.

Yeap that's it. It is the unions causing the decline of ford. The unions design source parts fix the problems and then they assemble the cars.

Then What tha fark is management doing .

Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
auto doctor said:
Asks yourself with many countries that do not have unions. Would you like to live and work there???? Or would you rather live and work in a country that has unions?? I'll help you pack if you wish.

I'am not shure who said but " If you do not stand for something then you will fall for anything"
I am not personally attacking your choices or your views. To be honest I cannot comment on a Union environment as I have never worked in one. Close, but the 2 days I was on the job before I was let go for some assinine reason left a sour tatse in my mouth. Thank God I didn't follow that path, look where the film industry is today...

As for personal choice, if I choose to emmigrate whether or not a Country has Unions will have little or NO bearing on my choice.And you are absolutely correct about standing for something, I admire you for defending your choice, but don't slam someone else for theirs.This is why discussions about politics/religion and yes even Unions inevitably end up in mud slinging!

I will say that I am appalled by the Union leaders diatribes in public.If the leader of an organization that I worked for spoke like that on camera, I would have a hard time following their lead.

As for the essential services, I am sure that they have their share of slackers as everyone else whether it be Union or Non-Union. That is life, regardless of affiliation!

Chivas Regal

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
Chivas Regal said:
I am not personally attacking your choices or your views. To be honest I cannot comment on a Union environment as I have never worked in one. Close, l
That's not attack in my books. Your right. If you have not walked a mile in someone elses shoes. It is hard to see their path.

Union leader that rant in public are not union leaders they are politicians.

Anyway most union bashing is born from jealousy.
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Chivas Regal

A Fine Lickor !
Jul 5, 2002
auto doctor said:
That's not attack in my books. Your right. If you have not walked a mile in someone elses shoes. It is hard to see their path.

Union leader that rant in public are not union leaders they are politicians.

Anyway most union bashing is born from jelousy.
Last time I checked Buzz was leader of the CAW and not a politician.

I assure you that I am not jealous of union members nor do I bash them.I beleive I have answered that in previous posts on this topic.

Chivas Regal

Hugh Jorgan

Motivational Speaker
Jan 29, 2005
In a van down by the river


I can quickly understand why they didn't hire you at formet....becuase you are as thick as a brick and don't understand.

I never said a TEMP employee would create/drive/promote a Union certification vote. I simply said they were eligible to vote and given such a choice would of course vote in favour as that would get them permanent status.

Stop telling me that the majority of workers at Formet were temps. Here is the fault in your logic.

1. Formet employs over 1,000 employees on three shifts.
2. Do you actually know every employee to determine "most" were temps?
3. Do you actually believe that over 600 workers were temps (to follow your 60% number used earlier).
4. You said something along the lines of temps due meaningless tasks, etc. Magna is highly profitable and has a higher profit margin that all its competitors and customers, it gets this way through superieror products, technology and being very very "lean and mean" in its operations. So do you mean to tell me that over 600 of its jobs are "meaningless", etc?

I always find it amusing that a temp line worker seems to feel he knows more about the company and how to run it that the management and the people that are running it. That may be true if the company were declining and losing money, BUT MAGNA is not. If you were so so smart and brilliant you would be management not a temp on the line.

As for Formet's sister plant being in Mexico. You seem to think that Magna moved there to take your jobs, etc. or becuase of cheap labour. You are a simplistic moron. The plant was built in Mexico becausea FIRST GM BUILT AN ASSEMBLY PLANT IN MEXICO AND THE FRAME PLANT HAS TO BE IN THE SAME GEOGRAPHIC REGION you pinhead.

So if you want to blame someone, blame GM for setting up shop there. Why did GM go there....because of the cheap labour and no CAW/UAW.

The BIG 3 have continued to struggle for profitability, etc. because of burdening legacy costs. When the companies were doing well in the 80's they signed agreements (especially GM) with the Unions that gave phenominal retirement benefits and medical benefits to its employees. As many of these employees (the baby boomer generation) are now retired the costs of servicing those agreements are stifling. This has all been covered in every major business magazine over the past two years.

2Fast, you were a fu#king temp line worker. Stop pretending that you know more about the company and the industry than I do.


Aug 1, 2002
As a member of the CAW for a long time now and as a family that grew up in a union household i must say that unions do more for the worker and there families and there rights for a safe healthy work environment. Maybe right now the CAW is too powerful for some companys liking but everything is cyclical when times were good as they were for most of the 90s we benefited from the success of the company and now that times are tough and they are tough beleive me we have been forced too open up or collective agreement on many different issues to ensure our future, and Buzz and our local membership has been more than willing to do so, in order to secure the future of our members in the oakville area at FORD and to help secure the jobs of all southern ontarians who work in the spinoff sector were talking about at least 30000 jobs in the area alone, yes we are down to a 2 week day shift operation but times will get better in the next 18 months and if anyone is too blame for this its the FORD Motor Co for not seeing or waiting too long to realize that the minivan market had been tapped out, both the union and the company have realized that its a new world out there and that its better for everyone if they have a partnership of some kind, and thats what there doing the company is paying us right now whether were laid off for 2 weeks a month or not as a direct result of CAW negotiation or alot of our members would be struggling mightily right now to live so the way i see it the union is great as long as they and the company find a way to get along

Hugh Jorgan

Motivational Speaker
Jan 29, 2005
In a van down by the river


Excellent comments. Nice to see some valuable opinion from the "other side" of the fence.

Its good that you point out that the CAW are being flexible and agreeing to work with company's and re-open contracts, etc. to ensure job security and viability. If only the same logic exhisted with the NHL and the NHLPA.

I don't think that anyone disagrees that at the right times and places Unions have certainly been needed and served/provided a valuable service and can continue to do so.

But the problem has become the Unions leadership quite often seem more concerned about making the union money, collecting dues, avoiding payouts, etc instead of ensuring job safety and security by helping employees work for and with long term profitable company's.

It seems more at times like Buzz is in the business of signing up members in an amway type fashion, that actually bettering the lives of the members.

I've got to agree with you on Ford and the minivan. You can't play catch-up. No good launching a vehicle with a single fold down seat at the same time your competitor is launching the same vehicle with 2+ fold away seats. They certainly dropped the ball on that one.

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
Hugh Jorgan said:
good that you point out that the CAW are being flexible and agreeing to work with company's and re-open contracts, etc. to ensure job security and viability.

I don't think that anyone disagrees that at the right times and places Unions have certainly been needed and served/provided a valuable service and can continue to do so.

seem more concerned about making the union money, collecting dues, avoiding payouts, etc instead of ensuring job safety and security by helping employees work for and with long term profitable company's.
H Jordan

I love your double talk.....first paragraph contradics the third. CAW re-opens contract to ensure job security and viability....but then in the third paragragh the union is not ensuring job safety and security and long term profitable.

You know nothing about the CAW...They also help many charities, provide lobbying for human rights, womens rights, workmens comp, same sex union and benefits, nuke disarmerment, animal rights, the enviroment, health and safety, rights of the disabled and the list go's on.

As for safety..It is safer to be working at a automotive plant than it is staying home.

Just a little reminder that the Union do not run the company. They do not make descisions on production model and numbers. But if the company is not selling the blame is always unions make to much money. Never the farking fact that guys like yourself have farked it up big time.

And since you brought up hockey and blaming it on the union as the only sinario you understand......I would get a second opinion on that one.

No..the american owners with the huge contract hand outs in the past years have no bearing on the state of the NHL...Right HJ ??? Lets hear it from you.


New member
Jul 29, 2002
Above 7
auto doctor said:
They also help many charities, provide lobbying for human rights, womens rights, workmens comp, same sex union and benefits, nuke disarmerment, animal rights, the enviroment, health and safety, rights of the disabled and the list go's on.


ok...good for them....I like the charity , workmens comp , health and benefits etc .
but what the heck is up with the animal rights , same sex marriage and nuclear disarmament ? Is this really their mandate ? Do the 'brothers' and 'sisters' get to vote on policy setting or is this done unilaterally by the execs? know ..... like the way a multi-national corp sets policy .
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Hugh Jorgan

Motivational Speaker
Jan 29, 2005
In a van down by the river

If I were a union member I don't think I'd be to happy with my union dues going to help animals and discussion on nuclear weapons. That is not there mandate.

If I were a union member I would donate to those causes on my own and get a charitable tax credit (which is greater than a union dues tax credit). Union dues are to benefit the worker.

The contradiciton you indicated isn't as contrary as you think. I was merely commented on a specific incident that had been reported of union and management cooperation. My third paragraph was an appearance of things in general. There are always exceptions. Neither reference was meant to be taken as the absolute way things always are.

As for the NHL and NHLPA, I'm simply referring again to the specific incident where management and the unnion are working constructively. Such is not the case with Hockey. I wasn't blaming the union I was blaming both sides.

As with the production downturns in automotive, I clearly sited a specific example where I clearly blamed management and not the union.

As for an auto plant being safer than a home. Don't be so ridiculous. If that were the case WSIB premiums would be higher for office workers and home based businesses instead of being higher for manufacturing company's, especially automotive.


New member
May 16, 2003
auto doctor said:
Shit I did not know the unions are running city hall...The forming of the GTA was a union plot. The anti smoking law is an other union plot.

Yeah union are morons that is why they have a descent life, pay and job.

Next time you see a cop a fireman, teacher a nurse a garbage truck driver a Airline pilot tell them that they are out of touch and morons.

And when your see your Politician with a golden retirement pay for working for goverment for 8 years tell them how great they are.
hey auto doctor, i'm a teacher, and a member of a union... and i stand by what i said, most union workers I have worked with are out of touch asshats with artificially inflated salaries... i love my job and yes i would like to get paid more, in fact, i deserve more because i'm good at what i do... what pisses me off, is the the next moron who does nowhere as much gets the same salary, same benefits... hows that for incentive? and teachers are in general better than most!! I'm sick of my taxes going to waste because of those asshat union members who milk it for what its worth... in the past 10 years, our real income has actually dropped due to increase in taxes yet the level of services has gone down! What the fuck is going on? Sure union members have it good (the ones that are too useless to get a job in the real world), but for everyone else, the level of service goes down, (have you flied recently??), and price is inflated (take a look at your tax bill next time). And you think my union is looking out for my interest?? The god damn OTF has been scamming us for years...



auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
Hugh Jorgan said:
If I were a union member I don't think I'd be to happy with my union dues going to help animals and discussion on nuclear weapons. That is not there mandate.

If I were a union member I would donate to those causes on my own and get a charitable tax credit (which is greater than a union dues tax credit). Union dues are to benefit the worker.

The contradiciton you indicated isn't as contrary as you think. I was merely commented on a specific incident that had been reported of union and management cooperation. My third paragraph was an appearance of things in general. There are always exceptions. Neither reference was meant to be taken as the absolute way things always are.

As for the NHL and NHLPA, I'm simply referring again to the specific incident where management and the unnion are working constructively. Such is not the case with Hockey. I wasn't blaming the union I was blaming both sides.

As with the production downturns in automotive, I clearly sited a specific example where I clearly blamed management and not the union.

As for an auto plant being safer than a home. Don't be so ridiculous. If that were the case WSIB premiums would be higher for office workers and home based businesses instead of being higher for manufacturing company's, especially automotive.
I still love your double talk and back peddling and now you want to talk specifics and general all at the same time.... True Tory MAGNA colour

Specifically I said auto plant are safer than your house.. What the fark does WSIB got to do with this discusion. How many people are hurt at home verses at work.. Shall I say it slower? Are the emergency rooms full of people hurt from plants or from at home?

Specifically you blame both sides for the NHL problem because the blame is on the owners and you try to deflect it some to the unions. If your boss gave you that much money would you say no not accept it. And would you give it back because the company is in a mess?? I now you would'nt. So put blame were blame belongs.

As far a charities and animal funds and the enviroment. I will say some thing general. This is what seperates union people and Magna management people. Specifically speaking... This is a free country and the choice for the union to pursue these causes are voted on by the reps. You can volunteer anything you wish on theese comittees, time, money, skill. Something you will never see at MAGNA. Check your mandate book for the do's and don'ts for unions you will have to revise it or open your mind to other possibilities. But I can understand why you would "not be to happy" for animals, enviroment and the rest. Your organization has to concentrate on profit for the share holders and leave the animals and the enviroment to the public debt. Make shure that you get a tax reciept I hate it when I give to charity unconditionaly don't you?

Have a nice day......yeah.

auto doctor

New member
Aug 25, 2004
In a Korn field
teach said:
hey auto doctor, i'm a teacher, and a member of a union... and i stand by what i said, most union workers I have worked with are out of touch asshats with artificially inflated salaries... i love my job and yes i would like to get paid more, in fact, i deserve more because i'm good at what i do... what pisses me off, is the the next moron who does nowhere as much gets the same salary, same benefits... hows that for incentive? and teachers are in general better than most!! I'm sick of my taxes going to waste because of those asshat union members who milk it for what its worth... in the past 10 years, our real income has actually dropped due to increase in taxes yet the level of services has gone down! What the fuck is going on? Sure union members have it good (the ones that are too useless to get a job in the real world), but for everyone else, the level of service goes down, (have you flied recently??), and price is inflated (take a look at your tax bill next time). And you think my union is looking out for my interest?? The god damn OTF has been scamming us for years...



I'm very surprised as a teacher you have not figured this out.(since the tories took a strip out of the your union a couple years ago) Regarding your taxes. With the last provincal gov. They download a lot of things that they use to do to the municipal level. Saving the province money put putting the cost to municiplalities. The municiples basic income is property taxes. They were forced to raise property taxes to cover the short commings from the prov. Gov. But the provincal gov also gave the municipalities the winfall cash from inhereting the local hydro's. This was done to soften the blow from the downloading the tories did.

Regarding the asshats that milk the system. If you think that is bad. Just think what managment is getting away with. Since the tories changed the rules regarding hydro's. The managements at most of these hydro's have had thier salaries jump. They now also have preformance base bonuses to the tune of 9% to 20% of thier salaries for meeting targets. Would that not be great if you had that for your class average being on target..

As far as money being wasted ...Sponsorship scandal How many Millions...The gun billion.


New member
May 16, 2003
auto doctor said:
I'm very surprised as a teacher you have not figured this out.(since the tories took a strip out of the your union a couple years ago) Regarding your taxes. With the last provincal gov. They download a lot of things that they use to do to the municipal level. Saving the province money put putting the cost to municiplalities. The municiples basic income is property taxes. They were forced to raise property taxes to cover the short commings from the prov. Gov. But the provincal gov also gave the municipalities the winfall cash from inhereting the local hydro's. This was done to soften the blow from the downloading the tories did.

Regarding the asshats that milk the system. If you think that is bad. Just think what managment is getting away with. Since the tories changed the rules regarding hydro's. The managements at most of these hydro's have had thier salaries jump. They now also have preformance base bonuses to the tune of 9% to 20% of thier salaries for meeting targets. Would that not be great if you had that for your class average being on target..

As far as money being wasted ...Sponsorship scandal How many Millions...The gun billion.

We are not talking about politicians and the asshats at Hydro... we are talking about unions and whether they create value... i argue they do not, not in they way they operate today... and you nailed it on the head, why don't we get performance based bonuses? why don't we get compensated for what we ACTUALLY do? Why do I get paid the same amount as the idiot next to me who does literally less than 1/2 of what i do? Because, i'm part of a union and the idiot next to me is also part of a union.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts