Toronto Passions

TTC Thugs


Jul 5, 2003
Real tuff guys! 5 guys vs. one guy on a bus and a little girl gets shot. These useless individuals should suffer the same fate.

What irks me just as much is the spineless witnesses who have not come forward. They are just as responsible for being too cowardly to do or say anything. I hope they can't sleep for awhile because of their guilt. Rot in hell you apathetic cretins!

I wish the little girl well. I wish the shooter and his accomplices swift justice. I wish the tight lipped bus-riders bad karma.


senior member
Aug 18, 2001
I can't agree more

If I was on that bus I'd be singing like a bird to bring those punks to justice.

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
So a guy mouths of to you, or says something you don't like... does that mean you should take a gun out and shoot him three times!!! These punks need their head punched in...

aka Danielle

Touching your member
malakajohn said:
what do we expect to happen when the cops cant locate all the illegals and kick them out????
It's too bad they can't locate and kick the racist idiots out! Oh, wait there's one above me!

That whole situation is very sad, I hope those punks get what's coming to them!


Nov 25, 2004
eric42 said:

What irks me just as much is the spineless witnesses who have not come forward. They are just as responsible for being too cowardly to do or say anything. I hope they can't sleep for awhile because of their guilt. Rot in hell you apathetic cretins!
I cant agree more!!!!!!!! its sick if u ask me!

The Bandit

Lap Dance Survivor
Feb 16, 2002
Anywhere there's a Strip Joint
aka Danielle said:
It's too bad they can't locate and kick the racist idiots out! Oh, wait there's one above me!

I believe you've misread the post Danielle, only "illegals" were mentioned, not race or nationality. You brought up the race card!

By the way Danielle, I really like the pics on your website....

aka Danielle

Touching your member
Ummm.... obviously the news reported that the suspects were young black men, I didn't bring up the race malakajohn bringing up the illegal immigrant issue he revealed his ignorance, and I voiced my disgust.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001

malakajohn's comment could be construed as racist, but I'm not sure that's the way he meant it.

"Illegals" could be white, black, yellow, plaid. The fact that the suspects are black is as important as what colour underwear they were wearing, ie. it just is a bit of information, that's all.

That said, my best wishes to the little girl and her family. And I hope they catch the assholes that did this.



Oct 1, 2004
The real idiot is the 25 yr. old who confronted the 5 youths at the back of the bus.
If he did not turn tail and run toward the front of the bus, the little girl would not have been hurt.

malakajohn's comment is so obviously racist.
5 black youths from that part of town......please, we were all we go again.


Aug 4, 2004
Under Your Skin*
i was so upset by this , the poor little girl *
what was freakie was that , i was sitting at the lights just coming out of the mall and i seen an ambulance and cops and i was wodering what was going on ......
That poor little girl , im so disturbed by this !!!


Head Malaka
Apr 2, 2004
i dont care what colour thgey are, they are illegal in this country and that was the point, what you choose to read into it only reveals your own subconcious thoughts.

Cardinal Fang

Bazinga Bitches
Feb 14, 2002
I'm right here
malakajohn said:
i dont care what colour thgey are, they are illegal in this country and that was the point, what you choose to read into it only reveals your own subconcious thoughts.
How did you get this information? I haven't heard anything about this at all. How do you know that the individuals that caused this tragedy are illegal immigrants to this country? I think YOU are the one choosing to read into this situation.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Cardinal Fang said:
How did you get this information? I haven't heard anything about this at all. How do you know that the individuals that caused this tragedy are illegal immigrants to this country? I think YOU are the one choosing to read into this situation.
Hmm. Good question.

malakajohn? You got some 'splainin' to do...


New member
Jan 24, 2004
I would bet that most people would agree that the "right" thing to do is to come forward as a witness and tell the police what you saw and identify the suspects if possible.

However, when YOU are in that situation then things become more complicated. I had been a witness to a relatively serious crime in the past and had come forward. It ended up turning into a huge mess for me that lasted for much longer than you can imagine.
If you were a witness to this crime, a lot of thoughts would be going through your head.
-Fear would be one of them. Especially if you thought this was gang related, would you want to come forward and then have your name in the media and police/court documents. Obviously these guys are crazy and have nothing to lose if the shot up a bus. So do I really want them knowing who I am. Ive got a family too.

-And if you get dragged into the legal process, as I said it was for me, it becomes a huge inconvenience in your life. This may seem petty compared to what the girl getting shot is going through, but its still my life and not yours.

-The inabilibty of the legal system to deal with criminals is also a factor. Why should I live through fear, possibly becoming a victim myself, and then getting involved in any legal proceedings when these guys if caught and taken to trial will likely get a couple of years in jail and be out in half that time and back on the street in half that time.

Its easy to call these people cowards until you are in their situation.Its funny how when something like this happens everyone says theyd be a hero but when situation actually happen none of these heros seem to be around.


New member
Aug 22, 2001
Downtown Toronto
First the disclaimer: I am not taking any sides here… just a few comments from some experiences I have had. I am not a racist but if you want to call me one after you read my comments… go ahead. I am not so insecure that I really give two farks what anybody here thinks about me.

Nowhere does it say illegals in any reports about this particular shooting. However having said I can see how someone would assume or maybe give thought to the fact that there have been way to many shootings (one is too many) in GTA over the past few years involving illegals. So when another one happens the first thing that comes to one’s mind often is when are they going to get these guys out of the country and KEEP them out? Also if these guys are carrying guns chances are they are ‘hooked up’ with gangs. Where else would they get the guns? Lots of gang members if not most are illegals. For sure most of the leaders are. If these guys are not illeagls IMO chances are pretty good they are associated with. Anyway… like I said I can easily see where it might cross someone’s mind when reading a story like this that we need to do some thing about illegals.

Nobody wants racial profiling cause apparently that is racist. Facts are fact though. Where else do you get shot dead simply for “dissssin� somebody? A guy is in an elevator and just glances in the direction of a girl. The girl’s boyfriend shoots him dead. Another one, a guy forgets to nod and tip his hat when walking by. He is shot dead. A guy asks a girl to dance at a party. The girl accepts. The boyfriend is not happy so he shoots the guy. And now a few words are exchanged on the bus. And someone is shot? HELLO!

These guys are coming to Canada in droves to laugh at us while making lots of money committing crimes. While they are here they are recruiting and teaching (read damaging) our young Canadian kids who might other wise be perfectly innocent and grow up as very productive citizens. The behavior these kids are learning to emulate IMO for the most part is being taught to them by people who have come here from abroad whether legal or not. If they do come here legal they are soon illegal after a very short time. They come here for the express purpose of getting into crime. Nothing else.

How do I know? Because I have had lots of direct experience in dealing with these people every day in face-to-face situations. I can tell you for a fact… they laugh in the face of Canadian justice and LE. They think we are jokes. The ‘P’ word comes up a lot. They really don’t give a rat’s ass if you deport them. That just means a few days in their home country to f**k their ½ dozen GFs down there, get some ‘new’ paper work and come back… laughing all the way. Then when they get back they find out who is responsible for them getting deported to begin with (because nothing is ever their fault) and go and shoot them. There is nothing more important to these guys then saving face. And they will shoot you dead to save their ‘reps’. That IS a fact. If you think this is a fantasy… then sorry you are very naïve.

Lastly… if I was on that bus and someone got shot. As much as I always bitch and complain we don’t have enough punishment etc in Canada… no I would not stay to give a statement. Why? Cause I have ‘run’ with these people before. Like I said these guys will shoot you dead just to save face. So imagine if you give a statement that maybe puts them in jail. Believe me… this is not an old out of date gangster movie from the 20s. You will be dead!


Jul 5, 2003
Arena said:
The real idiot is the 25 yr. old who confronted the 5 youths at the back of the bus.
If he did not turn tail and run toward the front of the bus, the little girl would not have been hurt.

malakajohn's comment is so obviously racist.
5 black youths from that part of town......please, we were all we go again.
I would call him brave, not an idiot.

Its somehow his fault because he ran, that the little girl got shot? I think you're the idiot.


New member
Jan 24, 2004
I agree with you NiteHawk. Montreal has had an increasing gang problem in recent years. A significant portion of these gang members come are recent immigrants to Canada (both legal and illegal) from a few identifiable countries.

In Montreal, another problem is that the Quebec government seeks to raise the # of French speaking immigrants. This means that the standards have been lowered in the pursuit of allowing French speakers.

Im not identifying any groups it can be clearly seen by walking through the city that many gang members can be attributed to certain countries. (Watching the news gives you the same view of the city and gangs but people will say that the news is biased. Taking a walk through the city lets you see things with your own eyes with no editor influencing your view.)

People throw the term racism around too much these days. Common sense often times gets sacrificed in the fear of being labeled racist.
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