TTC on strike


Have gun, will travel
Nov 8, 2005
IMO the problem would not exist if it was just an occasional case of someone having a bad day. But it is not isolated. I hate using the TTC when I go to TO because it IS always the same. Rude, unfriendly and no sense of customer service. As stated, it takes very little effort to simply smile or say the occasional hello to people. Sadly I don’t believe this is restricted to just the TTC though. It is the TO transportation system as a whole. Cabbies, busses, you name it. They should all be required to take customer service courses.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
well.. i have a dozen eggs and a few bags of shit... going out for a drive....was my attitude yeasterday.. if i was under 18 i would have looked for a picket line and would have let them have it... ahhh to be yonge and stupid...


New member
Apr 22, 2008

These lazy, overpaid pricks need to get a grip, you got cab drivers out there making $2hr trying to feed their families and these basterds are sitting there reading the sun for $45-$65hr, never on time, and they wanna hold the public hostage? Screw them!!!


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Thousand said:
I give up. You are right. It's all our fault. Our city should give the driver more money. $100K is not enough. They are worth $1million, so at least the city should pay them $1million each just to be fair as a union standard. Our city should also give these guys guns and rifles as well for their protection. Licenses to kill would probably be what the unions should negotiate in the contract.

Yah it's all your fault. The general public didn't vote against the proposal YOU DID!


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
elmufdvr said:
strike strike!!! power to the people.... strike strike!!! just f@cking great... as if wasn't hard enuf to make a living in the a F#cking TTC cocks@ckers strike!! F#ck them all... off with the unions head!!! but this could be good? it will give me the chance to toss a few eggs at the f@cking striking assh@les.. or maybe just be a good citizen and just supply eggs to stranded passengers.. they could use the protine from eggs to help themselves. hummmm not a bad thought. got eggs?
Yah that's a great idea for a new tshirt. Front saying Got Eggs? Back saying F*** TTC



The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Dr. Know said:

I feel your anger but who is responsible for hiring? Certainly not the workers! Hiring is a function of management, not labour. You stated,"Unions are not always in response to bad management. In the case of the public sector, it is more in response to overfed employees and management who really have no business model to adhere to. The city can always borrow more or raise taxes. Any private industry would just go bankrupt as they are unable to compete. Unions have their place, but the TTC union is only there to hold the city hostage. The TTC generally provides shitty service with staff that have all the personality of Kraft cheese (not even good cheese!)."

I still maintain that the public sector has high paid, inept management that translates to what you refer to "Kraft cheese (not even good cheese!) employees." Remember Ontario Hydro, Ontario School Boards, Public Works and the list goes on. Compare these to Honda or Toyota who run good businesses, have effective workers, and no unions!
I think everyone here that is against the strike thinks that All levels should be fired.


Male Dancer in Brass Rail
Jan 19, 2002
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
Yah it's all your fault. The general public didn't vote against the proposal YOU DID!
What are you talking about? What proposal? I am glad that they pass the legislature and get those overpaid, TTC worker who think they are worth a million (according to their ad) back to work.

Sorry for not making it more clear that my previous post was completely sarcastic and exaggerating.

Even though the back-to-work legislation have passed, I still think the TTC workers are overpaid and they should break-up the overly powerful union, but then again, we are just victims. What else could we do? What difference could we make? In the end, we'll eventually suffer either way.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
Great comment, and totally on the money.

Tourism is down in T.O. because it's a shabby ugly city compared to so many of the ones I've personally been wonder few people who've travelled here make a return visit.
This is a huge issue that Toronto faces when it comes to tourism in Toronto. The few faces they come into contact with throughout their stay are never pleasant or helpful. Rude and obviously clueless is what they are left with. Who would want to come back? I wouldn't. I would spend the money in a place where they really wanted it. I have been to places where they went above and beyond their job description to make sure I left with a smile on my face and a happy memory. Most people will always remember the worst times they have had and that being said they would probably remember their whole trip to Toronto and tell all their friends never to come here.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
mcdoste said:
Sadly I don’t believe this is restricted to just the TTC though. It is the TO transportation system as a whole. Cabbies, busses, you name it. They should all be required to take customer service courses.
I second that


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
CaramelDic said:
These lazy, overpaid pricks need to get a grip, you got cab drivers out there making $2hr trying to feed their families and these basterds are sitting there reading the sun for $45-$65hr, never on time, and they wanna hold the public hostage? Screw them!!!
If you and others truly feel that way then put your money where the comments are coming from and boycott them all together. I personally will never use TTC ever again. People need to take a stand and show them who they really are.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
DoingWhatIDoBest said:
If you and others truly feel that way then put your money where the comments are coming from and boycott them all together. I personally will never use TTC ever again. People need to take a stand and show them who they really are.

Yep--same thing with those gas stations :p who needs them, lol


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
The back to work legislation is in place.

Sounds like all aspects of the contract are up for discussion. Would be interesting if the 3% raise was reduced to the expected cost of living.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
markvee said:
Joining a union is an exercise of your freedom of assembly.

Individual freedoms are sacrificed under statist systems such as socialism and communism.

It's ironic that many unions support statist political parties that would nationalize industries, declare the services essential, and remove the freedom of people to assemble into unions.
What if I work in a "union shop" and don't want to join? Do I have the right of "un-assembly"? I doubt it.
The time of the union has come and gone. The sooner the general public realizes this, the better.


The White Knight
Jul 12, 2006
dcbogey said:
What if I work in a "union shop" and don't want to join? Do I have the right of "un-assembly"? I doubt it.
The time of the union has come and gone. The sooner the general public realizes this, the better.


New member
Sep 29, 2004
KBear said:
The back to work legislation is in place.

Sounds like all aspects of the contract are up for discussion. Would be interesting if the 3% raise was reduced to the expected cost of living.
I found this bit of info interesting.

"As in previous instances when the provincial government has introduced such legislation, the mediator must take certain things into account when coming up with wage scales for the transit workers, including the city's ability to pay, the health of the economy in Ontario and the TTC's ability to attract and retain employees, sources said."

IF, and it's a big if, the mediator takes those factors into account, the 3% per year may well be off the table. Time will tell.

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
dcbogey said:
What if I work in a "union shop" and don't want to join? Do I have the right of "un-assembly"? I doubt it.
The time of the union has come and gone. The sooner the general public realizes this, the better.

Hell no! You can quit and go work at Wal Mart, lol :p
Feb 21, 2007
It looks good on Comrade Miller that his little union pets "bit" him in the ass. He's finally met his match in a group of people completely out of touch with financial reality (their real worth compared to the private sector) and selfish and self-serving behaviour. Eh tu Brutus?

Any sympathy I had for the TTC members completely evaporated when they went on what was essentially a "wildcat" strike without the promised notice of 48 hours and stranded people this last Friday night. I hope every passenger verbally abuses them when they return to work. It says a lot about the rank & "vile" membership for them to turn down what was an excellent deal, recommended by their executive. Imagine...a clause "guaranteeing" them they would always be the highest paid transit workers in the GTA!!!! How would the city budget for that? And what for? They certainly aren't the "best" when it comes to customer service.

This was the last straw, and the proverbial camel's back has been broken. They will be legislated back to work, they will be declared an essential service, and I do not believe that any arbitrator with the sense that God gave a cabbage will give them a deal worth anything like what they just turned down.

Unions have had their place, and in certain situations are necessary to prevent management and employers from taking unfair advantage of their workers, but nearly all critical areas (workplace safety, right to refuse, etc) are now covered by provincial and federal legislation. The transit users in Toronto cannot be held hostage by greedy workers making more money than their education and experience warrant. Especially when there are literally tens of thousands with similar qualifications who would do the job for less money.
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