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Toronto Escorts

TTC on strike


New member
Feb 28, 2007
drrogers said:
Why will it take till Sunday to negotiate these guys back to work? - then 2 days to get the system up and running again - why didn't the lazy do nothing legistlature have the legislation ready in the event there was a strike. Well, Thankfully this is not something that you can blame the Jews for - it is their bacon munching bretherin that will have all you guys gumbooting it to work.
Immediate passage of the bill will require unanimous passage , The NDP will not go along with that they will lose all that union funding they need.

It will take a couple of days of debate to satisfy Howard Hampton that he has delayed enough to save face then the bill will pass.

Simply politics citizens be damned


New member
Feb 28, 2006
It's nice to see the world-class city of Toronto has no public transit. Also nice to see the whiners bitch and moan about the money that TTC employees earn. Why don't you guys work at the TTC? I'm also still waiting for the complainers to post their income and credentials.



New member
Oct 27, 2006
Thanks TTC, a--holes!

Hey lets all start hitchiking, like Cuba! Easy way to meet and pick cute ladies on the way to work and school!:p


New member
Jun 4, 2006
eldoguy said:
Hey lets all start hitchiking, like Cuba! Easy way to meet and pick cute ladies on the way to work and school!:p
I hope I use the right finger this time!

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
dreamblade said:
Your argument that there should be more unions would only garantee rise in inflation and cost of living.

Thats true, I have to agree but I believe more workers would be better off.

The "best" way to lower cost of living is what the good old USA had 175 years ago-that is slavery-thank god that came to a end. I wasn't around back then but yeah, I bet the cost of cotton and other things went up after the owners had to pay their workers.

It was B.S. what the TTC union did thou-they seem to have no common sense. Some lady could have been hurt last night. I seen on CBC news these 2 young ladies that said they hitch a ride with a stranger at 1am last night because they had no way else to get home. :(


Active member
Mar 18, 2003
Don said:
S.C. Joe said:
How I see it, is theres not ENOUGH unions.
Yes that is what we need... communism... NOT
Joining a union is an exercise of your freedom of assembly.

Individual freedoms are sacrificed under statist systems such as socialism and communism.

It's ironic that many unions support statist political parties that would nationalize industries, declare the services essential, and remove the freedom of people to assemble into unions.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
I say prank. Why the TTC left some of their customers stranded in the city last night at midnight is a slap in the face and disrespectful. Kinnear could have easily waited until 2:30 to announce the strike, at the end of the last shift and everyone would have been home. We may fogive, but won't forget.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
Terminator2000 said:
Rumor has it that the strike is over.

Is it true? or another prank?

Should be over tomorrow.


New member
Apr 1, 2008
I really hope that this strike is over soon..... $35 cab ride to my low paying job.... I do not think so. ...And perhaps I should not have purchased my metropass for May so soon...


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
xdog said:
It's nice to see the world-class city of Toronto has no public transit. Also nice to see the whiners bitch and moan about the money that TTC employees earn. Why don't you guys work at the TTC? I'm also still waiting for the complainers to post their income and credentials.

And i'm still waiting for you to tell us what exactly are you guys going to Give to the people after Taking our money? Once again, you guys are always the victim. Always take take take, but what are you giving the people? Same shit attitude?

How can YOU decide what someone is worth if you dont know what their job duties entail? Have you been an accountant, engineer etc?
Now you'll prob say the same about how people can say what ttc employees are worth if we dont work for TTC. Well, everyone knows what you main duties are. We see you. Your main job entails Customer Service which is not that hard to tell who is respectful and whose not.

Is there a job opening at the TTC? I would love to work 4 TTC. Sit in a booth and give change and make $20+/hr.
If i get assaulted or injured on the job because i was rude to someone first, then thats my fault. Maybe YOU Guys should stop whining and act like you're the victim. Most of you dont even know what respect and manners are. This is grown adults we are talking about here.

IMO, everytime i see a workers go on tv etc to whine about how they deserve this and that, those are probably the bad apples we see and talk about. Just like that lady i posted about earlier from the news.
I'm sure most will agree theres always at least 1 of those workers in every workplace. Never changes.
Good workers just keep quiet do their jobs properly. The bad ones whine and complain and try to justify their actions, they're good 'talkers' that can talk themselves out of trouble, but thats about it.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
milhouse said:
And i'm still waiting for you to tell us what exactly are you guys going to Give to the people after Taking our money? Once again, you guys are always the victim. Always take take take, but what are you giving the people? Same shit attitude?

How can YOU decide what someone is worth if you dont know what their job duties entail? Have you been an accountant, engineer etc?
Now you'll prob say the same about how people can say what ttc employees are worth if we dont work for TTC. Well, everyone knows what you main duties are. We see you. Your main job entails Customer Service which is not that hard to tell who is respectful and whose not.

Is there a job opening at the TTC? I would love to work 4 TTC. Sit in a booth and give change and make $20+/hr.
If i get assaulted or injured on the job because i was rude to someone first, then thats my fault. Maybe YOU Guys should stop whining and act like you're the victim. Most of you dont even know what respect and manners are. This is grown adults we are talking about here.

IMO, everytime i see a workers go on tv etc to whine about how they deserve this and that, those are probably the bad apples we see and talk about. Just like that lady i posted about earlier from the news.
I'm sure most will agree theres always at least 1 of those workers in every workplace. Never changes.
Good workers just keep quiet do their jobs properly. The bad ones whine and complain and try to justify their actions, they're good 'talkers' that can talk themselves out of trouble, but thats about it.
I'm an electrician working in Alberta. I do not work at the TTC. I like to lister to people bitch and whine because they're jealous that someone else makes more money.



Active member
Aug 23, 2001
markvee said:
It's ironic that many unions support statist political parties that would nationalize industries, declare the services essential, and remove the freedom of people to assemble into unions.
The idea is that under communism, there is no need to form a union because everyone is a member of one big union under the government.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
xdog said:
I'm an electrician working in Alberta. I do not work at the TTC. I like to lister to people bitch and whine because they're jealous that someone else makes more money.

Thats exactly the point. People arent just bitching about someone making more money or dont deserve to be making that much or whatever, but that lot of the workers are simply rude. So how do you justify always asking for more money and providing the same crappy attitudes?
And most complaints about rudeness you hear about are just people asking a simple question. WTF?
ttc is always talking about money issues, but ignores what the public is saying about the rude services.
I have no probs of the good workers who are nice and respectable to everyone making whatever they can make.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I have only seen a few who were outright rude (and often that is towards teens) but I have almost never seen a friendly face in the ticket booth and only on rare occasions on a bus or streetcar. I wonder ho much of the criticism and insults the receive is due to this cold attitude we usually get. No, you are not doing me a favour by handing me a transfer, it's your job.

Having worked as a bartender and served hundreds of customers in a night, I know it isn't that hard to say hi to (or at least acknowledge) each patron.


New member
Jan 23, 2004
rubmeister100 said:
That is why Toronto has to fail profoundly so it can lose the fucking attitude.
Great comment, and totally on the money.

Tourism is down in T.O. because it's a shabby ugly city compared to so many of the ones I've personally been to...no wonder few people who've travelled here make a return visit.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
basketcase said:
I have only seen a few who were outright rude (and often that is towards teens) but I have almost never seen a friendly face in the ticket booth and only on rare occasions on a bus or streetcar. I wonder ho much of the criticism and insults the receive is due to this cold attitude we usually get. No, you are not doing me a favour by handing me a transfer, it's your job.

Having worked as a bartender and served hundreds of customers in a night, I know it isn't that hard to say hi to (or at least acknowledge) each patron.
It's a vicious circle. I wonder how many of the employees are cold because of the insults and rudeness they put up with everyday. Of course there are some bad employees. name one profession that doesn't have its share of bad aples. How about police, brokers, nurses, waitresses, escorts, etc.

Do you ask for a transfer or stick out your hand while talking on a cell phone? Can you honestly say that you've never had a bad night or failed to acknowledge at least a couple of your customers? Did you happen to notice that your co-workers were less or more friendly than you?

Toronto Escorts