Hoemygawd. Guys.
do I? you seem to be saying that a criminal will not be a criminal when he is given power that would allow him to commit even more crimes and not bear responsibility for crimes past or future. I hope you are right
No. That’s not what I’m saying.
You mean you think that the rules (not laws) say its just as ok to put convicts and sex offenders in charge as it was for ancient Greeks to be gay or pedophiles?
Or do you mean that just because someone is a rapist and fraud artist doesn't mean that he also can't be as smart as he declares he is?
Or perhaps you'd like to clarify instead of me guessing.
No I didn’t mean that at all, either.
Try to forget the comparison for now and imagine someone just asked me:
How can you still believe Plato is a good philosopher when he had sex with little boys, and you think having sex with little boys is wrong?
How do you think I would likely answer that? It’s easy to guess.
Obviously, I would say that it’s because his philosophy is good regardless of that, because sex with little boys has no bearing on his talent as a philosopher. And conversely his philosophy has no bearing on how I much I condemn sex with little boys, it doesn’t concern that topic.
That’s reasonable isn’t it? Is Michael Jackson no longer talented if he diddled boys? Are his songs no longer good?
We can make an analogy there about leadership and governance too.
Lots of these details about what Trump allegedly did (especially sexually) have no bearing on his actual leadership qualities or what he plans to do. Is he going to make a policy on grabbing women by the pussy lmao, then legalize rape?
I don’t really care about the rape thing
in this context. Not even enough to check the veracity. Doesn’t mean I’m okay with rape. If Trump fails as President will it be because he was a rapist? It won’t have anything to do with rape, you all know that, come on. It’ll depend on his other traits and capacities and decisions.
Plato as a
high school teacher of boys is a different thing. Then, you would ask “Kelly how could think Plato would be a good instructor at an all boys school?” I would say I do not. Completely different set of criteria for judgement and liking sex with boys actually matters there.
Also btw, I don’t know if Plato had sex with boys. The veracity doesn’t matter. I just said that to show that the most graphic morally repugnant thing, sometimes doesn’t matter for some judgements. At least not mine.
Even it
were true the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy website would still be named after Plato

. I promise you.
Hope that’s clearer now. Truly did not intend more time here LOL. Gn.