I’m not going to kick you lol, dw. You’re always perfectly fine and respectful to me. Perhaps you will read this as a kick, but it is not. She’s asked that she isn’t mentioned more so it’s good that you won’t reply back.I didn't want to poke my nose in this and I may be setting myself up for an ass kicking. But oh well. lol.
I just wanted to say a few words as I read all those posts.
A win for you in this case would have been Josephine and Kitty agreeing with you and coming to your side.
That is a true win.
What you did here was to browbeat them and shut them down.
You called Josephine weak.
Sharing a humiliating or embarrassing experience in public, takes trust. And that takes strength.
You said she and Kitty need to be sterilized. That is horrible.
Even if they were wrong, and perhaps said something to offend you or annoy you, you did not have to be so harsh in your response.
Forget affective empathy, cognitive empathy etc.
There is no need to intellectualize this or be too academic about this.
You seem to consider people as left or right fundamentally.
I believe people are more than that.
You may feel egged on, on this forum, because of some likes and loves you get from some guys who are right wing.
Dont let this get to you.
Be a little more considerate.
Who does that hurt?
You may take a shot at me now, trash me or whatever else.
I won't respond back and will instead duck for cover.
And you are correct, I do think left and right ideologies emerge from more primitive basic moral intuitions, and I see them as being at odds. It’s just obvious to me that people must appeal to them implicitly in their political arguments which usually boil down to a fundamental difference in morals and moral reasoning. And I do tend to believe a person’s morals make up what they are. The basic fabric as a person, let’s call it. I think humans are fundamentally moral agents.
I really need to correct the recollection of events though.
The first thing I said in response to this “vulnerable” story was “thank you for sharing” and unequivocal acknowledgement of how traumatic it must be.
The rest of my post wasn’t related to that, nor was it a brow beating. I was explaining at length why I believe that Bill C-36 introduced by the conservative government protects women and sex workers. It wasn’t even just written for her, a couple of other people were interested to learn about it.Thanks for sharing. That’s definitely traumatic and they definitely profile Asian and certain other women travelling alone for being sex workers if you can’t tell them what your job is or salient details about your travel. The funny thing is, this is why women get trafficked. To cross borders without being harassed.
@Josephine long post
Here is a more right leaning whore perspective on the Bill. Girls reading it will not like it
I think there’s very little that’s wrong with Bill C-36. It still fully retains all the protections sex workers got before in Supreme Court, and the changes to problematic language in Bill C-49. Nothing changed for the worse with this Bill. We can still work safely and legally.
I might even argue it cares more about women, than what existed before it.
What more was I to do to acknowledge her? Bump clits? The Bill C36 essay I wrote wasn’t even related to her detainment! She got detained because Trump’s border policies.
Her response to me was completely disrespectful so I gave a short reply saying I wouldn’t engage with her further. She proceeded to look me up online, telling me I would be arrested for trafficking under conservative law along with other things, and decided to dog pile me with her friend. THEN I clapped back, and it was 100% justified. Otherwise I thought she wasn’t worth the time.
And yes, I did say they should be sterilized because they are both against legislation that PROTECTS CHILDREN from being around sex work. Don’t you think people who have children should care about children? I do. I would double down on that statement if I had the opportunity, not apologize.
Hopefully what happened is more clear to you, and thanks for your feedback.
And hopefully you don’t feel like I am kicking you — the worst thing I ever said you personally was a stupid joke about hiding Dave Chapelle under the floor boards like Anne Frank bc Ohio Nazis are coming . I’ve been consistently courteous and civil towards you, regardless of your political leanings but that obviously doesn’t matter to you in your assessment of me.