Not sure what example you are citing.
But what I said is accurate.
There is no political reality where the US does not support Israel.
Any administration, any president, Republican or Democrat.
Obviously I’m citing your fabrication of my post. Not only did you change my words but left out most of the words that give it full meaning. If you want to say something different than me, don’t edit my posts. Just speak for yourself
Im not interested in your claim that there is no political reality where the US does not support Israel. That’s naive. It’s just a hoary and lazy truism. There are no absolutes in politics. But it was an attempt to deflect from the specifics about Biden and Trump we had been discussing.
I, in fact said:
‘If Biden hadn’t not financed, armed, provided diplomatic cover and provided military cover, Gaza would not have suffered this genocidal apocalypse.’
No matter which President is in power, they make individual choices about what form that support will take and what they are willing to accept. Biden, Harris and the Dems made a choice to supply, arm, finance, provide military personnel and provide diplomatic cover to an Occupying Power to commit a murderous genocidal apocalypse against an occupied people. The US always knew where this was going. Biden and Co. own that. It could not have happened without US participation and it’s full throated support.
There is no political loyalty that will cause me to rationalize genocide or launder the reputations of those who participated.