actually they do. People lie about all kinds of shit. I’ll start with their incomes.
Appraisers normally just don’t do it when people are home and they also have access to historical transactions in the same way real estate agents do so they can appraise current market values. So possibly the actual drive by isn’t really needed.
Even more so when they are commercial properties because businesses often end up insolvent and it’s their fucking money. And no lender wants to end up holding an asset they can’t sell, for as much as the loan. Whether it’s a car, house, mansion or tower.
It’s also why all lenders these days, including landlords pay to run credit checks and don’t use “free credit scores”.
That look a lot deeper, and see a lot more ( you only see a fraction of your own credit resume, even when you pay to see it ( ask me how I know) where-as lenders see way more) , than just your “credit score” which in some ways, is like the product of an index ( a basket of this/that) that produces a “score”..and for what it’s worth, the various things in your credit resume.
Are weighted too. Aka 1 car loan is equal to about 5 credit cards. Good or bad.
And for what’s its worth ii
If you have no debt, or little debt, ( I pay cash for everything or pay off my cc right away). That’s a big red flag to lenders and is why SPs can have trouble getting big loans.