Do you really want teachers at school when they are sick?
Not at all.
If you are sick stay at home & get better
The issue is banking the excess sick days for a big payout at retirement. That has to go
At the end of the year any unused sick days for that year are gone.
Thats the way it works for salaried private sector employees
Teachers tend to get sick more than most other people because many many parents send their kids to school sick.
And then there are some of us that need to take the odd mental health day so that none of the little darlings that we teach end up in the hospital or worse because one of us snaps.
So now you deserve extra benefits in order to control yourself ??????
Given the new safe work legislation if I feel unsafe I can leave my work place... if I am forced to be around sick kids and am not compensated for the days I am off sick as a result you can be damn sure I will refuse to work unless that child is removed.
Working with at risk teens I tend to be sick more often than 10 days a year but it would be less without the sick kids.
Again, if you are not well, call in sick.
If you are sick more than 10-20 days a year, you have some issues which you should get checked out
(I am not sure if a doctor can diagnose "Entitlement")
You keep harping on the vacation time What do you care how many days we are off? we don't get paid for them.
I cant believe how often teachers try this slight of hand bull shit
You are on Salary & receive the $70-90K (well above the average tax papers income)
So yes you get paid for the 2 1/2 months whren you provide no service (or value) in the summer.
Do teachers really think they are fooling anyone with this "Classification/ description" of thier pay?
Why do I care?
The province is broke, running huge deficits and will be faced with astronomical increases in health care costs in the next few years.
The majority of the govt expenditures are for Health and Education and most of that is salaries.
This is unsustainable
So given the choice between
receiving adequate health care in the future or allowing teachers to continue to milk the province through greed and inefficiencies, I prefer to put an end to the inefficiencies and waste in education.
Thats why I care how many days you do not work, yet are still paid
Wake up!
And we didn't ask for them either I would be more than happy with year round schooling. But there is an opportunity cost involved in changing our entire social structure to accommodate your need to see us working.
Major changes are required as the status quo is leading towards a financial disaster (AKA Greece)
Yes the employer partially funds our pension but we also contribute to it and last I checked there are plenty of other people out there with pensions. Or you could let us do it ourselves but you would need to pay us more to do that
How about you assume full responsibility for your retirement just like the majority of people in Ont?
Why is it you assume you have an entitlement which is well in excess of what the average taxpayer receives
This natural default to entitlement is the root of all that is wrong with the public sector and must change
Where is this school where I get to teach 2-3 classes a day? We are contracted to teach 6-8 blocks in secondary. This means that at a non-semestered school a teacher would teach 6 of 8 classes a day with around 35 students per class. But timetables are not that clear cut and prep time tends to average around 1 hour per day that is not very much time and most teachers are working far beyond our prep time on marking and other key functions. I'm not complaining just stating a fact, we do far more than we are paid to do but so do many other professions.
How long is a block?
Prep time?
Give me a break. If you have been teaching a subject for more than 2 years and you do not know this stuff cold, something is wrong